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The Words:

Merging - noun: merger, verb: merge, adjective: merged, adverb: mergingly

Evolved - noun: evolution, verb: evolve, adjective: evolved, adverb: evolvably
Indifferent - noun: indifference, verb: be indifferent, adjective: indifferent, adverb:
Liberal - noun: liberalism, verb: liberalize, adjective: liberal, adverb: liberally
Fanaticism - noun: fanaticism, verb: be fanatic, adjective: fanatical, adverb: fanatically
Gain momentum - noun: momentum gain, verb: gain momentum, adjective: gaining
momentum, adverb: momentum-gainingly
Philanthropist - noun: philanthropist, verb: philanthropize, adjective: philanthropic, adverb:
Get carried away - noun: carried awayness, verb: get carried away, adjective: carried away,
adverb: carried-awayly
Onset - noun: onset, verb: onset, adjective: onset, adverb: onsetly
Shed - noun: shed, verb: shed, adjective: shedded/shedding, adverb: sheddingly
Affectionate - noun: affection, verb: affectionate, adjective: affectionate, adverb:
Exhibited - noun: exhibition, verb: exhibit, adjective: exhibited, adverb: exhibitedly
Sensation - noun: sensation, verb: sense, adjective: sensational, adverb: sensationally
Encountered - noun: encounter, verb: encounter, adjective: encountered, adverb:
Customary - noun: custom, verb: customize, adjective: customary, adverb: customarily
Approximately - noun: approximation, verb: approximate, adjective: approximate, adverb:
Legendary - noun: legend, verb: legendize/legendify, adjective: legendary, adverb: legendarily
Thrilling - noun: thrill, verb: thrill, adjective: thrilling, adverb: thrillingly
Retired - noun: retiree, verb: retire, adjective: retired, adverb: retiredly
Display - noun: display, verb: display, adjective: displayed, adverb: displayingly
Virtue - noun: virtue, verb: virtuate, adjective: virtuous, adverb: virtuously
Anointment with - noun: anointment, verb: anoint, adjective: anointed, adverb: anointedly
Indulged in - noun: indulgence, verb: indulge, adjective: indulged, adverb: indulgently
Repressed - noun: repression, verb: repress, adjective: repressed, adverb: repressedly
Boasted - noun: boast, verb: boast, adjective: boastful, adverb: boastfully
Infested - noun: infestation, verb: infest, adjective: infested, adverb: infestedly
Rampant - noun: rampancy, verb: rampage, adjective: rampant, adverb: rampantly
Grave - noun: grave, verb: grave, adjective: grave, adverb: gravely
Overtones - noun: overtone, verb: overtone, adjective: overtone, adverb: overtone-ly
Retreat - noun: retreat, verb: retreat, adjective: retreated, adverb: retreatingly
Soul - noun: soul, verb: soul, adjective: soulful, adverb: soulfully
Conveys - noun: conveyance, verb: convey, adjective: conveyed, adverb: conveyingly
Indulgent - noun: indulgence, verb: indulge, adjective: indulgent, adverb: indulgently
Efficiency - noun: efficiency, verb: efficiate, adjective: efficient, adverb: efficiently
Ritual - noun: ritual, verb: ritualize, adjective: ritualistic, adverb: ritualistically
Soaking - noun: soaking, verb: soak, adjective: soaked, adverb: soakingly
Tingling - noun: tingle, verb: tingle, adjective: tingling, adverb: tinglingly
Scrubbed - noun: scrubbing, verb: scrub, adjective: scrubbed, adverb: scrubbingly
Vigorously - noun: vigorousness, verb: invigorate, adjective: vigorous, adverb: vigorously
Accumulated - noun: accumulation, verb: accumulate, adjective: accumulated, adverb:
Resilient - noun: resilience, verb: resile, adjective: resilient, adverb: resiliently
Persevering - noun: perseverance, verb: persevere, adjective: persevering, adverb:
Chaos - noun: chaos, verb: chaotize, adjective: chaotic, adverb: chaotically
Survive - noun: survival, verb: survive, adjective: surviving, adverb: survivably
Compassion - noun: compassion, verb: compassionate, adjective: compassionate, adverb:
Challenges - noun: challenge, verb: challenge, adjective: challenging, adverb: challengingly
Constantly - noun: constancy, verb: be constant, adjective: constant, adverb: constantly
Adjusted - noun: adjustment, verb: adjust, adjective: adjusted, adverb: adjustingly
Documentary - noun: documentary, verb: documentarize/documentarise/documentary-film,
adjective: documentary, adverb: documentarily
Circumstances - noun: circumstance, verb: circumstantiate, adjective: circumstantial, adverb:

Endowed with - Noun: endowment, Verb: endow, Adjective: endowed, Adverb: endowedly
Pursuit of - Noun: pursuit, Verb: pursue, Adjective: pursuing, Adverb: pursuantly
Prevailed - Noun: prevalence, Verb: prevail, Adjective: prevailing, Adverb: prevailingly
Issue - Noun: issue, Verb: issue, Adjective: issuing, Adverb: issuably
Abuse - Noun: abuse, Verb: abuse, Adjective: abusive, Adverb: abusively
Deliberately - Noun: deliberation, Verb: deliberate, Adjective: deliberate, Adverb: deliberately
Humanely - Noun: humanity, Verb: humanize, Adjective: humane, Adverb: humanely
Resemble - Noun: resemblance, Verb: resemble, Adjective: resembling, Adverb: resemblantly
Consciousness - Noun: consciousness, Verb: conscious, Adjective: conscious, Adverb:
Restrictions on - Noun: restriction, Verb: restrict, Adjective: restricted, Adverb: restrictively
Outraged - Noun: outrage, Verb: outrage, Adjective: outraged, Adverb: outrageously
Condemn - Noun: condemnation, Verb: condemn, Adjective: condemned, Adverb:
Opponents - Noun: opponent, Verb: oppose, Adjective: opposing, Adverb: opposingly
Funds - Noun: fund, Verb: fund, Adjective: funded, Adverb: fundedly
Dubious - Noun: dubiousness, Verb: doubt, Adjective: dubious, Adverb: dubiously
Species - Noun: species, Verb: speciate, Adjective: specific, Adverb: specifically
Eliminating - Noun: elimination, Verb: eliminate, Adjective: eliminated, Adverb: eliminatively
Irrelevant - Noun: irrelevance, Verb: ignore, Adjective: irrelevant, Adverb: irrelevantly
Indefensible - Noun: indefensibility, Verb: defend, Adjective: indefensible, Adverb:
Enforce - Noun: enforcement, Verb: enforce, Adjective: enforceable, Adverb: enforceably
Mold - Noun: mold, Verb: mold, Adjective: moldy, Adverb: moldily
Controversy - Noun: controversy, Verb: controvert, Adjective: controversial, Adverb:
Fake - Noun: fake, Verb: fake, Adjective: fake, Adverb: fakely
Contaminated - Noun: contamination, Verb: contaminate, Adjective: contaminated, Adverb:
Preservative - Noun: preservative, Verb: preserve, Adjective: preservative, Adverb:
Ingests - Noun: ingestion, Verb: ingest, Adjective: ingested, Adverb: ingestedly
Metabolized - Noun: metabolism, Verb: metabolize, Adjective: metabolized, Adverb:
Loaded with - Noun: load, Verb: load, Adjective: loaded, Adverb: loadedly
Poses - Noun: pose, Verb: pose, Adjective: posed, Adverb: posingly
Residues - Noun: residue, Verb: reside, Adjective: residual, Adverb: residually
Injections - Noun: injection, Verb: inject, Adjective: injectable, Adverb: injectably
Artificially - Noun: artificiality, Verb: artificialize, Adjective: artificial, Adverb: artificially
Hormones - Noun: hormone, Verb: hormonize, Adjective: hormonal, Adverb: hormonally
Regulates - Noun: regulation, Verb: regulate, Adjective: regulatory, Adverb: regulatively
Approve - Noun: approval, Verb: approve, Adjective: approved, Adverb: approvingly
Wind up - Noun: winding up, Verb: wind up, Adjective: wound up, Adverb: wound uply
Reassure - Noun: reassurance, Verb: reassure, Adjective: reassuring, Adverb: reassuringly
Excess - Noun: excess, Verb: exceed, Adjective: excessive, Adverb: excessively
Contraputing - Noun: contraputation, Verb: contrapute, Adjective: contraputative, Adverb:
Stringent - Noun: stringency, Verb: stringe, Adjective: stringent, Adverb: stringently
Lean - Noun: lean, Verb: lean, Adjective: lean, Adverb: leanly
Hot tempered - Noun: temper, Verb: temper, Adjective: hot-tempered, Adverb: hot-
Enterprising - Noun: enterprise, Verb: enterprize, Adjective: enterprising, Adverb:
Awkward - Noun: awkwardness, Verb: awkward, Adjective: awkward, Adverb: awkwardly
Meticulous - Noun: meticulousness, Verb: meticulously, Adjective: meticulous, Adverb:
Torso - Noun: torso, Verb: torso, Adjective: torsoed, Adverb: torsoedly
Grace - Noun: grace, Verb: grace, Adjective: graceful, Adverb: gracefully
Stooped - Noun: stoop, Verb: stoop, Adjective: stooped, Adverb: stoopingly
Straight - Noun: straightness, Verb: straighten, Adjective: straight, Adverb: straightly
Hierarchically - Noun: hierarchy, Verb: hierarchize, Adjective: hierarchical, Adverb:
Dimensions - Noun: dimension, Verb: dimension, Adjective: dimensional, Adverb:
Impulsive - Noun: impulsivity, Verb: impel, Adjective: impulsive, Adverb: impulsively
Uninhibited - Noun: inhibition, Verb: inhibit, Adjective: uninhibited, Adverb: uninhibitedly
Retiring - Noun: retirement, Verb: retire, Adjective: retiring, Adverb: retiringly
Introspective - Noun: introspection, Verb: introspect, Adjective: introspective, Adverb:
Stimulation - Noun: stimulation, Verb: stimulate, Adjective: stimulating, Adverb: stimulatingly
Aversive - Noun: aversion, Verb: avert, Adjective: aversive, Adverb: aversively
Ample - Noun: amplitude, Verb: amplify, Adjective: ample, Adverb: amply
Subtle - Noun: subtlety, Verb: subtilize, Adjective: subtle, Adverb: subtly
Resilient - Noun: resilience, Verb: resile, Adjective: resilient, Adverb: resiliently
Persevering - Noun: perseverance, Verb: persevere, Adjective: persevering, Adverb:
Chaos - Noun: chaos, Verb: chaotize, Adjective: chaotic, Adverb: chaotically
Survive - Noun: survival, Verb: survive, Adjective: surviving, Adverb: survivally
Compassion - Noun: compassion, Verb: compassionate, Adjective: compassionate, Adverb:
Challenges - Noun: challenge, Verb: challenge, Adjective: challenging, Adverb: challengingly
Constantly - Noun: constancy, Verb: constantize, Adjective: constant, Adverb: constantly
Adjusted - Noun: adjustment, Verb: adjust, Adjective: adjusted, Adverb: adjustably
Documentary - Noun: documentary, Verb: document, Adjective: documentary, Adverb:
Circumstances - Noun: circumstance, Verb: circumstantiate, Adjective: circumstantial, Adverb:
Exposes - Noun: exposure, Verb: expose, Adjective: exposed, Adverb: exposely
Rescue - Noun: rescue, Verb: rescue, Adjective: rescued, Adverb: rescuely
Victims - Noun: victim, Verb: victimize, Adjective: victimized, Adverb: victimizedly
Pioneers - Noun: pioneer, Verb: pioneer, Adjective: pioneering, Adverb: pioneeringly
Accessible - Noun: accessibility, Verb: access, Adjective: accessible, Adverb: accessibly
Crucial - Noun: cruciality, Verb: crucialize, Adjective: crucial, Adverb: crucially
Resources - Noun: resource, Verb: resource, Adjective: resourceful, Adverb: resourcefully
Witness - Noun: witness, Verb: witness, Adjective: witnessed, Adverb: witnessedly
Option - Noun: option, Verb: opt, Adjective: optional, Adverb: optionally
Integrates - Noun: integration, Verb: integrate, Adjective: integrated, Adverb: integratively
Words in sentences :

Merging: The two companies are merging to become one big company.
Evolved: The dinosaurs evolved over millions of years.
Indifferent: She was indifferent to the outcome of the game because she didn't
care who won.
Liberal: He had liberal views on social issues like abortion.
Fanaticism: His fanaticism for his favorite sports team was so strong that he
would do anything to see them win.
Gain momentum: The car gained momentum as it went down the hill.
Philanthropist: The philanthropist donated a large sum of money to the local
Get carried away: She got carried away with excitement when she saw her
favorite celebrity.
Onset: The onset of winter means it's time to start wearing warm clothes.
Shed: The dog shed its fur all over the couch.
Affectionate: The mother was affectionate towards her baby, giving it lots of hugs
and kisses.
Exhibited: The artist exhibited her paintings at the local art gallery.
Sensation: The roller coaster ride was a sensation, causing screams and laughter
from the riders.
Encountered: She encountered a bear while hiking in the woods.
Customary: It is customary to give a gift at a wedding.
Approximately: The distance between the two cities is approximately 100 miles.
Legendary: The legendary hero saved the town from a dragon.
Thrilling: The amusement park ride was thrilling and scary at the same time.
Retired: After working for 40 years, he retired and moved to Florida.
Display: The store had a beautiful display of flowers in the window.
Virtue: Honesty is a virtue that is important to many people.
Anointment with: In some cultures, anointment with oil is a sign of respect and
Indulged in: She indulged in a delicious piece of chocolate cake for dessert.
Repressed: He repressed his anger and didn't say anything when his boss yelled at
Boasted: He boasted about his accomplishments to anyone who would listen.
Infested: The house was infested with ants and spiders.
Rampant: The disease was rampant and spread quickly throughout the town.
Grave: The grave of the soldier was marked with a simple stone.
Overtones: The music had overtones of sadness and longing.
Retreat: The yoga retreat was a peaceful escape from the stress of daily life.
Soul: She believed that the soul lives on after the body dies. Conveys: The painting
conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.
Indulgent: The indulgent parent gave their child everything they wanted, even if it
wasn't good for them.
Efficiency: The new machine increased efficiency in the factory, allowing them to
produce more products in less time.
Ritual: The wedding ceremony included many traditional rituals.
Soaking: He enjoyed soaking in the hot tub after a long day at work.
Tingling: Her hand was tingling after she hit it on the table.
Scrubbed: She scrubbed the kitchen floor until it was spotless.
Vigorously: He exercised vigorously every morning to stay in shape.
Accumulated: She had accumulated a large collection of stamps over the years.
Resilient: The plant was resilient and survived even after being neglected for
Persevering: Despite many setbacks, she persevered and eventually achieved her
Chaos: The classroom was in chaos after the students finished their project.
Survive: The plant survived the drought thanks to its deep roots.
Compassion: She showed compassion towards her friend who was going through
a tough time.
Challenges: The job presented many challenges, but he was determined to
Constantly: The baby cried constantly, keeping its parents up all night.
Adjusted: He adjusted the temperature on the thermostat to make the room
more comfortable.
Documentary: The documentary explored the history of the Civil Rights
Circumstances: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the concert was cancelled.
Endowed with: She was endowed with a beautiful singing voice.
Pursuit of: His pursuit of happiness led him to quit his job and travel the world.
Prevailed: Despite the odds, the underdog team prevailed and won the
Issue: The issue of climate change is a global concern.
Abuse: The child suffered from physical abuse at the hands of his parents.
Deliberately: She deliberately chose to ignore his calls.
Humanely: The veterinarian treated the injured animal humanely.
Resemble: The baby bird resembled its mother in appearance and behavior.
Consciousness: Meditation can help increase your level of consciousness.
Restrictions on: There are restrictions on the amount of water you can use during
a drought.
Outraged: The community was outraged by the government's decision to cut
funding for education.
Condemn: The international community condemned the country's human rights
Opponents: The two opponents faced off in a heated debate.
Funds: The organization raised funds for cancer research.
Dubious: I am dubious about his claims of being a millionaire.
Species: There are many different species of birds in this area.
Eliminating: The company is eliminating jobs to cut costs.
Irrelevant: His comment was irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Indefensible: The company's actions were indefensible and unethical.
Enforce: The police are responsible for enforcing the law.
Mold: The bread had mold growing on it and was not safe to eat.
Controversy: The controversial decision sparked a heated controversy.
Fake: The designer handbag was a fake and not worth the price.
Contaminated: The water was contaminated with harmful chemicals.
Preservative: Some foods contain preservatives to extend their shelf life.
Ingests: The body ingests food to provide energy and nutrients.
Metabolized: The body metabolizes food to produce energy and eliminate waste.
Loaded with: The pizza was loaded with cheese and toppings.
Poses: The new policy poses a challenge for small businesses.
Residues: The residues from the chemical spill contaminated the soil.
Injections: She received injections to treat her allergies.
Artificially: Some foods are artificially flavored or sweetened.
Hormones: Hormones play a role in regulating the body's functions.
Regulates: The government regulates the sale of tobacco products.
Approve: The board of directors approved the new budget proposal.
Wind up: She didn't want to wind up like her parents, stuck in a dead-end job.
Reassure: The doctor reassured the patient that the surgery would be successful.
Excess: Eating too much sugar can lead to excess weight gain.
Contraputing: Contraputing is a complex mathematical concept.
Stringent: The company has stringent safety protocols in place.
Lean: The meat was lean and had very little fat.
Hot tempered: He was known for his hot-tempered outbursts.
Enterprising: The young entrepreneur started her own business at age 20.
Awkward: He felt awkward at the party, not knowing anyone there.
Meticulous: She was meticulous in her work, paying attention to every detail.
Torso: The dress fit her perfectly in the torso but was too long in the legs.
Grace: She moved with grace and elegance on the dance floor.
Stooped: He stooped to pick up the fallen book from the floor.
Straight: The teacher drew a straight line on the chalkboard.
Hierarchically: The company is organized hierarchically, with managers at the top
and workers at the bottom.
Dimensions: The room's dimensions were 10 feet by 12 feet.
Impulsive: He made an impulsive decision to quit his job without having another
one lined up.
Uninhibited: She felt uninhibited and free while dancing.
Retiring: After 30 years of teaching, she was ready for a retiring life.
Introspective: He spent the weekend in introspective thought, reflecting on his
life choices.
Stimulation: The caffeine provided a stimulation that helped her stay awake
during the long drive.
Aversive: The aversive smell of the garbage made him feel sick.
Ample: There was ample food for everyone at the party.
Subtle: The difference between the two colors was subtle, but noticeable.
Resilient: The athlete was resilient and quickly recovered from her injury.
Persevering: Despite facing many obstacles, he persevered and achieved his goals.
Chaos: The classroom was in chaos after the students finished their group project.
Survive: The plant can survive in harsh conditions with very little water.
Compassion: She showed compassion for the homeless man by giving him food
and money.
Challenges: The new job presented many challenges that she had to overcome.
Constantly: He was constantly checking his phone for messages.
Adjusted: She adjusted the temperature to make the room more comfortable.
Documentary: The documentary provided a detailed look into the life of a famous
Circumstances: The circumstances of his childhood shaped who he became as an
Exposes: The documentary exposes the harsh realities of factory farming.
Rescue: The firefighters worked quickly to rescue the people trapped in the
burning building.
Victims: The victims of the hurricane were left homeless and without food or
Pioneers: The pioneers who settled in the West faced many challenges and
Accessible: The new building is accessible to people with disabilities.
Crucial: It is crucial that we address climate change before it's too late.
Resources: The company has many resources at its disposal to complete the
Witness: He witnessed the car accident and called for help.
Option: She had the option to choose between two different job offers.
Integrates: The new software integrates seamlessly with the existing system.

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