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Review of Modal

1. She ..... watching TV when her mom called her.

a. Was b. Were c. Is d. Are

2. ...... my apple on the table.

a. These is b. There are c. That is d. There were

3. I continued ..........last night because i have pretest today.

a. To study b. Study c. Studying d. studied

4. I got new e-mails .......morning.

a. In b. At d. On d. The

5. Andre campus every morning with his friend.

a. Is going b. Go c. Goes d. Gone

6. Every weekend, my family and I ....... apples from those trees.

a. Take b. Takes c. Is taking d. Took

7. Indonesia got its freedom ........ August 17, 1945.

a. In b. On c. At d. Before

8. I ......... arrive in Jakarta tomorrow morning

a. Will b. Must c. Should d. Can

9. Fina is ............... student in my class. She always gets good score.

a. The smartest b. Smarter c. As smart as d. The most smart

10. I got ...... uniform to wear next week.

a. an b. a c. Many d. much

11. Afif is ................ than Rika.

a. More diligent b. Diligenter c. Most diligent d. As diligent as

12. I ate too much....... mom was cooking my favorite food.

a. Because of b. Because c. But d. Despite

13. ......... do you bring on your bag? I bring my makeup tools.

a. Where b. Which c. What d. How

14. The woman ........bring pen will go to China

a. Who b. Whom c. Whose d. Which

15. I always get my friend ........ me to go to mall in the weekend.

a. To accompany b. Accompany c. Accompanied d. Accompanying

16. The books ........... by Marry to my office.

a. Was being brought b. Were bringing c. Bought d. Were brought

17. The police ..........friend is wearing red t-shirt has two children.

a. Which b. Whose c. Whom d. Who

18. He would get scholarship if he .......... motivation letter.

a. Send b. Sent c. Had sent d. Sending

19. My parents have finished .......... bike.

a. Riding b. To ride c. Rode d. Is riding

20. The students try........hard every night.

a. Studying b. To study c. Studied d. Is studying

21. The radio ........... in the living room.

a. Had been listened b. Has listened c. listening d. was listening

22. Each ...... in my class must submit the task.

a. Students b. Student c. People d. Children

23. My mom add ........ sugar to make tea.

a. Much b. many c. Few d. A few

A mineral is 24........ natural, inorganic material (one of in hot living) which is 25......... in the ground,
often within rocks. Minerals 26....... quite pure. Rocks, 27...... the other hand, can be mixture of
several minerals, and may also contain previously organic material. Examples of minerals 28.........
different types of ore – from which metal can be extracted – such as iron ore.
24. a. An b. The c. A d. At
25. a. Find c. Finding c. Founded d. Found
26. a. Are c. Were c. Have d. Had
27. a. In b. On c. at d. Under
28. a. Include b. Includes c. Including d. Included

Complete the tables below!

16 2555
18 Four thousand and forty
19 23.56
20 3.758

21 Three seventh
22 08;42
23 02;23
24 The time is nine to seven
25 29-02-2018

Read the text and State whether the statement is T (true) or F (false)!
Materials technology is a relatively comprehensive discipline that begins with the production of goods
from raw materials to processing of materials into the shapes and forms needed for specific
Materials - metals, plastics and ceramics - typically have a completely different property, which means
that the technologies involved in their production are fundamentally different. Materials technology is a
constantly evolving discipline and new materials with interesting properties lead to new applications.
For example, the combination of different materials into composites gives rise to entirely new material
properties. Materials Science is closely related to materials technology. Materials Science is a
multidisciplinary field that connects material properties to the material’s chemical composition, micro-
structure and crystal structure.

41. The process of materials into the shapes and forms are produced in the beginning. T/F

42. Metals and plastics have completely different properties. T/F

43. Materials technology is a relatively comprehensive discipline that begins with choosing of goods.


44. Materials technology is constantly evolving discipline and innovative materials. T/F

45. Material's chemical composition, micro-structure and crystal structure connect with the materials of

materials science. T/F

Answer the questions based on the text!

When we accept the evidence of our unaided eyes and describe the Sun as a yellow
star, we have summed up the most important single fact about it-at this moment in time.

It appears probable; however, that sunlight will be the color we know for only a
negligibly small part of the Sun's history. Stars, like individuals, age and change. As we look
out into space, we see around us stars at all stages of evolution. There are faint blood-red
dwarfs so cool that their surface temperature is a mere 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, there are
searing ghosts blazing at 100, 000 degrees Fahrenheit and almost too hot to be seen, for the
great part of their radiation is in the invisible ultraviolet range. Obviously, the "daylight"
produced by any star depends on its temperature; today(and for ages to come) our Sun is at
about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this means that most of the Sun's light is concentrated

in the yellow band of the spectrum, falling slowly in intensity toward both the longer and
shorter light waves.

That yellow "hump" will shift as the Sun evolves, and the light of day will change
accordingly. It is natural to assume that as the Sun grows older, and uses up its hydrogen
fuel-which it is now doing at the spanking rate of half a billion tons a second-it will become
steadily colder and redder.

46. What is the passage mainly about?

a. Faint dwarf stars b. The Sun's fuel problem

c. The evolutionary cycle of the Sun d. The dangers of invisible radiation

47. What does the author say is especially important about the Sun at the present time?

a. It appears yellow b. It has a short history

c. It always remains the same d. It is too cold

48. Why are very hot stars referred to as "ghosts"?

a. They are short- lived. b. They are frightening.

c. They are mysterious. d. They are nearly invisible.

49. According to the passage as the Sun continues to age, it is likely to become what color?

a. Yellow b. Violet c. Red d. White

50. In line 15, to which of the following does "it" refer?

a. yellow "hump" b. day c. Sun d. hydrogen fuel

51. She is beautiful, ...... ?

a. isn’t it b. isn’t she c. is it d. is she

52. You won’t go to the hospital, ..... ?

a. will you b. won’t you c. would you d. wouldn’t you

53. Rina is not only smart..... diligent.

a. but also b. or c. nor d. and

54. They will meet .... in this mall.

a. we b. us c. our d. ours

55. ..... tables will be delivered in Jakarta.

a. these b. this c. that d. it

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