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The original "Mini", which first came out in 1959, remained in production for over 40 years - an
incredible success story in the rather unsuccessful modern British car industry. And for most of that time,
the most exciting Mini of them all was the Cooper. During the 1960's in particular, the Mini Cooper was
the car of the stars. Mini Coopers won the Monte Carlo Rally four times in a row, from 1964 to 1967
(though the 1966 result was contested); they also won races and other rallies throughout the world.
Everyone, film stars, pop stars, sports stars, wanted to have a Mini - preferably a Mini Cooper. The
production of Mini Coopers ceased in the 1970's, but people kept wanting them; so the Cooper Car
Company - who designed and made Cooper engines for the Mini - sold conversion kits, to change
ordinary Minis into Mini Coopers. In the 1990's - after 17 years - Rover (who then owned the Mini
marque) brought back the Mini Cooper , and new Mini Coopers again rolled off the production line. As
before, they were all quickly snapped up by keen buyers - proving that the legend was still very much

Nevertheless, when production of the old Mini came to a stop that meant the end of the line for
the original Mini Cooper; but not for long! BMW, who had taken over Rover, had already decided to
bring out a new Mini, and with it a new Mini Cooper! The new Mini Cooper was thus launched on 1st
December 2001, and within a few days all the original batch of cars had been sold! All over the world,
racing teams were desperate to get hold of one of the new cars, and to be the first to revive a great
legend on the race track or in rallies. And the new Mini Cooper has played a big role in some recent
films, such as the remake of the "Italian Job". The new ordinary Mini has certainly achieved the same
commercial and popular success as its ancestor; there are waiting lists for the new cars in many
countries, including the USA! The legend of the Mini is now over fifty years old; and it is still going
strong! The Cooper Works is one of several small British companies, which have a high reputation in the
world of motor engineering. Other similar companies include Mac Laren and Williams (for Formula 1
cars), or Morgan and Lotus for sports cars.

The Cooper Car Company was started by Charles Cooper and his son John, just after the Second World
War. Coopers specialized in building high performance cars for racing and motor sport - from Formula 1
to rally cars. They were in fact the biggest of the post-war "privateers", small companies who designed
and built racing cars for private individuals. One of their customers was Stirling Moss, the great F1
champion. Today both John and Charles Cooper are dead; but Michael Cooper, John's son, is still in the
company, helping to keep up its long reputation.


Achieve: obtain - batch: group - cease: stop - customer: client - event: special
occasion - for long: for a long time - get hold of - obtain - in a row: in succession,
one after the other - keen: avid, very determined - kit: equipment - launch: bring
out - marque: name brand - preferably: and they preferred to have - remain:
continue - Snap up: buy very quickly -
After you have read the text, now answer these following questions!

1. What is Cooper Car Company specialized about?

2. Where is the origin of Mini Cooper?

3. When was the original Mini Cooper released?

4. What is the other success of Cooper Company?

5. What is the name of the company which took over the Mini Cooper car?

STRUCTURE – Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause Function Example

Who Explain People as a Subject The man looks sad.
He lost his car.
 The man who lost his car looks sad.
Whom Explain People as an Object Andi is old friend.
I saw him yesterday.
 Andi whom I saw yesterday is my
Whose As pronoun The man reported to the police.
His car was stolen by someone.
 The man whose car was stolen by
someone reported to the police.
Which Explain thing as a Subject This spaghetti is hot.
It tastes so delicious.
This spaghetti which taste so delicious is
Which Explain thing as an Object Linda lent me her book.
I took it at her house.
 Linda lent me her book which I took at
her house.

Change these sentences into adjective clause!

1. They are eating meatball. 1. The cat has been found.

Rio and Ria go to mall. Someone stole it yesterday.

2. My father will buy flowers. 2. I came to her house yesterday.

They will be planted in the garden. Ani is my friend.
3. I invite her to go with me. 3. Hendry went to Japan.
Sinta is my girlfriend. He traveled around the world.

4. This laptop was bought by Mr. Ganesh 4. It leaves me in the airport.

His daughter is cute. The plane flies at 9.

5. Indah has a good worker. 5. I love this meatball.

She will graduate next year. Somebody ate it after I had gone.

Complete these sentences using adjective clause!

1. The police has caught the man …….. committed the theft last night.

2. The French language is different from the Latin language ……. was once spoken throughout Europe.

3. Dicky and Sintia …….. I bought book are my students.

4. Show me the place ……. you put the keys.

5. Do you know Mr Hadi ………. I talked with yesterday?

6. The patient carried out in the ambulance…….brought the patient in to hospital.

7. The water…… was drunk by my brother had had much sugar.

8. The teacher …… the students saw in the classroom is beautiful.

9. The rain …… was coming so hard came with hard wind.

10. I will teach the students this afternoon ….. celebrate their friends winner in match competition.

Find the errors and correct it!

1. The phone who I bought yesterday is expensive.

2. Broccoli whom people often leave uneaten is very nutritious.

3. The lady whom lives across the street is my aunt.

4. I don't like the man whose is really arrogant.

5. Randy whom children are cute had so many good moments last year.

6. Vika whose I gave apples has five sisters.

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