Four Prognostic Systems McGuire & Nunn, Kwok & Caton, Graetz Et Al., Nibali Et Al

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Criteria used in the four prognostic systems (Saydzai et al. J Clin Periodontol.


Prognosis McGuire&Nunn 1996 Kwok & Caton 2007 Graetz et al. 2011 Nibali et al. 2017

Inadequate attachment to maintain the Loss of ≥70% bone height ≥70% bone loss with PAI score of 4 or the
tooth. Extraction performed or suggested tooth is non-restorable
Influenced by local and or systemic
Hopeless/ ≥70% bone loss with a furcation or
factors that cannot be controlled/
unfavourable mobility grade greater than 2
the tooth must be extracted
>50 - <70% bone loss and PAI score of 4
or non-restorable tooth
Loss from ≥50 to <70% of bone 25-50% bone loss with furcation or mobility
Greater than 50% attachment loss resulting
height at one proximal surface greater than grade 1 or PPD greater than 6mm or
in a poor crown-to-root ratio
Influenced by local and or systemic PAI score of 4
Poor root form
factors that may or may not be >50 - < 70% bone loss with PAI score of 4 or the
Questionable Class II furcations not easily accessible to
controlled; the periodontium can tooth is restorable
maintenance care or Class III furcations
be maintained with proper care ≥70% bone loss with restorable tooth, PAI score of
2+ mobility or greater
less that 4 and no furcation or mobility greater
Significant root proximity
than grade 2
50% attachment loss with Class II
Poor The location and depth of the furcations
would allow proper maintenance, but with
Approximately 25% attachment loss as
< 25% bone loss with a furcation or mobility of
measured clinically and radiographically
greater than grade 1 or a PPD greater than 6mm
and/or Class I furcation involvement
Fair 25-50% bone loss with no furcation or mobility
The location and depth of the furcation
greater than grade 1, no PPD greater than 6mm
would allow proper maintenance with
and no PAI score of 4
good patient compliance
Control of the etiologic factors and
adequate periodontal support as measured Can be stabilised with
< 25% bone loss
clinically and radiographically to assure the comprehensive periodontal
Good/ Favorable No furcation or mobility greater than grade 1
tooth would be relatively easy to maintain treatment/maintenance and with
No PPD greater than 6mm
by the patient and clinician assuming less chance of future breakdown
proper maintenance

PAI: Periapical Index

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