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Submit to Mam Muniba

Submit By
Asad Ahmed Khan(36)
Muhammad Uzair Malik(20)
Huzaifa Arshad Khan(41)
This document clarify the basic properties and properties necessities of the online electionsystem.

Problem Define
Manual voting framework has been utilized for a long time. However in numerous parts of thenotation individuals cannot go to the voting as a result of various
reason. Occasionally, individual may not be in their own enrollment area. That is the reason they cannot satisfy their voting obligation. To take care of these
issues, there is a need of online decision voting framework, along with normal voting framework. Subsequent to enrolling to framework, the voting will
utilize their votes at any field zones by deploying the framework.

The reason for this document is to make the practical and non-practical prerequisites for onlineelection voting system straightforward. It bikewise effectively
make usefulness clear to end client.

This SRS document applies to the preliminary various of the online election system software package. This document portray the demonstrating and necessity
examination of the framework. The framework point of the framework in to give an arrangement of conversationthat enable votes to cast votes while a
gathering of specialists gather votes and yield last outcome.

User and Literature Survey

Web based voting has been utilized in numerous in the years. Normally in these countries the electronic voting is directed by the nearness of the free
constituent experts. The particular electronic voting machine are utilized at surveying station for the voting activity. The principleclients of the online election
system are the voters, election candidate, election commission authority and election station supervisors. Their properties though the report.

Definitions and Abbreviations

The subsequent is a rundown of term acronyms and abbreviations used by the online electionsystem software package and related documentation.

Acronyms and Abbreviations used in system

ONEV Online National Election Voting

EC Election Candidate

ECA Election Commission Authority

ESS Election Station Supervisor

VIN Voter Identity Number

DB Database

1.J.Mohan, and J.Glidden,” the case for internet voting cacm vot” 44, no 1 pp .72-85 Jan 2001.
2.Chevalier, M: internal voting statue; and issuers, ITU e-government workshop Geneva, 6june2003.
3.D.P Gilliam, T.L .Wolfe, J.S.Sharif and M.Bishop, “software security checklist for the softwarelife cycle” in Proc. WETICE, 03, 2003, pp-243-28.
4.A.D. Rubin, “security consideration for Remote Election Voting” CACM, vot. 45, pp.39-44, Dec.2002.
5.IEEE STD 830-1989; IEEE Recommended practice for software requirements specification J. Peters, and J. Pederick, software engineering an
engineering approach New York, NY: Wily, 200.

The rest of the document categorize the actors, use case scenarios, activity diagrams assumption and dependence required for the investigation and plan of the
online election votingsoftware. The remaining document contain the general depiction of the framework prerequisites information and social portrayal of the

Overall Description
The ONEV is an online framework so major highlight related with election advancement for example customer server and database properties decides the
product necessities of that project.

Product Perspective
The product item is an independent framework and not a piece of a bigger framework. The framework will be comprised of two sections. Prior to the Election
Day the framework will beutilized for general purpose for example seeing applicant’s profiles and past year’s election comes about. The voters will
Achiever the framework thought site pages by utilized web program for example Mozilla internet explorer and google chrome. On the Election Day another
autonomous framework will be utilized for voting task. This framework will be adjusted to the pc at the surveying station. The voters cast their votes utilized
the interface that are given at these machines. These votesare acknowledged by the framework on the server. The ECA arranges the entire framework as per its
needs on the server where the framework is running.
Voter Voter
(normal mode
Election station
mode) interfac e
supervis or
ESS interfac e


EC candidate
Database Election


Voter election
mode interfac
Election (Election
commis sion
ECA authority mode)

Product Function
The framework can in two mode to be specific normal interactive mode and election mode. The framework will be in election mode with the end goal of vote
surveying just on the Election Day. Normal interactive mode is for accepting enlistment discussions between voters and candidate campaigns and the
framework is accessible in this time with the exception of Election Day.
Normal Interactive Mode
Voter Registration
The framework will be utilized just by the general who have been enrolled to the framework. Principle of the enrollment administrator is the voter. The
enrollment administrator endorsed bythe ECAs.

Approve Applicant
By utilized this capacity ECA favors the application sent by the voters keeping in mind the endgoal to utilize the ONEV. The principle on screen character is
the ECAL.

Update Registered Voters

ECA erase voters from the framework who cannot utilized their vote formally. ECA likewiserefreshes voters’ data. The fundamental on screen character is the

Open Candidate Account

The ECS profile must be made by the ECA. This usefulness plays out this activity. The ECA isthe primary on screen character of this usefulness.

The majority of the framework clients login to framework by their client ids and password. Thegreater part of the clients is the principle on screen character of
this utilized care.

Account Update
By utilized the EC my change his password that enters the framework. The principle on screencharacter of this utilized care is the EC.

View EC Information
This capacity enable the voters to achieve data about the EC for example their CVS guaranteesand so forth. Primary on screen character in the voters for this
utilized care.
Ask to Candidate
By utilized this usefulness the voters can guide inquiries to the ECS about their electioncampaigns.
The principle performing artist for this utilized case is voter.

CV Edit
This capacity gives the EC to alter his CV data all alone profile. The EC is the fundamental onscreen character of the usefulness.
Add/Edit Promises
By utilized that capacity the ECS may add or alter guarantees to their own particular profile. Theprinciple performer of this utilized case is the EC.

Read/Answer Questions
This capacity gives ECS to peruse or answer inquiries regarding their election campaigns. Thefundamental performing artist is the EC.

View Election Results

This functionality give ECS to peruse or answer inquiries concerning their election campaigns.The principle on screen character is the EC.

Election Mode
Open System
This capacity give ESS to begin the framework amid the election day or previously. The ESS isthe primary on screen character of this activity.

Mark Generate Password

By utilized that function the ESS will produce a password which will be utilized at voting task bythe voters. Fundamental performing artist of this activity is the

Online Vote
This is the fundamental function of the framework that gives internet voting to the overall population. The fundamental on screen character is the voter and
votes are gathered in the DB.

Enter Offline Votes

By utilized this function the ESSS the enters the disconnected votes to of the framework. Thefundamental on screen character of this utilized case is the ESS.

Constraints Assumption and Dependencies

The framework empowers voters to survey their vote from any decision focuses that the framework is introduced in. security and safety are the most essential
basics of the ONEV framework. The framework deduce how voters in their areas have voted. The framework oughtto give intends to we can list our
presumption and conditions as take after.
Working web association
A web server ought to have Java introduced on the machine alongside Java’scryptographic bundles.
The decision server keep running on an http server that is “jip” empowered.
Specific requirement
Interface Requirement

User Interface
The framework must give a UI to a wide range of clients (ECA, ESS, EC, and voter) that is accessible thought all web programs. The UI for voter must be
distinctive for election mode andnormal interactive mode.

ar (
s l
e e
Hardware Interface
There are no equipment interface to this product framework. The main interface are thought a PC framework.

Software Interface
The survey server keep running on http server that is empowered to deal with server pages. It utilized a social database to monitor the survey which it
associates thought standard databasenetwork interface. With a specific end goal to run the setup programming the earth needs a Java virtual machine running
on it.

Functional Requirements
Normal Interface Mode
This is a typical mode when Election Day a client collaborates with the framework. It includes enrollment for voting refreshing profile seeing decision
competition (ES) and in addition sendingthem question. It additionally incorporates capacities for the election commission authority (ECA) to enlist EC and
favor enrolled votes. The accompanying use case depict the useful prerequisites.

Voter Registration

Approve Application

Update Registered Voters

Open Candidate Account


Update Account

View Election Candidate Information

Ask Question to a Candidate

CV Edit (Candidate)

Add/Edit Promises

Read/Answer Question

View Election Results

Election Mode
Open System

Mark Generate PasswordOnline Vote

Non Function Requirement

Performance Requirement
The framework is relied upon to have brief time. The voter ought to have the capacity to loginand ought to have the capacity to get reaction for his solicitation
in second. The framework execution is diverse as indicated by its mode.

In Election Mode
The framework is relied upon to server a greatest of up to 50000 voters in a split secondevery voter being dynamic for at most 5 minutes asking for up
to 5 page. This demonstrates the framework ought to have the capacity to deal with around 2000
transactions each second. Likewise the framework must work at 100% peak proficiencyamid the voting procedure.

In Normal Interactive Mode

50000 votes however every voter can be dynamic for quite a while.

Security Requirement
The information exchange amongst customer and server must be ended.
All the password that are created or acknowledged must be put away in database in anencrypted shape.
To counteract assaults the framework ought to create arbitrary word and request thatthe client enter it accurately for various trying.

Safety Requirements
To prevent data loss in case of system failure the results of votes that are polled till thenhave to be saved in database.

In case ECA identifies any security issues in the framework he ought to have the capacity to close down the framework and keep all associated
with the server quicklyproject polled votes.

The framework ought to have the capacity to recoup itself from past accident andproceed with the voting procedure.

The framework ought to caution ECA clients about the glitch of the framework.


In election mode

The framework ought to be 99% dependable.

In normal interactive mode

Since it might require some upkeep or readiness for the Election Day the framework does not should be solid without fail. Along these lines 80%
dependability is sufficient.

JAVA EE is utilized for advancement of the framework.

Tools that are utilized for advancement and organization of the framework.

 ROSE/RSA/WebSphere Modeler for demonstrating and prototyping theframework.

 IDEs Eclipse RAD Lotus forms designer portlet factory.

 Sever application WebSphere portal factory.

Linux is the system OS.

Data Model and Description

Dara DescriptionData Objects

The data object and their fundamental characteristic are classified as follows.

Log n: user id, password.

User List voters, ECs, ECAs, ESSs.

User: name, address, votingcenterld, age, sex, user id, password.

Candidate Votes: earn votes, totalvotes, percentage, rank.

Candidate: Political party, ruling area, position.

ESS: user id, password.

Stat ons: station id, ESS.



The subsequent relationships depict association in ONEV framework.

Login and user

Login and ESS

Candidate and candidate votes

User and candidate votes

Stations and candidate votes

B.Composite on

The subsequent relationships depict composition in ONEV framework

User and user list

ESS and stations Complete data model

Data flow diagram

1-Level 0

Process Model

This Project emphasis on Water Fall model which called Traditional or sequential model .


The SRS archive is step up of National Election voting frame work.The practical and different necarssary changes will be on demand of client.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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