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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Iligan City National High School
Gen. Wood St., Mahayahay, Iligan City


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
A. Define what Reader-Response is.
B. Critique a literary text on a Reader-Response Approach.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Literary Criticism: Reader-Response Approach
Materials: LCD Monitor, PowerPoint Presentation
Skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Good morning class. Please stand for the
prayer. May I request the prayer leader to (The prayer leader will lead the prayer.)
be in front.
2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!
3. Classroom Management
Before we start, kindly arrange your
chairs, and make sure that your area is Okay, Ma’am.
Okay very good, kindly take your seat.
4. Checking of Attendance
May I ask the class secretary if there are None, Ma’am
any absent today?
5. Classroom Conditioning
How are you today, class? We are fine, Ma’am.
That’s good to hear. Let us always
remember that no matter what happens,
life must go on. Alright? Yes, Ma’am.
6. Sharing of quotes/proverbs
7. Review of the Previous Lesson
What was our topic last meeting, class? We tackled about Moral Criticism, Ma’am.

Now, for me to make sure that you have

understood our previous lesson, I will
flash some questions on the screen.
Then, wave your right hand if your answer
is letter A and a Heart gesture if your
answer is letter B.
But, only in a count of three and when I
say show me your answers. Okay Ma’am!
Which is the correct definition of Moral
A. An approach of literary criticism that
judges the literature of how it shows
the effects of the right and wrong
B. An approach in literary criticism that
judges the literature on how it takes the
position of teaching the right and
wrong while probing philosophical

1,2,3, show me your answers! (Students are showing their answers.)

Why is it important to study Moral

Criticism in the world of Literature?
A. Studying moral criticism in literature
is important because it teaches us
about right and wrong, helps us
understand people better, and shows us
how to make good choices in life.
B. Studying moral criticism in literature
is important stories are just made-up
and don't have anything to teach us
about real life.

(Students are showing their answers.)

1,2,3, show me your answers!

Very good! I have seen that all of you have

really understood our previous lesson.
Let’s give ourselves three claps!

8. Checking of Assignments
Do you have an assignment to submit?
Kindly pass your papers in front silently
and without standing.

B. Activity
Directions: Take a look at the picture and
give your interpretations about it. (Students are showing their answers.)

Yes Ma’am

C. Analysis

Are you familiar with this picture?

What do you observe with the picture?

Do you think it is right that this
establishment is built on or beside the
Chocolate Hills? Why or why not?

Since some of you have shared their

different opinions or reactions regarding
the picture I showed you, how does your
emotional and personal beliefs impact
your interpretation of a text?

Great job! Thank you. Yes ma’am.

Take note that a readers' feelings and It’s a resort built beside the Chocolate Hills in
personal beliefs can change how they Bohol.
understand a text. Emotions like empathy
or anger, as well as what they believe,
affect how they see the characters and
events. This makes their interpretation of
the story different from others'. (Some students will share their opinions.)

D. Abstraction
Today, we will discuss about Reader-
Response Approach of Literary Criticism,
and we will critique a literary text on a
Reader-Response Approach.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected (Some students will share their opinions.)
1. Understand what Reader-Response is.
2. Critique a literary text on a Reader-
Response Approach.

Before we go deeper into our new lesson for

today, let us unlock first some difficult
words that you will encounter as we go on.

E D A R E R – a person who reads or who is

fond of reading.
S P N E R E S O – to react or reply to
something that has been said or done.

Reader-Response is an approach that focuses

on the individual reaction and interpretation
of a text by the reader as it is proposed that
only the reader can give a text sufficient
meaning. Each reader will interpret a text
differently between readings depending on
their intellect or knowledge of the history of
which the text describes, moods, personal
experiences, ideologies, and culture.

Anyone who would like to read?

Critiquing a literary text can be done in two
ways: we can criticize by PRINCIPLE and by

When criticizing by Principle you can create The role of the reader is essential to the
your criticism based on these questions: meaning of the text, for only in the reading
• Is it racist? experience does the literary work come
• Is it biased? alive. The meaning of the story is
• Does it have misconceptions? dependent on the reader’s interpretation.
Purpose of Reading Response theory:
When criticizing a text by Form, you create • To examine
your criticism based on these questions: • To explain
• Is it poorly written? • To defend
• Does it have information overload? • To critique
• Are there any typographical errors in
the text?
Can someone read the advantage and
disadvantage of Reader Response Approach.

How does the reader-response approach differ

from other literary criticism theories? (A student will share his/her answer.)

Good job!

Why is it important to consider readers'

responses in literary analysis?

Very good!

Remember that by emphasizing the reader's

personal experience and interpretation of the
text, this method encourages a deeper
engagement with literature and can lead to a
more meaningful and personally relevant
understanding of the text.

E. Application
Directions: Each group will have an
assigned video to watch. In a 1 whole sheet
of paper, the group will analyze and
interpret the video using the Reader-
Response Approach.

Group 1&4: Unsung Hero

Group 2&5: Shampoo Advertisement
Group 3&6: DOH Advertisement
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify what is being asked in the statement.
1-4. What are the purposes of Reader – Response Approach?
5. Cite at least one advantage of reader – response approach.
6. cite at least one disadvantage of reader – response approach.
7. What are the two ways in critiquing a literary text when using the reader – response?

V. Assignment
Directions: In a 1 whole sheet of paper, answer the following:
1. Research and present a comparison of reader-response criticism with another literary theory.
2. Write a reflective essay on how reader-response approach has impacted your understanding of

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