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Dry cassava mash and chips are a staple food in many African countries, particularly in West

Africa. Cassava, also known as yuca or manioc, is a starchy root vegetable that is widely grown
and consumed in tropical regions.

To make dry cassava mash, cassava roots are peeled, boiled, mashed, and then dried in the
sun or a dehydrator until they have a fine, powdery texture. This dry cassava mash can be
rehydrated with water or coconut milk to create a thick porridge-like dish that is a popular
breakfast food in many African households.

Cassava chips are made by thinly slicing cassava roots and frying them until they are crispy and
golden brown. These chips are a common snack food in many African countries and are often
served with spicy or savory dips.

Both dry cassava mash and chips are rich in carbohydrates and are a good source of energy.
They are also gluten-free, making them suitable for people with gluten intolerances or
sensitivities. Additionally, cassava is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a
nutritious addition to a balanced diet.

In summary, dry cassava mash and chips are popular staple foods in many African countries,
valued for their versatility, flavor, and nutritional benefits. They are a delicious and satisfying way
to enjoy the unique taste and texture of cassava.

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