M11 - How To Express Personal Opinion

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M11: How to Express Personal Opinion

in Academic Writing

May 12, 2023

What would be the expressions to express
personal opinion?
What are the expressions to convey
personal opinion?

• I think …
• I believe …
• In my opinion …
• In my view …
• From my point of view …
Informal More formal
• In my opinion, a good education is • “It would seem that children learn
more important than a good car. best when they are feeling
• I believe that schools should comfortable.”
encourage students to walk or cycle to • “It could be argued that the benefits
school rather than drive. outweigh the drawbacks in this
• “In my mind, no-one should have to situation.”
pay for medical care.” • “The evidence suggests that people
• “I think that offline class is much who speak more than one language
more amazing than online class.” have more job opportunities.”
• “From my point of view persuading • “This proves that the best way to lose
people to change their habits is weight is through a controlled diet
absolutely easy to say but hard to do.” and a good exercise program.”
• “This new research supports the idea
that successful English learners look
for opportunities to use English.”
• “Although reports suggest that • “It is convenient/ difficult/ hard/
cigarettes could help people to lose impossible/ reasonable/ easy/ …
weight, there are too many serious to …”.
health problems associated with • “It is apparent/ arguable/
smoking.” doubtful/ obvious/ remarkable/
• “This research desirable/ noteworthy/
was poorly conducted with a lack conceivable/ … that …”.
of control.” • “It is worth examining/
investigating/ remembering/
recalling/ noting/ stressing/
pointing out/ emphasizing/ … that
You can stress your opinion using the adjective.
• “Interestingly, …” • “This research
• “Arguably, …” was poorly conducted with
a lack of control.”
• “Obviously, …”
• “ His essay was clear and
• “Evidently, …” interestingly written”
• “Surprisingly, …” • In the abstract, she obviously
points that TV has both
advantages and disadvantages
In this assignment, students are asked to write a four paragraph essay based on today’s

In SIMARI, you will find a paper entitled: “ The Hydrologic Cycle”

Please read the paper and make a four paragraph essay. In the essay, you have to use some
expressions that can convey your personal opinion.

Submit the essay before 22 April 2021 in pdf format and name it :
Assignment06_Name_19 April 2021

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