Unit 8 Readings Notes

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Unit 8 Readings Notes

-Mental Disorder: -p. 666
-DSM: -p. 669-670
-ICD: -p. 669
-Insanity Defense: -p. 673
-M’Naghten Rule: The M'Naghten rule is a legal test to determine whether a defendant was
legally insane when they committed a crime. It requires that the defendant either did not know
what they were doing or did not know that what they were doing was wrong when they
committed the criminal act.
-American Law Institute Test: a legal standard for establishing criminal responsibility, adopted
in 1962, that combines elements of the M'Naghten rule and the irresistible impulse rule.
-Evolutionary Approach: -p. 14-15, p. 17, p. 145-146
-Cognitive Approach: -p. 561-564
-Social-Cultural Approach: The social-cultural perspective considers the way that different
individuals interact with their social groups and how these social groups influence different
individuals and how they develop throughout their lives. The social group can consist of any
group that the individual is a part of.
-Humanist Approach: -p. 17, p. 591-594
-Psychodynamic Approach: -p. 18, p. 583-588
-Biological Approach: -p. 13, p. 17, p. 24
-Biopsychosocial Approach: -p. 16-19, p. 80-81
-Medical Model: -p. 667-668
-David Rosenhan: -p. 670
16 MCQ, 1 FRQ
-Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of conditions in
which the growth and development of the brain is affected. This can impact an individual's
language, emotions, behavior, self-control, learning and memory.
-Autism Spectrum Disorder: -p. 505-506
-ADHD: -p. 513, p. 616-617`1
-Schizophrenia Disorders: -p. 699-704
-Positive/Negative Symptoms: -p. 700
15 MCQ, 1 FRQ
-Anxiety Disorders: -p. 677-684
-Panic Disorders: -p. 677-678
-Agoraphobia: -p. 678
-Social Anxiety Disorder: -p. 677
-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: -p. 679-680
-Body Dysmorphia Disorder: -p. 680
-Trichotillomania: -p. 680
-Depression: -p. 686-696
-Bipolar Disorder: -p. 687-688
- Groupthink: -p. 788-789
15 MCQ
-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): -p. 680-681
-Somatic Symptom Disorder: -p. 707-708
-Dissociative Disorders: -p. 708-710
-Dissociative Identity Disorder: -p. 700, p. 708-710
-Dissociative Amnesia: Dissociative amnesia is a disorder characterized by retrospectively
reported memory gaps. These gaps involve an inability to recall personal information, usually of
a traumatic or stressful nature.
- Depersonalization-derealization disorder occurs when you always or often feel that you're
seeing yourself from outside your body or you sense that things around you are not real — or
both. Feelings of depersonalization and derealization can be very disturbing. You may feel like
you're living in a dream.
-Personality Disorders: -p. 710-712
-Avoidant personality disorder: We all have things, places or people we don't like, or which
make us anxious. But if these things cause so much anxiety that you struggle to maintain
relationships in your life, you may get a diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder (sometimes
also called anxious personality disorder).
-People with schizotypal personality disorder have odd behavior, speech patterns, thoughts, and
perceptions. Other people often describe them as strange or eccentric. People who have this
disorder may also: Dress, speak, or act in an odd or unusual way.
-Narcissistic Personality Disorder: -p. 710
-Borderline Personality Disorder: Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that
severely impacts a person's ability to manage their emotions. This loss of emotional control can
increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their
relationships with others.
-Antisocial Personality Disorder: -p. 710-712
-Eating Disorders: -p. 712-714
-Anorexia Nervosa: -p. 712-714
-Bulimia Nervosa: -p. 712-714
-Binge-Eating Disorder: -p. 699, p. 713
-Substance and Addictive Disorder: -p. 253-254
-Psychotherapy: -p. 745-746
-Psych0pharmacology: -p. 753-756
-Client-Centered Therapy: -p. 725-727, p. 739
-Exposure-Therapy: -p. 730
-Token Economy: -p. 732
-Carl Rogers: -p. 725-726
-Mary Cover Jones: -p. 730
-B.F. Skinner: -p. 732
-Albert Ellis: -p. 733-736
-Aaron Beck: -p. 686
-Joseph Wolpe: -p. 730
-Behavioral Therapies: -p. 729-739
-Orval Hobart Mowrer: -p. 729
-Aversive Conditioning: -p. 731-732
-Operant Conditioning: -p. 283-297
-Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: -p. 736-739
-Social Anxiety: -p. 677
-Humanistic Approach: -p. 591-594
- Cognitive dissonance: -p. 772-773
15 MCQ
-Biomedical Therapy: -p. 722, p. 751-759
-Drug Therapy: -p. 753-756
-Brain Stimulation Therapies: -p. 757-758
-Psychosurgery: -p. 758
15 MCQ, 1 FRQ
-Group Therapy: -p. 737-739
-Meta-analysis: -p. 743
Test 3/28:
4 MCQ/ Section
The reciprocity norm is our expectation that people will help us if we help them 🤝 If someone
has helped us in the past, we are more likely to be altruistic toward them. The social
responsibility norm says that we should help those needing our help even if the costs outweigh
the benefits.

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