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Story playscript

Mad about
This is a comic- book story.

1 Choose your parts.

Narrator: Mum:
Friend (girl): Dad:
Vicky: Player:
Friend (boy):

2 Act out the story.

1 4
Narrator: Vicky is mad about football. Her Narrator: Vicky comes home from school. She
favourite team is Oxford United. She plays football in the garden every day
plays football every day, trains twice a after school. But today she doesn’t want
week and plays for a team on Saturdays. to play football.
She goes to football matches and she Mum: Hi, Vicky. What are you doing?
collects football cards.
Vicky: I’m reading my book.
(girl): Have you got Fabregas? 5
Vicky: Yes, I have. Narrator: That evening, Vicky’s parents decide to
go for a walk.
Dad: Put your hat and scarf on, Vicky.
Narrator: But today Vicky is sad. It’s her birthday,
Vicky: Why?
but her parents don’t say ‘Happy
birthday!’ and there aren’t any cards Dad: Because it’s very cold!
or presents. 6
Mum: Good morning, Vicky. Are you OK? Narrator: But Vicky gets a big surprise because
Vicky: Yes, I’m fine. they walk to the football stadium! Her
friends are there. They’ve got cards
and presents.
Narrator: Vicky goes to school. She plays football
Friends: Happy birthday, Vicky!
at break and every day at lunchtime. But
today she doesn’t want to play football. Vicky: Thank you!
(boy): Goal! Narrator: Vicky’s favourite player gives her a
Friend signed football shirt. She’s very happy.
(girl): Vicky, why are you sad? Player: Happy birthday, Vicky!
Vicky: Because it’s my birthday and I haven’t Vicky: Wow! Thank you!
got any cards.
Narrator: Vicky’s team wins 5–0. It’s her best
birthday ever!
Vicky: Thanks, Mum and Dad!

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Story playscript

This is a fantasy story
about animals.
1 Choose your parts.

Narrator: Andrew:
Zookeeper: Emma:
Mum: Monkey 1:
Danny: Monkey 2:

2 Act out the story.

1 5
Narrator: Danny is at the zoo with his best friends, Andrew: We can’t get out. Can you
Andrew and Emma. understand me?
Zookeeper: Our zoo has got the happiest animals Monkey 1: Of course. But please don’t tell anyone
because when it closes at five o’clock, we can talk.
we let them out of their enclosures.
Mum: Make sure you’re back here at five
o’clock. Have a good time! Monkey 1: We can help you. We need the strongest
and tallest animals.
Danny: OK, Mum. See you later.
Monkey 2: This elephant is the biggest and
2 strongest animal in the zoo.
Narrator: The children go to see the lions and the
giraffes. Andrew doesn’t like the snakes.
Narrator: The children slide down the giraffes.
Andrew: Let’s go and see the monkeys!
Danny: Thank you. You’re the cleverest monkeys
3 in the world!
Narrator: The children watch the monkeys for a
long time. They don’t notice the other
visitors leave. Mum: There you are! Are you OK?
Andrew: Look! What’s the monkey drawing? Andrew: Yes, we’re fine. What an amazing zoo!
Can we come again tomorrow?
Danny: It’s a clock. It wants to tell us we’re late.
Mum: No way!
Emma: Oh, no! They’re letting the animals out.
We’re in the worst trouble!

Mum: The children aren’t here. Don’t let them
Zookeeper: I’m sorry, it’s too late. We let the
animals out five minutes ago.
Narrator: The children try to find the entrance, but
they’re lost.
Danny: How can we escape?
Andrew: The snakes!
Emma: The lions! What can we do?

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Story playscript

The destruction
of Pompeii
This is a historical story
based on facts.
1 Choose your parts.

Narrator: Lucius:
Woman 1: Lucius’ father:
Woman 2: Max:

2 Act out the story.

1 5
Narrator: In 79AD, there was a Roman town called Narrator: But there wasn’t a bridge. It was
Pompeii. It was a famous holiday town horrible. The children were lost and
for the Romans. There were 20,000 very scared.
people in Pompeii. The people were Lucius: Oh, no! There was a bridge here.
happy and friendly, but there was a
Olivia: What can we do? Where are we?
volcano called Vesuvius behind the
town. 6
Woman 1: Good morning! Narrator: It was very dark and it was difficult
Woman 2: Good morning! to run.
Lucius: Look! There’s Max!
Olivia: Let’s follow him!
Narrator: Lucius was eleven years old. He was
from Pompeii. Max was his dog. His best
friend was Olivia. Narrator: The children were excited. They were
Olivia: Hi, Lucius! I was bored at home. very happy to see Max.
Lucius: Hi, Olivia! I’m happy you’re here! Let’s go Lucius: Max is a good dog. He knows the way
to the market. to escape.
3 Olivia: Look! He’s crossing the road. Let’s go!
Narrator: Lucius and Olivia were in the market. 8
Suddenly, the sky was dark. There was Lucius’
smoke from Vesuvius. The children father:  ere they are! Oh, Lucius and Olivia,
were scared. you’re safe! We were very worried.
Olivia: Where’s the sun? Olivia: Max, you’re a fantastic dog! We
Lucius: Oh, no! Look! It’s the volcano! love you!
4 Max: Woof! Woof!
Narrator: There were a lot of people in the streets. Narrator: The children weren’t scared anymore.
They weren’t happy. They were very They were safe. But Pompeii was
worried. destroyed.
Olivia: Quick! Run!
Lucius: Let’s cross the bridge opposite the

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Story playscript

Marie Curie: A life

in Science
This is a biography of
a famous scientist
1 Choose your parts.

Narrator: Marie:
A man Person giving
(on the door): the prize:

2 Act out the story.

1 5
Narrator: Marie was born in Warsaw, in Poland, Narrator: In 1903, Marie and Pierre Curie won a
in 1867. She was the daughter of two Nobel Prize. Marie was the first woman
teachers. At school, Marie was an to win. In 1906, she became the first
excellent student. She was very female professor at the University
intelligent, and she wanted to be of Paris.
a scientist. Professor: She can’t be a real professor. She hasn’t
got a moustache!
Narrator: At that time, there weren’t any 6
universities for women in Poland, but Narrator: In 1911, Marie won another Nobel Prize.
there was one in Paris. Marie didn’t have She was the first person to win two
any money, so she worked as a teacher prizes!
for five years.
A man on giving the
the door: Sorry, Marie. You can’t come in! prize: You again!
Narrator: In 1891, she went to Paris to study Narrator: In 1914, World War One started. Marie
Science and Maths. She worked very wanted to help, so she worked for the
hard and was the best student in her Red Cross. She and her daughter Irène,
class. learned to use X-rays. After the war,
Marie continued to teach and work as
a scientist.
Narrator: In 1894, Marie met her husband, Pierre
Marie: I think I prefer the laboratory.
Curie. They had two daughters, Irène
and Eve. Pierre was also a scientist, and 8
he and Marie worked together. They
Narrator: Because of Marie Curie, many women
discovered two chemicals, radium and
went to universities all over Europe and
polonium. They worked with other
became scientists, doctors and
scientists to develop X-rays.
engineers. She inspired her family, too.
Her granddaughter is a science
professor and her daughter won a
Nobel Prize!

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Story playscript

mountain This is an adventure story.

1 Choose your parts.

Lucy: Mum:
Dad: Ben:

2 Act out the story.

1 5
Lucy: I’m Lucy and this is my brother, Ben. When Lucy: We used a sock to clean the water!
we were younger, our favourite toy was a Mum: Now we have to boil it.
wooden boat with cotton sails. Last year,
Lucy: Did you get any wood?
we went on holiday in a real sailing boat.
Mum: Yes, we did.
Dad: The boat is called ‘Adventurer’.
Lucy: Can we get on? 6
Mum: Yes, of course. Lucy: Mum made a fire with her glasses! We
boiled the water.
Lucy: We sailed for five days and visited different
places. On the sixth day, we climbed Lucy: The sun went down. It was colder, but the
a mountain. But then my dad became sick. fire was hot. Then there was a noise.
Dad: I can’t walk. Ben: I’m scared. Did you hear that?
Mum: He’s got a temperature. We have to Mum: No, I didn’t. What was it?
get help. Lucy: I don’t know. An animal?
3 8
Mum: Ben, take the whistle and the torch. Make Lucy: But it wasn’t an animal. It was Mountain
the emergency signal. Rescue! They helped us and took Dad
to hospital. The next day, he didn’t
remember our mountain adventure!
Lucy: Mum had chocolate biscuits and nuts in her
Mum: Did you have a good sleep?
rucksack. She had a blanket for Dad, too.
We looked at the map. Dad: Yes, thanks. I feel much better!
Mum: Lucy, we walked past a river five minutes
ago. Did you see it?
Lucy: Yes, I did.
Mum: Go and get some water. Ben and I have to
get some wood.

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Story playscript

Don’t burn
the fish! This is a humorous story.

1 Choose your parts.

Narrator: Katy:
Head chef: Phone:

2 Act out the story.

1 5
Narrator: Nick is a young cook. He cooks fish in Narrator: Nick has got an idea. The next day, he
a restaurant. Katy is a waitress. picks Katy up at half past twelve.
She’s friendly and the customers Nick: Happy birthday!
like her.
Katy: Thank you. Are we going to go to the
Head Italian restaurant?
chef: Nick! Don’t burn the fish!
Nick: No, we aren’t.
2 Katy: Oh!
Narrator: Tomorrow is Katy’s birthday.
Nick: Would you like to go out for lunch
Narrator: Nick drives to the beach.
with me?
Katy: Are we going to have lunch here?
Katy: Erm, maybe.
Nick: Yes, we are.
3 Katy: But there isn’t a restaurant!
Narrator: Nick wants to book a table. Nick: Aha!
Nick: There’s a nice Chinese restaurant in
Narrator: But Katy doesn’t like Chinese food. Or Narrator: Nick has got a table and chairs, a
French food. Or Indian food. barbecue and a picnic. He gives Katy a
menu. There’s bread and olives. There’s
4 fish and salad for the main course. There
Narrator: Katy likes Italian food, so Nick calls the are strawberries for pudding.
Italian restaurant. Nick: I’m going to be the cook and the waiter
Nick: Hello, have you got a table for two for today! And you’re going to be the
tomorrow lunchtime? customer.
Phone: No, I’m sorry. We’re very busy tomorrow. 8
Nick: Oh, no! Narrator: Nick cooks the lunch and they eat it.
The food is delicious and they’re both
very happy.
Katy: This is the best restaurant and the best
birthday present. Thank you.
Nick: And I didn’t burn the fish!

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