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Look at the pictures. Do you do

any of these activities? When?
The week


 Listen to a conversation about a
work-at-home dad
 Interview classmates about their
Unit 1: The week

usual week
 Read a magazine article about a
typical week in the future
 Write a report about a possible 5
work week in future
In pairs, discuss your weekly timetable. How many hours
 Plan someone’s
do you work every week? What do you usually do in the
weekly timetable
1 Lesson 1

A Label the pictures with the phrasal verbs in the box.

deal with get rid of hang out keep up (with) look at

pick up ring back take part (in) write down

Come on.
We’re late.

1 2 3 4
It pays to
stay organized,
I suppose that’s for sure
I’ll just
have to

5 6 7 8 9


B Complete the sentences with the correct form of phrasal verbs from A.
1 It’s wise to problems 5 Every time I see John
as they arise rather than leaving them with Jesse, he has a huge smile on WORD WORK
until the last minute. his face.

2 While I was out, my bank called with 6 If you want to Some phrasal verbs can be

an urgent matter. I’d better unwanted clothes without harming separated with an object.
them . the environment, offer them to a For example pick up the

charity. kids can also be pick the

3 If I don’t my
kids up. Other separable

commitments as they come in, I am 7 George a lot of

phrasal verbs are: give
sure to forget everything. extracurricular activities at college.
back, take off, turn off, try

4 My husband is the 8 Don’t you think it’s about time Martin on, and wake up.

children from school today. tried to his work?


C Match to make statements and questions. D In pairs, write your own


sentences with the phrasal

1 Isn’t Jon going to find it hard to deal ¨ a part in the show? verbs from A. Then share
them in groups.
2 I’ve already gotten ¨ b her up from the airport?
3 You should start hanging ¨ c rid of the scrap paper.
4 I’m so proud of you for keeping ¨ d with all the work?
5 I think he’s looked ¨ e Mandy back?
6 What time do you have to pick ¨ f up with our pace.
7 Did you remember to ring ¨ g out with other people.
8 Do you believe he’ll enjoy taking ¨ h at the new contracts already.

E In groups, discuss your daily work routines using the phrasal verbs
from A. Then share your sentences with the class.

In the mornings, the first thing I find it hard to keep up with all
6 I usually do is write down all my tasks sometimes. Maybe
the tasks I have to accomplish. I should start writing things
How about you, Bob? down like you do.

F Complete the grammar rules

Present simple vs. present continuous with present simple or present
On Wednesdays, I usually pick the Today I’m picking them up at continuous.
children up at 4 p.m. 3 p.m. for a doctor’s appointment.
1 is used for
I don’t think he enjoys mowing the lawn. He’s mowing the lawn now, so I’ll things which are true at the
have him call you later. moment.
2 is used for
It’s very difficult to learn to play the violin. My daughter’s learning the violin. regular actions or events.
I’ve got to pack tonight because my plane No picnic today because 3 is used for
leaves in the morning. it’s raining. present plans for the future.
4 is used for facts.
First, I take a bowl and add a cup of flour. He’s usually studying at the
Then I add two eggs and a cup of milk. I mix library at this time. 5 is used for facts
it well and I have the perfect pancake batter. known about the future.
6 is used for
thoughts and feelings about the

time of speaking.
G Correct the errors with the present simple and present continuous.

7 is used for the
What a week! My boss, who isn’t often doing much work, organizes the time of speaking (‘now’).

schedule for our sales conference next week. Partly, I’m being relieved that 8 is used for
instructions, demonstrations,
he has offered to take this on. I’m usually fairly efficient and keeping up with
my work with no issue. But this week, because of the conference—and
AT 9
is used for
my boss—I put in long hours every day. Yes, my boss helps me, but to be repeated actions.
honest—and I am hating to say this—he isn’t having the skill to deal with the

schedule. He’s a nice guy. He motivates people, never losing his cool, and

always assigning the right people to the right task. So I try my best to make
the conference a success and am going behind his back to get things done.

Also, I work every night till 11 to make it happen because I’m not wanting

him to think he isn’t helpful. Oh, the things we are doing for work!

H Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the I In groups, one student uses
first sentence. Use no more than five words including the word given. the present simple to say a

sentence. The other students

1 After work, Frank is collecting his sister from the gym to take her shopping. in the group use the same

(pick up) verb to make sentences in

Frank wants to take his sister shopping, so he’s from the present continuous. Then
the gym after work. switch, with one student using
2 Susan is very organized and always gets everything done. (keep up) the present continuous to say
Susan is a hard worker and her daily tasks brilliantly. a sentence, and the others
using the present simple.
3 This summer, I’ll be teaching at a conference geared toward social media
users. (take part)
I’m a conference this summer that’s geared toward J As a class, play the game.
social media users.
4 Every single morning, I get up for work at exactly 8 a.m. (wake up) o sentences of th
Students write tw es en t
I , on the dot, every single morning for work. t simple or pr
own, using presen pe r. Th ey then
piece of pa
continuous, on a
Unit 1: The week

5 It’s about time I returned Joe’s book, I think. (give back) th eir
student whispers
I’m to Joe this afternoon. sit in a circle. One ea r of th e st udent
o th e
two sentences int to
6 I’m so excited to go to my wedding dress fitting today! (try on)
xt to th em . Th at student then has
I’m today and I’m so excited! ne ne xt st ud en t,
heard to
repeat what they or m at ion ha s be en
e inf
7 Before leaving, please don’t forget to check all the lights are off. (turn off) and so on, until th e las t 7
ch student. Th
Please make sure you before you leave. passed through ea s to say what they
cle ha
person in the cir
8 He’s got a long list of things to do and never forgets anything. (write down) ud . Th e original information
were told alo re.
He always so he never forgets what he needs to do. ad aloud to compa
should then be re
1 Lesson 2

A Track 2 Listen and circle the correct answers.

1 What was Trevor doing last month? 5 What ‘change’ did Megan have to 7 Have Trevor and his family ever
a buying bacon remind Trevor about? been to a show?
b working full-time a That the kids would be swimming a Yes.
c grocery shopping with a celebrity at 5.30. b No.
2 What does Megan think of Trevor b That the kids are meeting a celebrity c They can’t remember.
being a stay-at-home dad? at 5.30 instead of going swimming. 8 What does Lori mean by ‘My
a That it’s a serious matter. c That the kids finish swimming at 5.30 husband would never agree to
b That he’s very committed to it. instead of 5.00 to meet a celebrity. switching roles.’
c That he’s perfect for the role. 6 What does Megan mean when she a That he doesn’t agree with Lori
3 How does Trevor keep track of his says, ‘Staying at home wasn’t quite having a job.
everyday tasks? that glamorous when Trevor was b That he would never agree to
a He notes them down. working.’ changing their routine.
b He doesn’t. He thinks it’s too a She dressed in glamorous clothes c That he would never
difficult. when she was a stay-at-home mum. agree to be a
c He maintains the same routine. stay-at-home

b That interesting things never

4 When do the kids go swimming? happened when she stayed at home.
a Sundays c Trevor bought her glamorous clothes

b Wednesdays when she was a stay-at-home mum.
c Wednesdays and Sundays
B Track 2 Listen again. Circle T (true) or F (false). C Track 2 Listen again and
complete the notes.
1 T / F Megan meets celebrities all the time.

2 T / F Lori doesn’t believe she could handle doing everything Megan does. ’s to-
do list

3 T / F Trevor and his family like to spend time indoors. ry list
shopp to-do
ing Megan’s

4 T / F Trevor’s mother-in-law doesn’t agree with his decision to stay home.

ack cli
ring b

5 T / F Trevor never helps his children with their homework.

6 T / F Trevor isn’t satisfied being a stay-at-home dad.

7 T / F Megan doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to spending so much time
away from her children.

8 T / F Megan is counting the number of times she’s spent with her children.

D Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

be check off collect get rid of not complain not deal with not miss out
organize pick ring back take part write write down

A: Trevor, I understand you’ve made the transition to stay-at- B: Well, on Wednesdays I usually (6) the kids
home dad. How’s that going for you and Megan? from swimming at 5 p.m. But tomorrow, I am picking them
B: Great! Just last month I was bringing home the bacon. up at 5.30 because someone famous is going to be at the
Now I’m (1) it up, along with the milk, the pool. Megan had to remind me about the change.
dry cleaning, the … A: Sounds intriguing! It’s not often you see a celebrity in
C: You’re (2) are you? this town.

B: Of course not. C: I’ll say. Staying at home wasn’t quite that glamorous
when Trevor was working. And I sure (7)
C: Every Sunday, he (3) the week’s any famous people in my line of work. My to-do list just

commitments or events to make sure the girls get to keeps getting longer no matter how many tasks I
swimming lessons on time or that they (4) (8) . I have to (9) several clients,
on an event they’re supposed to (5) in. (10) some emails, (11) and
B: It’s when routines change that I have difficulty. (12) some files. I have a feeling next week
(13) just as chaotic.
A: Oh? What do you mean?

E What’s your opinion about parents swapping roles? Discuss in pairs. USEFUL EXPRESSIO

I really don’t think it should be an issue. The way I see it, tradition exists for a reason. The way I see it is …
Both the mother and the father should Maybe men and women are more suited to the I really (don’t) think …
do a variety of things despite what is traditional roles, and that’s why women excel
considered ‘tradition’. What do you think? in the home and men excel in the workplace. What do you think?

F Add three questions to find G How do you spend your work week now? How do you think you will
out what your classmates’ spend your week in 10 years? Discuss in pairs. Then share your ideas
weeks are usually like. Then with the class.
interview your classmates.

Who do you usually spend

your free time with? Your work week now Your work week in 10 years

What do you usually do with the

people you spend time with?

How much time do you spend in
front of the TV every week?

How much time do you spend
online every week?

How many hours do you work

or study every week?
H Imagine that you are a husband or wife and are going to swap roles.
Answer the questions. Then discuss them with a partner.

What do you usually do

at the weekends?

1 What changes will there be in your life?


2 What do you think will be the most difficult adjustment?




3 What will you say to your children/parents about the change?




I Role-play in pairs.

a w o man w t
You ar
e bes
i n g w ith her
is talk out go
d a b
frien work
i nto the ing
b a c k
t e a d of stay
n s
force i ren.
i t h t h e child
Unit 1: The week

You are
a man
is talki who
ng to h
about l is boss
and be work
coming 9
house- a
1 Lesson 3

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

active dry cleaner laundry outdoors relax show studies take exercise theatre

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8 9


B Match the definitions to the words.

AT C The words in bold are in the
wrong sentences. Write the
1 active ¨ a time spent gaining knowledge correct words.

2 dry cleaner ¨ b always busy doing things 1 The older you get, the more

important it is to have an outdoors

3 laundry ¨ c to do sports to stay healthy lifestyle.

4 outdoors ¨ d a place to go and watch a performance

2 Look at all these clothes. I guess

it’s time to do theatre.

5 relax ¨ e clothes to that need to be cleaned

6 show ¨ f a performance for the public 3 We go to the takes exercise at


least once a month.

7 studies ¨ g to rest or do something enjoyable

4 Honey, can you take these clothes

8 take exercise ¨ h far away from the city
to the show today?

9 theatre ¨ i a place that cleans your clothes

5 David! You’d better hurry or we’ll be
late for the dry cleaner.
D Track 3 Listen and match each conversation with the sentence that
best describes it. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. 6 Lydia, how are you? How are your
laundry going?
a They’re going to spend time outdoors. Conversation 1 ¨
7 Every weekend, I make sure to
b They’re going to take exercise.
Conversation 2 ¨ spend as much time as I can relax.
c They’re going to go to the theatre.
Conversation 3 ¨ 8 My husband active at the gym
d They’re going to focus on their studies. three times a week.

Conversation 4 ¨
e They need to be more active. 9 After a day of hiking, I like to

studies with a long, hot bath.

10 f They’re going to make time to relax. Conversation 5 ¨

E In groups, take turns making sentences with the words in A. How many sentences can you make?

Review: Talking about the future

In the future, companies will be flatter and less hierarchical. I’ve heard that they’re going to start their own

In twenty years, more and more people will be working Mr Bloom is meeting with the board tomorrow so
from home. he’s not available today.

Next year, I’ll have worked for this company for 30 years. This Friday is our company’s annual dinner.

F Complete the grammar rules G Correct the sentences.

with the words in the box.
1 Can you believe the temperature is 39 tomorrow?
completed intentions facts Can you believe the temperature will be 39 tomorrow?
predictions present progress 2 I wonder how many people the company going let go this time.


1 Simple future is used for
3 Billy has play rehearsal tomorrow so I won’t be pick him up till 5.30.
and promises.


2 Future progressive is used for
actions that will be in 4 Don’t forget that we are going to have a meeting scheduled for 4.30
in the future.
3 Future with be going to is used for

. 5 The game already have ended if you can’t get there till 5.30.
4 Present continuous is used for 

arrangements in
6 Your grandparents visiting this weekend, so please clean your room.
the future.

5 Present simple is used for 

about the future. 7 Millie, what you going to wear to Teddy and Cindy’s wedding?

6 Future perfect is used for actions 


that will already be 8 If you do my homework for me, I won’t be telling Mum and Dad what you did.
at a time in the future.


H Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first using I Imagine you are going

the word given. Use no more than five words including the word given. on a three-day business
trip next week. Answer

1 Sorry, but I’ve got a deadline and have to work on Saturday. (come) the questions. Then work
Sorry, but I’ve got a deadline so I to the party this Saturday. with a partner and ask
2 This week has been crazy so I’ve decided I need to rest this weekend. (relax) each other about your
This week has been crazy so I’ve decided I this weekend. business trips.
3 I know the game begins at 3 p.m., but I can’t get there any earlier. (start)
I know the game by 3 p.m., but I can’t get there any earlier. When is your plane leaving/
4 I’m in China all next week to drop by our factories, so please rearrange all my arriving?
meetings. (visit) Who are you meeting with?
All next week, I factories in China, so please rearrange all What else are you doing there?
my meetings.
What will you be doing on the
5 We’ve made an appointment with CBRE next week to discuss our new office in
second day? Third day?
Hamburg. (meet)
Unit 1: The week

We CBRE next week to discuss our new office in What will you have
Hamburg. accomplished before
you return?
6 Rosa, what time is tomorrow’s board meeting? (begin)
Rosa, can you remind me what time the ?
7 I’m sure living and working in Moscow is something you’ll enjoy. (like) 11
I’m sure you and working in Moscow. J Report to the class
8 Our new offices in Singapore will be opening in ten months’ time. (move) about your partner’s
At this time next year, we our new offices in Singapore. business trip.
An Atypical Work Environment READING STRATEGY
Before you read a text,
scan it to get an idea
of what it’s about. This
will give you a general
feel for its content, and
also assist in a better
understanding when
you focus on details.

online global communications stored on computer hard drives

corporation. Her company or file cabinets in a structured
employs 23 full-time staff, office.
though it’s unlikely you’d see
them all in the office at once. ‘I suspect people will be

spending even less time in an

‘Working nine to five is no

few years ago, a 35-year- office in the future,’ Morris
old businessman was longer the norm.’
says. ‘Right now, you can

pulled over by European With the arrival of smartphones, plug headphones into your
police for reckless driving on hand-held computers and smartphone and listen to
Germany’s infamous Autobahn
tablets, e-readers, coupled with
increased availability to reliable
music while you go jogging.
When you need a break, you
It was then that the surprised wireless networks in even download your emails, respond
officer found the driver’s actual the most remote geographical to anything that’s urgent, and

set-up—a full office on the zones, employees can now then continue on with your run.

passenger seat, complete with access emails and work files It’s fascinating!’
a laptop, printer, a voltage through innovative cloud-based
Morris predicts this trend will

converter, two cell phones, a storage repositories. As Morris

explains, it’s like having a continue as society becomes

navigation device, and a GPS even more computer savvy.

receiver attached to the window. mobile office at your fingertips—
Families with young children

Clever, right? regardless of location.

will strive for work-life balance,

Perhaps not. This entrepreneurial ‘As long as you have your which may mean exchanging
driver actually ended up with a smartphone or tablet, you always a few daytime hours for a later

ticket worth €152 for speeding, have access to your work files. evening work binge, after the
Which means, employees are kids have gone to bed or are off

along with a citation for ‘driving

with improperly secured cargo’. now accessible 24 hours a day,’ doing their own thing.
In other parts of the world, he Morris says. ‘This has affected
employers’ expectations in that ‘At the end of the day, it’s really
would have also broken several just about getting the work
distracted driving laws, resulting they often assume their staff will
always be on call. Sometimes I done,’ says Morris. ‘For me, I
in hefty fines. don’t care if my staff completes
have to remind myself that even
This bizarre mobile office story though I can communicate with their work at the office, or while
may sound extreme, but with the my team all the time, they also they’re watching their son’s
effects of today’s technology, a have lives.’ basketball game in the next
typical working environment is town. Technology makes it easy
anything but typical. While the expectation of 24- to work from anywhere.’
hour availability certainly comes
‘Employees, and in fact with some downfalls, there are ‘And, who knows,’ she adds,
employers, create new work clear advantages, such as time with a laugh. ‘In the not so

rules to meet the needs of a management flexibility. In the distant future, people might be
continuously evolving digital past, employees were chained working from the moon.’
age,’ says Betty Morris, to their desks for eight hours Now that would be extreme!
Educational Director for an because company files were
Lesson 4 1

A Scan the article. What is its focus? B Read the article. Discuss the
I think that having the flexibility
advantages and disadvantages to work from home is excellent.
of 24-hour work availability.
I agree. But I also think it can cause problems. People won’t
have the discipline to manage their own work-life balance.

C Circle the correct answers. D Answer the questions.

1 What was the 35-year-old businessman 1 How many staff does Morris have working for her part-time?
doing when he was pulled over by the

a setting up his office 2 What does it mean to be ‘on call’?
b driving recklessly

c attaching a GPS to his window
2 Who creates new rules to keep up with 3 What advantage of 24-hour availability is mentioned in the article?
technological advances? 

a employees

b employers 4 What trend does Morris believe will persist as people become more
c both knowledgeable about computers?

3 What do Betty Morris’ employees 
typically do? 5 Where does Morris believe people might work from in the future?
a work nine to five
b work in the office all at the 
same time
c work at different times of day
4 What does Morris mean by ‘it’s like E Without referring to the article, complete the sentences. Then use

having a mobile office at your fingertips’? the article to check your answers.

a you can access everything you need

no matter where you are 1 Employers new work rules to the needs of
b they use new mobile phones that can a continuously evolving digital age.

access work files 2 Employees now emails and work files through innovative

c you can move your work files to cloud-based storage repositories.

different locations with ease
3 As long as you have your smartphone or tablet, you always

5 What does Morris often forget?

a that her employees are working 24 access to your work files.

hours a day 4 This has affected employers’ expectations in that they often
b that her employees won’t be working their staff will be on call.

24 hours a day
c that her employees are used to 5 While the expectation of 24-hour availability certainly with

working 24 hours a day some downfalls, there are clear advantages.

6 What does Morris think will happen in 6 I people will even less time in an office in
the future? the future.
a people will start working nights to 7 Morris this trend will as society becomes
spend time with family even more computer savvy.
b people will start jogging at work
c children will start helping their 8 For me, I don’t care if my staff their work at the office, or
parents work while they’re their son’s basketball game in the next town.

F Match the definitions to the words.

1 laptop ¨ a many computers connected together
affect—to influence (verb);
Unit 1: The week

2 cloud ¨ b a device used to read digital books an external expression of

3 network ¨ c a portable computer feeling (noun)
4 e-reader ¨ d application of practical science to benefit productive processes
5 go jogging ¨ e the display of data on a computerized device effect—to make happen
(transitive verb); a result
6 technology ¨ f when two opposing factors are equal
7 hand-held ¨ g a way to use files and applications over the Internet
8 digital ¨ h used to describe a technological device you can carry with you
9 balance ¨ i go running at a moderate pace

G Read the report written by a colleague of yours named Tom. Complete the sections with the sentence parts in
the box. Then write headings for each section.

A home environment also provides a quieter atmosphere

is to assess the benefits of working from home
would certainly save money on their end too The aim of a
report is to o
You will also have time to enrich your knowledge information ffer factual
as clearly as
should have possible. A
you will have the opportunity to work unconventional hours clear headin report
subheading gs and
you will save money on fuel and/or public transport costs s to divide th
shorter sect e report into
ions for easy
The aim of this report (1)
. It is based on information collected from various freelancer websites.

People who work from home are generally more productive. Not only do they have fewer distractions, they gain

more time by avoiding the dreaded commute to and from the office. (2)
for work.

Avoiding the commute to and from the office also means there are more hours in the day to spend with family
or indulge in leisure activities. (3) by taking that part-
time course you once never had time for.

Without the obligation to go into the office, (4) .


This, in effect, will allow you to spend the morning with your children, for example, and work a few hours in the
evening instead.

Due to the fact that you will not have to commute to the office, (5)
. If you have children that do not yet attend school, you will also be saving on childcare.

To sum up, working from home seems to be the way of the future. Perhaps more employees should consider
allowing their full-time staff to do the same. It (6) .

H Look at the report in G again. Is the I In pairs, brainstorm five things you think will be different about
information helpful? Write a letter a typical working week in the future. Write down your ideas and
to Tom in response to the report. share them with the class.

J A colleague has been given the task of coming up with new computer program ideas. To assist your colleague,
you decide to write a report about what you believe a typical working week will be like in the future for various
types of businesses. Tick which things your report will include.

1 ¨ A title 4 ¨ Subheadings for each type of

business you are focusing on K Write your report in 120–150
2 ¨ An introduction that explains
the aims of the report and how 5 ¨ Contact information for these
the information was obtained. businesses so your colleague

can ask them to take a survey.

3 ¨ Your opinion about why you HOMEWORK
believe your colleague should 6 ¨ Recommendations of computer
be involved in the project. program ideas Complete Activity K at home if
7 ¨ A conclusion
Lesson 5 1

A You are a director for a company. One of your classmates is going to be your PA and help you plan your
schedule for the week. In pairs, discuss the types of things a director might have to do during the week.

Events for the week:

Work Family Personal


B In groups, share your answers from D Work on your own and decide on the final events for your week.

A. Add ideas to your notes in A if List them from most to least important, and then fill in the details
necessary. for each heading.

Early/Late in Where to
Events How long? Materials?
week? meet?
C In your group, use the questions
to help you discuss your ideas
from A. Ask other questions if you
have them.

• Which events are the most

• How long do you think the
different events will take?
Unit 1: The week

• If there are meetings, where will

they take place? Who to invite?
• What materials are needed for
the different events?
• Which events are better for early
in the week? Later in the week?

E Work in pairs. You are a PA and your partner is the director. Take turns role-playing and filling in the schedule
below for your partner.

Weekly schedule for

6 a.m. – 9 a.m. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. 9 p.m. – 12 a.m.








F Work in groups. You are all directors. Role-play talking about your weekly schedule using the information
from E.

G As a class, discuss the importance of having schedules at work and for work-life balance.
Look at the pictures. What
differences do you think they



Read about families and
friendships in the Internet age
Listen to a discussion on gender
Unit 2: Differences

equality in the workplace

Discuss the differences between
modern life and life in the past
Write an essay on social
networking 17
Discuss in groups. Do you think people are free to choose Create a cultural
their role in life or are they bound by stereotypes? awareness guide for
international visitors
As you first read a text, it’s good to have these
questions in mind to help you understand it better:
• Who is the writer?
• Who is the target reader?
• What is the purpose of the text? (e.g. to inform, to
express an opinion, to give instructions)

by Lena Jurgens, Social Psychologist

For most kids today, the concept of extended family goes
beyond the traditional definition of blood relations, says a AT
local historian. And, the modern-day prevalence of social
media could be partially to blame.

James K. Goodall, a researcher with between friends is just as fierce, and dinner, his political views, what
the Family Historic Society, reported possibly even more so. In an informal causes he is supporting this week,
in a recent article that, in the past, study amongst lower secondary and whether he wants ten kids or

your immediate family generally students by the PEW Research would prefer to remain childless.’

consisted of Mum, Dad, and likely, Centre, 90% of the youth between That’s pretty heavy stuff, and
a number of siblings. Your extended the ages of 12 and 16 said they something that a teen used to share

family then branched out to include would spend more time with friends only with the best of best friends.
your grandparents, aunts, uncles, than they would with Mum, Dad, or

and cousins, all bound by blood or even an older sibling. While the jury is still out on the
marriage. consequences of ‘creeping’

‘Kids can get extremely upset and through the Facebook profiles or
Friends, even the very closest stressed when they’re not allowed photos of your best friend’s friends,

friends, didn’t quite earn a spot on to see their friends,’ says Goodall. Goodall admits Internet stalking isn’t
the family tree. ‘Years ago, that used to mean only for the young. Many parents
house arrest, or at least not being have had to resort to ‘creeping’
‘Today’s generation of youth tends allowed to go out. Today, parents as a way to keep track of their
to think of family a little differently,’ also have to consider Internet children’s friends, activities, and
Goodall says. ‘Just take a look at grounding, which can sometimes interests. ‘Just ten or twelve years
your child’s Facebook profile and be even more traumatic for a ago,’ says Goodall, ‘parents used
you’ll get a good sense of what’s teenager.’ to learn about their children’s lives
going on. Best friends. Boyfriends. around the dinner table. Now, with
Those are the people who are Goodall says social media platforms youth forming intense loyalties with
listed in the family sidebar. Some of like Facebook and Twitter have their friends via the Internet, there
these kids suddenly have a dozen allowed young adults to forge seems less and less time for the
sisters, even if in reality they’re an unique friendships, often without face-to-face family sharing of the
only child. It’s not only fascinating, even having met each other. ‘In the past.’
it’s enlightening and provides a past, one used to write letters, or
picture of how youth think about the spend hours on a landline phone, or ‘I was startled to find out our

‘family’ structure today. ride bikes to a buddy’s farm down 14-year-old son was set to marry his
the road,’ Goodall says. ‘You had to classmate because he updated
Although the social media links communicate differently. Now, with his relationship status.’ Goodall
aren’t sealed by traditional family one click of the mouse, you can says. ‘I didn’t even know he had a
blood, Goodall believes loyalty find out where your friend is eating girlfriend.’
Lesson 1 2

A Read the text and answer the questions. B Discuss as a class.
1 Who is the most likely target reader: parents or teenagers/young adults? 1 Who is more important to you:
2 What is an appropriate title for the text? friends or family?
a Modern Friends. b The Internet Family c A Parent’s Guide to the Internet 2 Who would you rather spend more
time with?

C Read the text again. Circle T (true) or F (false). Then identify the places in the text which gave you the false answers.
1 T / F Social media may have played an important role in shaping young people’s attitudes towards family.
2 T / F Traditionally, the term ‘extended family’ applied only to people who were related by blood.
3 T / F In the past, close friends were considered to be part of the family.
4 T / F Young people today are more likely to be as close to their friends as to their family.
5 T / F Most of the teenagers in the survey would prefer the company of their brothers or sisters to that of their friends.
6 T / F Sometimes, not being allowed to use the Internet can be a worse punishment for a teenager than not being
allowed to go out.

7 T / F Social media have not made any major changes to the way young people communicate.
8 T / F Friends share a lot of information about themselves on social media.

D Write the questions. E AT
Rewrite the excerpts from the text in reported
1 speech.
1 ‘Today’s generation of youth tends to think of family a
Your parents and your siblings. little differently.’

2 Goodall pointed out that


Their best friends and their boyfriends or girlfriends. 2 ‘Just take a look at your child’s Facebook profile and
3 you’ll get a good sense of what’s going on.’

He also suggested that if


Neither. Teens are equally loyal to family and friends. .


3 ‘Kids can get extremely upset and stressed when

they’re not allowed to see their friends.’

Teens feel upset and stressed when they’re not

permitted to see their friends. He added that

4 ‘Parents also have to consider Internet grounding, which

It means not being allowed to use the Internet. can sometimes be even more traumatic for a teenager.’
6 He also observed
One unique thing about social media friendships is that 5 ‘With one click of the mouse, you can find out where
two friends may have never met in person. your friend is eating dinner.’
7 He noted that
Sometimes people used to write letters to their friends.

F Match to make sentences.

Unit 2: Differences

1 sibling ¨ a parents and siblings

-less -ful
2 boyfriend/girlfriend ¨ b someone who has no siblings
age–ageless play–playful
3 extended family ¨ c people born at about the same time child–childless resent–resentful
4 immediate family ¨ d to take a husband or wife
-less / -ful 19
5 generation ¨ e a person with whom one is romantically involved
hope–hopeless / hopeful
6 only child ¨ f someone who has not got a son or daughter harm–harmless / harmful
7 marry ¨ g all relatives by blood or marriage power–powerless / powerful
8 childless ¨ h a brother or sister thank–thankless / thankful

G Complete the email with the H Read the email in G again. Then write a reply to Simon using the notes.
words in the box. Write about 160 words.
appreciate distract friends I As a class, discuss these statements about social networking sites.
joined know people profile Do you agree with them? Give reasons for your answers.
reasons social spend
survey update • good for people who are too shy to make friends otherwise
• allow you to stay in touch with friends and relatives who live far away
• you become friends with people you could not have met otherwise
• of the hundreds of people listed as ‘friends’, only a few of them are real friends
From: Simon Briggs
Subject: Survey • your personal information is not secure
Date: Sat,16 Nov • the time spent on networking sites might interfere with work or studies
Hi there! • people you meet on these sites might not be who they say they are
I’m writing an article for a magazine • you might be the victim of antisocial behavior, e.g. bullying
called The Current. It’s about
(1) networking sites J Complete the paragraphs in this essay with one word in each gap.
and I’m looking for (2) Then put the paragraphs in the correct order a–d.

to take part in a (3) .

Would you like to help? If you would, ¨ On the one hand , social networking platforms (1)
have a look at the questions below revolutionized the way we interact within our social environment (2)

and email your answers to me. I’d making communication a lot easier, but on the other they have led (3)
also (4) it if you could into uncharted territories for which we may not be well prepared.
give your (5) for your
answers in a few words rather than
just saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. [agree to
¨ All in all , (4) AT
to be active in social media or not is a very
personal decision, but one that has to be taken after careful consideration.
do it-say what you think about
social media in general] ¨ To begin with , we (5) the term ‘social media’ to refer to a
number of different platforms (6) have a variety of functions. One

Have you got a (6) on a

social networking site? connection, however , is (7) they all exist to bring people together

If you do: so they (8) share and exchange information and ideas.
How many sites have you
¨ There is also the matter of choice, or rather the lack (9) it. We

(7) ? [say which

often find that social media have become, not only difficult to avoid, but
one(s) and why you chose/

also compulsory to use in the sense that (10) who keep away
didn’t choose more than one]
from them might feel excluded from their peer groups.
How often do you (8)

your profile? [not very often-say


why] K Complete the sentences using the highlighted words/expressions from J.

How much time do you
(9) 1 , making new friends has never been easier but

every day checking

friends’ profiles and updates? [not , it’s impossible keep up with all of them.

sure-say how often though] 2 privacy: how can you be sure your personal information
Does it (10) you from is protected?
your work/family/social life? 3 You make friends with people you’ve never met in person. Until you do,
[sometimes-say when and why] , you can’t be sure if they really are who they claim to be.
How many (11) have
4 , let’s have a look at the different types of social media
you got on these sites? [give the
number] most of us use every day.
Do you (12) all of them 5 You waste time talking to people you might not choose
in person? [no-explain why] to be friends with otherwise, you take this time away
Thanks for your help. I’ll make sure from your actual friends or family.
I send you a copy! 6 By revealing personal information you become vulnerable
Cheers for now, you have no control over who can use it and for what purpose.
Simon 7 , we should be free to enjoy all that’s good about social
networking while making sure we minimize the dangers.

L Write an argumentative essay on the following subject: In what ways have social networking sites changed

the way we make friends? Do you think they are positive or negative? Write 120–150 words.
20 Here are some tips:
• Write an introduction and a conclusion.
• Use any relevant arguments from exercise I and/or add your own opinions. HOMEWORK
• Support your arguments. y.
• Use any and as many of the expressions in bold from exercise J to help you. Complete Activity L at home if necessar
Lesson 2 2

A Complete the labels with the words in the box.

boss comparison dual career hectic housewife occupation part-time secretary stay-at-home dad

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

B Circle the correct answers. C Complete the texts with the correct form of the words from A.
1 The security guard asked me what
my dual career / occupation
Modern couples face a number of challenges nowadays. In the past, roles were
was. I replied that I was an
accountant. quite clear cut—women became mothers and (1) and men earned
a living to support their family. This model, however, is becoming increasingly

2 After Paul lost his job, he decided

to become a stay-at-home dad / irrelevant as more and more women choose to have an (2) and be

housewife. financially independent. We now have (3) families, where both

3 Let’s have lunch next week.
husband and wife have jobs and share expenses, or we see a reversal of roles, with

Why don’t you have your women pursuing a career while men become (4) and take on the
responsibility of raising the children.

boss / secretary call mine

and arrange it?

4 When I was a teenager, I used

My name’s Shanna Kane and I’m 27 years old. My working day is often quite

to work at a supermarket
occupation / part-time for extra (5) —sometimes I barely have time to get lunch so I end up eating
pocket money. a sandwich at my desk, while typing a report or a memo. I work as a

5 You can’t tell me how to do my job! (6) for a big law firm. I began working (7) while I was
at university, but I now work nine to five—often much later. Ideally, I’d like to find

You’re not my stay-at-home dad

a job as an art teacher now that I have my degree, but my (8) says
/ boss!
she’d be lost without me and pays me well. There’s no (9) between
6 We’re a dual career / hectic the two jobs when it comes to wage, but teaching art is what I’d always wanted
family. My husband’s an architect to do. At the moment, however, I’m the main breadwinner in our family, so I
and I run a bakery. guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
7 There’s no comparison /
part-time between doing what
you love and a boring, nine-to-five
job. D In pairs, ask and answer the E In groups, discuss the
8 It wasn’t my intention to become a questions. statements.
secretary / housewife. It sort of 1 Would you be able to cope in a 1 I’d never be a stay-at-home dad!
happened after my twin sons were hectic work environment? It’s not a man’s job!—Brendan, 28
Unit 2: Differences

born. I just couldn’t bear to be

away from them! 2 What are the advantages/ 2 I’d like to have a family one day,
disadvantages of a part-time job? but I don’t want to be just a
9 In the past, office work was far
housewife.—Joanna, 18
from comparison / hectic. I 3 If you worked for a big company,
remember we always had time for would you rather be a manager or 3 Children who grow up in dual
a proper lunch and a cup of coffee a secretary? Why? career families become more 21
at midday. independent.—Shaun, 35
4 What would be the ideal
occupation for you? 4 I’d like to start a business. I want
to be my own boss.—Martine, 24

Reported speech
Some common
Many people believe (that) the workplace has My grandfather claimed (that) people acted reporting verbs
become too competitive these days. more civilly in the past. are: argue,
She agrees (that) young people have more He argued (that) past generations lived more believe, claim,
opportunities these days. simply and frugally. conclude, feel,
maintain, note,
He concludes (that) companies nowadays need He remarked (that) corporations were remark, report,
to be more flexible. becoming too powerful. state, warn.
A recent survey states (that) men and women An article reported (that) workers had been
are now being treated equally in the workplace. healthier 50 years ago.

F Read the grammar chart and answer the G Correct the reported statements, then replace the

questions. verbs ‘say’ and ‘tell’ with a reporting verb from the

list in the grammar chart. You may have to add or
1 What is the tense of the reporting verbs in the left
omit an object pronoun when you do this.
column? The right column?

2 What time words do you see in each column? 1 They say that any choices we make now were going to
have serious effects in the future.
3 Say the statements as they would be in direct speech. AT
2 He said that he will be happier when he quit his job and
4 What tenses are used in the direct statements? went back to college.
5 What tenses are used in the reported statements?
3 We said that we all knew how hard it has been for our

6 Are the tenses different? Why? parents to make sure we had food on the table every day.

7 Look at the reporting verbs in each statement. In what 4 The boss told her that it had been getting progressively
way are they different from ‘say’ and ‘tell’? more difficult to find suitably qualified people who can

cope with the demands of the job.


H Rewrite the reported statements in G in direct 5 She says that we wouldn’t have finished the project by
next Thursday.


6 They said that what we experience the year before was

not going to happen again.

7 My wife says we used to spend far too much money on

eating out and takeaways when we both go out to work.

8 He told us that everything had been happening for a

reason and that it was good we don’t quit because we
were proven right in the end.

I Play ‘Guess who?’ J Work in groups to tell a story. Write a direct

statement someone made on a piece of paper.
Pool your statements and use them to tell a story.
Make sure you use reported speech. The funniest
Work in pairs. Ask your partner to imagine
or most imaginative story wins!
he/she is a famous movie/TV actor, sports
personality, music star, etc. You can ask eight
questions to find out who he/she is. Then I’ve had the most awful day!
report his/her answers to the class and see if

they can guess who he/she is.

There’s fish for dinner
The person I talked to said she was a The Canadian ambassador walked into the room
24-year-old actor. She was born in … and complained that he had had the most awful day.
He bent to pet his talking cat, who calmly remarked that
there was fish for dinner. It was just then that …
Lesson 3 2

A Track 4 Listen and circle the correct answers. B Track 4 Listen again. Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 A recent news report suggests that __. 1 T / F Dr Wood taught medicine at Frankhille University.
a there is still inequality between genders
2 T / F In the 60s, women mostly had either part-time or
b gender is not an issue in the workplace anymore
low paying jobs.
c men and women are now equal in all aspects of life
3 T / F In the past, women used to be paid lower wages
2 Compared to the 60s __. than men.
a women’s jobs have not changed that much 4 T / F Traditionally, men were preferred for manual
b things have become worse for women in some labour because of their strength.
5 T / F Women are still not interested in trades positions.
c women have made considerable progress at work
6 T / F Society still hasn’t got rid of work related
3 The show host believes that nowadays __. stereotypes.
a wages vary according to other considerations rather
7 T / F Dr Wood believes that women should be paid
than gender
more for doing the same work as men.
b men aren’t paid as highly as they used to be
c there is no discrimination of any sort in the work 8 T / F The show host concludes that not much more can
environment be done to improve gender equality in the workplace.

4 When it comes to manual labour __.
a women are excluded C Track 4 Listen again. Complete the notes. Use

b women are traditionally reluctant to do some tasks up to three words in each gap.
c men still hold most of the jobs
5 According to Dr Wood, what is the current attitude
towards jobs that traditionally used to be labelled either
Who’s Dr Wood?
She’s a (1) .
male or female?
a We still frown upon women who want to do a man’s What was the topic of the discussion?
Whether (2)

is still an issue in
b We have started to accept that jobs should not be (3) .

gender specific.
c Men are more likely to do a woman’s job. What points were made?

6 In some areas of occupation, such as trades jobs, __. • in many occupations, there’s still a
(4) between men and

a there are no women at all

b work conditions are still archaic women both in how they are accepted and how much
c gender still weighs more than experience or education they’re paid

• in the past, there was wage

7 The show host doesn’t think that men and women __.

(5) against women

a will ever achieve complete equality at work • although today’s considerations, such as
b can’t be equal (6)

, education, and job

c should have completely different roles at work relevant (7) , have nothing

8 The question of gender equality at work becomes more to do with gender, there are still areas where most of
pressing __. (8) are male
a because we haven’t got much time. • even after taking a variety of factors into account,
b now that both men and women need to work to (9) of the men still get
support their family higher wages than women
c because there has been no improvement lately • pay should be based on
(10) , not personal
decisions if we are to achieve gender equality
D Complete the paragraph with the correct words.

In the 1960s, two likely (1) for a woman were

that of a (2) or a maid. It was quite common
for women not to be in full employment but only work E Discuss the questions as a class.
Unit 2: Differences

(3) . Men (4) to receive higher

1 Is complete gender equality in the workplace possible?
wages and many jobs were traditionally considered male
or female. For example, only men (5) be hired 2 What can be done to achieve it?
for manual labour and (6) dads were unheard 3 What limitations are there?
of. Women who were interested in working in male
I don’t think it’s I disagree. What are your 23
dominated areas were (7) on.
possible to achieve reasons for saying this?
However, it is time society (8) got such complete gender
outdated stereotypes and embrace gender equality in the equality in the
workplace. workplace.

F Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Then read the questions and talk to G In pairs, make a list of
your partner for about one minute. five inventions (gadgets,
These photos show how people used to wash clothes in the past and how they appliances, electric or
electronic devices) that have
do the same thing now.
made significant changes
• What has changed? to our everyday lives. Then
• What did doing household chores use to be like a hundred years ago? report your findings to the
• What is it like now? class and vote for the top five
• How have these changes affected our everyday lives? inventions.

H Interview a partner.
Student A Student B

You’ve made a great new invention. You’re a TV reporter. Interview Student A about

Decide what it is, what it does, and how it his/her new invention. Prepare your report for
will change people’s lives. the evening news and perform it for the class.

I Do a ‘desert island’ class survey. Then discuss your answers as a class.


You’re on a deserted island. You can


take only one gadget or electronic

device with you and use solar power
to re-charge it. What would it be?

Lesson 4 2

A Label the pictures with the words in the box. Then B Match the statements so they make sense.
use them to describe what is happening in the
photo. 1 I don’t think this will work. ¨
2 You can’t live like a teenager forever! ¨
carry on cut off ease off frown on get over
3 I can’t leave the office and go on holiday right now. ¨
leave out move on put up with settle down
4 After the divorce, he was in really bad shape. ¨
He carries on working although he’s had an accident. 5 Suddenly it started to pour down with rain. ¨
6 I invited everyone else at the office, so I had to
My accident didn’t We had difficulties at invite Mary too. ¨
We have a very
stop me coming to first, but our business 7 Parker can’t accept that people are different.
quiet life now.
is doing great now. ¨
8 She might have to look for a part-time job. ¨
a I’ll have to wait until the work eases off a bit.
b There was no shelter, so they had to carry on walking.
c I didn’t want her to feel left out.
1 2 3 d She can’t put up with working long hours anymore.

carry on e He must have got over it, because he’s dating again.

f Let’s move on to plan B, then.

Everyone went to You know she doesn’t All right, the next g When are you going to settle down and start a family?
the party. I wasn’t like me talking on the item in our agenda
h He frowns on anyone who doesn’t think like he does.
invited. phone at work! is …

Complete the email with the correct form of words
from A.
Hi Brian!

How are you? I’m OK, but I think it’s time to start looking
4 5 6
for a new job. I feel like my career’s been stuck for over

two years now. I don’t want to (1) doing the

same old boring things day after day after day! I want to

Last week we didn’t Every day, they (2) , do something more challenging. And I
Hello? Are you still really can’t stand my boss—I can’t (3)

even have time for scream. Every day, I

coffee! try to ignore it. his outrageous ideas anymore! And he (4)
of all the interesting projects. Do

you know what he said last week? He said that he

(5) women who want to have both a career

and a family. He said they either had to (6) and

look after their family or forget about getting married at all!

7 8 9 Looks like I’m just going to have to (7) it and

get on with my life. Somewhere else!

E In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

D Track 5 Listen and match each speaker with
the statement that best describes how he/she feels. 1 What are the things you can’t put up with at all in a
There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. relationship (family, friend, boy/girlfriend)?
a I’m trying to ease off the pressure I’ve been putting on 2 What’s your idea of ‘settling down’ in life?
myself to be successful. 3 How will you have moved on with your life in five years’
b I don’t frown on people who dress differently. time?
c I’m trying to get over the fact that I’m not talented
Unit 2: Differences

d I think the most important thing in life is knowing what
you want and doing it. Phrasal verbs can have more than one meaning
sometimes. For example:
e I haven’t moved on in my life.
cut off
f I want to experience as much of the world as possible 1 To separate from others; isolate
before settling down. 2 To stop suddenly; discontinue 25
3 To shut off; bar
Speaker 1 ¨ Speaker 2 ¨ Speaker 3 ¨ 4 To interrupt the course or passage of
Speaker 4 ¨ Speaker 5 ¨ 5 To interrupt or break the line of communication of
6 To disinherit

F Complete the grammar rules.

Used to / would
1 We use +
In the past, people would often take walks in the evenings.
infinitive for repeated events or
When I was young, my mum would walk to the market instead of drive.
actions in the past
My grandparents would drink and listen to the radio every night.
2 We use +
My feeling is that people used to be more civil and open-minded. infinitive for past states or habits
I can’t believe that most families used to have only one TV. 3 We cannot use
Children didn’t use to spend most of their time indoors. + infinitive for past states or habits.

We don’t use used to / would for events, actions,

or states that continue in the present.

G Tick the correct sentences. H Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the

Correct the incorrect ones. first sentence. Use no more than five words including the word given.

1 In the past, children didn’t use to spend all day in their room.

1 When I was a child, I used to love
playing with my toy train. (go out)
In the past, more.
2 The family would have lunch at a restaurant on Sundays.
2 There would be a cinema where (didn’t)
the supermarket is now. The family at home on Sundays.
3 She would look after us as if we were her own kids.


3 People didn’t used to eat that She as if we were her own kids.
much meat in the past.
4 There aren’t many fish in the river anymore.


There of fish in the river.

4 My mum would to bake me a cake
5 We used to go to the cinema every Saturday, without fail.

and the whole family would woke


me up singing ‘Happy Birthday!’

We every Saturday, without fail.
6 He would eat chocolate every day before he went on a diet.

5 They would to spend their summer (anymore)


holidays at the same place every He because he is on a diet.

year. 7 In the winter, we went ice skating after school every day.
In the winter, we after school every day.
6 My dad would have very long hair 8 It seems that there isn’t much time for ourselves these days.
and a beard when he was young. (have)
It seems we time for ourselves in the
7 Every time I went out on my bike,
I would come back with grazed
knees. I Work in pairs. Talk about J Work in pairs. Talk about what
how life in your country has you used to be like when you
changed in the past 50 years. were 10 years old.
8 Air travel wouldn’t be so easy or

affordable in those days. There didn’t use to be so I used to have the most
many blocks of flats. awful haircut!
Not everyone had a car, so I used to hate having a
people used to walk more. shower. Mum used to drag
me to the bathroom!
Lesson 5 2

A You are going to write an online cultural awareness guide for international travellers. In pairs, discuss the
questions and circle the correct answers.

1 What is cultural awareness? 2 How does having a certain degree of local cultural
a recognizing that some people are cultured and some awareness, when visiting another country, help you?
aren’t a You can impress people with your knowledge.
b recognizing that people come from different b You know where to stay and what to see.
backgrounds, have different beliefs, values, and c You have a better understanding of the people and
behaviours their way of life.
c the ability to guess where somebody comes from

B In pairs, label the pictures with the cultural aspects they illustrate.

customs and

dress 1 2 3

holidays and answer
AT answer answer
social structure/

family values

4 5 6

answer answer answer


C In groups, discuss your answers in B.


D Work in groups. If you were travelling to another country what would E Make a list of the 10 most
you like to know about the following topics and cultural aspects? Are important things a tourist
there any you would like to add? Discuss and take notes. should know when travelling in
your country.
Facts and statistics Food
Language Dress
Religion Etiquette
F Work in groups and compare
your answers in E.
Education Entertainment
Social structure Everyday life
Holidays and festivals
Unit 2: Differences


G Work in groups. You have been asked to write an online cultural awareness guide for international travellers to
your country/your host country. Choose six cultural aspects or topics from the list in D and write about them.
Use your notes from D and E to help you. Add photos to illustrate it.


Aspects/Topics: Accompanying photos:


H Compare your guides among groups. What are the I Present your guides to the class. Which group do
similarities? What are the differences? you think has the most interesting guide? Which
guide is the most culturally aware? Why?
Look at the pictures. How much
money do you spend on these
things every month?

Finance &


 Listen to people talk about the cos
Unit 3: Finance & money

of living in a foreign country
 Discuss the cost of living in various
 Read about financial services
 Write a formal letter asking for
information 29
Discuss in groups. ‘Money can be both a help and a  Create a monthly
hindrance.’ Do you agree? household expenditure
3 Lesson 1

A Track 6 Listen and circle the correct answers. B Track 6 Listen again.
Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 In conversation 1, the two speakers 5 In conversation 4, which statement
are talking about __. about the two speakers is correct? 1 T / F In conversation 1, burgers
a the quality of burgers in France a They both speak French fluently. are a lot more expensive in France
and the US b Neither of them lives in France than in the US.
b whether burger meals are good permanently.
value 2 T / F In conversation 1, burgers
c They would both like to move to
in the UK cost less than burgers in
c the cost of fast food in different France permanently.
countries the US.
6 In conversation 5, compared to
2 In conversation 2, the woman 3 T / F In conversation 2, people
Toronto and the UK __ in France.
__ people travel less frequently spend less on travelling although
a food prices are a lot more
nowadays. reasonable their income has increased.
a expresses her regret that b milk is surprisingly less expensive. 4 T / F In conversation 3, the man’s
b can’t understand why c food prices are double mother would love to move to
c agrees that fashionable France permanently.
7 In conversation 5, milk in Toronto
3 In conversation 2, what does the costs __. 5 T / F In conversation 4, the man

man learn? a $2.50 prefers pubs to cafés.

a to travel cheaply b €2.50 6 T / F In conversation 4, the
b that he’s afraid of high places

c $1.25 woman is more interested in good
c that travelling is expensive coffee than French culture.
8 In conversation 6, the woman
4 In conversation 3, the woman thinks complains that __.
__. AT
a she’s distracted from studying
7 T / F In conversation 5, milk costs
less in Toronto than in the UK.
a houses in France are big b there aren’t any good sales back
b property taxes are very high in home 8 T / F In conversation 6, the
France c she hasn’t got much time to do woman enjoys shopping.

c living in France is expensive the things she wants in France


C Track 6 Listen again. D Complete the text with the words in the box.

Complete the notes. Use up to


three words in each gap. back Europe frugal income less lot news trend

What did the speakers

say about: The woman remarked that she’d heard on the
(1) that people in (2) are

• Burgers? (Conversation 1) spending far (3) money on travel. The

Cost of burgers: US under man agreed that it seemed to be a (4)

(1) , UK all around the world. He added that consumers

(2) , France had a (5) less disposable (6)
(3) . In Detroit so they had learned to be more (7) . The
an (4) woman replied that the result of this was that they
is included in the price. had cut (8) on some of the fun, too.
• Buying property in France?
(Conversation 3)
Houses are (5)
and (6)
than in the US. E In groups, discuss the questions. Then share your answers with the
• The cost of studying?
(Conversation 4) 1 Do you travel as often as you’d like to?
For the male speaker, studying 2 What things interest you most when you visit another country?
in the US would have cost

(7) . 3 Would you ever consider buying property abroad? If yes, where? If no,
30 • Prices in France?
(Conversation 6) I definitely travel a lot How often do you
They can be (8) . less than I’d like to. travel, then?

F Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Then read the questions and talk to G Read the instructions and role-
your partner for about one minute. play in pairs.

These photos are about life in a small village and life in a big city.
• Can you imagine what life is like in a village like this?
• Can you imagine what life is like in a big city like this?
• Where would you prefer to live? Why?
• What do you think the cost of living is in either of these places? STUDENT A

Imagine you have lived

in a small village all
your life. You have just
moved to a big city.
Talk to your partner
about the difference in

the cost of living. Give





Imagine you have lived


in a big city all your life.


You have just moved to

a small village. Talk to
H Work in groups. your partner about the

difference in the cost of

1 Discuss what you think are a person’s basic needs. Decide as a group and

living. Give examples.

make a list.
2 On your own, how much would it cost you to cover these needs for a year?
3 Discuss your conclusions from 2 with the rest of the group. What are the
Unit 3: Finance & money

I Answer the questions for

yourself. Then work in groups
to discuss the questions.

1 What hobby would you like to

pursue if money was no object?
2 How much would it cost you to do 31
3 Lesson 2

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

bargain debt discount finances frugal income refund sale tax

1 We need to know
2 I’d like to return this
I can’t believe how
how much money the and get my money
cheap it is!
company’s got. back please.


4 5 At the end of the 6 I can let you have this

This is how much I season, we sell all
one for 20% off the
make per month. our clothes at lower
original price.


7 I’m very careful how 8 9 This is how much you

I spend my money—I I can’t pay all
will need to pay if you

never buy more than I these bills!
want to buy the house.


B Match the words in A to the

Complete the dialogue with the words from A.
A: Do you like my new leather boots? that so I take home even less.
I got them on (1) . They
a ¨1 The money that a person, a
were only €30.
A: You really need to sort out your
company, the state, etc. has (7) . You can’t go on

B: Only €30 for a pair of leather boots! spending more than you earn.
b ¨ The money a person earns

That’s a real (2) ! I bought B: Don’t you think I know that? Hang
c ¨ Something you buy for much the same boots at the start of the on, what’s that at the back of your
less than it would usually cost

season, and I paid €150. boot? The left one.

d ¨ Money you have paid and is A: I’d never pay more than €70. A: Oh, no! It’s a tear!

returned to you (usually when B:Yes, I know. You’re a very B: Maybe that’s why there were selling
you take back an item or you

(3) shopper. You’re it at such a big (8) .

have not received a service) always very careful with money.

A: I’ll have to take them back. Do you

e ¨ Money that you owe A: That’s why I’m never in (4) , think they’ll give me a (9) ?
like you are. Have you paid off your
f ¨ Careful to buy only what is B: They’ll have to. You didn’t know

necessary credit card bill, yet? that they were damaged when you

B: How can I with my (5) ?I bought them.

g ¨ A period of time when certain
barely make €1,000 a month! And A: Let’s hope so.
goods are sold at lower prices
I still have to pay (6) on
h ¨ Money you pay to the
government from what you
earn or when you buy
D Discuss in pairs.
something 1 How good are you at managing your finances?
2 Do you prefer to do your shopping at the start of the season or do you wait
i ¨ A reduction in the usual price
for a sale? Why?
of goods or services
3 What would you do if you returned a faulty item you had bought and they
refused to give you a refund?

E Play a role-play game. You both win one point each time you use a
word from A appropriately. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
Student A: You have been having financial problems for some time. Although you

I got it at a bargain price!

work, you never seem to have enough money to last the whole month and you
But I bought it at a discount.
32 often end up borrowing from friends or family. Describe the situation to your friend
and ask for advice. Look! Shoes are on sale.

Student B: Your friend does not seem to be able to handle his/her finances. Listen Oh, you’re so in debt!
to what he/she has to say and offer advice. Can you live on that income?

F Circle the correct answers.

Fewer and less
1 We use fewer with countable /
In North America, (far/a lot) fewer people are buying houses these days. uncountable nouns.
The US has (far/a lot) fewer trains and buses than Japan.
2 We use less with countable /
We’re so busy that many people feel they have (much/far/a lot) less time to
uncountable nouns.
do the things they want.

In Europe, people are spending (much/far/a lot) less money on travel 3 We use far and a lot to intensify
nowadays. fewer / less .

Food costs (much/far/a lot) less in the US than it does in Europe. 4 We use much, far, and a lot to
intensify fewer / less .

5 We use fewer / less as an adverb.

G Tick the correct sentences. H Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
Correct the incorrect ones. first sentence. Use no more than five words including the word given.

1 She was a lot more worried about 5 You won’t have as many financial
1 There were far few people waiting her finances at this time last year. problems if you plan in advance.
in the queue than last time.

(less) (have)
 She’s You’ll
 about spending money this year. if you plan in advance.
2 I’ll wait until the coat goes on sale.
2 We’ve got a lot more customers 6 It costs much more if you buy
It’ll cost a lot fewer then. than they do. (far) single rolls of kitchen paper. (a lot)
 They’ve It if
 than we do. you buy kitchen paper in packets

of six.
3 We had far fewer problems this 3 There’s far more security when

time because we were prepared. investing these days. (much) 7 They always hire far more workers
 There was than they need. (need)

 when investing 20 years ago. They always


4 It won’t take us as much time to

4 I make much fewer money than I they hire.
drive to the bank as yesterday.
used to, but I have more free time

(less) 8 There aren’t as many items at a

Today it discount as I thought. (fewer)

to drive to the bank than yesterday. There

at a discount than I thought.

5 With the new software it takes a lot


fewer time to do the accounts. I Play the game. Work in threes and take turns. Ask your neighbour a
 direct question. He/She must relay this as an indirect question to his/
 her neighbour who answers the question.
6 Did you pay less because the
it won’t
coffee maker was scratched on 1 Your suitcase is huge and
. He /She
one side? be easy to carry around
size d bac kpack.
 only has a medium
 (toiletries, books, clo the s)

7 There are far less jobs 2 You and your friend sh 3 You don’t have the same food
opportunities in my country are the
preferences. You like gourmet
Unit 3: Finance & money

same room. You leave

nowadays. things
lying around and take too restaurants and he/she prefers
time in the bathroom. Yo to buy street food and eat in the
 ur friend
is very fussy about tidine room. (expensive, restaurant, eat
(sloppy, tense, complain out, order)
8 They spent far fewer time )
interviewing the CFO candidates
than I would have expected. 33

J ‘Sometimes less is more.’ In groups, discuss how you can improve
your life and everyone else’s life by doing less. Then report your ideas
to the class and vote for the ten best ideas.
Scanning is the skill of reading a text quickly
while looking for specific information (e.g. a
date, a name, the answer to a question). While
scanning, watch out for specific words which
are related to the information you are looking for.
When you find them, that’s the sign for you to
stop and read that part more carefully.

Bank Accounts Personal Credit

Save money with our We are committed to helping
customized plans. Instead of you find the right credit solution
paying separate fees for your for the things you want and
individual checking or savings need. You can count on us for
Established in 1965, Flagstaff account, you can select a personal, professional service
Financial Group (FFG) now programme that offers value and that will make the credit you
convenience to help you easily use as economical, flexible, and
serves more than 12 million
manage your money. convenient as possible.
commercial, corporate,

With an attractive range of Student Loans
and institutional customers

accounts to choose from,
internationally. Whether we’re confident you’ll find an Attending university or college is

an investment with great payoffs.
you’re spending or saving, FFG account or combination of
accounts that offers the flexibility While your studies may call for
we keep it simple! the occasional all-nighter, paying
and convenience you need.
New for students this year,
for school shouldn’t. Whether
you’re still applying to schools or
we’ve made changes to our already working on your degree,
Student Saver Account. Now, FFG has options for you.

earn interest on every dollar

in your account, no matter Terms & Conditions

what your balance is. Plus, all Are you ready to spend less time
money withdrawal and deposit in the bank and more time living?

transactions with your debit Then take the leap to FFG.

card are free.

Please spend a few moments

reviewing these basic terms and

Credit Cards conditions:


Know the features you want? 1. Your personal bank account

Select and compare from our is for yourself only. Your
extensive range of FFG credit PIN number must remain

card options, or sit down with confidential.


one of our financial advisors to

select which card best suits your 2. When you deposit a check,
needs. You’re in good hands we may place a ‘hold’ on your
with FFG. account until the money has
cleared. You will not be able to
Mortgages withdraw money against that
FFG features convenient online
deposit at that time.
banking, mortgages, home equity It doesn’t matter if you are a
loans, insurance, investment first-time home buyer or current 3. You may overdraw your
services, RRSP (Registered homeowner, you want to feel account to a maximum
Retirement Savings Plans), and confident that you’ve chosen approved overdraft limit. We
much more. No matter your credit the right mortgage. FFG can may, without notice, reduce your
history, we’ve got the right product help! Our staff will help you overdraft protection.
for you—you can bank on it. decide what type of loan will get 4. We will charge a service fee
you into your dream home the for services that we perform at
fastest. your request. For a breakdown

of these fees, or to learn more

34 about our terms and conditions,
please visit our website or speak
to one of our financial advisors.
Lesson 3 3

A Scan the information and answer the questions B Read the brochure. Then
1 What form of printed material do you think would feature this type of text? discuss the questions in pairs.
2 What sort of information will you get from reading it in more detail? 1 Is the information in the brochure
relevant to you?
C Read the brochure again and circle the correct answers. 2 Which of the services on offer are
you more likely to be interested in?
1 FFG is active in several countries. 5 You can get expert advice on
a right which credit card suits you best. Why?
b wrong a right
c doesn’t say b wrong D Write six questions related to
c doesn’t say the brochure and exchange
2 You need to have a clear credit
history to be accepted as a 6 First-time home buyers do not them with a partner. Then
customer. have access to all types of answer your partner’s
a right mortgages. questions.
b wrong a right
c doesn’t say b wrong E Complete the texts with ONE
c doesn’t say word for each gap.
3 You may select a banking

programme that will help you save 7 Before you apply for a student

on account fees. loan, you need to have been We have your best interests at
a right accepted by a school. heart. (1) you know

b wrong a right exactly what you want
c doesn’t say b wrong (2) are unsure which
c doesn’t say of our services is best for you, we
4 There is a charge for debit card
transactions if you are not a
8 You can draw as much money can suggest the optimum solution.
student. beyond what is in your account as For us, size doesn’t matter. No
a right you need. (3) how big or small
b wrong a right your finances are, our advisors will

c doesn’t say b wrong help you improve their handling.

c doesn’t say Our philosophy? Same as yours:

‘Why pay more when you can pay

F Circle the correct answers. (4) ?’

1 If you need to write cheques and 6 I’ve opened a __ account for my


have free access to your money, son. I intend to pay £50 into it every
then __ account is more suitable for month.

you. a savings
b mortgage

a a debit card
b a checking c debit
c an interest 7 I knew the restaurant was very

2 If you have a lot of money in your expensive, so I __ some money from


account, you can usually negotiate a the ATM on our way.

higher __ rate with the bank. a loaned
a fee b withdrew
b debit c credited
c interest 8 You can use a __ in the same way as
3 I’m broke. Fortunately, I’ve got a cash.
a loan (5) it’s true that
£100 __ to see me through until I get
paid. b withdrawal banks will end up having far
a credit card c debit card (6) customers
b overdraft 9 Do you think I can get a personal __ than necessary for a profitable
c loan from the bank to buy a new car? business if they don’t make
Unit 3: Finance & money

a loan customers happy, I can’t say that

4 Most people take out a __ to buy a
b mortgage I buy all that happiness mumbo
a savings account c overdraft jumbo. How can they be
b fee (7) less interested
c mortgage in making money for themselves
than for me? (8)
5 You have to pay bank __ for most as I’d like to believe I have a
transactions, unless you have a choice as an individual, the 35
particular type of account.
bottom line is: if it’s not this bank,
a fees
b mortgages it will have to be the other. You
c overdrafts can’t beat the system.

G Complete the advert with ONE word for each gap. H Read the advert in G again.
Then write a letter to the
SPEEDY TECH company asking for more
• Have you ever urgently needed a plumber, an electrician, or a builder, but could information. Use the notes and
not find (1) ? structure to help you. Write
• Have you ever spent (2) waiting for a technician? about 160 words.
• Have you ever (3) unreasonable fees for a simple job?
Before you write, think about
We at SPEEDY TECH believe you don’t (4) to go through any of this • who you’re writing to
ever again. • the purpose of your letter
how much? • what you want to achieve
For a small yearly fee, our members can be completely free (5) worry, • whether the letter is formal or
because our team of all-round experts will (6) let you down. informal
what do you mean ‘all-round’? how long for suburbs?
We promise to: Are they professionally qualified?
• respond to your call (7) 30 mins in most areas. Dear ...
• (8) an on-the-spot assessment and give you an immediate quote. I am writing to ask ...
• carry on all work fast and efficiently, (9) no mess behind! First, I would like ...

• be polite and mindful of any special requirements is there a discount for members? Would it be possible for you to clarify

what you mean by ...
There’s (10) we can’t do! is there a list of services? Since I do not live near the centre of

the city ...
I Circle which expressions you would use in a formal letter. Write Finally, could you ...
reasons why. AT I look forward to ...

1 a Dear Sir/Madam/Sirs, 5 a Your ad says … Yours faithfully,

Yours faithfully, b From what I read in your
b Dear Sam, advertisement, … J

Rewrite the following in formal

Cheers, language without changing

their meaning.
6 a Can you repaint my front door?

1 I don’t think I can do that.

2 a Dear Ally, b I would like to know if you could


All the best, repaint my front door.

b Dear Mrs Brown,

Yours sincerely, 2 I’m waiting for your reply.


7 a I’ve got quite an old house and

I’m interested in …

3 a I am writing to enquire about … b My house is quite old and I am 3 I’m writing because I have a
b Do you know …? interested in …

question: what are your fees?

4 a First, tell me all about … 8 a I look forward to hearing from you 4 You say in your ad that you offer
b I would be grateful if you could soon. financial advice.
give me some more information b Do write soon. 

5 Bye for now,

K Write a formal letter to Flagstaff Financial Group and ask for more
information. Use these notes to help you. Write 120–150 words. 6 What’s the biggest overdraft you
• Just got a job, never had an account • What type of account will give me the can offer?
before—is that OK? highest interest? 
• How soon after I deposit my • Can I have a debit and a credit card? 

paycheck can I withdraw money? Any extra charges for that?

7 First, tell me if I can open an
36 account with £10.


Complete Activity K at home if necessary.
Lesson 4 3

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

close down cut back (on) give away go on pay back save up sign up take on write off

1 We’re happy you want 2 3

Why did I agree to do
to continue banking
this new project?
with us.


4 5 If he doesn’t want 6
to pay, then there’s
nothing we can do.


7 8 9
We need to spend Here’s the money you

less money. lent me, Mum. Thanks!


B Match the sentences so that they make sense. C Replace the underlined words
with a phrasal verb from A.
1 I don’t like using credit cards. ¨h AT
a Otherwise you won’t be able to
get out of debt.
2 You really need to cut back on ¨ 1 We made a gift of
clothes shopping. b Let’s give away free samples. most of our old furniture to an old
people’s home.
3 I don’t want to lose her as a ¨ c There’s no way I can take on
2 My grandfather continued
more work now.

working well into
4 Getting a student loan is not ¨ d We can’t go on doing business

free money. with them. his eighties.

3 I’m sorry. I can’t give back
5 We’ve just signed up for a ¨ e You have to pay it back sooner

real estate newsletter! or later. the money I owe


6 The business was doing very ¨ f We’re going to buy a house!

4 If you put some money aside
badly. g We had no option but to close it

, you will be able

7 I know a good way to advertise ¨ down.
to afford a holiday in the summer.

our new product. h I prefer to save up first and then 5 They cannot undertake
8 You know I’m very busy with ¨ buy what I want.
any new contracts
the deal as it is.

i I’ll have to write off what she because they don’t have enough
9 This bank has let us down ¨ owes me as a bad debt. staff.

really badly.
6 If you write your name
here we’ll reserve
D Track 7 Listen and complete the notes. a place for you in the new art
• James’ shop • Susan and Brian are trying to
(1) . (5) 7 Your computer cannot be fixed.
• Brian thought that James wanted to expenses because they want to You’ll have to enter
(2) (6) . it as a loss
with his business. • Brian has just .
• James won’t be able to (7) 8 The Phoenix cinema? It stopped
(3) at work. doing business
Unit 3: Finance & money

his sister. • Susan (8) ten years ago.

• James’ sister will probably jacket without asking him. 9 If we want to make a decent profit,
(4) we need to reduce
debt. production costs.

E Discuss in pairs.
1 What would you advise people to do with old clothes or 3 Is lending money to a friend a good or a bad idea?
things they don’t need anymore? 4 If your business wasn’t doing at all well, what would you
2 If you needed to save up for a holiday, what would you do to prevent it from closing down?
cut back on?

F In pairs, read the grammar

Clauses of concession chart and answer the
I still haven’t heard from you despite Much as I’d like to help, I can’t give questions.
sending you five letters. you a loan. 1 Which sets of bold words are
interchangeable (i.e. you can use
We want to buy a house in spite of No matter (what) your credit history
one or the other without changing
the high prices. (is) we can provide a car loan.
the meaning)?
Although I am unhappy with your No matter how hard we tried, we 
service, I do not wish to close my didn’t persuade the bank manager 2 Which words are followed by a
account. to give us extra credit. gerund or a noun/pronoun?

While I dislike the high interest rates,
I I don’t see that we have another 3 Which words are followed by a
choice. clause?

4 Which words are followed by what/
how or a noun?


G Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1 He decided to buy the house, despite of his family’s opposition. H Rewrite the sentences without

 changing their meaning. Use
2 Much as hating to admit it, she won the contract because she was better the words in brackets.
than I was.

AT 1 No matter what you say, you won’t
persuade me to loan you the
3 Although they sent the child to a private school, they couldn’t afford it.
money. (despite)

4 No matter being told to cut back on expenses, they went on spending money

like mad.
2 While I hate to say ‘I told you so’, I

was right about the loan. (much)
5 Despite a loan would solve our immediate problems, I can’t see how we’d be 

able to pay it back. 


3 In spite of our best efforts, we

6 Much as I like working here, it isn’t time to move on. couldn’t stop the old theatre from

 closing down. (although)

7 No matter your personal problems are, you have to be cheerful at work. 

8 It was a good move, although the consequences. 4 She went and bought a new car

 despite the fact that she still owed


9 No matter the business had already started to fail, they decided to open one me money. (how)
more shop. 
10 They didn’t see the danger coming the warnings despite. 5 Although they wanted to buy the
 house, they didn’t manage to get a
mortgage. (as)

I Work in groups. How would you react in these situations? Use 
expressions from the grammar box. 6 They were unable to sell their flat
even though they brought down
1 Your friend calls you in the middle 3 You have been visiting the same the price twice. (despite)
of the night. He/She’s very upset restaurant for years and you’re quite 
about something and wants to talk happy with their service. Today, 
it over with you. however, it’s awful.
7 Although there was no money in
2 It’s the first time you have ever been 4 In the past, you often lent money to my account, they gave me a credit
late for work. Your boss is very strict a friend when he was in need. He’s

card. (empty)
with you. quite well off now, but when you ask 
38 him for a small loan he refuses. 
Although I love my friends dearly, I’d I don’t agree. I always talk to my
tell him it’s too late and I’d ask him to friends when they’re in trouble, no J Report your answers from I to
call back in the morning. matter what the time! the class.
Lesson 5 3

A You are going to plan the household expenditures for a family. In B In groups, discuss the
groups, read the quote and discuss the questions. average cost of these goods
and services where you live.
Complete the chart.

1 medium size chicken

‘Annual income twenty pounds, annual
expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen 1 loaf of bread
and six, result happiness. Annual income
twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty 1 L milk
pounds ought and six, result misery.’ 8-roll pack of toilet paper
—This quote belongs to Mr Micawber, 1 kg apples
a fictional character in Charles Dickens’
David Copperfield (1850). Mr Micawber dishwashing liquid
had to spend time in ‘debtors’ prison’ as he
was unable to pay back his creditors. shower gel

monthly electricity bill
for an 80m2 flat

1 What does the quote mean? Do you agree with Mr Micawber?
(estimated average)
2 How is it possible to spend more than your income allows?

monthly gas bill for
an 80m2 flat
3 How would a household expenditure plan help you manage your finances? (estimated average)

C Complete the table with the words in the box.

AT cinema ticket

auto insurance home living supplies petrol
biscuits house insurance health insurance woman’s haircut

bus/subway Internet usage recreation man’s haircut


clothing language lessons rent or mortgage

crisps life insurance sodas cup of coffee (at a café)

entertainment meat taxes

gifts milk utilities takeaway pizza

gym membership mobile phone vegetables bus fare

hobbies and activities music lessons

holidays pension plan subway fare


1 L petrol/gas
Fixed Flexible Optional

payments for basic basic goods and not basic needs;

goods and services services over which things you could

over which you have you have moderate possibly do

very little control control without
Unit 3: Finance & money

D In pairs, discuss what can

affect the cost of goods and
services. 39

E Work in groups. Imagine you are a financial advisor and you are going help the Davies family plan their
household expenditures. Use the ideas from B and C as a guide. Add items as you see fit.

Client Information Fixed Expenses

Davies Family
£3,840 Total Income per Month

This is the Davies’ family. Ian is an accountant and

Mariella is a part-time nurse. Their combined income is
£3,840 per month after income taxes. Their mortgage

payments come to £900 per month. Ian drives to work

while Mariella cycles. Their children, Mark and Gabby,
go to a state school. Mark has one guitar lesson a

week, and Gabby does French twice a week.

Flexible Expenses AT
Optional Expenses

Total Total

F Compare your lists with G Discuss in groups.
another group. Then report
to the class. How well are the 1 How much cash do you think the Davies can put aside towards optional
Davies family able to cope expenses every month?
with their fixed and flexible 2 What do you imagine their optional expenses would be? Complete the list.
3 Can they afford a holiday abroad? What would you advise them to do to save
up for one?

H How about you? Now that you know how, why don’t you make a household expenditure plan for yourself?
Look at the photos. How do you
prefer to communicate?
Let’s talk!


 Listen to an expert talk about
the various components of
 Discuss the effectiveness
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

of various methods of
 Read reviews of mobile
communications devices
 Write a review
Discuss in groups. Are texting and email always the
appropriate method of communication? Why?  Give a talk
4 Lesson 1

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

back up hack into print out run out (of) scroll up/down sign in sign off switch on switch off

No milk.
lose your
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

B Circle the correct answers. C Complete the text with the correct form of words from A.

1 You can use your finger to sign in / The day hadn’t started very well for Lisa. First, she walked sleepily into the
kitchen at 9.00 a.m. only to find out they had (1) coffee—again!
scroll down the page on a tablet.
2 If you are using a public computer
She then sat in front of her laptop and (2) for the day. She went
to access your account, don’t straight to her inbox and found 86 new emails! She (3) the long
list to see if any were urgent. Lisa liked working from home, but right now she
forget to switch off / sign off
saw nothing wrong with putting on some nice clothes and going to work—
before you leave the site.

there’d be coffee, at least!

3 No one’s safe, apparently. I read in

the news that someone has Suddenly, there was a weird noise and her laptop (4) . No matter
hacked into / signed in the Prime what she did, she couldn’t (5) it . What had
happened? Maybe someone had (6) her computer and made it

Minister’s personal files!

crash! Suddenly, she panicked—had she (7) her work from last
4 It’s so dark in here! Why don’t you

night? She couldn’t remember. She put on her jeans, grabbed the external hard
scroll up / switch on a light? disc, and rang the bell next door. She’d ask her kind neighbour if she could use

5 Don’t forget to switch off / run out his computer to check and (8) a hard copy of the documents she
all your electronic devices when needed. There’s always a silver lining, she thought, as she greeted the elderly

you’re away. It’ll make a difference man with a smile. He’d certainly offer her a cup of coffee, too.
in your electricity bill.

6 Be environmentally conscious: D Track 8 Listen and complete the sentences.

don’t waste paper by printing out /

scrolling down unnecessary Conversation 1:

He wants to (1) on Facebook but he’s forgotten his (2) .
7 Oh, bother! I’ve forgotten my Conversation 2:
password and now I can’t Someone has (3) their computers and (4) some designs.
switch on / sign in ! Conversation 3:
8 If you want to be safe, don’t forget He had to (5) to find the (6) .
to hack into / back up your work Conversation 4:
at regular intervals. She doesn’t (7) her files electronically. She (8)
9 I couldn’t print the photos because them instead.
my printer has run out / Conversation 5:
printed out of ink. He wants to borrow her (9) because the battery in his has
(10) .

E In pairs, ask and answer the questions.


1 Do you think the personal information you submit online is safe? How do you
42 protect yourself? Some phrasal verbs can be separated
2 Have you ever lost important work or information while working on your with an object. For example back up
your files can also be back your files
computer? What did you do? up. Other separable phrasal verbs are:
3 How do you prefer to view and store your photos? print out, switch on, switch off.

F Learn the rules for the third

Third conditional conditional.
He would have understood you if If I had paid more attention in class,
Complete the rule.
you had used gestures. I could’ve passed the exam.
1 The form of the third conditional is:
If I had studied languages at school, We might not have run out of paper If + ➜ would
I would’ve been a better if we had sent emails instead of + past participle
communicator. printed memos!
Circle the correct answers.
I wouldn’t have broken up with him
2 When the if-clause comes first, it
if he had been a better listener.
is followed / not followed by a
3 When the would-clause comes
G Tick the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect ones. first, it is followed / not followed
by a comma.
1 If you told me you were having difficulties with the new programme ¨
I would helped you! 4 The third conditional talks about
the present / past .

2 He wouldn’t of left his old job if his boss hadn’t been so rude. ¨ 5 The third conditional talks about

3 Things might have turned out differently if she had answered her ¨ real / unreal situations.

phone that day.
Tick the correct answers.
4 They haven’t gone through so much trouble if they had known I ¨
The third conditional is used to
wasn’t the owner of the company.
5 I could have told them the truth if they had been can to accept it.
AT ¨
6 our regret about what
6 We wouldn’t have been able to communicate with them if we ¨ happened or did not happen.
didn’t hired an interpreter. 7 hope that things will be

7 You would be making better business contacts at the party if you ¨

spent most of your time arguing about football! 8 how we would have done
things differently.
8 If he had talked more during the interview, we might have offered ¨
9 the possibility that something

him the job.

might happen.

10 criticism.
H Write third conditional sentences using the information. Do not change

the meaning.
I Work in pairs. Discuss how

1 They didn’t know who to contact so 5 Skype did not exist in the 1950s so
things might have turned out
they never made the application. my granddad, who had emigrated
if these events had/hadn’t
 they had known who to contact, to the USA, didn’t have the chance

 would have made the application. to communicate with his family

2 He was very good at often. What if ...

communicating with people. That’s  1 the Titanic had had a safe trip?
why he was given the position of 
2 Columbus’ ship hadn’t reached
Human Resources manager. 6 We bought the cheapest ticket, America?
 but we didn’t know that the extra
3 Apollo 11 hadn’t landed on the
 charges would be so high.
3 You didn’t listen to my advice. 
 4 Charles Dickens hadn’t had the
Maybe this is why you didn’t get the
time to write?
promotion you were expecting.

 J As a class, play ‘Chain of events’.
4 He looked really ill so the traffic
Sit in a circle. Student A begins by making up a sentence in the third
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

warden didn’t give him a parking

ticket. conditional. Student B must take the information in the would-clause of student
 A’s sentence and use it in the if-clause of a new sentence that continues the
 story in a way that makes sense. Students C, D, E, etc. do the same. You have
only five seconds to make up your sentence. If you stall, you go out of the
game. The winner is the last person who remains in the game. 43

If I hadn’t overslept that day, I If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t If I hadn’t had to
wouldn’t have missed the bus. have had to walk to work. walk to work, …
4 Lesson 2

A Track 9 Listen and circle the correct answers. B Track 9 Listen again.
Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 According to the listeners, a 5 Non-verbal communication plays __.
problem that might lead to the a a minor role 1 T / F The radio programme’s
break-up of a relationship __. target audience is primarily male.
b a less important role than verbal
a is that women don’t listen to men communication 2 T / F The professor suggests
b is that men are not good listeners that perhaps the problem in a
c an important role
relationship is that women can’t
c no one wants to communicate
6 The way we deliver our speech communicate properly.
2 The topic of today’s talk is __. changes __. 3 T / F Some of the women
a relationships a depending on how we feel listeners might be offended by the
b the challenges between men and b when we want it to professor’s suggestion.
women c depending on who is our listener 4 T / F The professor is certain that
c communication his listeners will benefit from his
7 Professor Dunlop believes __.
3 The term ‘verbal communication’ talk.
a the fault lies with women who
refers to __. cannot communicate 5 T / F The tone of our voice
a speech b both people in a relationship is irrelevant when it comes to

b anything that doesn’t have to do are responsible if they cannot communication.

with actual words communicate 6 T / F The most important thing in
communication is how carefully we

c all kinds of messages, spoken or c men are useless at
not communicating choose our words.
7 T / F People we communicate
4 We communicate with our body __. 8 Body language __.
a through words
a should be the same as what we
with are very sensitive to the
messages we send through our
b all the time say tone of voice.
c by being enthusiastic b is confusing 8 T / F Our partner may choose
c is not something we can always

not to listen to what we’re saying if

control he/she doesn’t like the way we’re


C Track 9 Listen again. Complete the notes. D Complete the text with the

correct words.
But I’d (1) throwing

my fellow men under the bus if I


• How to take notes: (2) you to believe they

Before you start taking were the (3) ones not
notes, read through listening. To quote a cliché,

the gapped text and try The speaker today is (1) . (4) is a two-way

to predict what (5) . It’s important

kind of information you The three (2) are: to (6) all three
are looking for, e.g. (3) , non-verbal components of communication, and
a name, a number, a and paraverbal. it’s especially critical to realize body
list of items. language isn’t something you can
Our (4) is our switch (7) or switch
• Listen again to conFIrm posture and (5) . (8) .
or amend what you (6) communication
have written. refers to our tone, volume, and pacing.

• Check your notes for Non-verbal communication accounts for E In pairs, ask and answer the
spelling or grammatical (7) of what is questions.
mistakes. understood by others. 1 Have you ever talked to someone
whose body language was different
Paraverbal communication accounts for from what he/she communicated
(8) of what is verbally? If yes, describe the
understood by others.

situation. How did it make you

44 2 Has your body language ever
betrayed things you didn’t mean to
say? If yes, what could you have
done to avoid it?

F Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Then read the questions and talk to your partner for about one minute.


What is the role of TV and radio in


communication? Does the viewer/listener What messages do you think

have any control? we communicate by the way
we dress? How do clothes and

hairstyles affect communication


between people?

G In groups, discuss the H Work in pairs. Discuss which methods of communication from the list
advantages and in G you would most likely resort to in each situation and why.

disadvantages of the methods

of communication. Take notes. 1 You are having a party.

2 You are looking for a job.

3 Your friend has had a minor accident and is in hospital. You need to inform
his/her parents.
In person 4 You have just opened a cake shop.
Video chat / Skype 5 You’ve just moved to another country. You want to keep in touch with your
Phone friends and family.
Texting 6 You’ve got a new job and you want to make a good impression.
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

Twitter I Discuss as a class.

Magazines / Newspapers What makes a good listener? Make a list of the qualities a good listener
Television should display.
Social networking 45
Body language J Work in pairs. Look at the list you made in I. Tick the qualities you think
Clothing / hairstyle your partner has and decide whether he/she is a good listener. Then
exchange lists and discuss whether you agree.
4 Lesson 3

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

access automated battery download firewall handheld monitor recharge stand by

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

B Match to make sentences. C Complete the texts with the

words from A.
1 Only Mr Peters has access to ¨ a monitor if you have to view maps
in great detail.
2 This is an automated ¨ AT
b email. Please do not reply.
3 This is also a battery operated ¨ USERS MANUAL
c computer we have. It’s also the
4 I usually download ¨
perfect size to fit into your pocket.
5 You need to install a firewall ¨ d stand by. I hate waiting for it to

to protect

start up in the morning. 2

6 This is the fastest handheld ¨

e music from this site. The DI7 is one of the most

7 You will need a bigger ¨ f all the company accounts. reliable (1)

8 I’ll need to recharge ¨ g my phone before I go out. It’s computers on the market.

9 I always have my laptop on ¨ almost dead. Small and light enough to 4


h device. It will still work if there’s a carry around comfortably, its

power cut. (2) will last

i your laptop from malicious for up to 48 hours on


malware. (3) and will fully

(4) within 20
minutes—ideal if you don’t

In pairs, do the quiz. How many questions can you answer?

have steady (5)

to electricity.

1 Name as many electronic handheld devices as you can think of. Thank you for purchasing ‘Painting
2 What does a firewall do? Pro’. Before you begin your
3 How can you prolong the life of the battery in your electronic devices? (6) , please close all
other programs and make sure
4 How do you prevent others from having access to your electronic accounts?
your (7) is disabled.
5 Why is it not good to keep your electronic devices on permanent standby? After you have registered your
6 Why is it illegal to download music/films for free? software, you will receive an
7 What can you do to avoid Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)? (8) email with your
login details.
8 Can you recharge any battery if you have a battery charger?

Note: When printing out your

46 work, colours may vary from
those you see on your computer
E Use the Internet to find the answers to the questions you were unable (9) .
to answer.

Mixed conditionals

a He wouldn’t be upset if you had explained to him why you were leaving.

b If they weren’t bringing out a new model next month, I would’ve bought
this one.

c If you’re looking to buy your first tablet, this is the one for you.

d You should buy a tablet, not a laptop, if you want a convenient, lightweight
F Read the examples in the
e They would have hired me if I spoke at least one foreign language. grammar chart. Do any of
them describe real situations?

G Match the examples in the grammar chart with the grammar rules. H Correct the sentences.

1 If she hadn’t left tomorrow, she’d

Future Past

have come to the party.

1 ____ if + past continuous would have + participle 

Present Present
2 If he’s talking on the other line, then
if + present (simple or this line had been free.
2 ____
should + participle AT 

Present Present
if + present (simple or 3 The camera would work if you
3 ____ present (simple or continuous) recharge the batteries before we


Present Past 

4 ____ if + past would have + participle

4 We’d have booked a hotel if we


Past Present
aren’t staying with my aunt.
5 ____ if + past prefect would + infinitive 


I In pairs, read the statement. Do you agree? Is it true for you or 5 They have told me if they didn’t like
anyone else you know? If yes, talk about how the experience has this kind of food.

affected life now. 


Things we did or did not do in the past shape that we are today. 6 If it rains as much as you say it did
yesterday, the roads would still be

J In pairs, discuss your advice for Fred and Maria. Use mixed
conditionals. 7 If you had wanted to download a
preview of the band’s new album,
you should go to their official site.

I’m going on holiday next month and it’s already paid for. Last night, I fell off 
my bike and I broke my front tooth. It’ll be very expensive to have it fixed
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

and I can’t afford it. On the other hand, how can I enjoy my holiday when I’m 8 I’m a very different person now if I
too embarrassed to smile? hadn’t read his books,
POSTED 30MINS. AGO BY : Fred, 24

I’ve got a very annoying colleague at work. Every time I have a coffee break, 
she takes one too. She always gossips about everyone else and complains 47
about everything in her life. Help! What can I do?
POSTED 52MINS. AGO BY : Maria, 30
w w w. tech -tal k.b logs p he re .c om /


ECH When people express their opinion about
something, they tend to do so by giving explicit
TALK information. Make sure, however, that you don’t
overlook any implicit information. Pay attention
to any other clues the author gives, e.g. the only
reason why someone might have written a negative
review of a holiday resort might be because of the
unfavourable weather or personal problems.
Mobile communications technology has come
a long way since the first ‘telex’ message was
developed by RCA Communications back in 1920.
Of course, text messaging as we now know it
didn’t gain popularity until 1994, when consumers
painstakingly jabbed at the keypad on a basic—
and cumbersome—flip phone. Nancy Freisen: Author
I bought a MacBook Air after they adjusted
RSS However, with the advent of smartphones, texting the operating system. It was the best
has now taken over as the number one form of decision I ever made. It’s a lightweight laptop
mobile communication. In fact, a recent study with some serious processing power and

indicates that a whopping 75% of cell phone users impressive storage capability. I wouldn’t
prefer to use their touch screens to create full

advise it if you’re doing some heavy duty
paragraphs of text instead of engaging in an actual creative work, but if you’re looking for a

voice call. laptop that can manage your basic word
With so many options on the market, making processing needs, the MacBook Air is the
best laptop on the market in my opinion.
smart choices isn’t always easy. Below, consumers
share their experiences with the latest in mobile
Julian Reed: Business student
communications technology.
Even with some of Apple’s incentive
programs, I can’t buy a MacBook on my

student loans, so I found a great deal on

a basic PC. I didn’t have to add a bunch of

programs to get started—I just turned it on,

Macy Brown: 3rd year medical student
and it had everything I need. So far, I haven’t

I wasn’t sure a smartphone was the right had any problems. It’s not fancy, but for the
choice for me. I thought I might be distracted

price, my PC is perfect.
by the applications, games, or the ability to
stream movies right to my screen. Those

distractions are still there, but I’m pretty


good about keeping my wireless time to a

minimum. I went with the iPhone. Yes, the
touch screen is nice for texting, but I also like Chris Dryer: Business consultant with

that I don’t have to plug it in to a computer to a local clothing company


install the upgrades. Each operating system I like to travel, but I also like to stay in touch
comes with increased versatility and efficiency. with family when I’m away, and I don’t
The only shame is that if I had bought the want to carry a heavy laptop around. So I
previous version, my old charger would’ve bought an iPad. It doesn’t have a flash drive,
worked with the new one. Doesn’t matter, I but that’s okay. It has enough broadband
suppose. A new charger isn’t expensive. capacity for me to play around on the
Internet while I’m on the road, and with the
Kelly Rowland: Photographer cloud-based sharing system, I can transfer all
I bought an Android a few months ago, and it’s of the applications from my smart phone to
all right, I guess, but the battery runs out really my tablet. I love it. If you’re looking to buy a
fast. Two long calls and I have to plug it in! tablet, this is the one for you.
Reception is great though, and I can send and
receive emails quickly. Shame that my point Veronica Stills: High school student
and shoot camera takes better pictures. My I’d never recommend buying a tablet. They’re
photographs would be much clearer if it had all advertised as being ‘just like computers’,
a better camera. I really like the panoramic but they’re really not anything like a laptop at

features on the iPhone 5. If Apple didn’t come all. I didn’t have Microsoft Word on mine, and
48 out with a new iPhone version every year, I’d it’s expensive to buy, so I couldn’t do school
consider buying one of those. work. The touch screen is difficult to type
anything more than a text on. Taking pictures
is awkward. If I had paid more attention,
I would have bought a laptop instead.
Lesson 4 4

A Read the article and answer B In pairs, discuss the C Read the article again and
the questions. questions. circle the correct answers.
1 Who writes a favourable review of 1 Would you rather have a plain 1 Mobile text messaging __.
the product they have bought? mobile or a smartphone? What a was popular in the 1920s
 are your reasons? b didn’t become popular until
2 Who seems either disappointed or 1994
2 What would suit your needs best:
not totally happy with their choice? c used to be painful in the past
a laptop or a tablet PC?
 2 According to a recent study, __.
a smartphones aren’t as good for
D Answer the questions. voice calls as for texting
b smartphones aren’t popular with
1 What was texting like back in 1994? 25% of cell phone users
c texting is more popular than
2 Who are the reviews written by? talking on a cell phone
3 Macy was worried __.
3 Overall, how happy is Macy with her phone? a that she might end up spending

too much time online

b that it would be too expensive to
4 What holds Kelly back from buying an iPhone? use her phone

c about not having the time to use
all the features on her phone
5 According to Chris, what are the advantages of an iPad over a laptop?
4 Kelly is annoyed with her phone

6 Why couldn’t Veronica do her school work on her tablet?

AT because __.
a it’s an Android
b it doesn’t have all the features
7 Does Nancy need to do seriously creative work on her laptop? she requires

c the battery doesn’t last long


8 What was the main reason that prevented Julian from buying a MacBook? 5 Chris __.
a thinks his iPad is very versatile
b only plays games on his iPad

c prefers to use his iPad instead of


E Complete the sentences so that they are true to the article on page 48. his phone
1 If there weren’t so many options in 5 Chris might not have bought an 6 According to Veronica __.

the market, iPad if a tablets are a lot more expensive


than laptops
2 Macy might have ended up 6 If Veronica’s tablet had come with b a laptop would have been more
suitable to her needs

spending a lot of time playing with Microsoft Word,

her phone, c laptops take better photos

7 The MacBook Air wouldn’t have 7 Nancy believes that the MacBook
3 If Macy’s phone had come with its been suitable for Nancy, if Air __.
own charger, a needs a better operating system
8 If Julian had more money, b is the best laptop anyone would
4 If Kelly’s phone didn’t have good need
reception, c is not suitable for everyone
8 Julian’s PC is __.
a just like a MacBook
b inexpensive and efficient
F Match to make sentences.
c not what he expected
1 Please adjust your ¨ a charger. It’s the same as mine.
2 A broadband ¨ b a later version of this software.
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

3 I’ll use your mobile ¨ c touch screens, right?

4 You need a flash drive ¨ d episodes from my favourite series on my WORD WORK
5 We may have to ¨ mobile.
install e monitor if you can’t see a clear picture.
wireless Internet 49
6 I can stream ¨ f latest version of the operating system.
broadband connection
7 All smartphones have ¨ g to transfer the data. upgrade software/operating system
8 You must upgrade to the ¨ h Internet here so I only need the password. install software/operating system
9 They’ve got wireless ¨ i connection is much faster. transfer data

G Complete the review with ONE word in each gap. H Circle the correct answers.

1 The purpose of a review is to

advertise / give factual information
about the subject.
2 It is important to / We should
never give our personal opinion
The KP-890 laptop is designed to meet all your basic needs at an affordable price. when we write a review.
If your first concern is design, the KP-890 (1) quite attractive. Having 3 A review should mention
[1] said that, the quality of the plastic casing is disappointing—I dare not think all the pros and cons / only the
what (2) happen if I dropped it. At 2.4 kilos, it is one of the cons of a particular product or
(3) [2] laptops in the market, so if you need to carry yours around all service.
day, it might not be the best choice. [3]
4 We can write whatever we like /
The 15 inch (4) is a pleasant surprise. It’s mostly bright and clear and should be able to back up what
has a fairly wide viewing angle that makes watching videos comfortable. If you we say in our review.
add a [4] very decent (5) that will give you an average of six hours of
5 A review should help readers make /

streaming video, the KP-890 (6) be your best travelling companion. [5]
not influence readers in their

What doesn’t really work, (7) my opinion, are the speakers—the decision whether a product or

sound is tinny and distorted at high volume. The only (8) you can listen service is right for them.
to music is through headphones or external speakers (at extra cost).
6 In the conclusion, we should say
whether we recommend the
I wasn’t overwhelmed by its gaming performance, (9) can only be
described as modest at best, but it’s OK for those who aren’t diehard gamers. [6] product or service / how much
the product or service costs .
What really impressed me (10) its powerful processor, which,
combined with a 750GB hard disk and a 6GB RAM, makes it a fast and reliable

work companion. [7]


The best thing about the KP-890 is its (11) : at £289, it’s very good
value for money.

Overall, (12) you are not bothered by its relatively few shortcomings,
the KP-890 is a bargain. [8]

I Write your own user’s review for the KP-890 for an online PC magazine. J Here are some useful

Read the review in G again and use the notes (they refer to the same expressions for writing a
numbers in the text). Write 120–150 words. review. Read the review in G

again and complete them.

1 It looks cheap and chunky!
2 I dropped it on the floor, but nothing happened to it. 1 If your first is

3 Not easy to carry, but OK if you use a case with wheels, esp while travelling. 2 Having that,

4 There’s an annoying glare—not HD 3 The X is a surprise

5 Much shorter than that! Only 3.5 hours! 4 doesn’t really work,
6 Not bad at all—very decent performance. 5 I wasn’t by
7 OK 6 What impressed me
8 Could have got a much better laptop for a few pounds more! 7 The best thing
8 Overall, the X is a

K Work in pairs. You have just L Exchange lists with another pair.

invented an innovative mobile Write a review about their device.

phone/tablet. Decide what Ask questions if you need extra HOMEWORK
50 its features and functions information. Write 120–150 words.
are. Add anything else that is Complete Activity L at home if
special about it. Write your list necessary.
on a separate piece of paper.
Lesson 5 4

A You are going to make a business presentation on a subject of your choice. To prepare for this, discuss the
following statements in groups. Do you agree with them?

1 Making a presentation requires good communication 6 Which of the two people in the photos is likely to
skills, such as the appropriate use of body language, make a more successful presentation? Why?
tone of voice, stress, etc.
2 You don’t need to prepare your speech if you know
your subject well.
3 Always avoid repetition when making a presentation.
4 Invite the audience to ask questions.
5 Never admit that you do not know the answer to a

B In pairs, discuss and number C Here are some useful expressions you can use when making a

the stages (1–6) for a presentation. Which stage from B are they suitable for?

successful presentation.

How to give a successful
To recap, the main points of (X) I’d like to thank you for your
are … attention.
Say what you are going to
talk about and in what An example of this is … I’d be happy to answer any

order. questions you may have.

Let’s start by …

Make a closing remark. I will have to look this up and

The purpose of my presentation come back to you.
is to …

Summarize what you have

said. That’s a good point you are

To sum up, (what we have making. My answer is …

Invite the audience to ask talked about today …)

questions. Let me explain what I mean …

I’m afraid I cannot answer this.

Introduce yourself. I will talk about (X) and (the

Thank you for being such a effects it has on Y).
great audience.

Give your talk.


To start with, I will talk about (X).

Then we’re going to see …

D Which of the following is good advice when you prepare for a presentation? Tick or cross.

1 It’s OK to have a snack or a drink during the ¨ 6 Make sure the main body of your talk is staged ¨
presentation. clearly.

2 If you need it, prepare any visual material (e.g. ¨ 7 If your audience looks bored, it’s OK to shout at ¨
Unit 4: Let’s talk!

slides, posters, PowerPoint) well in advance. them.

3 Be confident and smile. ¨ 8 Rehearse your presentation at home and time it. ¨
Cut or add so that you are within the time limit.
4 If you don’t like a question, ignore the person ¨
who made it. 9 If you are asked to repeat something, refuse. ¨ 51
The audience should have been paying attention.
5 Speak clearly and be careful of your body ¨
language. 10 Prepare cue cards to help you remember the ¨
order and content of your talk.

E Work on your own and prepare a 3–5 minute business presentation on a subject of your choice. Then rehearse
with a partner.






F Discuss your performance with your partner. Was it good? How can G Now give your presentation to
you improve it? the class.

H Discuss the presentations as a class. Which of the presentations did you particularly enjoy? Why?
Look at the pictures. What are
these people good at? What
words come to mind when you

look at these pictures?


 Read about people who have
done extraordinary things
Unit 5: Excellence

 Write about an exciting event

you have witnessed
 Listen to people talk about
their experiences doing extreme
 Discuss excelling in your field 53
Some people are prepared to make great sacrifices in  Nominate people for
order to excel in their field. In pairs, discuss your opinion an award and cast
about people who can make such sacrifices. your vote
Faster, Higher, Stronger ­­—
Striving for Excellence
When Austrian daredevil Felix for the highest skydive belonged ‘Shaw may actually be altogether
Baumgartner skydived from a to US pilot Joe Kittinger, who the strongest man in the universe,’
balloon at the edge of space on completed a 19.5-mile jump. says Wells. ‘There’s no contest
October 14, 2012, he risked his life Baumgartner’s space dive was such as far as I’m concerned. He’s got
in many ways, says local human an incredible feat that it blew this brute strength, brute power. It’s so
physiologist Frank Wells. record right out of the water. fascinating to see him perform—
and perhaps a little scary.’
Even with gravity pulling While Baumgartner’s free fall

Baumgartner closer to the Earth’s may be much the most dramatic Wells explains that athletes of this

center, the slightest breeze could example of extreme athleticism, nature often thrive on adrenaline,

have interrupted his flight pattern. humans have historically always and the sensation of true
His pressurized suit might have strived to go faster, higher, and accomplishment. But humanity’s
failed, or his blood may have stronger. Aside from in the
AT quest for excellence isn’t measured
boiled. And upon re-entering the Guinness World Records, these on brute strength, bravery, or speed
Earth’s atmosphere, Baumgartner’s awe-inspiring achievements are alone.
chute could have failed to deploy. often documented at the Olympic
In 2012, a two-man crew of
Thankfully, mission Red Bull Games, where certainly, excellence

secondary school students

Stratos went off with nary a hitch, is not only desired, but expected.

launched a Lego man nearly into

and the stunt went on to capture
During the 2012 London Olympics, space, garnering the attention
the hearts and imaginations of

American sprinter Justin Gatlin ran of international news media.

the 100 m sprint in 9.79 seconds. Strapped to a modified weather

‘Felix Baumgartner may by far That’s fast—but not fast enough to balloon pumped full of US$160

be the bravest man in the world,’ make him the fastest man in the worth of helium, and equipped
says Wells. ‘The 23-mile free fall world. That title still belongs to with three point and shoot cameras

from space not only broke several Usain Bolt of Jamaica, who set the and a wide angle video camera,
world records, but it also set a new world record on August 16, 2009 in the Lego-naut ascended 80,000

standard in the daredevil world Berlin. He finished the 100 m sprint feet over Ontario, Canada, its fixed

and for those questioning how far in an amazing 9.58 seconds. smile and Canadian flag flying
the human body can be pushed.’ three times as high as the average
‘The difference between Gatlin
Previous to this stunt, the record and Bolt’s finish times may seem
trivial, but for these athletes, it ‘This wasn’t even a school project,’
takes considerable training and a Wells says. ‘It just goes to show
continuous push to exceed their that with a little creativity and a
The tone of a written text reveals personal best,’ says Wells. ‘Bolt lot of ambition, people can—and
the author’s attitude and helps
gave nearly the best sprinting should—always strive to go faster,
elicit a desired reaction from
readers, e.g. sympathy towards
performance I’ve ever seen. His higher, and stronger.’
a cause. To achieve this, the record won’t be easy to defeat.’
author uses vocabulary and
Such is also the case for
sentence patterns, creates vivid
images, or chooses the extent of
professional strongman Brian
Shaw’s 2011 World’s Strongest Man

information to include. Readers

who are aware of the above title. Sporting huge hands and size
54 have the ability to ‘read between 16 feet, Shaw embodies the kind
the lines’ and form an unbiased of physical strength that can’t be
opinion. cultivated in a traditional weight
Lesson 1 5

A Read the article. Underline B In groups, discuss which C Read the article again. Circle T
expressions or sentences with achievement in the article (true) or F (false). Then identify
which the writer creates a you find most awe-inspiring. the places in the article which
dramatic effect. Why? gave you the false answers.

1 T / F Baumgartner’s free fall had

D Write the questions. been planned to be risk-free.

1  2 T / F The starting point of

Baumgartner’s fall was outside the
Baumgartner might have landed in the wrong place. Earth’s atmosphere.
3 T / F Baumgartner skydived more
23 miles than double the previous world
3  record.

US pilot Joe Kittinger 4 T / F Justin Gatlin holds the World

4  record at the 100 m sprint.

a book which documents great achievements 5 T / F According to Wells, the

current 100 m sprint world record

will be difficult to break.
9.58 seconds
6 T / F Shaw’s got great natural
He’s the 2011 World’s Strongest Man.
AT physical strength.

7 T / F The equipment used to

launch a Lego man into space was
They were Canadian. highly sophisticated.

8  8 T / F The Lego-naut project was


80,000 feet the students’ own idea.



Complete the sentences with Circle the correct answers.

ONE word in each gap.
1 His performance was superb. He all expectations.

1 Baumgartner’s by a broke b exceeded c lacked


the most fearless man in the world!

2 I’m afraid we have to admit . There is no way we can finish this project.
2 For me, skydiving is a defeat b reality c nothing

the scariest thing to do!


3 We have no way of knowing the size of the —it may be infinite.

a universe b earth c world
3 I think Usain Bolt’s
the best athlete ever! 4 There’s no . This is the best cake anyone’s ever made.
a way b good c contest
4 I was there! It was
exciting to see a new world record 5 Her decision to quit right after breaking the world record created a .
at the time it happened! a defeat b sensation c contest

5 It must have been 6 For you it might be a matter, but for me, being accepted into the
the most dramatic moment in competition is the most important thing.
Usain’s career! a local b dramatic c trivial

6 I’d never seen such 7 There is no in space, so you tend to float around if you don’t get hold of
Unit 5: Excellence

strong man as Shaw. something that’s bolted down.

a gravity b air c power
7 No one’s as strong 8 Keep your visitor’s pass with you at all times because if you go out of the
as Shaw! He’s massive! building you won’t be allowed to without it.
a deploy b re-enter c be
8 The two Canadian students have 55
shown creativity! I’m 9 He still managed to win the boat race, although two members of his had
sure they’re going on to do great fallen ill.
things! a crew b athletes c quest

G Complete the article with ONE word in each gap. H Read Emily’s email and the notes. Decide whether
it is something you want to do. Then use the notes
to write a reply to Emily. Write 120–150 words.
Amazing People: Penny Palfrey
From: Emily Renwick Date: 25 April
Subject: Want a challenge?

Would you ever swim 67 miles (108 km)? Assuming Remember how we talked yesterday about doing
you might, would you be prepared to do so something really challenging? Well, I had a brilliant
(1) shark infested waters, without a idea—how about taking part in the next London
shark cage, a wetsuit, or flippers? Without coming marathon? I don’t know how long a marathon is
(2) of the water for a break? How It’s 42 km.
(do you?), but we will sound so impressive when
(3) setting a record, too, while you’re at not a serious
we tell people we’re marathon runners! enough reason
it? Does it sound (4) far-fetched? It is all
true. (5) amazing feat was performed We both used to do some running at school, so I
first we need a medical checkup
by Penny Palfrey, a 48-year-old swimmer, mother think we’re OK. How long do you think it will take
at least six months to get to a good level— then we can
of three, (6) became the first person us to get really fit for it? I can only do Sundays,begin training

to swim between the islands of Grand Cayman and because we’re very busy at the office during the for a marathon

Little Cayman in the Caribbean in 2011. She covered week, and I need to do the week’s shopping on
the distance in 40 hours and 41 minutes, setting much too little — need to train

ER least 3–4 days a week
the world record (7) the longest solo
unassisted ocean swim. It was (8) one Do you think we need a coach? If we do, can you
of the most daring and courageous marathon swims
in history. The sporting world had rarely seen
ATask your friend, Ben? He’s a professional runner,
he’s a 100 m sprinter — a sprint isn’t at all like a marathon
isn’t he? The good thing is that it won’t cost us
(9) tremendous physical performance anything—we won’t need any equipment, right?
it’s crucial to have the right running shoes — and they’re expensive
but also mental endurance. Coming out of the water, It will be such fun to be running partners! What do
her face puffed, her tongue and thighs swollen

you think? Let me know soon!

and bruised, Penny smiled at the crowd who had

(10) to greet her and raised her arms in Love,

victory. A true winner! Emily

I Read Adrian’s blog. Insert the sentences by writing the letters in the J Tick the expressions that relate

correct spaces. to an extreme experience.


a I was so unfit that I couldn’t even catch my breath and my legs were killing me! 1 It was a life-changing
b I’ve just run my first marathon!
experience. ¨
2 I was reduced to tears

c I had dreamed of crossing the finishing line against all odds and I did.
d Now I know it’s worth trying anything—you’ll be amazed at what you can do.
by what I saw. ¨

e Two thirds into the race, I felt such pain and exhaustion that I could barely walk.
3 I didn’t mind being there. ¨
4 It was the experience of
f But somehow I found the strength to continue, one excruciating step at a time. a lifetime. ¨
5 It wasn’t much of an
It’s official! (1) It was by far the most awesome experience I’ve ever had! experience. ¨
I remember the first day I went running. I literally wanted to quit after five minutes. 6 I couldn’t believe how
(2) I knew then I had to push myself if I wanted to achieve anything. awesome it was. ¨
Even when the marathon started, I still wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull through. (3)
7 My blood froze. ¨
Then I looked at the smiling faces in the crowd, cheering. Something clicked. ‘I can’t
8 It wasn’t too bad. ¨
let them down,’ I thought, ‘I can’t let myself down!’ (4) I knew then that running
9 I was shaking like a leaf. ¨
10 It was the most exhilarating
was a battle against myself—I had to triumph over both body and mind. experience I’ve ever had. ¨
(5) My time was 3:56:04—I even managed to set a respectable personal record! 11 I couldn’t believe my eyes. ¨
Thinking back, I am amazed at how much I have accomplished. I can honestly say
12 It was such agony. ¨
that running a marathon has changed my perspective in life. (6)
13 It was all right, I suppose. ¨
14 I was over the moon with joy. ¨

56 K Write an email describing an exciting event. Write 120–150 words.

• It can be a real or imaginary event.
• Write about what impressed/excited/frightened, etc. you the most. Complete activity K at home if
• Use the text in I and the expressions in J to help you. necessary.
Lesson 2 5

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

coward frightening gadget invaluable purpose record startling unbelievable unstoppable

He’s done
the highest No one can stop
jump ever! him now! He’s
going to win!

1 2 3 4

Has the angry Oh, no! Why are we having

customer gone? It can’t this meeting?
Incredible! be true!
All this
money is

5 6 7 8 9

B Match the words from A to the C Complete the dialogue with words from A.
A: This is (1) ! You were four seconds away from breaking the world
1 of too great a value
to calculate; priceless
record! You’re in the Olympic team, my boy!
2 the best B: I’m not sure about this, coach. It’s a great responsibility … and also a bit
performance in an event, especially (2) . I mean, really scary. The whole country will rely on me. What
sports if I mess things up?

3 causing surprise or A: Don’t be such a (3) ! Of course you can do it! Taking part in the

alarm Olympics is the whole (4) of your having trained so hard so long.
4 difficult or
B: I admit it’s been an (5) experience in its own right. For the first

impossible to stop
time in my life, I’ve pushed myself and achieved so much.
5 causing fear

6 a person who lacks A: Exactly! Don’t you want some recognition for that? You’ve got the talent. You
courage when confronted with do the hard work. I know you can break the world (6) .

pain, danger, or difficulty B: Do you really believe in me so much?


7 the reason for an

A: Yes, I do. I think that with the right frame of mind, you will be (7) .
action or event
You could be the next world champion!
8 a clever device that

has a specific use B: Wow! That means a lot to me. Two years ago you said I was as useless as a

9 incredible; bike with square wheels! That was quite a (8) thing for me to
astonishing hear then. I thought I was a top athlete, back then!

D Track 10 Listen and decide what the people are

talking about.
We can add the prefixes in-, il-, im-, ir-, and
1 ¨ a frightening experience
un- to some adjectives to make them negative.
2 ¨ b unbelievable news
Positive Negative
3 ¨ c a startling discovery complete incomplete
4 ¨ d a new record logical illogical
5 ¨ e the purpose of a visit mature immature
probable improbable
6 ¨ f an invaluable object
Unit 5: Excellence

regular irregular
7 ¨ g a gadget
believable unbelievable
8 ¨ h someone who behaves like a coward stoppable unstoppable
But be careful with these words:
E In pairs, discuss the questions. Positive Positive Negative 57
1 What’s the most frightening experience you’ve ever had? flammable = inflammable nonflammable
habitable = inhabitable uninhabitable
2 What do you consider to be invaluable in life?
valuable = invaluable non valuable
3 If you could excel at something, what would it be?

So and such Too and enough

Parachuting for the first time was so exciting. It was too frightening for me!
Falling from the sky was such an exciting experience! Really? For me, it wasn’t frightening enough.

F Circle the correct answers. G Tick the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect ones.
1 We use so / such a(n) before 1 The kids were so tired to argue so they went to bed straight away.
nouns or adjectives + nouns.

2 We use so / such a(n) before
adjectives. 2 He put so great effort into it that he deserved to win.

3 We use too before / after an 

adjective. 3 If this proposal is good enough for you, who am I to argue?
4 We use enough before / after an 

adjective. 4 I was very disappointed with my exam results because I had worked too hard.

5 Too means more / less than 

necessary or desired.
5 The news was exciting enough that she couldn’t keep it to herself.
6 Not … enough means more / less 
than necessary or desired.
6 They did not accept my application because it was too untidy.

7 I didn’t know you were such a talented tennis player.

8 The president’s donation wasn’t enough generous for a man of his wealth.


H Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Do not change the meaning. I Take turns role-playing
in pairs.

1 It was such a glorious victory that it has been engraved in our hearts forever. (so)

 Student A: A friend had a

2 They said I wasn’t broadminded enough to be successful in that field of work. party at her house. Everything
was done to perfection and

you had a wonderful time.

 Another friend missed the

3 She was too excited to pay attention to the warnings. (calm) party. Tell your friend all
about it using so/such. Talk

about the food, drink, other
4 Their email was so rude that we never replied to it. (such) guests, music, entertainment,
 decorations, etc.
5 Fortunately, it was early enough for us to explore all options. (late)
 Student B: Your friend had
a party at her house, but at
6 The play got such great reviews that it sold out for the following three months. (so) the last minute you couldn’t
 go because something
happened. One of your
7 The bottom line is that they were too unambitious to amount to anything.
friends went to the party
(ambitious) and is telling you about it.
 Explain to your friend what
8 I’m so tired that I can’t even stay up for the results of the election. (day) happened and why you

couldn’t be there.


J In pairs, discuss what annoys you most about the place where you live and the people you have to deal with
every day. Then share your answers with the class. Use too/(not) enough.
Lesson 3 5

A Track 11 Listen and circle B Track 11 Listen again. Circle T (true) or F (false).
the correct answers.
1 T / F Kyle jumped off a height of 700 feet.
1 Who has had only positive 2 T / F Jerry has never been bungee jumping.
experiences while doing extreme
sports? 3 T / F Damian’s holiday in Mexico was the worst he’d ever had.
a Carey 4 T / F Damian’s fiancé was badly injured by a shark while scuba diving.
b Julie 5 T / F Julie’s personal record riding a bull is seven minutes.
c Kyle
6 T / F The bull was distracted long enough for Julie to escape.
2 Which two of the callers have
7 T / F Jerry has had quite a few work-related injuries.
never been injured while doing an
extreme sport? 8 T / F Jerry appeared in one of the Superman movies.
a Kyle and Julie
b Kyle and Carey
c Kyle and Damian
C Track 11 Listen again. Complete the notes with one or two words.

3 Which of the callers has been put • Bloukrans Bridge, South Africa, is one of the (1) jumps

off the extreme sport due to a bad in the world.

• Kyle’s next jump will be off Verzasca Dam in (2) .
a Julie

b Carey • The shark Damian came face to face with was (3) long.
c Damian • Damian still has (4) about that trip.
4 Damian . AT
• Julie’s been a bull rider for (5) now.
a still doesn’t know what made
the shark go away • The (6) are there to help distract the bull in emergencies.
b fought off the shark • Carey has performed stunts for movies, (7) , and

c attacked the shark and drove it magazine ads.


• Carey’s got a wife and (8) .
5 Jerry thinks it is unusual for a

woman to .
a last seven seconds on a bull

b be a bull rider D Complete the excerpts from the radio progamme with the correct words.

c work in a rodeo
Jerry: Today’s programme is for you. We’re looking for stories of

6 Julie . (1) feats and (2) bravery.

a wasn’t at all afraid when the bull
Jerry: I tried bungee jumping a few years back. It was (3)
bucked her off

for me.
b knows very well how dangerous

riding a bull is Kyle: Really? I didn’t think it was (4) .

c has always been scared of bulls Damian: No way. I learned (5) lesson. The deep sea may be
7 Carey . attractive and mysterious, but it can also be dangerous.
a risks losing his family Julie: Sometimes I wonder if I’m (6) . Those animals are
b had a heart attack while doing a strong and scary.
stunt Jerry: You have a (7) range of tricks in your bag—but they
c does motocross stunts for a all look (8) .
8 Carey describes himself as .
a an adrenaline junkie
b a tough guy
Unit 5: Excellence

c a dangerous man

E In groups, discuss the questions.

1 How do you feel about extreme sports? 59

2 Have you ever done an extreme sport?
3 If you wanted to push your limits, which extreme
sport would you choose to do and why?

F Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Talk about them for about a minute.

• Compare the two photos: what are the similarities, and what are the differences between them?
• Why is it important to achieve your highest potential in whatever you do?

Work in groups. Discuss what type of personal qualities, talent, and academic or professional qualifications are
essential for someone to excel at these jobs.
• surgeon/ • artist • actor

doctor/nurse • teacher • sportsperson


• business • musician/ • naturalist

person performer • social worker

H Take turns role-playing in pairs.


I’d really like to be a social worker.

There are lots of people that need
help in the world, and I want to help.
Student A:

It’s very challenging work, I’m sure.

You have come to see a career officer for advice on how Can you tell me about any
to excel at your chosen career. Tell B why you chose this experiences you’ve had working
with people in need? What you
career and discuss the suggestions he/she makes. liked and didn’t like about them?

Student B:
You are a career officer. Listen to A and ask questions to
find out what personal qualities, talents, and preferences
he/she has. Make suggestions for the right career moves
based on the information you gather.


I Change partners. Discuss what the career officer told you and
whether you agree or not.
Lesson 4 5

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

amusing attractive brave excellent exhausted fascinating horrible scary unique

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

B Replace the bold words with words C Complete the article with the words from A.

from A.

1 We need to be courageous in difficult

times like this. AT
‘I’m late, I’m late!’ I keep repeating as I dash through the afternoon
traffic. I’m such a (1) journalist. It’s my first interview
2 The view from the top of the hill was
with a major movie star and I’m late! He’ll complain to my boss and
breath-taking. he’s going to get me fired. There are thousands of journalists to take
my place, but Matt Bailey is (2) . Being one of a kind

3 She’s a very good looking woman for

her age. has its privileges, I suppose.

When I arrive at the restaurant, Matt is already there, looking every bit
4 You’re one of a kind. I’ve never met as (3) as on the big screen—it’s no wonder his posters

anyone like you! decorate most teenage rooms (or laptop screens?). Next to him sits

5 After such a long and active day, we all a very (4) looking dog: it’s got tiny, aggressive red eyes
felt very tired. and sharp pointy teeth on constant show. I apologize for being late.

Matt laughs. I wonder why he finds my apology (5) ,

6 The food they served at dinner was
but then I realize he’s looking behind my shoulder. I turn round

of the finest quality.

only to see Zara Davis, probably the most beautiful and talented
7 It was a very unpleasant experience. actress on earth at this precise moment. She introduces herself—

I never want to be there again! really!—with a (6) smile that makes me weak at the
knees. Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me, please. ‘Hmm,

8 Samuel was great company. His stories

(7) skin, too’ I catch myself thinking. Like porcelain. I
were interesting and funny.
offer her my seat, which she graciously accepts. ‘Thank you, darling,’
9 The deserted old house looked very she purrs. ‘I’m (8) ! I haven’t slept for two days’. She
frightening in the moonlight. doesn’t say why and I’m not (9) enough to ask.

D Role-play in pairs. Imagine you E In groups, take turns playing a mime game.
and your partner present the Follow the instructions.
weekly showbiz gossip section
of a daytime TV show. Use the s of word
th e tw o group them
te t
words from A to present today’s amusing exhausted First, wri r and pu one
show. Then present your show p iec es of pape . Th e n
attractive fascinating on velope s
ra te e n kes one
to the class. brave horrible in sepa group ta elope.
Unit 5: Excellence

om e ac h
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show.
excellent scary person fr per from each e words
o f p a e the
I’m Lisa and this is Ronny. On today’s piece n
has to m actor, and
p e rs o
show, we have an interesting and very That horrible
r, e.g. a rs try to
scary story about the attractive Cliff Zane. B togethe ro up membe
r g
footballer tennis player the othe .
Scary for our audience, Lisa, painter window cleaner u es s th e words 61
but it shows that even actors can be cook waiter
brave too. Let’s take you to the set of
Cliff’s new movie …
dancer photographer

Modifying superlatives

Felix Baumgartner is by far the bravest person alive. That was altogether the most exciting game of the year.
Bungee jumping is much the scariest thing I have ever done. She gave nearly the best performance I’ve ever seen.

F Read the grammar chart and G Rewrite the sentences correctly.

answer the questions.
1 That was altogether a touching film I have ever seen.
1 If we omit the modifiers (the words 
in bold), will the sentences still 2 He’s our most efficient employee nearly.
be complete? 
 3 Training for the marathon was the much hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.
4 I’d say he’s the most experienced by far doctor we have.


2 In what way do modifiers add to 5 They’ve got the altogether most competent team.
the meaning of the sentence? 

6 What I say is much a simple solution, believe me!

7 Being separated from my parents in the crowd was nearly the worse
experience I’d had as a child.

3 Complete the form:
8 We decided to give the project to them because they made the best

subject + proposal far.

+ modifier + 

H Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the I Work in pairs. Discuss

first sentence. Use no more than five words including the word given. your experiences using the
modifiers in brackets and

1 We couldn’t have found a more suitable actor for the role. (much) superlatives.

We have managed to find for the role.

2 They decided that keeping the old lamps would be nearly the most expensive
solution. (least) • a difficult th

ing you
They decided that replacing the old lamps have had to
do (by far)

• an inspiring
3 No one has a higher score than I have in this game. (far) person you
have met (m
I have in this game. uch)
• a scary ex
4 This short story is more inspired than all the others you have written. (altogether) perience you
had as a child
It’s short story you have ever written. (nearly)
5 I haven’t had a worse haircut than that. (nearly) • a funny joke
you have
I’ve haircut ever. heard (altog
6 He hasn’t been so excited before. (much)
He’s he’s ever been.
7 They have never put so much effort into their studying before. (by)
This is they have ever put into their studying.
8 She gave an extremely heartbreaking account of the poverty she had witnessed.
She gave account of the poverty she had


J Imagine you are somebody famous and have led an exciting life. Make
notes on your life and give a 1–2 minute speech. Use the words from A
and structures from the grammar chart.
Lesson 5 5

A You are going to choose three people for an award of excellence. In pairs, discuss the following ideas of
excellence. Then make your own definition for excellence.

What is ‘excellence’?
• Excellence is being among the most highly paid
professional in one’s field.
• Excellence is a talent or quality which is
unusually good.
• Excellence is fame and recognition in a given field.
• Excellence is the ability to perform at levels that
surpass ordinary standards.

Our definition for excellence is: llen



Are you familiar with the following awards? Match the definitions to the awards. Which award do you think does
not belong on this list? Why?

1 The Nobel Prize ¨ a A title given at an international beauty contest


b Awards for outstanding achievement in music

2 Webby Awards ¨
c Awards given to sportspeople who have been outstanding in their sport
3 The Academy Awards (Oscars) ¨

d Awards for excellence on the Internet


4 Employee of the Month

e A display of a photo of an employee who excelled in the business
5 The Man Booker International Prize ¨

f A set of international awards given in a number of categories in

recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances

6 Grammy Awards ¨
g An international literary award given to a living author for a work
7 Miss Universe ¨ published in English or generally available in English translation

8 The Laureus World Sports Awards ¨ h Awards given for excellence of cinematic achievements

C Make a list of nominees for D Work in groups. In fields other than the ones in C, who would you
each of the awards. Then nominate for an award of excellence? Make a list of five people.
discuss your nominees with
a partner.

• Nobel Prize for Peace E As a class, discuss your

nominees from C and D
• Academy Award for Best Male and their achievements.
Leading Actor Agree on a list of ten people
you think deserve an award
Unit 5: Excellence

• Academy Award for Best Female in excellence.

Leading Actor

• The Man Booker International Prize

• The Grammy Award for Best Song 63

• The Laureus World Sportsperson of

the Year

F Work in pairs. Based on the ten nominees in E, you are going to choose three people for an award of
excellence. Write their names and related achievements, and give reasons for your nominations.

Your nominee
s will have a
chance of w better
inning an aw
Nominee Achievement Reason if you make a
them. Make
strong case
sure you crea
ar d
fo r
vivid images te
and use lang
you have focu uage
sed on in this
to the best p unit
ossible effect


G In pairs, present your nominees to the class.

H After the presentations, vote for one person to receive an award of excellence. Discuss the results as a class.
Look at the pictures. What
lifestyles do they illustrate? If
you had to choose one of these

lifestyles, which one would you
choose? Why?


 Listen to someone talk about
his lifestyle choice
Unit 6: Lifestyles

 Discuss different lifestyles

 Read about a conventional and
unconventional lifestyle
 Write a story
 Plan and report on an
How do people’s lifestyle choices affect their personal and entry for a lifestyle
professional lives? guidebook
6 Lesson 1

A Track 12 Listen and circle the correct answers. B Track 12 Listen again.
Circle T (true) or F (false).
1 Steve__. 5 When he first started meditating,
a would like to become an architect Steve found that __. 1 T / F Steve didn’t manage to go
b has been a Buddhist monk all his a he could spend most of his day to university because he became a
life doing nothing monk.
c used to work in construction b he preferred walking to sitting still
2 T / F He decided to go to Nepal
c sitting still for long periods was
2 Steve had __. to study how to meditate.
something that had to be learned
a always been interested in religion
3 T / F Steve had chosen which
b always wanted to be a monk 6 Steve says meditating __ over time.
monastery to go to before he
c never thought about religion a has become routine
arrived in Nepal.
before he went to university b has become more satisfying
c has become less fun 4 T / F The monks were skeptical
3 Steve’s family __.
about Steve’s decision to become
a didn’t feel comfortable with his 7 Which statement is true about
one of them.
decision to travel to Nepal monastery training in the West and
b thought he’d fit in the Buddhist in Nepal? 5 T / F Breathing plays an important
way of life immediately a They are completely different. part in meditation.

c didn’t allow him to travel to Nepal b There is some difference.

6 T / F Steve has perfected his
4 Steve’s decision to join the c There is no difference. meditation skills through time and

monastery __. 8 According to Steve __. practice.
a was a result of the monks’ a generosity should not be limited 7 T / F In Nepal, monks are not
pressure to material offerings
b came naturally b most people do not live in
AT involved or consulted in decision
c was a stressful process harmony
c people need to be more 8 T / F In the West, people are too
generous with money selfish to be generous and kind.

C Track 12 Listen again. D Complete the excerpt from the listening with the correct words.

Complete the notes.


I had some (1) experiences of calm and concentration and


(2) , which made me want to continue to study and practise.

I became (3) about it. Before long, the monks (4)

me to become ordained. I (5) their practices and decided I

wanted to (6) to this monastery. What (7) me

was the peace. There is nothing (8) about the process for me.

Today’s guest: E Discuss the quote from Steve in groups. Use the questions to help you.
• Steve (1) from
(2) , Alberta S t eve s ay s ,
• He attended (3)
at Calgary. e and
Generosity i y of tim
• He took (4) s not just mater ial, but includes generosit
as an extra-curricular class.
• He decided to travel to Nepal selve
g of them
when he read an article ser vice and givin
(5) . • What do you think he means?
• At first, Steve stayed at • What are the fundamental virtues people should have in order to achieve
(6) , but harmony with other people and nature itself?
he visited the monastery every
day to (7) .

I think one of the

• At the monastery, after most essential Do you mean
Not only. I think
66 meditating in the evenings, they virtues is religious
we should …
(8) . tolerance. tolerance?

F Decide the function of each expression. Write O (opinion), A (agreement), or D (disagreement).

1 I’m very impressed with/ 9 I think what you’re saying 17 I don’t think that ... would be
disappointed by ... makes sense. useful/appropriate/right.

2 If you ask me ... 10 For me, this is … 18 I find (it) impressive/

disappointing etc.
3 Not in my opinion. 11 You have a point there.
19 That’s not (always) the case/
4 You’re (absolutely) right. 12 I think it’s good/bad/wrong true.
to ...
5 As far as I am concerned/ 20 This is the way I see it.
know ... 13 I’m afraid I disagree.
21 In my opinion ...
6 My feeling is that … 14 I couldn’t agree more.
22 I’d say the opposite.
7 I don’t think so. 15 I agree with (what you’re
8 OK, so here’s what I think.

16 (I suppose) there’s some

truth in that.

G In pairs, look at the pictures. Discuss them for about three minutes.
Use the expressions in F to help you.
Imagine you are both taking a year off your studies/
work to experience alternative lifestyles round the

• What might you learn from the lifestyles they


• Decide together—which two would you choose to

experience? Why?

Unit 6: Lifestyles

H Discuss in pairs. I Work in groups. Imagine you have just come back from your year off.
Tell the group about your experiences and how you have benefited
1 Would you choose to do from them. After you have listened to everyone, discuss whose
something other than the lifestyles account made the greatest impression on you.
in G? What would that be? 67
2 Tell your partner what you think of
his/her choice.
6 Lesson 2

A Label the pictures with the words in the box. B Circle the correct answers.
1 Although they welcomed me into
agree with fit in live up to their family, I never felt that I
belong to hang on turn into belonged to / fitted in .
bump into listen to wait for 2 How can you expect to make any
progress if you don’t listen /
live up to your tutor’s advice?
1 2 3 3 You can’t say that someone
hangs on / belongs to you.
People are not possessions.
4 You’ll never guess who I
   bumped into / turned into at the
cinema yesterday.
It’s mine! You’re right! Wait! Don’t go yet! 5 I can’t just sit here and wait for /
hang on things to happen. I must
do something about it.
4 5 6

6 In the end, it was a good thing that

I fitted in / hung on and didn’t
leave with the others. It was a

great evening.
7 He was a real terror when he was
My parents always
wanted me to become
Fancy meeting
I’m not like the
young, but he turned into /
fitted in a lovely person when he
you here! others. I don’t … grew up.
a doctor and I did!
8 I don’t agree with / listen to you.
7 8 9

What you’re saying is completely


9 The course turned into / lived up

to my expectations. I learned so

many things.


Complete the letter with the correct form of words from A. D Track 13 Listen and

match the statements to the

Hi Sam, conversations. There is one
Guess who I (1) at a charity function yesterday? Our old school teacher, Mr
extra statement you do not

Marks. The funny thing is that he doesn’t look a day older! Well, he already looked ancient need to use.

back then, anyway, so now he has really (2) the wise old man we’d always a Someone hasn’t lived up to
thought he was. When I told him I have my own successful business, he said that I had
another’s expectations.
certainly (3) his expectations—I had been such a pain, he’d always thought
I’d either end up in jail or head of the police. It was fortunate, he remarked, that I had b Someone is begging the other to
(4) the voice of virtue. listen to her advice.
He also reminded me that I still had a book that (5) him, which is true, and c Someone feels he doesn’t fit in
added that he’d like to see it returned soon, as he’s not sure he can (6) for with the other’s friends.
another thirty years. The old man hasn’t lost his sense of humour! He became quite
d Someone doesn’t agree with the
emotional, however, when I reminded him how much he had helped me (7)
when I first arrived at school, all alone without any friends. He introduced me to you, first, other.
which was a brilliant choice. I hope you (8) me. After all, we’ve been best e Someone is asking the other to
friends ever since then. hang on for a while.
See you soon, mate, f Someone won’t wait for the other.
Conversation 1 ¨
E Discuss in pairs. Conversation 2 ¨

1 What would you do if you bumped into a friend you had had a fight with? Conversation 3 ¨
68 2 Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in with a new group of friends? If yes, Conversation 4 ¨
what did you do about it?
Conversation 5 ¨
3 Do you ever listen to other’s advice?
4 Do you think you have lived up to your parents’ expectations?

Gerunds can also follow prepositions.

Gerunds and infinitives

After I finished studying at university, My friend suggested going to

She dreams of having a family some day.
I went to India. Mongolia to work as a volunteer. He didn’t want to put off going to Nepal
any longer.
I happened to read an article about The farm offered to give me room She couldn’t leave without saying
a monk in Nepal and just knew it and board for working there. goodbye to her friends.
was where I wanted to go.

As soon as I got there, I started Right from the start, I loved working/
learning/to learn the language. to work on the farm.
F List examples from the
He forgot buying the book a few years I tried talking to my parents about it, grammar chart.
ago, so he ended up with two copies. but they wouldn’t listen. 1 Verbs only followed by an infinitive:
He forgot to buy a book so he had I tried to talk to my parents about it,
nothing to read on the plane. but I don’t think I was convincing. 2 Verbs only followed by a gerund:

G The following verbs change their meaning depending whether they 3 Verbs that can be followed by
are followed by a gerund or an infinitive. Draw lines to match the either a gerund or an infinitive

sentences to their meanings. Then discuss how the meaning changes. without the meaning changing:

1 He remembered getting up at 6 a.m. • • He didn’t forget to do it.

He remembered to get up at 6 a.m. • AT
• He has a memory of doing it. 4 Verbs that can be followed by
either a gerund or an infinitive, but
2 They stopped having dinner. • • They don’t have dinner anymore.
They stopped to have dinner. • • They had a break to eat dinner. the meaning changes:
3 I tried opening the door. • • I did it to see if it was locked or not.

I tried to open the door. • • I put in effort, but it wouldn’t open.


4 We regret saying those words. • • We want to, but we can’t. H Tick the correct sentences.
We regret to say we can’t come. • • We are sorry we said it. Correct the incorrect ones.

I Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the 1 ¨ The volunteers suggested to

first sentence. Use no more than five words. collect used toys for the
children’s home.

1 He’d really love to spend a year in a Buddhist monastery.

He’s dreaming of Buddhist monastery. 2 ¨ I stopped to eat snacks

between meals and I’ve already

2 I was curious to find out what was in the bag, so I squeezed it.
lost four pounds.
I tried to find out what was in it.

3 It was difficult, but they both built the new road and they didn’t destroy the 3 ¨ Despite the crowd’s loud

woods. protests, the construction

It was difficult, but they built the new road woods. workers continued cutting
down the trees.
4 Why don’t we go to the march against the recent cuts?
He suggested the recent cuts. 4 ¨ He’s really good at working
5 They think that cycling everywhere is a great way to keep fit. with his hands.
They love to keep fit. 5 ¨ They’re talking about to take
6 They asked me to help them raise money for their favourite charity and I said yes. a year off their studies to travel
I agreed for their favourite charity. in Asia.
7 She was very sorry she didn’t recycle her plastic bottles like her neighbours. 6 ¨ He offered to give me a lift in
She regretted like her neighbours. his car and I accepted.
8 Do you mind me showing you how to do this exercise?
He offered do the exercise.
Unit 6: Lifestyles

J Do a class survey: ‘It’s a mad world!’ Use the expressions to create K Report the results of your
a questionnaire. Think of funny or imaginative things to ask. Then survey to the class.
interview your classmates.
dare to (do something) disapprove of (somebody) doing (something)
Three people would dare to eat a bug 69
if they were offered enough money.
regret (doing something) believe in (doing something)
Six people wouldn’t dare to do it
forget to (do something) persuade (somebody) to (do something)
for love or money!
refuse to (do something) worry about (doing something)
of the


Right after Roy Hatley finished volunteer work, not because of the Wilson admits she may someday
university, he travelled to Cambodia work itself, but because I chose an regret choosing a more conventional

to volunteer at an orphanage. For the alternative career path. I can’t think career path and may find other ways
newly graduated business student, about their prejudice, though. I need to volunteer that require less of a
the choice seemed unconventional,
particularly to his parents who had
to do what’s best for me—and right
now, that’s being there for these kids.
time commitment. But, she dreams of
having a family someday and wants
shelled out thousands of dollars for her feet firmly rooted in a career she
his education. But for Hatley, it was a Carrie Wilson’s story is quite the loves first.
life-changing experience—one he’ll opposite.

never regret. ‘In today’s economy, I can’t afford to

Fresh out of university, the visual arts

be flighty,’ she says. ‘Maybe I’ll be

‘From the start, I loved working with student had just decided to volunteer
for a year with Habitat for Humanity bored in a few years and itching to hit
the kids,’ he says, though admits that

when she was offered the position the road and do something new and
leaving the familiarity of home and
exciting. Or maybe I’ll keep climbing

family was scary at first. He’d never of a lifetime—a nine-to-five job

featuring stability, wealth, and an the corporate ladder and never look
been outside of the United States. ‘I

opportunity for professional growth. back. Either way, I like knowing that
was completely out of my comfort
Not to mention access to high end, all of the late nights of studying and

zone, an outsider. What if I hated it?

What if the children hated me?’ designer fashion. stressing in university weren’t for
nothing. I’m pretty sure my parents

‘I couldn’t turn down the job,’ she feel the same.’

Despite his initial reservations, Hatley says. ‘While applying for other

discovered he had a real talent for positions, I happened to read an

working with kids. The orphanage article about Habitat for Humanity
offered to give him room and board in Africa and I just knew I wanted
while he worked there, which meant to volunteer there. The story really Skimming, like scanning, means
he didn’t need to worry about money. moved me. Even though I knew reading quickly. The aim is to get
And before long, he’d fallen in love my family would disapprove, I was the gist of the text or, in other
with the country. So much so, he prepared to take a leave of absence words, understand the main idea.
decided to abandon his business from everything and go to Africa—I’d While skimming, we don’t read
training in favour of education. filled out the paperwork, gone the text word for word. We usually
through the interview process, read the first and last sentences
Not surprising, his parents are having and had been accepted into the of a paragraph to see what they
trouble with the adjustment. programme. I’d even slowly been are about. Skimming is particularly
saying goodbye to my friends. But helpful when we need to decide
‘I come from a family of professionals,’ whether to read a text or not.
he says. ‘My mum is an accountant, then this position came up. I applied,
too scared to even hope. When they

my dad is a lawyer. I went into

business school for them, because called to say I got the job, I had to
70 it was expected of me. They have pinch myself. It’s the perfect company
strong, negative feelings about my for me at this stage of my life.’
Lesson 3 6

A Skim through the article and answer the questions. B Read the article. In pairs,
discuss what type of lifestyle,
1 Who has chosen a conventional career?
other than your own, would
2 Who has chosen an unconventional career? suit you the most. Why?

C Read the article again and circle the correct answers.

1 Roy had always wanted to do 5 Carrie started to work right after D Write six questions related to
volunteer work. she graduated from university. the article and exchange them
a right a right with a partner. Then answer
b wrong b wrong your partner’s questions.
c doesn’t say c doesn’t say
2 His parents did not expect him to 6 Carrie volunteered for Habitat for
make this career choice. Humanity reluctantly. E Complete the conversation.
a right a right A: I’ve decided (1) for
b wrong b wrong the public relations job in this ad.
c doesn’t say c doesn’t say What do you think?

3 At first, Roy was quite nervous 7 Carrie was chosen among a great B: It’s a very smart move. I’ve often

about the move. number of applicants for the job. wondered why you (2)
a right a right chosen to do something like that

b wrong b wrong before. You have a real talent
c doesn’t say c doesn’t say (3) communicating
4 Roy grew up in a working class
8 Carrie has a very detailed plan
about what she will be doing in the
with people.
A: Well, I’ve always dreamed of
a right future.
(4) a well-paid job that
b wrong a right I’d enjoy doing too.
c doesn’t say b wrong

c doesn’t say B: It’s a great thing if you can manage


it. I (5) always wanted

to be an actor, but I wasn’t
F Circle the correct answers. prepared (6) any

1 I could never have __ job. I want to 6 Your early __ in life are rarely the

be able to work whenever I choose. result of mature thought. A: Like what?

a a volunteer a situations

b prejudices B: Well, I like (7)

b an unconventional

financially independent. If I were a

c a nine-to-five c choices
struggling actor, I wouldn’t be able
2 He comes from a very __ family. 7 She cannot function without __ to afford (8) in a nice

He’s never had to work for a living. in her life. She cannot deal with flat or have a car.
a rooted change easily.

a choice A: Yes, but don’t you ever regret not

b wealthy
b alternative (9) your dream?
c prejudiced
c stability B: Sometimes. But I can’t do anything
3 My friends and I have always had
our own codes of communication. 8 For an artist, no amount of hard about it now.
It’s something that an __ would work can make up for the absence
A: Listen, I happen (10)
never understand. of __.
some people in an amateur drama
a external a wealth
group. I can introduce you to them.
b unfamiliar b talent
c outsider c paperwork B: That’s not a bad idea! Thanks!
4 We are forced to do as they say. 9 We need to consider every
We haven’t got __ solution. application objectively, without __
a a conventional or favour.
Unit 6: Lifestyles

b an alternative a prejudice
c a choice b familiarity Compound adjectives
c concern
5 They didn’t ask me for an interview a nine-to-five job
because I hadn’t filled out the __ a part-time job
properly. a 24-hour service 71
a paperwork an up-to-date report
b graduation a worst-case scenario
c process

G Complete the story with ONE word in each gap. H In pairs, finish the story in
G. Before you start writing,
complete the storyline. Write
50–80 words.
Tania rushed (1) of the lift and half-walked, half-ran to her desk.
Despite her (2) efforts, she was late yet again.

She had barely (3) on her PC when Mr Reeves, her boss, • Tina arrived at work. She was late.
materialized in front of her with a strict look that managed to combine • She sat at her desk and ...
• Her boss ...
both a frown (4) a disapprovingly raised eyebrow. ‘(5)

is it physically possible to do that?’ Tania thought. ‘Does he rehearse in

front of a mirror?’

‘How good of you to turn (6) for work, Miss Bates,’ he growled. •
Tania muttered a well-worn apology and busied (7) with today’s •

emails. As they popped up on her screen one (8) the other, her

eye caught the words she had (9) longing to see for the past

week: Hill Academy of Arts. The cursor danced (10) the page.

‘What ...?’ she started to say just before she realized it was (11)
her hand, which was holding the mouse, (12) shaking with


I Write brief descriptions of the J In groups, read and discuss the list of tips on how to write a short story
people, places, and situations. for an exam. Tick the useful advice. Why aren’t the other pieces of

Use a variety of adjectives, advice useful?


humour, or drama to make

them interesting. Write 50–70 1 ¨ It can be a real or imaginary story.
words for each one.

2 ¨ You don’t have to follow the instructions. Write anything you like as long as
it’s interesting.

3 ¨ Use drama or humour to engage the reader.


4 ¨ Make up the story as you write. You might get inspired.

• an old man sitting on a
bench in the park 5 ¨ The story line needs to be clear and coherent.

• a mother and a four-year- 6 ¨ Make a detailed plan before you start writing.

old who is having a tantrum

7 ¨ Never use dialogue.
in a public place
8 ¨ Your story needs to be quite complicated to be interesting.
• a bright summer day on a
holiday island 9 ¨ Keep a good balance between the introduction/conclusion and the main
body of the story.
• a cold winter evening in the
10 ¨ Write the whole story in one paragraph.
11 ¨ You can write well over the word limit if you need to.

12 ¨ Use small details to liven up your description or narrative.

13 ¨ Use phrasal verbs and idioms to liven up your story.

14 ¨ Check your grammar carefully (especially the use of tenses).


72 K Write a story based on the prompt. Write 120–150 words.
Complete Activity K at home if
necessary. ‘So, this is the first day of the rest of my life,’ she thought.
‘A completely new life!’
Lesson 4 6

A Label the pictures with the words in the box.

be responsible for frustrating idealistic luxury passionate self-employed skilled stressful well-off

1 2 3 4 We promise to make
Anne has six children
the world a better
in her care.


5 6 7 8 9
I’m my
own boss!


B Match to create dialogues. C Circle the correct answers.

1 Are you __ or do you represent a 6 My job is very __ so I sometimes
1 Jan’s job is very demanding. ¨

big company? have trouble sleeping at night.
2 Isn’t there anything we can do? ¨ a skilled a idealistic

3 She’s always believed that ¨ b self-employed b skilled
people can achieve world peace. c responsible c stressful
4 I’ve booked a suite with its ¨ AT
2 I used to be quite __ when I was 7 She doesn’t care for __. She’s a
own private pool. younger, but now I’ve learned that simple down-to-earth girl.
social change is a slow process.
5 Tom can speak about jazz ¨ a luxury
music for hours. a idealistic b idealistic books
b stressful c self-employed people
6 I can’t stand having a boss to ¨

c well-off
order me about. 8 They had a very __ relationship in

3 People who are __ can’t often their teens, but now Dan and Elaine
7 This handmade lace is very ¨ imagine what it is like to have to are just good friends.
delicate work. survive on a basic salary. a frustrating

8 What’s wrong? You look pale ¨ a passionate b passionate


and tired. b well-off c responsible

9 You drive a very expensive car. ¨ c in luxury
9 He’s a highly __ worker so he won’t

You must be rich. 4 Be sure to bring back all the stuff have a problem finding a new job.

you borrowed because I’m __ for it. a self-employed

a If you’re self-employed, you can do a self-employed b skilled
as you please. b passionate c well-off

b That’s a very idealistic view of the c responsible


world. 5 Oh, this is so __! My computer D Discuss in pairs.

c You have to be very skilled to keeps crashing. I wish I had enough
produce something as beautiful as money to buy a new one. 1 Would you rather be self-employed
that. a frustrating or work for someone else? Why?
b skilled 2 What things do you feel passionate
d I don’t know, but it’s so frustrating
c idealistic about?
just to sit here and watch people
suffer. 3 What things do you find frustrating?
4 What is the most stressful situation
e Are you sure we can afford such you have ever been through?
f I’d say well-off is a more accurate
description. E In groups, play a game: You didn’t hear it from me!
g I know. He’s responsible for
Unit 6: Lifestyles

everything in that office. • Prepare to talk about people you know—friends, family, people in the
news, famous people, or even imaginary characters.
h Well, we’re going through very
stressful times at work these days. • You will need to talk for a full minute about at least five people, correctly
i He’s very passionate about the using as many of the words from A as you can. And make sure there’s a
things he likes. link from one person to the next. 73
• You get one point for every word from A you use. You score no points at
all if you stop before the minute is up.

F Complete the rules. Use

Past perfect and past perfect continuous examples from the grammar
He had already decided to leave university when he thought of going to India. chart in your answers.

He had hoped to spend more time in India before he started working. Past perfect:
Subject + (1) + past
The ground was wet and I could see that it had been raining most of the participle
night. Past perfect continuous:
(2) + had + (3) +
I had been looking for a job for several months before finding one that I liked.
-ing verb
She needed some water because she had been exercising for two hours.
We use the past perfect simple:
One of my clients had been emailing me every day for a week and I was so
annoyed. • to talk about an action that had
happened (4) another
action or a given time in the past.
G Tick the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect ones. (5)

1 It snowed all night and everything was covered in white. ¨ • to talk about a state that continued
2 I had lived in various places all over Europe for six years before I had up to a certain time in the

returned home. (6) .
3 They’d been looking forward to their summer holiday but they were ¨ Example:
forced to cancel for financial reasons.
4 They had been managing to sell their house before real estate
AT ¨
values started going down. We use the past perfect continuous:
5 We’d been waiting for an answer for three months so we were ¨ • to talk about an action that
absolutely thrilled when we heard the good news.

(8) in the past and

6 I had finished my work by 4 p.m. so I had locked up and left. ¨ continued for some time before

7 She had already made up her mind to start her own business when (9) action or a given
her aunt died and left her a substantial amount of money. time.

8 He hadn’t eaten properly so he was very thin. ¨ Example:


• to talk about what had

Rewrite the sentences using the past perfect simple or continuous (11) an effect which was
where appropriate.

obvious in the past.

1 The train left. Then we arrived at the station. Example:
When we  (12)

2 She took French lessons for three years. She still couldn’t hold a simple

3 I worked for the company all my life. They fired me. I In groups, discuss what you
I had already achieved, or not
4 The protesters left. It was 5 p.m. yet experienced, by these
By 5 p.m., 
ages of 12, 16, 18, and 21.
5 It rained torrentially for three days. Then the village flooded.
By the time I was 16,
6 I never was a fan of that kind of music. This is why I didn’t know the band’s I had …
I didn’t 
7 He went running. This is why he was out of breath when I saw him. That’s fantastic. When I
He was  was 16, I hadn’t …
8 We voted for that party. We felt cheated.
We felt 

J Work in pairs. A mutual friend has had some problems recently. Discuss and find plausible excuses for the
problems. Use the past perfect continuous.
1 Why was his/her phone dead? 4 Why did he/she fail the exam?
2 Why were his/her eyes red? 5 Why had he/she gained weight?
3 Why was he/she exhausted when you last met? 6 Why was he/she in such a bad mood?
Lesson 5 6

A You are going to plan an entry for a guidebook for people who want to change their lifestyles. In groups,
discuss what you understand by the term ‘lifestyle’. Write a definition.

B What lifestyle choices are illustrated in the pictures? Choose from the list in C.



C Match the descriptions to the lifestyles. D In groups, choose three of


the lifestyles in C and discuss

¨ ¨

1 alternative medicine 5 meditation how these considerations are

2 healthy lifestyle ¨ 6 simple living ¨ reflected in those lifestyles.

3 lifestyle traveller ¨ 7 social activism ¨


• values
4 vegetarianism/veganism ¨ 8 sustainable living ¨ • attitudes and opinions

• activities
a A lifestyle which helps to promote good health and well-being through • interests

physical fitness and nutrition. • self-image

b Private religious devotion or mental exercise, using techniques of • education
concentration and contemplation to achieve a heightened level of spiritual • career
awareness. • management of personal
c The practice of not eating meat, poultry, or fish. Some people will eat dairy finances (i.e. how they make
products and eggs, while others exclude all animal products. and spend money)
d A lifestyle choice in which people voluntarily choose to simplify their lifestyle
and be satisfied with what they need, not what they want. Ways to achieve
this include having few possessions or growing their own food, making their
own clothes, etc.
e Taking an active part in bringing about social change.
Unit 6: Lifestyles

f Health care practices, such as homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine,

etc., that do not follow generally accepted medical methods.
g A lifestyle that comes from the concept of living in a way that does not harm
the environment and makes good use of natural resources so that they are
available for future generations.
h People who spend a great part of their lives travelling and staying in various
places in order to experience different cultures and ways of life.

E Imagine you have been invited to write an entry for a lifestyle guidebook. In pairs, choose a lifestyle you would
like to present and then plan the entry. Consider your discussions from D as you plan.


Who is the target audience (e.g. adults, young people, pensioners)?

Why would the lifestyle appeal to that audience? Give at least three reasons.

What other information should be considered?


F Now write a brief report summarizing your decisions for the editor of the guidebook.


G Present your reports to the H Discuss as a class.

76 class. Ask the class if they
have any comments or 1 What do you think of the various lifestyles that have been presented?
questions about your report. 2 Which are closest to the one you already have?
3 Which lifestyle would you like to experience?

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