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Word Meaning Sentence

latter near or towards the end of something He was killed in the latter stages of the war.

scoff to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way The critics scoffed at his paintings.
that shows that you think they are stupid or silly Years ago people would have scoffed at the idea that cars
would be built by robots.

lust a very strong sexual desire He knew that his lust for her had returned.

interfere to involve yourself in a situation when your It’s their problem and I’m not going to interfere.
involvement is not wanted or is not helpful

accuse to say that someone has done something morally He’s been accused of robbery/murder.
wrong, illegal, or unkind.

hypocrite someone who says they have particular moral He’s a hypocrite - he’s always lecturing other people on the
beliefs but behaves in a way that shows these are environment but he drives around in a huge car.
not sincere.

tight (held or kept together) firmly or closely The people stood talking in tight groups.
Check that windows and doors are shut tight before you

slack not tight/loose These tent ropes are too slack - they need tightening.

concerning about I’ve had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax

peril great danger, or something that is very dangerous I never felt that my life was in peril.

intervene to intentionally become involved in a difficult The minister intervened personally to stop the museum from
situation in order to improve it or prevent it from being closed.
getting worse

lawless not controlled by laws, or illegal The film is set in a lawless city some time in the future.

descent a movement down The plane began its final descent into the airport.

sake “for the sake of”: in order to help or bring Please do it, for David’s sake.
advantage to someone Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the

elect to decide on or choose, especially to choose a We elected him as our representative.

person for a particular job, by voting

dessert sweet food eaten at the end of the meal For dessert there’s apple pie or fruit.

nap a short sleep, especially during the day Grandpa usually has/takes a nap after lunch.

resolution a promise to yourself to do or not to do something Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Yes, I’m going
to eat more healthily and give up smoking.

bill an amount of money owed for goods supplied or The bill for their meal came to 17 dollars.
services rendered, set out in a printed or written
statement of charges

revenue the income that a government or company Taxes provide most of the government’s revenue.
receives regularly

count to say numbers one after the other in order, or to Count your money carefully to make sure it’s all there.
calculate the number of people or things in a group

covetous having or showing a great desire to possess I can’t help casting covetous looks at my neighbor’s new
something belonging to someone else Porsche

overflow If a container or a place overflows, whatever is The bin was overflowing with rubbish.
inside it starts coming out because it is too full.
churchgoer a person who goes regularly to church He’s never been a regular churchgoer.

sear to burn the surface of something with sudden very The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.
strong heat

purchase to buy something Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance,

apiece each In good condition, dolls from this period sell 500 dollars

enroll to put somebody’s name on a list to join a school, We are enrolling in classes now.
college, etc.

remnant a small piece or amount of something that is left the remnants of last night’s meal
from a larger original piece or amount

quote to repeat the words that someone else has said or He’s always quoting from the Bible.

mids in the middle point or part In the midst of that generation of that day, there lived a man
who believed in God.

decadent a decadent person or group has low moral a decadent society


dare to be brave enough to do something difficult or I dare not let the children out of my sight in this park.
dangerous, or to be rude or silly enough to do I didn’t dare say anything for fear of offending him.
something that you have no right to do

bear carry the weight of; support The chair, too fragile to bear her weight, collapsed.

reproach to criticize someone, especially for not being His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.
successful or not doing what is expected

flood to cause to fill or become covered with water, Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the
especially in a way that causes problems kitchen.

sneer to talk about or look at someone or something in You may sneer, but a lot of people like this kind of music.
an unkind way that shows you do not respect or She’ll probably sneer at my new shoes because they’re not
approve of him, her, or it expensive.

mad mentally ill, or unable to behave in a reasonable She used to hear voices in her head and everyone said she
way was mad.

restrain to control the actions or behavior of someone by You should try to restrain your ambitions and be more
force, especially in order to stop them from doing realistic.
something, or to limit the growth or force of

merciful someone whos is merciful is willing to be kind to “God is merciful”, said the priest.
and forgive people who are in their power

willing to be happy to do something if it’s needed Would you be willing to give money?
He wasn’t willing to explain.

desire to want something, especially strongly I desire only to be left in peace

ache a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.

your/his lordship a polite way to referring to or talking to a male peer It is a great pleasure to welcome your lordship this evening.
without using his title

crowd a large group of people who have come together a crowd of about 15,000 attended the concert.

godliness the quality of being godly Her expression spoke of godliness and inner suffering,
bravery and sympathy for others.

display to arrange something or a collection of things so Family photographs were displayed on the wall.
that it can be seen by the public
adorn to add something decorative to a person or thing The bride’s hair was adorned with white flowers.

lizard a small reptile that has a long body, four short

legs, a long tail, and thick skin

retort to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny “That doesn't concern you!” she retorted.

weak not physically strong It’s not surprising you feel weak if you haven’t eaten properly
for days.

fulfill to achieve a desire goal Lewis uses this imagery to show that lust is the perversion of
sexual desire and that we must kill lust in order to fulfill God’s
designs for human sexuality.

to dull to make someone’s mind slower or less able to The proliferation of internet adult content, for example, has
understand, think, hear, etc. become so prevalent that it has begun to dull people’s
senses to the seriousness of lust in the heart.

distorted pulled into a strange or unnatural shape While many single people believe that marriage is the
answer to sexual lust, they fail to realize that bringing
distorted sexual desires into marriage will destroy a marriage
faster than it will remedy lust.

a host of… “a large number of something” This failure to recognize lust for what it is and to mortify it in
wrecked. very badly damaged the heart has left a host of wrecked marriages, ministries,
in its wake used to say what is left behind by someone and churches in its wake.
or something. He went from job to job,
leaving a trail of broken promises in his wake.

self-centered Sexual lust is essentially self-centered, as all sin is.

triune It is the converse of self-denial and love for the triune God
and our neighbors.

highlight to attract attention to or emphasize something This booklet highlights the seriousness of sexual lust.

path a route or track between one place and another, or Applying biblical principles to find a path forward through it
the direction in which something is moving

mean to express or represent something such as an What does this word mean?
idea, thought, or fact

struggle to fight, especially with your hands He struggled with his attacker who then ray away.

self-focused Sin is self-focused and obedience is God-focused.


isolate to separate something from other things with Satan would isolate you from other believers in your
which it is connected or mixed problems in order to rob you of hope.

fellow 1. used to refer to someone who has the The Lord points repeatedly to what you have in common with
foster same job or interests as you, or is in the fellow believers in order to foster your hope.
same situation as you
● She introduced me to some of her
fellow students.
2. to take care of a child, usually for a limited
time, without being the child’s legal parents

● Would you consider fostering (a

inordinate 1. much more than usual or expected Understanding how to overcome lust as any inordinate
proper ● Margo has always spent an desire or affection puts the question of sexual lust in proper
inordinate amount of time on her perspective.
2. real, satisfactory, suitable, or correct
● This is Sara’s first proper job - she
usually does temporary job just for
the money.

outward relating to how people, situations, or things seem All sin begins with lust, and all lust begins in the heart and
to be, rather than how they are inside works outward.
● To all outward appearances everything was
fine, but under the surface the marriage
was very shaky.

tempt to make someone want to have or do something, God doesn’t tempteth any man: but every man is tempted,
especially something that is unnecessary or wrong when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
● The offer of free credit tempted her into
buying a new car.

blame to say or think that someone or something did Don’t blame me if you miss the bus!
something wrong or is responsible for something Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
bad happening Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother.

upon preposition It was based upon two principles.

More formal term for on, especially in abstract Upon your arrival (= as soon as you arrive), please report to
senses. the reception desk.

uneasy slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular I feel a little uneasy about asking her to do me such a big
situation favour.

surround to be everywhere around something Mystery still surrounds the exact circumstances of Stalin’s
She said that she wanted to die surrounded by the people
she loves.

quick happening or done with great speed, or lasting Quick as lightning

only a short time





























Nonetheless, In spite of that There are serious problems in our country. Nonetheless, we
Nevertheless, feel this is a good time to return.

snare a trick or situation that deceives you or involves The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
you in some problem that you don’t know about

wary careful because you do not completely trust Teachers are often wary of standardized tests.
someone or something or are not certain about
what you should do

nothingness a state where nothing is present, or where nothing Is there only nothingness after death?
exists that is important or gives meaning to life

counterfeiter a person who makes a copy that looks like the Authorities hope the new ID card design will make it much
original of something, usually for dishonest or harder for counterfeiters to duplicate.
illegal purposes





so-and-so a person or thing whose name the speaker does "let's have so-and-so as a speaker on Tuesday"
not need to specify or does not know or remember.



solely ● he is solely responsible for any debts the company

may incur
● people are appointed solely on the basis of merit












bitter 1. Angry or upset because something bad 1. I feel very bitter about my childhood.
that has happened that you cannot forget


juggle 1. FORMAL: to throw several 1. We all watched in amazement as he juggled
objects up into the air, and then with three flaming torches.
catch and throw them up 2. Many parents find it hard to juggle children
repeatedly so that one or more and a career.
stays in the air, usually in order
to entertain people:
2. INFORMAL (expression): to
succeed in arranging your life
so that you have time to involve
yourself in two or more different
activities or groups of people:
aim a result that your plans or actions My main aim in life is to be a good husband
are intended to achieve: and father.

Our short-term aim is to deal with our

current financial difficulties, but our
long-term aim is to improve the
company's profitability.

The leaflet has been produced with the aim

of increasing public awareness of the
foresee to know about something before it I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we
happens: keep within budget.

akin having some of the same qualities: They speak a language akin to French.

fuzzy (of an image) having shapes that Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV?
do not have clear edges, or (of a
sound, especially from a You can pick up a lot of stations on the car
television, radio, etc.) not clear, radio but the sound is usually sort of
usually because of other
unwanted noises making it
difficult to hear:

uniquely (Adverb) in a way that is unusual or special He's uniquely qualified to run this agency.
in some way:
Antarctica is uniquely suited for many types
of research.

standout someone or something that you These four players have been standouts this
notice especially because they season.
are an excellent example or the
best example of something: While all the desserts are pretty good, the
clear standout is the lemon pie.
dismay a feeling of unhappiness and be filled with dismay Aid workers were said
disappointment: to have been filled with dismay by the
appalling conditions that the refugees
were living in.

in/with dismay The fans watched in/with

dismay as their team lost 42–11.

to someone's dismay She discovered, to

her dismay, that her exam was a whole
month earlier than she'd expected.

afterthought an idea, thought, or plan that was She only asked me to her party as an
not originally intended but is afterthought.
thought of at a later time:
The pillars seem to have been added to
the entrance as an afterthought.
onboard to give new employees the He gives some tips on how to onboard
knowledge and skills they need new employees remotely.
to become effective members of
an organization: Before a company commits to onboarding
new employees, all the departments
involved should meet and come up
with a realistic plan of action.

input something such as energy, money, input into I didn't have much input into the
or information that is put into a project (= the help I gave was small).
system, organization, or
machine so that it can operate:
The power input will come largely from

overall in general rather than in particular, The overall situation is good, despite a
or including all the people or few minor problems.
things in a particular group or
situation: Overall, it has been a good year.
The overall winner, after ten games, will
receive $250,000.

gain to get something that is useful, that The mayor has gained a lot of support
gives you an advantage, or that from the teacher's union.
is in some way positive,
especially over a period of time: gain from What do you hope to gain from
the course?

Alternative medicine has only just started

to gain respectability in our society.

away somewhere else, or to or in a Ms Watson is away on holiday until the

different place, position, or end of the week.
Keep/Stay away from him.

Just go away and leave me alone!

The sight was so horrible that I had to

look/turn away.

The recent flood has swept away the

I've given away all my old clothes to

UK Would you like your burger to eat in or

take away?

propel someone to cause someone to do an activity The film propelled him to international
into/to/towards or be in a situation:
something stardom.

obnoxious very unpleasant or rude: Some of his colleagues say that he's loud
and obnoxious.

When she's in a bad mood she's

obnoxious to everyone.

quirk an unusual habit or part of someone's You have to get used to other people's
personality, or something that is quirks and foibles.
strange and unexpected:
There is a quirk in the rules that allows
you to invest money without paying
By some strange quirk/By an odd quirk of
fate (= unexpectedly), we ended up on
the same train.
Word Meaning Example

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