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1. PLAYER PHASE Contamination cards cannot be discarded for the cost of an action. —— NOISE ROLL ——
The only basic Actions that can be taken in Combat
1. Draw up to 5 Action cards. IN & OUT OF COMBAT Roll a Noise die and resolve the result: are Escape (Movement), Shoot, and Melee Attack.
2. The First Player token is passed to the left. These icons restrict Actions to only in or out of Combat. Direct Attack Actions can only Injure Intruders, not Characters.
3. Each player plays in clockwise order: Characters are considered in Combat when they are
in a Room with an Intruder, no matter the type. Place a Noise marker in a connected Corridor COMBAT RESULTS
• 2 Actions;
: In Combat Only : Out of Combat Only with the same number as your Noise roll, (Technical
• OR 1 Action and pass, then discard; You miss your target.
Corridors too). Each Corridor (even Technical) may
• OR pass and discard BASIC ACTIONS (ON PLAYER BOARD) never hold more than 1 Noise marker. If you place
Discarding is optional and includes Contamination cards. Deal 1 Injury to a Creeper/Larva.
Discard a number of cards equal to the icon: a Noise marker in a Corridor that already contains
Repeat until all players pass. After passing, players
Movement: 0. If you’re NOT in Combat, skip this one, resolve an Encounter instead.
do not take part in any subsequent turns this round, Deal 1 Injury to an Adult/Creeper/Larva.
but may still play Interrupt cards. (Each turn ended in a step. If you are, this is considered an Escape or see EXPLORATION below.
Room with a Fire marker, suffer 1 Light Wound.) Movement: draw an Intruder Attack card for each
Intruder and resolve it, (Larva infests instead). Deal 1 Injury to any Intruder.
If you die, place a Character Corpse in the Room you were in.
4. Move markers on the Time/Self-Destruct Track. 1. Discard all Noise markers from all Corridors Deal 2 Injuries to any Intruder. (Melee Attack still
1. Move Character to a neighboring Room through connected to this Room (including Technical Corridors).
5. Intruder Attack. only 1 Injury.)
a Corridor (never stop in Corridor). Closed Doors block 2. Draw 1 Intruder token from the Intruder bag.
6. Fire Damage. (1 per Intruder, Destroy 1 Egg.)
“neighboring”. Moving Effects resolve AFTER moving. 3. Place an Intruder miniature in this Room that INTRUDER INJURY EFFECT
7. Resolve 1 Event Card:
2. If the Room tile is face down, see Exploration. corresponds to the Intruder token. If blank, add noise Intruder Eggs/Larvas die with 1 hit, don’t draw Intruder Attack Card
• Intruder Movement, then Event Effect.
3. If the Character enters an empty room, (no Intruder to all connecting corridors. (If blank is the last token
8. Bag Development: draw 1 token and resolve its effect: When (non-Egg/Larva) Intruders suffer an Injury for
or Character), perform a Noise Roll. in the bag, add 1 Adult Intruder token to the bag.)
Blank ANY reason:
Shoot: 1. Discard ammo from chosen weapon. 4. Compare the number on the Intruder token with 1. Draw an Intruder Attack card (2 for Breeders and
Add 1 Adult Intruder token to the bag (if the number of cards in the player’s hand (including
2. Choose a target within the same Room. Queen) and check the Blood icon(s) .
possible). Return this token to the bag. Contamination cards). If the number of cards in their
3. Roll a Combat die. See Combat Results. 2. If there is a Retreat Icon on any of the cards
Larva If you hit, apply any Injury token, then draw an Intruder hand is lower than the number on the Intruder token, a drawn, this Intruder Retreats. Draw an Event card and
Remove this token from the bag and add 1 Attack card and check the Injury Effect. (For Breeders Surprise Attack occurs (resolve an Intruder Attack). move the Intruder according to the number that appears
Adult token to the Intruder bag. and Queens, draw TWO cards. Larva/Egg dies). Otherwise nothing happens. in the Intruder movement section of the card. Then,
5. Discard the drawn Intruder token. discard that Event card.
Creeper Melee Attack: 1. Draw 1 Contamination card, Encounters can be triggered by some event cards.
Remove this token from the bag and add 1 (unless the target is an Egg). 3. If the total number on the Blood icon(s) are equal to
Breeder token to the bag. EXPLORATION & MARKERS or lower than the Injuries placed on the Intruder, remove
2. Choose a target within the same Room.
When entering an unexplored (face down) Room: the Intruder and place an Intruder Carcass.
Adult 3. Roll a Combat die. See Combat Results. If you miss,
1. Turn over its Room tile (face up).
Return this token to the bag. All players roll for YOU SUFFER 1 SERIOUS INJURY! (Unless target is an Egg). INTRUDER ATTACK
2. Reveal its Exploration token and resolve its effect,
Noise in order except those in combat. If you hit, apply any Injury token, then draw an Intruder 1. Choose the targeted Character (fewest cards
then remove it from the game. Some of the effects
Attack card and check the Injury Effect. (For Breeders in their hand, then turn order).
Breeder may cancel step 3.
and Queens, draw TWO cards. Larva/Egg dies). 2. Draw an Intruder Attack card and resolve it:
Return this token to the bag. All players roll for 3. If the Room is empty, (no Intruder or Character),
Pick Up Heavy Object: Pick up 1 Character preform a Noise Roll. • If any Intruder symbol corresponds to the attacking
Noise in order except those in combat.
Corpse, Intruder Carcass, or Intruder Egg present Intruder type(s), the Attack(s) are successful. Resolve
Queen Blank: No Noise roll. If the Character has a Slime the Effect of the card.
in the Room. This object takes up one hand slot.
If there are Characters in the Nest, place This Action applies only to Heavy objects, not Heavy Items.
marker, resolve “Danger ” below instead. • If there is no corresponding symbol on the card,
the Queen there and resolve an Encounter; Danger: No Noise roll. If there are Intruders in the Attack misses. Discard the Intruder Attack card.
Trade: All Characters can trade Items with z
remove this token from the bag. If not, add an Egg token the neighboring Rooms (and not in Combat), • If the Intruder Attack is performed by a Larva:
in the same Room.
to the Intruder board; then return this token to the bag. Characters cannot exchange Ammo. move them all to this Room. If not, place a Noise marker place the Larva mini on the Target Character’s board
in each connected Corridor that doesn’t have a Noise (if there already is one on the Character board, just
Craft Item: Discard 2 Item cards with the required Marker, (including Technical Corridors). remove Larva mini), and draw 1 Contamination Card.
Craft icons to gain the corresponding Crafted
CRITICAL MOMENTS Item. (Crafted weapons have full ammo.) Slime: Place a Status marker on the Slime CHARACTER DEATH
slot of your Character board. = . If a Character with 3 Serious Wounds suffers any more
FIRST ENCOUNTER Careful Movement: Same as Movement but Characters can only ever have 1 Slime Status Marker. Wounds (Light or Serious), they are killed. Remove
When the first Intruder (any type) appears, instead of a Noise Roll, place a Noise marker their miniature from the board and place a Character
Fire: Place a Fire marker in this Room.
all players must choose 1 Objective and discard in a chosen Corridor connected to the Room Corpse token where they died. All Heavy Objects they
• Characters suffer 1 light wound if they end their
the other face down. you are entering. If there is a Noise marker in all were carrying are dropped in the Room they died in.
2 actions (or 1 action and pass) in a Room with a Fire
FIRST DEAD CHARACTER connected Corridors; this Action cannot be performed.
Marker. You do not suffer these wounds after passing.
After the first Character’s death all Escape Pods Room Actions: Perform the Room Action in Each Room can only have 1 Fire Marker.
are automatically Unlocked. your present room. (Cannot be performed in Fire Markers don’t affect Room or Search Actions.
Fire CAN spread into unexplored Rooms.
TIME TRACK Rooms with a Malfunction marker.)
When the Time Track reaches any blue space, Malfunction: Place a Malfunction marker
Action Cards: Discard the Action card you want
the Hibernation chambers open. in this Room. Room Actions are unavailable.
to perform, and discard the additional Action
Computers are disabled.
SELF DESTRUCT cards required. Each Room can only have 1 Malfunction Marker.
When the Self-Destruct Track reaches a yellow Item Cards: Discard the required number of Malfunction Markers don’t affect Search Actions.
space, unlock all Escape Pods. Action cards to perform an Item Action. “One Doors: Place Door token in the Corridor used to
Use Only” Items must be discarded after use. enter Room. Blocks Movement. See Door Tokens.
INTRUDER MOVEMENT PLAYER GOALS ARMORY: +2 Ammo to 1 of your Energy Weapons. AIRLOCK CONTROL: Choose 1 other Yellow Room.
• When drawing an Event card during Event phase: A game of Nemesis may result in multiple winners. Only Energy Weapons. Cannot exceed Ammo Capacity. Close Doors in each connecting Corridor. Place
Intruders of the shown type move across the Corridor To consider a player a winner, they must meet 2 con- Airlock Procedure token in that Room. If any of the
number indicated. If that corridor is a Technical Corri- ditions: COMMS ROOM: Place a Status marker on the
Signal space on your Character board. connecting Doors are opened, remove this token. If
dor, see Technical Corridors below. the current player phase ends and the Airlock Procedure
1. Survive: [1] hibernate in the Hibernatorium with
• If an Intruder ends its movement in an unexplored EMERGENCY ROOM: Heal all your Light Wounds token is still in that Room, all Characters and Intruders
the ship still functioning and jumping to Earth (or Mars
Room, do not remove it and don’t reveal the Room OR Dress all your Serious Wounds OR Heal 1 in that room die (do not place Corpses). Then, remove
for the Quarantine Objective) OR [2] use one of the
(or its Exploration token). of your Dressed Serious Wounds. the Airlock Procedure token.
Escape Pods to evacuate the ship.
• If an adult Intruder is instructed to be placed, but all Airlock Procedure also removes Fire Markers and Corpses.
8 models are already on board, remove all Adult models 2. Fulfill their Objective: Per their objective card. EVAC SECTION A/B: If there is an Unlocked Escape
not in Combat. Put the corresponding Intruder tokens Pod with an empty space of the corresponding CABINS: If you are not in Combat and there is no
END OF THE GAME Malfunction marker in this room: at the start of the
back in the Intruder bag (if possible). Place an Adult In- section (A/B): Attempt to enter by performing a Noise Roll.
The game ends when one of these conditions is met: Player Phase, draw 1 additional Action card.
truder model in the Room where the Encounter occurred. 0. If an Intruder appears in this Room, you do not
• The Time marker moves on the final blue space of the
enter the Escape Pod. CANTEEN: Heal 1 Light Wound. You may Scan
TECHNICAL CORRIDORS Time Track. The ship jumps into hyperspace. Everyone
1. If no Intruder appeared, place your Character on a all Contamination cards in your hand; remove
• Both the Technical Corridors Entrances (present in on board and not in Hibernation dies.
Hyperjump death does not apply to Intruders!
space in the corresponding Unlocked Escape Pod. all non-infected cards. (If they are Infected, follow
some Rooms) and the special space of Technical
2. Launch/Wait. If you Wait, you may Launch before Infection Procedure on the back of the Scanner).
Corridors are not normally accessible to the Characters. • The Self-Destruct marker moves to the final red your first 2 Actions during subsequent player phases.
• If a Noise marker should be placed in a Technical space of its Track OR you are instructed to place a 9th COMMAND CENTER: Choose 1 Room. Close/
While waiting, if an Intruder appears in the corresponding
Corridor Entrance, place it in the Technical Corridors Fire or Malfunction marker. The ship is destroyed. All on Open Doors in Corridors connected to that Room.
Evac Room (A/B), you’re character is returned from
space instead. board (both awake and in Hibernation) die.
Technical Corridors can never hold Door tokens.
the Escape Pod to the Room. If you Launch, remove ENGINE CONTROL ROOM: Check Status of the
The ship being destroyed does kill all Intruders.
the Escape Pod from the game. Then wait for the Victory 3 Engines. Do not change any Engines Statuses.
• If an Intruder moves to the Technical Corridors • The last alive (not hibernating) Character on board Check at the end of the game to see if you have won. Malfunction Marker’s in Engine Rooms do not affect this action.
Entrance, discard all its Injury markers, return its token the ship dies, Hibernates or uses an Escape Pod. Move
to the Intruder bag, and remove its mini from the board. the Self-Destruct (if active) and Time markers to the FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM: Choose any 1 Room. HATCH CONTROL SYSTEM: Flip 1 Escape Pod
Don’t remove a Noise from the Technical Corridors space. final red space on their respective tracks. In both cases Discard a Fire marker from that Room (if any). token to its Locked or Unlocked side.
DOOR TOKENS resolve the effects of those markers as described above. All Intruders in that Room Retreat. (See Intruder Injury
MONITORING ROOM: Secretly look at any
Only placed in Corridors. Each Corridor can only have If one of these conditions is met and at least 1 Character Effect, step 2.)
one unexplored Room and it’s Exploration token.
one Door token. Doors do not affect Noise markers, and Survived, proceed to the Victory Check . GENERATOR: • Start the Self Destruct: Place
can have 3 statuses: ROOM WITH SLIME: Entering this Room gives you
VICTORY CHECK a Status marker on space 6 of the Self-Destruct a Slime marker. (No Search or Malfunctions here).
1. OPEN (No Door token.) Track. This marker now advances during the Event Phase.
1. Check Engines: If two of the top Engine tokens
2. CLOSED (Standing Door token.) Characters and When the marker reaches space a yellow space, SHOWER ROOM: Remove a Slime marker from
do not have a working status, the ship explodes.
Intruders cannot move through this Corridor. Grenade all Escape Pods are unlocked, and the Self-Destruct your Character. You may Scan all Contamination
All Characters on board, (awake and hibernated), and
throwing is also affected. When an Intruder tries to Sequence cannot be aborted. cards in your hand; remove all non-infected cards. (If
Intruders die.
move through a Corridor with a Closed Door token, it Malfunction markers do not affect an Engines status. • Stop the Self-Destruct: Remove the Status marker on they are Infected, follow Infection Procedure on the
does not move but destroys the Door instead. the Self-Destruct track, unless it is on a yellow Space. back of the Scanner).
3. DESTROYED (Lying down Door token.) Movement is 2. Check Coordinates: reveal the Coordinates card. The Shower Room does not affect Fire markers in any way..
• If Self Destruct reaches the red space, the ship explodes.
allowed through this Corridor. A Destroyed Door can Check the current space of the Destination marker. Self-Destruct cannot be started if Characters are Hibernating.
never be Closed again. (Exception: the Mechanic’s If the ship is not headed toward Earth, all Characters If a Hyperspace Jump happens while the Self-Destruct Track is
Plasma Torch Item.) asleep in the Hibernatorium die. (Unless you have active, then the ship is still destroyed and everything on board dies. SPECIAL ROOMS
the Quarantine Objective.)
• If there are no Door tokens left, take any Closed Door Death from destination does not apply to Intruders. LABORATORY: If a Character Corpse, Intruder COCKPIT: Check Coordinates OR Set Destination.
token on the board and place it in the required Corridor. Carcass, or Egg is in this Room: discover one Check Coordinates: Secretly look at Coordinates
3. Check Contamination: Each alive Character (in the
• If several Intruders move from the same Room, they corresponding Intruder Weakness card. (The Object is card. OR Set Destination: Move the Destination marker to
Hibernatorium or an Escape Pod):
destroy the Door instead. All stay in the starting Room. not discarded, but may be dropped for free). the desired space on the Destination Track.
Danger results on a Noise roll ignore Closed Doors!
A) Scans all Contamination cards they have. Cannot change Destination when any Character’s are Hibernating.
B) If there is at least 1 “INFECTED” card, shuffle all cards NEST: Take 1 Egg token from the Intruder Board.
then draw 4 cards. If there is at least 1 Contamination Perform a Noise roll. When there are no more ENGINES 1, 2, or 3: Secretly loot at the top Engine
card (Infected or not), the Character dies. If there are Eggs in the Nest, the nest is considered destroyed. token of the Engine Room you are in.
none, they are lucky to survive. A Fire marker in this room will kill 1 Egg every Event Phase Repair (or Break) Engine: Use a Repairs Action or a Tools
• If your Character board has a Larva, skip step A. Eggs in the nest can be the target of an Attack Action Item card in an Engine Room. Take both Engine tokens
Grenades destroy 2 Eggs, a Molotov Cocktail destroys 1 Egg and secretly replace them in the order of your choice.
4. Check Objective(s): Each player whose Character
Must perform a Noise roll after every attempt to destroy Eggs Without 2 Functional Engines at game end; the ship will explode.
is still alive at this step reveals their Objective card Malfunction markers do not affect an Engine’s Status.
to the other players and check if they have met all STORAGE: Perform a Search in the Item deck of
its requirements. If so, then they have won the game. your choosing. (Don’t reduce the Item Counter). HIBERNATORIUM: If Time Track is on a blue space:
Attempt to Hibernate by performing a Noise roll.
ENDING THE GAME BEFORE OTHER PLAYERS SURGERY: Scan all your Contamination cards.
0. If an Intruder appears in this Room, you do not
If any Character uses an Escape Pod, Hibernates or Remove all Infected cards. Remove Larva from
successfully Hibernate.
dies, they no longer actively participate in the game. your board (if any). You suffer 1 Light Wound and you
1. If no Intruder appeared, you have successfully
At the end of the game, Characters that are still alive must pass. Shuffle all Action cards (including those
Hibernated. Remove your Character from the board.
determine if all their Objectives have been met, and in hand and discard pile) into your Action deck. Your
2. Wait until Victory Check to see if you have won.
thus if they have won or not. hand will be empty until the start of your next turn.
CEO (Blue) NEW “2” ROOMS This mode is to be played after a full game of Nemesis. This mode replaces a full game of Nemesis.
• Robot: When Action Cards with the icon are played CRAFTING ROOM: Exchange one of the following If Ship Destruction has occurred, this mode cannot be played.
you must discard an Energy from the Robot. If there is no Items for a new Crafted Item: SETUP SUMMARY Same as Base: Coordinates/Destination. Engine
Energy on the Robot, Action cards cannot be used • Energy Charge → Laser Pointer Remove: All Intruders, Intruder Tokens, Noise/Fire tokens. The Contamination, Serious Wound, Item/Craft
except to pay for the cost of other Actions. You may use • Tools → Combat Drone markers, the original Event deck, and discard all the Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and dice. Status markers.
an Energy Charge Item to replenish the Robot’s Energy. • Clothes → Enviro-Suit previously found or crafted Item cards. Character Drafting and components. Objectives. Blue
The Armory cannot Recharge the Robot. SERVER ROOM: Use the Room Action of any Leave: All Malfunction markers, Door tokens, Escape Character Corpse.
• Action Cards with a do not remove the Robots discovered working Room with a Computer. Pods, and Rooms. Different: 1. The Shuttle and Nemesis Boards. Shuffle
Energy, but are removed from the CEO’s Action deck 1. Reveal unexplored Rooms and their Exploration the “1” and “2” Rooms separately, then randomly place
after use. These cards have no cost. ALARM ROOM: Preform a Noise Roll in any tokens, rotate Rooms to proper Item count, then discard
Room without a Character. This may trigger them face down on both boards in their corresponding
• You may only unlock one of the Access Codes Quest all Exploration tokens. room slots (“1” or “2”). Reveal Room tiles on the Shuttle.
Items during the game. Once you unlock one, the other an Encounter, but no Surprise Attacks will occur. 2. Intruder Weaknesses remain, but a Status marker
This Action can apply to an undiscovered Room. Replace “Room covered in Slime“ if revealed on the Shuttle.
is secretly returned to the box. is placed on revealed Weaknesses. These Weaknesses 2. Place original Exploration tokens (removing the
Android (Green) TURRET ROOM: Change the Status of any Turret. must be Discovered again before they are active. (If Doors and Danger tokens while adding the Turret tokens)
• The Android is eliminated when the Time marker discovered, remove the Status Marker). randomly face down on each unexplored Room.
reaches the 5th space of the Time Track. (Or the 3rd if the Place: 1. The Shuttle board. Shuffle and place remaining 3. Place the Aftermath Exploration Tokens randomly
TURRET STATUS “2” Rooms face up on the “2” Shuttle board spots. Place
Emergency Energy Cell Quest Item has been unlocked.) face down on ALL Rooms, (Special too), on main board.
• The Deactivation Module works during the Intruder Inactive − Turret is inactive. Cannot be destroyed. Status marker on first space of the Shuttle Time Track. 4. Place Escape Pod Tokens according to player count:
Attack step of the Event Phase. Replace “Room covered in Slime” if revealed on the Shuttle. 1-2 players: 1 Escape Pod.
• Self-Repair is the ONLY way the Android can be healed. 2. Shuffle and place the Aftermath Alert deck. 3-4 players: 2 Escape Pods.
Target: Intruders − Intruders that have entered the
• After drawing a Contamination card, Scan it. If it 3. Add Intruder tokens to bag according to player count: 5 players: 3 Escape Pods.
Room this round (including spawning): receive
is Infected, suffer 1 Light Wound. Then (Infected or 2-3 Players: 1 Larva and 2 Adults. 4 Players: 2 Larva and 5. Place 1 Blank, 4 Larvae, 2 Creeper, 3 Adults, 1 Breeder,
1 Injury during the Fire Damage Step.
not), remove the card from your Action deck, then draw 4 Adults. 5 Players: 3 Larva and 6 Adults. and 1 Queen in the bag, +1 Adult per player.
If you run out of Intruder tokens, do not add any more.
another Action card. Target: All − Everything that has entered the Room 6. Shuffle these cards from the basic Event deck:
this round (including spawning Intruders); takes 1 4. Place Aftermath Exploration tokens face down Lurking, Short Circuit, Hunt (Intruder Move 3), Scent
Psychologist (White)
Light Wound/Injury during the Fire Damage Step. randomly in ALL Rooms, (Special too), on main board. of Prey, Damage, Life Support Failure, Eclosion, and
• The Emotion Scanner will not work if the connecting
5. Same As Base Game: Shuffle Intruder Attack, Damaging Fire with the Aftermath Event Deck and
Corridor is blocked by a Closed Door.
Contamination, and Serious Wound decks. Reset the place it by the Shuttle Board.
• You can play Lend a Hand on yourself. NEW EXPLORATION
Engine tokens and Coordinates card. Draft Characters 7. Place Character minis in the Main Room of the Shuttle.
Oculobe Drone does not let you view another player’s hand.
Lockdown: Close Doors in connecting Corridors, normally. (Aftermath Characters cannot be re-used).
Bounty Hunter (Violet) except the Corridor used to enter this Room. EVENT PHASE DIFFERENCES
6. Place Character minis in the Main Room of the Shuttle.
• When using Tactical Move, other Intruders in the If Technical Corridor was used to enter this Room, close all Doors. 1. Move Markers: Move Shuttle Time Track (if present)
7. Shuffle Personal Requirements, deal 1 to each player.
Room you are moving from do not attack you. marker 1 space. Other markers are moved normally.
Danger: No Noise roll. If there are Intruders in Place the Lucrative Offer card face up next to the board.
Laika: 2. Alert Check: If the Alert has not been fulfilled when the
the neighboring Rooms (and not in Combat), EVENT PHASE DIFFERENCES Shuttle Time Track reaches the last red space, the game
• After using the Seek Mod. Action card, Laika returns 1. Move Markers: Move Shuttle Time Track marker 1
move them all to this Room. If not, place a Noise marker ends with a defeat for all Characters. (If an Alert is active
to your Character Board. space. Other markers are moved normally.
in each connected Corridor that doesn’t have a Noise when the game ends, it must also be fulfilled or the game
• Aggro Override can deal 1 Injury to an Intruder in 2. Alert Check (turns 3 & 5): Check to see if you fulfilled
Marker, (including Technical Corridors). ends with a defeat for all Characters.)
the Bounty Hunter’s Room each time Laika could move the Alert. If yes, discard the Alert. If not, the game ends
and does not. (This is triggered with the Trait ability). Egg: Place an Intruder Egg (Heavy Object) in 3 & 4: Intruder Attack, Fire Damage. (Same as base game).
with a defeat for all Characters. At the start of Turn 3, 5. Resolve Event card:
• The Sentinel Action can be used on any Intruder Attack. this Room. reveal the second Alert Card. There is no Alert in Turn 5.
• Laika ignores Fire markers, Slime, and Turrets in her • Intruder Movement, then Event Effect.
Slimed Room: This token remains permanently 3 & 4: Intruder Attack, Fire Damage. (Same as base game). : Draw a new Alert card if there is none Active,
Room. Whenever she is Called Back, she is placed on 5. Resolve Event card:
your Character board. in this Room. Each time a Character enters this then place a Status maker on the first space of the
Room they receive a Slime marker. • Intruder Movement, then Event Effect. Shuttle Time Track.
• Laika does count as a Character for preventing others : all players must preform a Noise roll.
from rolling noise when entering her Room. 6. Intruder Bag Development (as normal).
Larva: No Noise roll. Place a Larva mini in this Lucrative Offer
Convict (Red) Room. This doesn’t trigger an Encounter. END OF THE GAME & VICTORY CHECK
Anyone may take “Lucrative Offer” at any time, this discards
• Anyone can use the Cuffs Key Item from anywhere. Same as the base game.
Fire: Place a Fire marker in this Room. their Personal Requirement. (You ignore last Alert Check).
• Serious Wounds that are ignored with your Augmented VICTORY CHECK
Arm are not considered Dressed. • Characters suffer 1 light wound if they end their
2 actions (or 1 action and pass) in a Room with a Fire In order to win, you must fulfill the following:
You can still preform Rest Actions with your Augmented Arm,
even if ignoring a Serious Wound. Marker. You do not suffer these wounds after passing. 1. The players must have revealed all the Aftermath
• The Pipe cannot be traded. Each Room can only have 1 Fire Marker. Exploration Tokens on the Nemesis. (Unless you have
• I need this cannot be Interrupted. Fire Markers don’t affect Room or Search Actions. the Lucrative Offer).
Fire CAN spread into unexplored Rooms. 2 players: 3 Aftermath Explorations tokens may remain unrevealed.
• Opportunist still works if the Doors are Destroyed
2. The player must fulfill their Personal Requirement
in the Corridor you moved through. Carcass: Place an Intruder Carcass (Heavy
(or the Lucrative Offer).
Medic (Pink) Object) in this Room.
3. Their Character must be on the Shuttle board or in
• You ALWAYS spend 1 ammo from the Needle Gun when Corpse: Place a Character Corpse (Heavy Object) a launched Escape Pod by the end of Turn 5.
using the ER card. in this Room. 4. The players resolve a Contamination Check as normal.
Remove: the “Room covered in Slime”, the 4 “Slime” and The terms Void Seeder and Intruder are equivalent. Encounters can be triggered by some event cards.
“Silence” Exploration tokens, and the original Event and Void Seeders ignore closed Doors during Movement. 1. Discard all Noise markers from all Corridors
Intruder Attack decks from the game. INJURIES/DEATH connected to this Room (including Technical Corridors).
Same as Base: Nemesis Board. (Remaining) Room When a Void Seeder is defeated, add a random Void 2. Draw 1 Void Seeder token from the bag and resolve
placement. Coordinates/Destination. Escape Pods. Seeder token to the bag. Void seeders do not leave it according to the tokens below.
Engine tokens. The Contamination, Serious Wound, Item/ Carcasses when they die! (Except for Lairs.) Void Seeder Token: Place a Void Seeder
Craft Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and dice. Status When attacking a Void Seeder, each type treats their mini in this Room corresponding to the
markers. Character Drafting and components. Objectives. Insanity level of the encountering Character.
Injury Effect differently as follows:
Start in Hibernatorium. Blue Character Corpse. Compare the number on the Void Seeder token with
Lurker: Draw 2 Void Seeder Attack cards. Check the number of cards in the player’s hand (including
Different: 1. Add the 3 “Lair” Exploration tokens with the “Blood” icons, the lower numbered card is
the others and randomly place them face down on Contamination cards). If the number of cards in their
used. If on either card, the Void Seeder Retreats. hand is lower than the number on the token, a Surprise
each Room tile and in each Engine Room. (No Items
in Engines). Attack occurs − receive 1 Contamination card and
Whisperer: Same as regular Adult Intruder.
2. Add the following Void Seeder tokens to the bag: resolve a Panic card. Otherwise nothing happens.
1 Blank, 1 random Void Seeder token per player, +2 more. Stalker: Draw 2 Void Seeder Attack cards. Check Discard the drawn Void Seeder token.
the “Blood” icons, the higher numbered card is If there are no more of a mini, use a lower level Void Seeder.
Then add 1 Insanity token per player, matching their
Character’s color. used. If on either card, the Void Seeder Retreats. Insanity Token: Place a Noise marker in
3. Place the Void Seeder board with 5 Eggs, and 3 Void all connecting Corridors. The player who
Despoiler: When it would receive an injury, do triggered this Encounter resolves a Panic
Seeder Weaknesses randomly face down. not place one. But still draw a Void Seeder Attack
4. Shuffle and place Void Seeder Attack, Event, and Card. Return this token to the bag.
card to check for Retreat . The Despoiler is only If Laika triggers this, Noise is placed around her Room and the
Panic decks. defeated when all 3 Lair spots on the Void Seeder Bounty Hunter resolves the Panic Card.
5. Place 1 insanity Track card on each Character board are filled. (By finding and defeating all 3 Lairs.)
board (covering up their mini picture and the Slime Blank: Place a Noise marker in all connecting
Defeating all 3 Lairs fulfills “The Great Hunt” Objective. Corridors. Return this token to the bag.
Space). Place a Status marker on space 1 of this track. Once defeated, the Despoiler can never return to the game.
Insanity Track card: this marks the Insanity Level of a EVENT PHASE CHANGES
Character. Once you reach level 3 or above, you can CLOTHES ITEM
4-7. Time Track. Void Seeder Attack. Fire Damage.
never reduce it back to level 2. (See arrows on card). There is no Slime in Void Seeders so it cannot be
Resolve Event card. (All same as base game).
If a Character with an Insanity Level 5 increases their removed, but this Item still dresses 1 Serious wound.
8. Lurking: 1. Remove any Void Seeders not in Combat
Sanity Level, that Character dies. (Place a Character REST/SHOWER ROOM/CANTEEN
and with no neighboring Rooms with Characters.
Corpse in the Room and drop all Heavy Objects). When performing these Actions players may reduce
2. Place a Noise marker in all connecting Corridors
Panic Cards: When drawn, if your insanity is equal to their Insanity level by 1 (unless you’re at level 3)
where a Void Seeder was removed.
and/or Scan Contamination cards from their Hand.
or higher than the value on the card, resolve the cards 3. For each Void Seeder removed this way, place a
(Canteen still also heals 1 Light wound).
ability. If your insanity is lower, or if the card cannot be random Void Seeder token in the bag.
resolved; increase your Insanity level by 1. SURGERY/ANTIDOTE ITEM
9. Bag Development: Draw 1 token and resolve its effect.
Encounters: When an Encounter takes place, the Void When performing these Actions, reduce your Insanity
level to 3. (Instead of removing a Larva). All other rules Void Seeder Token
Seeder type placed depends on the Insanity Level of Return this to the bag. All players roll for Noise
regarding these actions are the same.
the Character who triggered the Encounter. in order except those in combat.
LAIRS To Analyze a Character Insanity Level (and thus reveal Insanity Token
Lairs count as Intruders for the purpose of any Action. that Weakness) 1 living Character with an Insanity of 3+ The Character of corresponding color resolves
Characters in the same Room as a Lair are in combat. must be present in the Room. All other rules regarding a Panic card. Return this token to the bag.
Lairs do not move, retreat, attack, or force players to the other Weaknesses/Laboratory are the same. If they aren’t in the game, remove this token and draw again.
choose Objectives. INFECTED RESULT Blank
Lair Exploration: Place a Lair mini in this Room. When scanning, if an INFECTED result is revealed, Add a random Void Seeder token to the bag.
Do not preform a Noise roll. increase your Insanity level to 5 (not above 5). Return this token to the bag.
Lair Effect: Make a Noise roll after every 2 actions (or CONTAMINATION CHECK (AT END OF GAME)
1 action and pass) while in a Room with a Lair. A. Each alive Character checks ALL their cards. For
Lair Injuries/Death: or above hits a Lair. each Contamination card, (Infected or not), they raise
1. Draw 2 Intruder Attack cards, check the Blood icons. their Insanity level by 1, until they reach level 5. (Cannot
2. If there is a Retreat Icon on any of the cards go above level 5 or die in this step).
drawn, the Lair is not Destroyed. B. Each Character who has an Insanity level of 5,
3. If the Blood icon of the higher valued card is shuffles all cards, then draws 4 cards. If there is at least
equal to or lower than the number of injuries, The Lair 1 Contamination card (Infected or not), the Character
is destroyed. Place an Intruder Carcass. Remove the Lair dies. If there are none, they are lucky to survive.
mini and place it on the Void Seeder Board. • If you’re already at Insanity level 5, skip step A.
Same as Base: Nemesis Board. Room placement. The terms Carnomorph and Intruder are equivalent. 4. Time Track (Same as base game).
Exploration token placement. Coordinates/Destination. METAGORGER ATTACK 5. Carnomorph Attack and Feeding.
Escape Pods. Engine tokens. The Contamination, Serious Characters attacked by Metagorgers gain a Mutation 1. Carnomorphs in Combat with a Character attack them.
Wound, Item/Craft Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and card (if the Character doesn’t already have one), a 2. Carnomorphs not in combat Feed on Heavy Objects/
dice. Status markers. Character Drafting and components. Contamination card, and suffer 1 Light Wound. Then Metagorgers in the same Room as them (see below). If
Objectives. Start in Hibernatorium. Blue Character Corpse. add a Shambler token to the bag, and remove the there are more than one Carnomorph in the same Room,
Different: 1. Add the following Carnomorph tokens Metagorger mini from the board. resolve Feeding according to the following priority order:
to the bag: 1 Blank, 2 blue Metagorgers, and a red All other Carnomorph attacks are the same as the Butcher > Fleshbeast > Shambler > Metagorger
Metagorger token per player, +2 more. base game Adult Intruders. Feeding: 1. Heal: remove all Injury markers from the
3. Place the Carnomorph board with 8 Eggs, and 3 INJURIES/DEATH feeding Carnomorph.
Carnomorph Adaptations randomly face down. Place When a Carnomorph is attacked, draw a Carnomorph 2. Evolve: replace its mini with a Carnomorph of the
a Shambler, Fleshbeast, and Butcher mini on their Attack card and check the blood icons. The top number next level as follows:
corresponding Adaptations. corresponds to Metagorgers only. The bottom number Metagorger > Shambler > Fleshbeat > Butcher.
4. Shuffle and place Carnomorph Attack, Event, and applies to all other Carnomorph types. If the number The Butcher cannot Evolve any further, but still Heals/Eats.
Mutation decks. in the matching blood icon is equal to or lower than 3. Eat: Remove Heavy Object/Metagorger from Room.
the number of Injury markers, the Carnomorph is killed. If there’s more than 1 Heavy object/Metagorger, remove
MUTATIONS them in the following priority order:
However, Carnomorphs have different effects after
INFECTED Result: When Scanning, if an INFECTED Red Character Corpse > Intruder Egg > Intruder Carcass >
dying and removing their mini, as follows:
result is revealed, gain a Mutation marker. Metagorger > Blue Character Corpse
Mutation Markers: When gaining a Mutation marker: Metagorger: Place an Intruder Carcass normally. If the Blue Character Corpse is removed, one Objective cannot
• If you do NOT have a Mutation card, draw 2 Mutation be fulfilled.
cards, choose 1 to keep face down, and reshuffle the Shambler: Place an Intruder Carcass normally. 6-7. Fire Damage. Resolve Event card. (Same as base).
other. (Don’t gain a Mutation marker).
8. Bag Development: Draw 1 token and resolve its effect:
• If you DO have a Mutation card, place a Mutation Fleshbeast: Place an Intruder Carcass and a
marker (Ammo/Injury) on the Character mini picture on Shambler mini in this Room. Blue Metagorger
your board. If a Character gains a 4th Mutation marker, Remove this token and add 1 Metagorger
their Character dies. (Place a Shambler mini and a Butcher: Place 2 Shamblers in this Room. token to the bag. All players perform a
Character Corpse in the Room they died in). Once killed, the Butcher can never return to the game. noise roll in order except those in combat.
There is no way to remove a Mutation Marker. This changes the blue token to a red one if possible.
Mutation Action: To preform a Mutation Action from Red Metagorger
Red Metagorger: whenever you would add a
Place a Metagorger mini in ALL Rooms
on Mutation card: Metagorger token to the bag, always add Red
containing a Metagorger, and/or a Heavy
1. You must scan a Contamination card from your Metagorger tokens first. (Then blue if you run out).
Object. (Even if it’s in a Characters Hands). If the Nest is
hand and gain 1 Mutation marker.
Butcher: The Butcher cannot enter Technical explored and not destroyed, also place a Metagorger
• If the card is INFECTED, preform the INFECTED action
Corridors. It stays in the Room instead. there. Return this token to the bag.
on the Mutation card. (Discard the Contamination card).
Placing Metagorgers in this way doesn’t cause Surprise Attacks.
• If the card isn’t infected, remove this Contamination CARNOMORPH ADAPTATIONS This does cause players to choose their Objectives.
card and place a new one in your discard pile. Then Each time a Carnomorph type appears the first time,
perform the NOT INFECTED action on the Mutation card. Shambler
(besides a Metagorger), remove and place on the board Return this to the bag. All players perform
Surgery/Antidote Item: Instead of removing a Larva, the corresponding mini from the Carnomorph board. a noise roll in order except those in combat.
these actions now remove a Mutation card. All other Then reveal the Adaptation card that was below it.
rules are the same as the base game. Revealed Adaptations apply to ALL Carnomorphs. Fleshbeast
Return this to the bag. All players perform
CONTAMINATION CHECK (AT END OF GAME) Laboratory: When Characters use the Laboratory to a noise roll in order except those in combat.
Each alive Character (in the Hibernatorium or an discover a Weakness, they instead discard the revealed
corresponding Adaptation card from the game. Butcher
Escape Pod):
The Adaptation must be revealed to discard it. Place the Butcher mini in a Room with a
A) Scans all Contamination cards they have. If there
Weakness Objectives: All Objectives that require an Slimed Character and resolve an Encounter.
is at least 1 “INFECTED” card, gain a Mutation card.
Intruder Weakness to be discovered, instead require (If more than 1 Slimed Character, the one with the fewest
B) If the player has a Mutation card, shuffle all cards
the corresponding Adaptation(s) to be discarded in cards, then player order. If there is no Slimed Character,
then draw 4 cards. For each Contamination card drawn,
order for the Objective to be fulfilled. place the Butcher in the first players Room.) Remove this
gain 1 Mutation marker. If the Character gains a 4th
token from the bag.
Mutation marker, they die.
• If you have a Mutation card, skip step A.
The only change is: Return this to the bag. Remove from the Board
Blank: Place a Noise marker in all connecting all Shamblers which are not in a Room with
Corridors. Return this token to the bag. (If a Character. Put their respective tokens in the bag, +1
the Blank token is the last token in the bag, Metagorger token. All players then perform a Noise
add 1 Metagorger token to the bag). roll except those in combat.
1. PLAYER PHASE Contamination cards cannot be discarded for the cost of an action. —— NOISE ROLL ——
The only basic Actions that can be taken in Combat
1. Draw up to 5 Action cards. IN & OUT OF COMBAT Roll a Noise die and resolve the result: are Escape (Movement), Shoot, and Melee Attack.
2. The First Player token is passed to the left. These icons restrict Actions to only in or out of Combat. Direct Attack Actions can only Injure Intruders, not Characters.
3. Each player plays in clockwise order: Characters are considered in Combat when they are
in a Room with an Intruder, no matter the type. Place a Noise marker in a connected Corridor COMBAT RESULTS
• 2 Actions;
: In Combat Only : Out of Combat Only with the same number as your Noise roll, (Technical
• OR 1 Action and pass, then discard; You miss your target.
Corridors too). Each Corridor (even Technical) may
• OR pass and discard BASIC ACTIONS (ON PLAYER BOARD) never hold more than 1 Noise marker. If you place
Discarding is optional and includes Contamination cards. Deal 1 Injury to a Creeper/Larva.
Discard a number of cards equal to the icon: a Noise marker in a Corridor that already contains
Repeat until all players pass. After passing, players
Movement: 0. If you’re NOT in Combat, skip this one, resolve an Encounter instead.
do not take part in any subsequent turns this round, Deal 1 Injury to an Adult/Creeper/Larva.
but may still play Interrupt cards. (Each turn ended in a step. If you are, this is considered an Escape or see EXPLORATION below.
Room with a Fire marker, suffer 1 Light Wound.) Movement: draw an Intruder Attack card for each
Intruder and resolve it, (Larva infests instead). Deal 1 Injury to any Intruder.
If you die, place a Character Corpse in the Room you were in.
4. Move markers on the Time/Self-Destruct Track. 1. Discard all Noise markers from all Corridors Deal 2 Injuries to any Intruder. (Melee Attack still
1. Move Character to a neighboring Room through connected to this Room (including Technical Corridors).
5. Intruder Attack. only 1 Injury.)
a Corridor (never stop in Corridor). Closed Doors block 2. Draw 1 Intruder token from the Intruder bag.
6. Fire Damage. (1 per Intruder, Destroy 1 Egg.)
“neighboring”. Moving Effects resolve AFTER moving. 3. Place an Intruder miniature in this Room that INTRUDER INJURY EFFECT
7. Resolve 1 Event Card:
2. If the Room tile is face down, see Exploration. corresponds to the Intruder token. If blank, add noise Intruder Eggs/Larvas die with 1 hit, don’t draw Intruder Attack Card
• Intruder Movement, then Event Effect.
3. If the Character enters an empty room, (no Intruder to all connecting corridors. (If blank is the last token
8. Bag Development: draw 1 token and resolve its effect: When (non-Egg/Larva) Intruders suffer an Injury for
or Character), perform a Noise Roll. in the bag, add 1 Adult Intruder token to the bag.)
Blank ANY reason:
Shoot: 1. Discard ammo from chosen weapon. 4. Compare the number on the Intruder token with 1. Draw an Intruder Attack card (2 for Breeders and
Add 1 Adult Intruder token to the bag (if the number of cards in the player’s hand (including
2. Choose a target within the same Room. Queen) and check the Blood icon(s) .
possible). Return this token to the bag. Contamination cards). If the number of cards in their
3. Roll a Combat die. See Combat Results. 2. If there is a Retreat Icon on any of the cards
Larva If you hit, apply any Injury token, then draw an Intruder hand is lower than the number on the Intruder token, a drawn, this Intruder Retreats. Draw an Event card and
Remove this token from the bag and add 1 Attack card and check the Injury Effect. (For Breeders Surprise Attack occurs (resolve an Intruder Attack). move the Intruder according to the number that appears
Adult token to the Intruder bag. and Queens, draw TWO cards. Larva/Egg dies). Otherwise nothing happens. in the Intruder movement section of the card. Then,
5. Discard the drawn Intruder token. discard that Event card.
Creeper Melee Attack: 1. Draw 1 Contamination card, Encounters can be triggered by some event cards.
Remove this token from the bag and add 1 (unless the target is an Egg). 3. If the total number on the Blood icon(s) are equal to
Breeder token to the bag. EXPLORATION & MARKERS or lower than the Injuries placed on the Intruder, remove
2. Choose a target within the same Room.
When entering an unexplored (face down) Room: the Intruder and place an Intruder Carcass.
Adult 3. Roll a Combat die. See Combat Results. If you miss,
1. Turn over its Room tile (face up).
Return this token to the bag. All players roll for YOU SUFFER 1 SERIOUS INJURY! (Unless target is an Egg). INTRUDER ATTACK
2. Reveal its Exploration token and resolve its effect,
Noise in order except those in combat. If you hit, apply any Injury token, then draw an Intruder 1. Choose the targeted Character (fewest cards
then remove it from the game. Some of the effects
Attack card and check the Injury Effect. (For Breeders in their hand, then turn order).
Breeder may cancel step 3.
and Queens, draw TWO cards. Larva/Egg dies). 2. Draw an Intruder Attack card and resolve it:
Return this token to the bag. All players roll for 3. If the Room is empty, (no Intruder or Character),
Pick Up Heavy Object: Pick up 1 Character preform a Noise Roll. • If any Intruder symbol corresponds to the attacking
Noise in order except those in combat.
Corpse, Intruder Carcass, or Intruder Egg present Intruder type(s), the Attack(s) are successful. Resolve
Queen Blank: No Noise roll. If the Character has a Slime the Effect of the card.
in the Room. This object takes up one hand slot.
If there are Characters in the Nest, place This Action applies only to Heavy objects, not Heavy Items.
marker, resolve “Danger ” below instead. • If there is no corresponding symbol on the card,
the Queen there and resolve an Encounter; Danger: No Noise roll. If there are Intruders in the Attack misses. Discard the Intruder Attack card.
Trade: All Characters can trade Items with
remove this token from the bag. If not, add an Egg token the neighboring Rooms (and not in Combat), • If the Intruder Attack is performed by a Larva:
each other in the same Room.
to the Intruder board; then return this token to the bag. Characters cannot exchange Ammo. move them all to this Room. If not, place a Noise marker place the Larva mini on the Target Character’s board
in each connected Corridor that doesn’t have a Noise (if there already is one on the Character board, just
Craft Item: Discard 2 Item cards with the required Marker, (including Technical Corridors). remove Larva mini), and draw 1 Contamination Card.
Craft icons to gain the corresponding Crafted
CRITICAL MOMENTS Item. (Crafted weapons have full ammo.) Slime: Place a Status marker on the Slime CHARACTER DEATH
slot of your Character board. = . If a Character with 3 Serious Wounds suffers any more
FIRST ENCOUNTER Careful Movement: Same as Movement but Characters can only ever have 1 Slime Status Marker. Wounds (Light or Serious), they are killed. Remove
When the first Intruder (any type) appears, instead of a Noise Roll, place a Noise marker their miniature from the board and place a Character
Fire: Place a Fire marker in this Room.
all players must choose 1 Objective and discard in a chosen Corridor connected to the Room Corpse token where they died. All Heavy Objects they
• Characters suffer 1 light wound if they end their
the other face down. you are entering. If there is a Noise marker in all were carrying are dropped in the Room they died in.
2 actions (or 1 action and pass) in a Room with a Fire
FIRST DEAD CHARACTER connected Corridors; this Action cannot be performed.
Marker. You do not suffer these wounds after passing.
After the first Character’s death all Escape Pods Room Actions: Perform the Room Action in Each Room can only have 1 Fire Marker.
are automatically Unlocked. your present room. (Cannot be performed in Fire Markers don’t affect Room or Search Actions.
Fire CAN spread into unexplored Rooms.
TIME TRACK Rooms with a Malfunction marker.)
When the Time Track reaches any blue space, Malfunction: Place a Malfunction marker
Action Cards: Discard the Action card you want
the Hibernation chambers open. in this Room. Room Actions are unavailable.
to perform, and discard the additional Action
Computers are disabled.
SELF DESTRUCT cards required. Each Room can only have 1 Malfunction Marker.
When the Self-Destruct Track reaches a yellow Item Cards: Discard the required number of Malfunction Markers don’t affect Search Actions.
space, unlock all Escape Pods. Action cards to perform an Item Action. “One Doors: Place Door token in the Corridor used to
Use Only” Items must be discarded after use. enter Room. Blocks Movement. See Door Tokens.
INTRUDER MOVEMENT PLAYER GOALS ARMORY: +2 Ammo to 1 of your Energy Weapons. AIRLOCK CONTROL: Choose 1 other Yellow Room.
• When drawing an Event card during Event phase: A game of Nemesis may result in multiple winners. Only Energy Weapons. Cannot exceed Ammo Capacity. Close Doors in each connecting Corridor. Place
Intruders of the shown type move across the Corridor For a player to win, they must meet 2 conditions: Airlock Procedure token in that Room. If any of the
number indicated. If that corridor is a Technical Corri- COMMS ROOM: Place a Status marker on the
1. Survive: [1] hibernate in the Hibernatorium with connecting Doors are opened, remove this token. If
dor, see Technical Corridors below. Signal space on your Character board.
the ship still functioning and jumping to Earth (or Mars the current player phase ends and the Airlock Procedure
• If an Intruder ends its movement in an unexplored for the Quarantine Objective) OR [2] use one of the EMERGENCY ROOM: Heal all your Light Wounds token is still in that Room, all Characters and Intruders
Room, do not remove it and don’t reveal the Room Escape Pods to evacuate the ship. OR Dress all your Serious Wounds OR Heal 1 in that room die (do not place Corpses). Then, remove
(or its Exploration token). of your Dressed Serious Wounds. the Airlock Procedure token.
• If an adult Intruder is instructed to be placed, but all 8 2. Fulfill their Objective: Per their objective card. Airlock Procedure also removes Fire Markers and Corpses.
models are already on board, remove all Adult models not EVAC SECTION A/B: If there is an Unlocked Escape
END OF THE GAME CABINS: If you are not in Combat and there is no
in Combat. Put the corresponding Intruder tokens back Pod with an empty space of the corresponding
The game ends when one of these conditions is met: Malfunction marker in this room: at the start of the
in the Intruder bag (if possible). Place an Adult Intruder section (A/B): Attempt to enter by performing a Noise Roll.
• The Time marker moves on the final blue space of the Player Phase, draw 1 additional Action card.
model in the Room where the Encounter occurred. 0. If an Intruder appears in this Room, you do not
Time Track. The ship jumps into hyperspace. Everyone
enter the Escape Pod. CANTEEN: Heal 1 Light Wound. You may Scan
TECHNICAL CORRIDORS on board and not in Hibernation dies.
Hyperjump death does not apply to Intruders!
1. If no Intruder appeared, place your Character on a all Contamination cards in your hand; remove
• Both the Technical Corridors Entrances (present in space in the corresponding Unlocked Escape Pod.
some Rooms) and the special space of Technical • The Self-Destruct marker moves to the final red all non-infected cards. (If they are Infected, follow
2. Launch/Wait. If you Wait, you may Launch before Infection Procedure on the back of the Scanner).
Corridors are not normally accessible to the Characters. space of its Track OR you are instructed to place a 9th your first 2 Actions during subsequent player phases.
• If a Noise marker should be placed in a Technical Fire or Malfunction marker. The ship is destroyed. All on While waiting, if an Intruder appears in the corresponding COMMAND CENTER: Choose 1 Room. Close/
Corridor Entrance, place it in the Technical Corridors board (both awake and in Hibernation) die. Evac Room (A/B), you’re character is returned from Open Doors in Corridors connected to that Room.
space instead. The ship being destroyed does kill all Intruders.
the Escape Pod to the Room. If you Launch, remove
Technical Corridors can never hold Door tokens.
ENGINE CONTROL ROOM: Check Status of the
• The last alive (not hibernating) Character on board the Escape Pod from the game. Then wait for the Victory 3 Engines. Do not change any Engines Statuses.
• If an Intruder moves to the Technical Corridors the ship dies, Hibernates or uses an Escape Pod. Move Check at the end of the game to see if you have won. Malfunction Marker’s in Engine Rooms do not affect this action.
Entrance, discard all its Injury markers, return its token the Self-Destruct (if active) and Time markers to the
to the Intruder bag, and remove its mini from the board. final red space on their respective tracks. In both cases FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM: Choose any 1 Room. HATCH CONTROL SYSTEM: Flip 1 Escape Pod
Don’t remove a Noise from the Technical Corridors space. resolve the effects of those markers as described above. Discard a Fire marker from that Room (if any). token to its Locked or Unlocked side.
DOOR TOKENS If one of these conditions is met and at least 1 Character All Intruders in that Room Retreat. (See Intruder Injury MONITORING ROOM: Secretly look at any
Only placed in Corridors. Each Corridor can only have survived, proceed to the Victory Check . Effect, step 2.) one unexplored Room and it’s Exploration token.
one Door token. Doors do not affect Noise markers, and GENERATOR: • Start the Self Destruct: Place
VICTORY CHECK ROOM WITH SLIME: Entering this Room gives you
can have 3 statuses: a Status marker on space 6 of the Self-Destruct
1. Check Engines: If two of the top Engine tokens a Slime marker. (No Search or Malfunctions here).
1. OPEN (No Door token.) Track. This marker now advances during the Event Phase.
do not have a working status, the ship explodes.
2. CLOSED (Standing Door token.) Characters and When the marker reaches space a yellow space, SHOWER ROOM: Remove a Slime marker from
All Characters on board, (awake and hibernated), and
Intruders cannot move through this Corridor. Grenade all Escape Pods are unlocked, and the Self-Destruct your Character. You may Scan all Contamination
Intruders die.
throwing is also affected. When an Intruder tries to Malfunction markers do not affect an Engines status. Sequence cannot be aborted. cards in your hand; remove all non-infected cards. (If
move through a Corridor with a Closed Door token, it • Stop the Self-Destruct: Remove the Status marker on they are Infected, follow Infection Procedure on the
does not move but destroys the Door instead. 2. Check Coordinates: reveal the Coordinates card. back of the Scanner).
the Self-Destruct track, unless it is on a yellow Space.
3. DESTROYED (Lying down Door token.) Movement is Check the current space of the Destination marker. The Shower Room does not affect Fire markers in any way..
• If Self Destruct reaches the red space, the ship explodes.
allowed through this Corridor. A Destroyed Door can If the ship is not headed toward Earth, all Characters Self-Destruct cannot be started if Characters are Hibernating.
never be Closed again. (Exception: the Mechanic’s asleep in the Hibernatorium die. (Unless you have If a Hyperspace Jump happens while the Self-Destruct Track is
Plasma Torch Item.) the Quarantine Objective.) active, then the ship is still destroyed and everything on board dies. SPECIAL ROOMS
Death from destination does not apply to Intruders.
• If there are no Door tokens left, take any Closed Door LABORATORY: If a Character Corpse, Intruder COCKPIT: Check Coordinates OR Set Destination.
3. Check Contamination: Each alive Character (in the
token on the board and place it in the required Corridor. Carcass, or Egg is in this Room: discover one Check Coordinates: Secretly look at Coordinates
Hibernatorium or an Escape Pod):
• If several Intruders move from the same Room, they corresponding Intruder Weakness card. (The Object is card. OR Set Destination: Move the Destination marker to
A) Scans all Contamination cards they have.
destroy the Door instead. All stay in the starting Room. not discarded, but may be dropped for free). the desired space on the Destination Track.
B) If there is at least 1 “INFECTED” card, shuffle all cards Cannot change Destination when any Character’s are Hibernating.
Danger results on a Noise roll ignore Closed Doors!
then draw 4 cards. If there is at least 1 Contamination NEST: Take 1 Egg token from the Intruder Board.
card (Infected or not), the Character dies. If there are Perform a Noise roll. When there are no more ENGINES 1, 2, or 3: Secretly loot at the top Engine
none, they are lucky to survive. Eggs in the Nest, the nest is considered destroyed. token of the Engine Room you are in.
• If your Character board has a Larva, skip step A. A Fire marker in this room will kill 1 Egg every Event Phase Repair (or Break) Engine: Use a Repairs Action or a Tools
Eggs in the nest can be the target of an Attack Action Item card in an Engine Room. Take both Engine tokens
4. Check Objective(s): Each player whose Character
Grenades destroy 2 Eggs, a Molotov Cocktail destroys 1 Egg and secretly replace them in the order of your choice.
is still alive at this step reveals their Objective card
Must perform a Noise roll after every attempt to destroy Eggs Without 2 Functional Engines at game end; the ship will explode.
to the other players and check if they have met all Malfunction markers do not affect an Engine’s Status.
its requirements. If so, then they have won the game. STORAGE: Perform a Search in the Item deck of
your choosing. (Don’t reduce the Item Counter). HIBERNATORIUM: If Time Track is on a blue space:
ENDING THE GAME BEFORE OTHER PLAYERS Attempt to Hibernate by performing a Noise roll.
If any Character uses an Escape Pod, Hibernates or SURGERY: Scan all your Contamination cards. 0. If an Intruder appears in this Room, you do not
dies, they no longer actively participate in the game. Remove all Infected cards. Remove Larva from successfully Hibernate.
At the end of the game, Characters that are still alive your board (if any). You suffer 1 Light Wound and you 1. If no Intruder appeared, you have successfully
determine if all their Objectives have been met, and must pass. Shuffle all Action cards (including those Hibernated. Remove your Character from the board.
thus if they have won or not. in hand and discard pile) into your Action deck. Your 2. Wait until Victory Check to see if you have won.
hand will be empty until the start of your next turn.
CEO (Blue) NEW “2” ROOMS This mode is to be played after a full game of Nemesis. This mode replaces a full game of Nemesis.
• Robot: When Action Cards with the icon are played CRAFTING ROOM: Exchange one of the following If Ship Destruction has occurred, this mode cannot be played.
you must discard an Energy from the Robot. If there is no Items for a new Crafted Item: SETUP SUMMARY Same as Base: Coordinates/Destination. Engine
Energy on the Robot, Action cards cannot be used • Energy Charge → Laser Pointer Remove: All Intruders, Intruder Tokens, Noise/Fire tokens. The Contamination, Serious Wound, Item/Craft
except to pay for the cost of other Actions. You may use • Tools → Combat Drone markers, the original Event deck, and discard all the Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and dice. Status markers.
an Energy Charge Item to replenish the Robot’s Energy. • Clothes → Enviro-Suit previously found or crafted Item cards. Character Drafting and components. Objectives. Blue
The Armory cannot Recharge the Robot. SERVER ROOM: Use the Room Action of any Leave: All Malfunction markers, Door tokens, Escape Character Corpse.
• Action Cards with a do not remove the Robots discovered working Room with a Computer. Pods, and Rooms. Different: 1. The Shuttle and Nemesis Boards. Shuffle
Energy, but are removed from the CEO’s Action deck 1. Reveal unexplored Rooms and their Exploration the “1” and “2” Rooms separately, then randomly place
after use. These cards have no cost. ALARM ROOM: Preform a Noise Roll in any tokens, rotate Rooms to proper Item count, then discard
Room without a Character. This may trigger them face down on both boards in their corresponding
• You may only unlock one of the Access Codes Quest all Exploration tokens. room slots (“1” or “2”). Reveal Room tiles on the Shuttle.
Items during the game. Once you unlock one, the other an Encounter, but no Surprise Attacks will occur. 2. Intruder Weaknesses remain, but a Status marker
This Action can apply to an undiscovered Room. Replace “Room covered in Slime“ if revealed on the Shuttle.
is secretly returned to the box. is placed on revealed Weaknesses. These Weaknesses 2. Place original Exploration tokens (removing the
Android (Green) TURRET ROOM: Change the Status of any Turret. must be Discovered again before they are active. (If Doors and Danger tokens while adding the Turret tokens)
• The Android is eliminated when the Time marker discovered, remove the Status Marker). randomly face down on each unexplored Room.
reaches the 5th space of the Time Track. (Or the 3rd if the Place: 1. The Shuttle board. Shuffle and place remaining 3. Place the Aftermath Exploration Tokens randomly
TURRET STATUS “2” Rooms face up on the “2” Shuttle board spots. Place
Emergency Energy Cell Quest Item has been unlocked.) face down on ALL Rooms, (Special too), on main board.
• The Deactivation Module works during the Intruder Inactive − Turret is inactive. Cannot be destroyed. Status marker on first space of the Shuttle Time Track. 4. Place Escape Pod Tokens according to player count:
Attack step of the Event Phase. Replace “Room covered in Slime” if revealed on the Shuttle. 1-2 players: 1 Escape Pod.
• Self-Repair is the ONLY way the Android can be healed. 2. Shuffle and place the Aftermath Alert deck. 3-4 players: 2 Escape Pods.
Target: Intruders − Intruders that have entered the
• After drawing a Contamination card, Scan it. If it 3. Add Intruder tokens to bag according to player count: 5 players: 3 Escape Pods.
Room this round (including spawning): receive
is Infected, suffer 1 Light Wound. Then (Infected or 2-3 Players: 1 Larva and 2 Adults. 4 Players: 2 Larva and 5. Place 1 Blank, 4 Larvae, 2 Creeper, 3 Adults, 1 Breeder,
1 Injury during the Fire Damage Step.
not), remove the card from your Action deck, then draw 4 Adults. 5 Players: 3 Larva and 6 Adults. and 1 Queen in the bag, +1 Adult per player.
If you run out of Intruder tokens, do not add any more.
another Action card. Target: All − Everything that has entered the Room 6. Shuffle these cards from the basic Event deck:
this round (including spawning Intruders); takes 1 4. Place Aftermath Exploration tokens face down Lurking, Short Circuit, Hunt (Intruder Move 3), Scent
Psychologist (White)
Light Wound/Injury during the Fire Damage Step. randomly in ALL Rooms, (Special too), on main board. of Prey, Damage, Life Support Failure, Eclosion, and
• The Emotion Scanner will not work if the connecting
5. Same As Base Game: Shuffle Intruder Attack, Damaging Fire with the Aftermath Event Deck and
Corridor is blocked by a Closed Door.
Contamination, and Serious Wound decks. Reset the place it by the Shuttle Board.
• You can play Lend a Hand on yourself. NEW EXPLORATION
Engine tokens and Coordinates card. Draft Characters 7. Place Character minis in the Main Room of the Shuttle.
Oculobe Drone does not let you view another player’s hand.
Lockdown: Close Doors in connecting Corridors, normally. (Aftermath Characters cannot be re-used).
Bounty Hunter (Violet) except the Corridor used to enter this Room. EVENT PHASE DIFFERENCES
6. Place Character minis in the Main Room of the Shuttle.
• When using Tactical Move, other Intruders in the If Technical Corridor was used to enter this Room, close all Doors. 1. Move Markers: Move Shuttle Time Track (if present)
7. Shuffle Personal Requirements, deal 1 to each player.
Room you are moving from do not attack you. marker 1 space. Other markers are moved normally.
Danger: No Noise roll. If there are Intruders in Place the Lucrative Offer card face up next to the board.
Laika: 2. Alert Check: If the Alert has not been fulfilled when the
the neighboring Rooms (and not in Combat), EVENT PHASE DIFFERENCES Shuttle Time Track reaches the last red space, the game
• After using the Seek Mod. Action card, Laika returns 1. Move Markers: Move Shuttle Time Track marker 1
move them all to this Room. If not, place a Noise marker ends with a defeat for all Characters. (If an Alert is active
to your Character Board. space. Other markers are moved normally.
in each connected Corridor that doesn’t have a Noise when the game ends, it must also be fulfilled or the game
• Aggro Override can deal 1 Injury to an Intruder in 2. Alert Check (turns 3 & 5): Check to see if you fulfilled
Marker, (including Technical Corridors). ends with a defeat for all Characters.)
the Bounty Hunter’s Room each time Laika could move the Alert. If yes, discard the Alert. If not, the game ends
and does not. (This is triggered with the Trait ability). Egg: Place an Intruder Egg (Heavy Object) in 3 & 4: Intruder Attack, Fire Damage. (Same as base game).
with a defeat for all Characters. At the start of Turn 3, 5. Resolve Event card:
• The Sentinel Action can be used on any Intruder Attack. this Room. reveal the second Alert Card. There is no Alert in Turn 5.
• Laika ignores Fire markers, Slime, and Turrets in her • Intruder Movement, then Event Effect.
Slimed Room: This token remains permanently 3 & 4: Intruder Attack, Fire Damage. (Same as base game). : Draw a new Alert card if there is none Active,
Room. Whenever she is Called Back, she is placed on 5. Resolve Event card:
your Character board. in this Room. Each time a Character enters this then place a Status maker on the first space of the
Room they receive a Slime marker. • Intruder Movement, then Event Effect. Shuttle Time Track.
• Laika does count as a Character for preventing others : all players must preform a Noise roll.
from rolling noise when entering her Room. 6. Intruder Bag Development (as normal).
Larva: No Noise roll. Place a Larva mini in this Lucrative Offer
Convict (Red) Room. This doesn’t trigger an Encounter. END OF THE GAME & VICTORY CHECK
Anyone may take “Lucrative Offer” at any time, this discards
• Anyone can use the Cuffs Key Item from anywhere. Same as the base game.
Fire: Place a Fire marker in this Room. their Personal Requirement. (You ignore last Alert Check).
• Serious Wounds that are ignored with your Augmented VICTORY CHECK
Arm are not considered Dressed. • Characters suffer 1 light wound if they end their
2 actions (or 1 action and pass) in a Room with a Fire In order to win, you must fulfill the following:
You can still preform Rest Actions with your Augmented Arm,
even if ignoring a Serious Wound. Marker. You do not suffer these wounds after passing. 1. The players must have revealed all the Aftermath
• The Pipe cannot be traded. Each Room can only have 1 Fire Marker. Exploration Tokens on the Nemesis. (Unless you have
• I need this cannot be Interrupted. Fire Markers don’t affect Room or Search Actions. the Lucrative Offer).
Fire CAN spread into unexplored Rooms. 2 players: 3 Aftermath Explorations tokens may remain unrevealed.
• Opportunist still works if the Doors are Destroyed
2. The player must fulfill their Personal Requirement
in the Corridor you moved through. Carcass: Place an Intruder Carcass (Heavy
(or the Lucrative Offer).
Medic (Pink) Object) in this Room.
3. Their Character must be on the Shuttle board or in
• You ALWAYS spend 1 ammo from the Needle Gun when Corpse: Place a Character Corpse (Heavy Object) a launched Escape Pod by the end of Turn 5.
using the ER card. in this Room. 4. The players resolve a Contamination Check as normal.
Same as Base: Nemesis Board. Room placement. The terms Carnomorph and Intruder are equivalent. 4. Time Track (Same as base game).
Exploration token placement. Coordinates/Destination. METAGORGER ATTACK 5. Carnomorph Attack and Feeding.
Escape Pods. Engine tokens. The Contamination, Serious Characters attacked by Metagorgers gain a Mutation 1. Carnomorphs in Combat with a Character attack them.
Wound, Item/Craft Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and card (if the Character doesn’t already have one), a 2. Carnomorphs not in combat Feed on Heavy Objects/
dice. Status markers. Character Drafting and components. Contamination card, and suffer 1 Light Wound. Then Metagorgers in the same Room as them (see below). If
Objectives. Start in Hibernatorium. Blue Character Corpse. add a Shambler token to the bag, and remove the there are more than one Carnomorph in the same Room,
Different: 1. Add the following Carnomorph tokens Metagorger mini from the board. resolve Feeding according to the following priority order:
to the bag: 1 Blank, 2 blue Metagorgers, and a red All other Carnomorph attacks are the same as the Butcher > Fleshbeast > Shambler > Metagorger
Metagorger token per player, +2 more. base game Adult Intruders. Feeding: 1. Heal: remove all Injury markers from the
3. Place the Carnomorph board with 8 Eggs, and 3 INJURIES/DEATH feeding Carnomorph.
Carnomorph Adaptations randomly face down. Place When a Carnomorph is attacked, draw a Carnomorph 2. Evolve: replace its mini with a Carnomorph of the
a Shambler, Fleshbeast, and Butcher mini on their Attack card and check the blood icons. The top number next level as follows:
corresponding Adaptations. corresponds to Metagorgers only. The bottom number Metagorger > Shambler > Fleshbeat > Butcher.
4. Shuffle and place Carnomorph Attack, Event, and applies to all other Carnomorph types. If the number The Butcher cannot Evolve any further, but still Heals/Eats.
Mutation decks. in the matching blood icon is equal to or lower than 3. Eat: Remove Heavy Object/Metagorger from Room.
the number of Injury markers, the Carnomorph is killed. If there’s more than 1 Heavy object/Metagorger, remove
MUTATIONS them in the following priority order:
However, Carnomorphs have different effects after
INFECTED Result: When Scanning, if an INFECTED Red Character Corpse > Intruder Egg > Intruder Carcass >
dying and removing their mini, as follows:
result is revealed, gain a Mutation marker. Metagorger > Blue Character Corpse
Mutation Markers: When gaining a Mutation marker: Metagorger: Place an Intruder Carcass normally. If the Blue Character Corpse is removed, One Objective cannot
• If you do NOT have a Mutation card, draw 2 Mutation be fulfilled.
cards, choose 1 to keep face down, and reshuffle the Shambler: Place an Intruder Carcass normally. 6-7. Fire Damage. Resolve Event card. (Same as base).
other. (Don’t gain a Mutation marker).
8. Bag Development: Draw 1 token and resolve its effect:
• If you DO have a Mutation card, place a Mutation Fleshbeast: Place an Intruder Carcass and a
marker (Ammo/Injury) on the Character mini picture on Shambler mini in this Room. Blue Metagorger
your board. If a Character gains a 4th Mutation marker, Remove this token and add 1 Metagorger
their Character dies. (Place a Shambler mini and a Butcher: Place 2 Shamblers in this Room. token to the bag. All players perform a
Character Corpse in the Room they died in). Once killed, the Butcher can never return to the game. noise roll in order except those in combat.
There is no way to remove a Mutation Marker. This changes the blue token to a red one if possible.
Mutation Action: To preform a Mutation Action from Red Metagorger
Red Metagorger: whenever you would add a
on Mutation card: Place a Metagorger mini in ALL Rooms
Metagorger token to the bag, always add Red
1. You must scan a Contamination card from your containing a Metagorger, and/or a Heavy
Metagorger tokens first. (Then blue if you run out).
hand and gain 1 Mutation marker. Object. (Even if it’s in a Characters Hands). If the Nest is
• If the card is INFECTED, preform the INFECTED action Butcher: The Butcher cannot enter Technical explored and not destroyed, also place a Metagorger
on the Mutation card. (Discard the Contamination card). Corridors. It stays in the Room instead. there. Return this token to the bag.
• If the card isn’t infected, remove this Contamination Placing Metagorgers in this way doesn’t cause Surprise Attacks.
CARNOMORPH ADAPTATIONS This does cause players to choose their Objectives.
card and place a new one in your discard pile. Then
Each time a Carnomorph type appears the first time, Shambler
perform the NOT INFECTED action on the Mutation card.
(besides a Metagorger), remove and place on the board Return this to the bag. All players perform
Surgery/Antidote Item: Instead of removing a Larva, the corresponding mini from the Carnomorph board.
these actions now remove a Mutation card. All other a noise roll in order except those in combat.
Then reveal the Adaptation card that was below it.
rules are the same as the base game. Revealed Adaptations apply to ALL Carnomorphs. Fleshbeast
Return this to the bag. All players perform
CONTAMINATION CHECK (AT END OF GAME) Laboratory: When Characters use the Laboratory to a noise roll in order except those in combat.
Each alive Character (in the Hibernatorium or an discover a Weakness, they instead discard the revealed
Escape Pod): corresponding Adaptation card from the game. Butcher
A) Scans all Contamination cards they have. If there The Adaptation must be revealed to discard it. Place the Butcher mini in a Room with a
is at least 1 “INFECTED” card, gain a Mutation card. Weakness Objectives: All Objectives that require an Slimed Character and resolve an Encounter.
B) If the player has a Mutation card, shuffle all cards Intruder Weakness to be discovered, instead require (If more than 1 Slimed Character, the one with the fewest
then draw 4 cards. For each Contamination card drawn, the corresponding Adaptation(s) to be discarded in cards, then player order. If there is no Slimed Character,
gain 1 Mutation marker. If the Character gains a 4th order for the Objective to be fulfilled. place the Butcher in the first players Room.) Remove this
Mutation marker, they die. token from the bag.
• If you have a Mutation card, skip step A. ENCOUNTERS Blank
The only change is: Return this to the bag. Remove from the Board
Blank: Place a Noise marker in all connecting all Shamblers which are not in a Room with
Corridors. Return this token to the bag. (If a Character. Put their respective tokens in the bag, +1
the Blank token is the last token in the bag, Metagorger token. All players then perform a Noise
add 1 Metagorger token to the bag). roll except those in combat.
Remove: the “Room covered in Slime”, the 4 “Slime” and The terms Void Seeder and Intruder are equivalent. Encounters can be triggered by some event cards.
“Silence” Exploration tokens, and the original Event and Void Seeders ignore closed Doors during Movement. 1. Discard all Noise markers from all Corridors
Intruder Attack decks from the game. INJURIES/DEATH connected to this Room (including Technical Corridors).
When a Void Seeder is defeated, add a random Void 2. Draw 1 Void Seeder token from the bag and resolve
Same as Base: Nemesis Board. (Remaining) Room
Seeder token to the bag. Void seeders do not leave it according to the tokens below.
placement. Coordinates/Destination. Escape Pods.
Engine tokens. The Contamination, Serious Wound, Item/ Carcasses when they die! (Except for Lairs.) Void Seeder Token: Place a Void Seeder
Craft Item decks. All Markers, tokens, and dice. Status When attacking a Void Seeder, each type treats their mini in this Room corresponding to the
markers. Character Drafting and components. Objectives. Injury Effect differently as follows: Insanity level of the encountering Character.
Start in Hibernatorium. Blue Character Corpse. Compare the number on the Void Seeder token with
Lurker: Draw 2 Void Seeder Attack cards. Check
the number of cards in the player’s hand (including
Different: 1. Add the 3 “Lair” Exploration tokens with the “Blood” icons, the lower numbered card is
Contamination cards). If the number of cards in their
the others and randomly place them face down on used. If on either card, the Void Seeder Retreats.
hand is lower than the number on the token, a Surprise
each Room tile and in each Engine Room. (No Items
Whisperer: Same as regular Adult Intruder. Attack occurs − receive 1 Contamination card and
in Engines).
resolve a Panic card. Otherwise nothing happens.
2. Add the following Void Seeder tokens to the bag: Stalker: Draw 2 Void Seeder Attack cards. Check Discard the drawn Void Seeder token.
1 Blank, 1 random Void Seeder token per player, +2 more. the “Blood” icons, the higher numbered card is If there are no more of a mini, use a lower level Void Seeder.
Then add 1 Insanity token per player, matching their used. If on either card, the Void Seeder Retreats. Insanity Token: Place a Noise marker in
Character’s color.
Despoiler: When it would receive an injury, do all connecting Corridors. The player who
3. Place the Void Seeder board with 5 Eggs, and 3 Void
not place one. But still draw a Void Seeder Attack triggered this Encounter resolves a Panic
Seeder Weaknesses randomly face down.
card to check for Retreat . The Despoiler is only Card. Return this token to the bag.
4. Shuffle and place Void Seeder Attack, Event, and If Laika triggers this, Noise is placed around her Room and the
Panic decks. defeated when all 3 Lair spots on the Void Seeder Bounty Hunter resolves the Panic Card.
5. Place 1 insanity Track card on each Character board are filled. (By finding and defeating all 3 Lairs.)
Defeating all 3 Lairs fulfills “The Great Hunt” Objective.
Blank: Place a Noise marker in all connecting
board (covering up their mini picture and the Slime
Once defeated, the Despoiler can never return to the game. Corridors. Return this token to the bag.
Space). Place a Status marker on space 1 of this track.
Insanity Track card: this marks the Insanity Level of a EVENT PHASE CHANGES
Character. Once you reach level 3 or above, you can There is no Slime in Void Seeders so it cannot be 4-7. Time Track. Void Seeder Attack. Fire Damage.
never reduce it back to level 2. (See arrows on card). removed, but this Item still dresses 1 Serious wound. Resolve Event card. (All same as base game).
If a Character with an Insanity Level 5 increases their REST/SHOWER ROOM/CANTEEN 8. Lurking: 1. Remove any Void Seeders not in Combat
Sanity Level, that Character dies. (Place a Character When performing these Actions players may reduce and with no neighboring Rooms with Characters.
Corpse in the Room and drop all Heavy Objects). their Insanity level by 1 (unless you’re at level 3) 2. Place a Noise marker in all connecting Corridors
Panic Cards: When drawn, if your insanity is equal to and/or Scan Contamination cards from their Hand. where a Void Seeder was removed.
or higher than the value on the card, resolve the cards (Canteen still also heals 1 Light wound). 3. For each Void Seeder removed this way, place a
ability. If your insanity is lower, or if the card cannot be random Void Seeder token in the bag.
resolved; increase your Insanity level by 1. 9. Bag Development: Draw 1 token and resolve its effect.
When performing these Actions, reduce your Insanity
Encounters: When an Encounter takes place, the Void level to 3. (Instead of removing a Larva). All other rules Void Seeder Token
Seeder type placed depends on the Insanity Level of regarding these actions are the same. Return this to the bag. All players roll for Noise
the Character who triggered the Encounter. in order except those in combat.
LAIRS To Analyze a Character Insanity Level (and thus reveal Insanity Token
Lairs count as Intruders for the purpose of any Action. that Weakness) 1 living Character with an Insanity of 3+ The Character of corresponding color resolves
Characters in the same Room as a Lair are in combat. must be present in the Room. All other rules regarding a Panic card. Return this token to the bag.
Lairs do not move, retreat, attack, or force players to the other Weaknesses/Laboratory are the same. If they aren’t in the game, remove this token and draw again.
choose Objectives. INFECTED RESULT Blank
Lair Exploration: Place a Lair mini in this Room. When scanning, if an INFECTED result is revealed, Add a random Void Seeder token to the bag.
Do not preform a Noise roll. increase your Insanity level to 5 (not above 5). Return this token to the bag.
Lair Effect: Make a Noise roll after every 2 actions (or CONTAMINATION CHECK (AT END OF GAME)
1 action and pass) while in a Room with a Lair. A. Each alive Character checks ALL their cards. For
Lair Injuries/Death: or above hits a Lair. each Contamination card, (Infected or not), they raise
1. Draw 2 Intruder Attack cards, check the Blood icons. their Insanity level by 1, until they reach level 5. (Cannot
2. If there is a Retreat Icon on any of the cards go above level 5 or die in this step).
drawn, the Lair is not Destroyed. B. Each Character who has an Insanity level of 5,
3. If the Blood icon of the higher valued card is shuffles all cards, then draws 4 cards. If there is at least
equal to or lower than the number of injuries, The Lair 1 Contamination card (Infected or not), the Character
is destroyed. Place an Intruder Carcass. Remove the Lair dies. If there are none, they are lucky to survive.
mini and place it on the Void Seeder Board. • If you’re already at Insanity level 5, skip step A.

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