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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Program : XI
Hari, Tanggal : …………. September 2021
Waktu : ……….. WIB (…. menit)
Jumlah Soal : 30

Petunjuk Umum
1. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal secara teliti sebelum Anda mengerjakan.
2. Laporkan pada Pengawas Ujian jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas atau jumlah soal
3. Berdo’alah kepada Allah sebelum mengerjakan.
4. Dahulukan soal-soal yang dianggap mudah.
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum di submit.
6. Tidak diizinkan mencontek, membuka buku, mencari jawaban di internet, atau bertanya
kepada siapapun.

A. Pilihlah salahsatu jawaban yang Anda anggap paling benar pada lembar jawaban yang
telah disediakan

The following text is for question number 1 and 2.

Anita : Are you okay, Bill? You look worried. Do you need any help?
Bill : I can’t remember where I put my dictionary. I have an English class after the
What should I do?
Anita : Why don’t you use mine? I don’t have English today, so I’m not going to use it.
Bill : Thank you so much, Anita! You’re my savior.

1. The sentence that exppresses an offer is …

A. Are you okay, Bill?
B. Do you need any help?
C. What should I do?
D. Why don’t you use mine?
E. You’re welcome.

2. The sentence that expresses advice is…

A. You’re my savior.
B. Do you need any help?
C. What should I do?
D. Why don’t you use mine?
E. Thank you so much, Anita!

3. Jeff : Listen, Don. Blake and I are going out to have dinner this evening. Why don’t you
go with us?
Don : Well, I won’t say no.
In the dialog above, Don is …
A. Refusing the invitation
B. Showing attention
C. Expressing his pleased feeling

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D. Offering sympathy
E. Accepting invitation

4. Arkan : Would you like me to switch on the light? It’s very dark here.
Peter : Yes, please.
From the dialog, we know that…
A. Arkan offers to switch on the light.
B. Arkan wants Peter to switch on the light.
C. Peter wants to help Arkan switch on the light.
D. Arkan has Peter switch on the light.
E. Peter asks Arkan to switch on the light.

5. Glenn : You look so busy, Alex. (…)

Alex : No, don’t bother, really. I can manage it myself
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is …
A. Can you help me?
B. I kindof need help here.
C. Here’s a hand for you.
D. That’s very nice of you.
E. Need some help?

6. Mr. Quincy : Excuse me, Mr. Bond. We are going to hold a special dinner this evening to
celebrate my son’s graduation. Would you like to come?
Mr. Bond : (…) I won’t be here this evening.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is …
A. I would love to.
B. I’m sorry I can’t come.
C. I’ll be there.
D. That’s very nice of you.
E. No, I don’t mind.

7. Tari : What should I do for this headache?

Heni : (…) I saw you were having a chat with Susan till late at night last night.
Tari : Thanks for your advice.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is …
A. If I were you I wouldn’t eat too much ice cream.
B. Why don’t you eat fruits?
C. Maybe you should sleep for awhile.
D. I think you should drink some medicine.
E. You should do jogging.

The following dialog is for question number 8 and 9.

Nick : I agree with the text. Playing active video games is just like exercising.
Tom : I don’t share your point of view at all. I mean, come on, it’s a video game! When
you hit a tennis ball in a video games, it just doesn’t feel the same as when you hit a
real tennis ball on the court. A simple example, like the strength needed to hit it, or
the tensing caused to your muscle isn’t even comparable.

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Nick : Yes, it’s different than a real exercise, but it’s still a good option. I think playing
active viceo games is much better than not doing any exercise at all.
Ann : Hold on! Before you two continue arguing, whjat is an interactive video game?
Aren’t you playing video games while sitting and using a joystick?
Tom : Sarah, dear, there are a loy of things yuou need to learn. You know what, let me
google it for you.

8. The expression that shows disagreement is …

A. I agree with the text.
B. I don’t share your point of view at all.
C. Yes, it’s differeny than a real exercise, but it’s still a good option.
D. Aren’t you playing video games while sitting and using a joystick?
E. I think playing active video games is much better than not soing any exercise at all.

9. The following are expressions of giving opinion, except…

A. Playing active video games is just like exercising.
B. I don’t share your point of view at all.
C. Yes, it’s differeny than a real exercise, but it’s still a good option.
D. Hold on! Before you two continue arguing, whjat is an interactive video game?
E. I think playing active video games is much better than not soing any exercise at all.

10. Faris : What do you think about the new rules about school hours? I really don’t like the
idea that I should wake up earlier than before.
Hasan : I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.
From the dialog, we know that …
A. Hasan is against the new rule.
B. Faris likes the new rules.
C. Hasan has no opinion on the new rules.
D. Hasan makes the new rules.
E. Faris doesn’t understand the announcement.

11. Rudy : …
Jane : I think you’ve done a good job. It’s very beautiful.
The appropriate expression to complete the dialog is …
A. Do you think so?
B. What do you think about this room?
C. How do you feel?
D. What do you think about me?
E. Don’t you think the food is very delicious?

12. Winnie : What should we do now? Do you have any idea?

Jerry : Well, …
A. I disagree with you.
B. In my opinion, you are asking the wrong person.
C. I think I don’t understand you.
D. It seems that we missied the bus.
E. I think we should get something to eat, first.

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13. Dave : So what do you think of my steak?
John : It's really good, but I suggest to add some seasonings like garlic.
Dave : Thanks, John.
John : No problem, Dave!
From the dialogue above, John is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Giving attention

14. Jade : What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade : Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is...
A. Asking for attention
B. Asking a question
C. Giving an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Asking for help

15. Erisa : I think our city is very hot.

Ernest : I don’t think so, In my ..... our city is cooler than other cities.
The appropriate expression to fill in the blank is…
A. opinion
B. point
C. idea
D. feel
E. mind

The following text is for question number 16 and 17.

To: My niece, Riza
We invirte you to come to have dinner at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow evening, at Mang Engking
Special Prawn and Fish Restaurant. It is in honor of my son’s graduation from Harvard
University. Please be on time.


16. What is Riza invited to come in dinner for?

A. Graduation
B. Eating Prawn and fish
C. Honoring graduation
D. Tomawa’s birthday
E. Restaurant Grand Opening

17. Who has graduated from Harvard University?

A. Tomawa’s son

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B. Riza
C. Tomawa’s wife
D. Tomawa’s son and Riza
E. Mang Engking

The following text is for question numer 18 and 19.

Come and Say Goodbye!
Please join Murray Jones
in a celeration of his retirement
after 40 years with Conoco Philips Ltd Company
Place : Restaurant Castle
Date : March 10
Time : 6:00 P.M.
RSVP (Lynn McKesson, Office Manager, 555-7643) by March 1
We hope to see you there!

18. Whatis the celebration for?

A. Birthday party
B. Thanksgiving party
C. A retirement party
D. An anniversary party
E. To see each other

19. Where did he work before?

A. Restaurant Castle
B. Conoco Philips
D. Office manager
E. Lynn McKesson

The following text is for question number 20-22.

You are cordially invited to view
An exhibitionof work by Yoshiko Yamaguchi
There will be works from most recent project in theArctic Refuge
8028 Lakeshore Boulevard
Opening Reception: 6:00 P.M. to 10 P.M. (Friday, April 6)
12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M (Saturday & Sunday)
Admission Charge – free

20. Where will the event be held?

A. In a garden
B. At a private home
C. At a gallery
D. In a movie theater
E. Will be free

21. How long does the exhibition open on the weekend?

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A. Three hours
B. Four hours
C. Seven hours
D. Five hours
E. Six hours

22. “You are cordially invited to view.”

The word cordially could be best replaced with …
A. Warmly
B. Friendly
C. Slowly
D. Affectionate
E. Formally

The following text is for question number 23-26.

The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do
that. However, many experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.

Being physically active offers many advantages. In physical reword, exercise can reduce
weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels,
improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of
cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the
fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life
quality and expectancy.

How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us.
Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the
office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while
enjoy the leisure time.

Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life, but using our leisure time
effectively will help a lot.

23. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise.
B. We feel too busy to do that.
C. Many experts said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy.
D. We can do it in our leisure time.
E. We do not have time for exercise.

24. Which is not one of the advantages of being physically active?

A. Exercise can reduce weight.
B. Exercise makes our hair softer.
C. Exercise can reduce stress levels.
D. Exercise ca improve sleep quality.
E. Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease.

25. Which suggestion is not included to make an exercise?

A. Do exercise while you are having lunch.

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B. Choose stairs in the office.
C. Walk during shopping.
D. Go cycling in our leisure time.
E. Use our leisure time effectively to do exercise.

26. Which part of the text is the conclusion?

A. The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise.
B. We feel too busy to do that.
C. Doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life
D. Using our leisure time effectively will help a lot.
E. Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life, but using our leisure time
effectively will help a lot.

The following text is for question number 27-30.

An Effective Teaching Technique
The Silent Way is one of the effective language teaching technique. It is a
pedagogical approach to language teaching based on the premise that a teacher should be
as silent as possible in a classroom ( about 90% of the time ). The learners, then are
encouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time both to be
exposed to language and to perform practice.
The learning hypothesis behind the Silent way is that learning is facilitated if the
learners discover or create rather than remember and repeat what is to be learned. Also,
student learn more affectively through problem solving involving the target language. It
views language learning as a creative, problem solving and discovering activity on which
the learner is a principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.
Basically, in learning teacher prepare their student to have a problem-solving skill.
And the silent way can be described as a problem-solving approach to language learning,
and is summed up nicely in Benjamin Franklin's words: " Tell me and I forget. Teach me
and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
I conclude that the silent way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

27. Which one is not the characteristics in the Silent Way?

A. Exposing the subject
B. Creating the subject
C. Asking the students to act as actors
D. Giving the students problems to solve
E. Asking the students to be good listeners

28. The purpose of the text is to … ‘Silent Way’ to the readers.

A. Improve
B. Declare
C. Introduce
D. Contribute
E. Remind

29. The Silent Way is an approach for teaching language hoping that the students will …
A. Become principal actors
B. Repeat what is to be learned
C. Be able to solve their problems

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D. Remember what has been taught
E. Produce as much language as possible

30. “It is a pedagogical approach … as silent as possible in the classroom.” (Paragraph 1)

The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. weak
B. Patient
C. Quiet
D. Helpful
E. Pleasant

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