Rogers 1985

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Response of Dairy Cows to Sodium Bicarbonate and Limestone in Early Lactation 1

J. A . R O G E R S 2 and L. D. M U L L E R
Department of Dairy and Animal Science
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park 16802

C. L. D A V I S
Department of Dairy Science
University of Illinois
Urbana 61801

W. C H A L U P A and D . S . K R O N F E L D
Department of Veterinary Science
The University of Pennsylvania
Kennett Square 19348

L. F. K A R C H E R 3
Department of Dairy and Animal Science
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park 16802

K. R. C U M M I N G S
Church and Dwight Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 369
Piscataway, NJ 08854

ABSTRACT fat-corrected milk for 16 wk. Average dry

A total of 108 dairy cows at three matter intake, milk production, and 4%
locations were fed a diet supplemented fat-corrected milk (kg/day) for the 16 wk
with sodium bicarbonate and limestone were: 1) 20.2, 31.1, 27.3; 2) 19.8, 32.0,
during the first 16 wk of lactation. 28.7; 3) 18.9, 31.4, 27.9, and 4) 18.4,
Complete mixed diets were fed for ad 29.7, 27.2 for diets 1 to 4. Ruminal pH
libitum intake and consisted of con- was decreased, and volatile fatty acid
centrate and corn silage (60:40, dry concentration was increased by added
matter). The four treatments were: 1) sodium bicarbonate and appeared to
basal diet, 2) basal plus 1.2% sodium result from increased feed intake. Di-
bicarbonate, 3) basal plus 1.4% limestone, gestibility of nutrients was unaffected by
and 4) basal plus 1.2% sodium bicarbonate supplements. Sodium bicarbonate affected
plus 1.4% limestone. Dry matter intake regulation of blood and urine pH and
was increased for 8 wk by sodium bi- concentration of electrolytes more than
carbonate, then decreased from wk 9 to limestone. Serum magnesium was reduced
16. Intake was decreased by limestone with sodium bicarbonate, although not
alone or in combination with sodium beyond normal physiological reference
bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate in- range.
creased milk production for 8 wk and 4%

Most research to establish effects of feeding

sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and other
Received May 16, 1984.
1Authorized for publication as Paper No. 6924 buffers on performance of lactating dairy
in the Journal Series of the Pennsylvania Agricultural cows (22) has considered the declining phase of
Experiment Station. lactation. Feeding buffers immediately after
2Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Technical Serv- parturition increased feed intake and milk yield
ice and Development Division, P.O. Box 431, Kings- in (13, 19). A multilocation study of complete
port, TN 37662.
3Department of Veterinary Science, Cornel! lactations comparing supplementation of 0, .4,
University, Ithaca, NY 14853. .8, and 1.6% NaHCO3 to a corn silage-based

1985 J Dairy Sci 68:646-660 646


diet indicated that .8% sodium bicarbonate centrate:corn silage), 2) basal plus 1.2% sodium
improved milk yield, primarily during the first bicarbonate, 3) basal plus 1.4% limestone,
third of lactation (5). and 4) basal plus 1.2% sodium bicarbonate and
Sites and modes of actions of dietary buffers 1.4% limestone. The limestone (mean particle
are multiple and need further definition (6). size 2.5 ~l) was highly reactive (32).
Sodium bicarbonate supplementation may Grain mixtures were based on ground shelled
affect feed intake and milk production by corn and soybean meal fortified with mineral
providing a more nearly optimal ruminal pH for and vitamin supplements (Table 1). Chemical
digestion of structural carbohydrates (14, 26). compositions of diets (means of 24 analyses
In addition, increasing dilution rate of ruminal across locations) are in Table 2. All diets met or
fluid (25, 27) with NaHCO3 may affect overall exceeded recommendations (23) for required
protein utilization (24). High limestone sup- nutrients except for acid detergent fiber (ADF).
plementation to a high starch diet increased The low content of A D F in the diet (14.1 to
overall starch digestion (26), but its exact site 14.5%) provided a good test for assessing
or mode of action remains uncertain. Research beneficial effects of NaHCO3 and limestone.
has not compared feeding of NaHCO3 and The amount of supplements were those thought
limestone, singularly or in combination to dairy necessary to maximize the response in dairy
cows in early lactation. cows. Limestone-supplemented diets were higher
Our objective was to compare productive, in calcium than recommended (23).
digestive, and metabolic responses of lactating
dairy cows to supplementary NaHCO3 or
limestone from 0 to 112 days of lactation. Feed, Milk, and Ruminal Samples and Analysis

Feeds were sampled weekly and composited

MATERIALS AND METHODS monthly for analysis of dry matter, crude
protein, ADF, minerals, pH, and starch. Analyses
Animals were at PSU by official methods (1) except for
starch, which was determined enzymatically
A total of 108 cows in early lactation were
(21, 30). Individual feed intake and refusals
in the trial at three locations. At Pennsylvania
were recorded daily and rations adjusted
State University (PSU) there were 36 cows: 20
weekly to ensure 10% refusal. Cows were
Holsteins and 4 each of Brown Swiss, Ayrshire,
milked twice daily and yields summarized
Guernsey, and Jersey. University of Pennsylvania
weekly. Milk samples from four consecutive
(PA) and University of Illinois (IL) had 34 and
milkings were composited and analyzed each
38 Holsteins. All cows had prior 305-day
week for fat, protein, and somatic cell count.
lactations. Cows were blocked in groups of four
These tests were by Dairy Herd Improvement
according to age, projected date of calving (and
Association Central Milk Testing Laboratories
breed at PSU), then assigned randomly to four
at PSU for samples from PSU and PA, and at
treatments within blocks. Two cows were
Dubuque, IA, for IL. Milk fat content and daily
dropped at PA and IL for health reasons
yield were used to calculate 4%-fat corrected
apparently unrelated to the experiment.
milk (FCM). Body weights were measured
Samples of ruminal fluid were taken via
During the prepartum period, cows were fed stomach tubes from each cow approximately 4
a ration of approximately 5 kg of orchardgrass- h postfeeding at wk 1, 5, and 12 of lactation.
legume hay, 4 kg of corn silage, and 2 kg of The pH was measured immediately by glass
grain (dry matter basis) adjusted for body electrode. The sample then was acidified to
weight to assure adequate nutrition without approximately pH 3.0 b y addition of sulfuric or
overconditioning (23). From calving to 112 phosphoric acids (50% vol/vol). After centri-
days of lactation, each cow was fed for ad fugation (approximately 20,000 × g), the
libitum intake one of four diets either twice supernatant was frozen until analyzed for
daily at PSU and IL or once daily at PA. volatile fatty acids (VFA by gas liquid chro-
The four diets were: 1) basal (60:40, con- matography (15).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


TABLE 1. Concentrate mixture ingredients.

1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and
Ingredients diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone

(% of Dry matter)
Corn 69.7 67.2 64.8 64.3
Soybean meal 26.6 27.1 27.1 27.6
Defluorinated phosphate 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Calcium sulfate 3 .5 .5 .5 .5
Trace mineral mix 4 .2 .2 .2 .2
Vitamin mix 4 .1 .1 .1 .1
Salt .6 .6 .6 .6
Limestone s .5 .5 .5 .5
Dynamate 6 .4 .4 .4 .4
Limestone7 0 0 2.4 2.4
Sodium bicarbonate s 0 2.0 0 2.0

~Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
2 Source: Borden (AMEX) 3118 Regular grind.
SSource: US Gypsum, 27.5% Ca, 22% S.
4 Source: Youngs, Inc., Roaring Springs, PA.
s Source: Thomasville, PA, feed grade limestone.
6 Source: International Mineral Co., Libertyville, IL.
7 Source: Calcium Carbonate Co., Quincy, IL (mean particle size 2.5# - designation by company "H-White").
s Source: Church and Dwight Co., Inc., Piscataway, NJ.
vein blood was collected at IL. Serum was
Digestion Measures separated and assayed for sodium, potas-
Digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein, sium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, creatinine,
A D F , and starch were d e t e r m i n e d at wk 5 and urea, glucose, chloesterol, bilirubin, total
12 of lactation with 5 cows per t r e a t m e n t at IL protein, albumin, glutamic oxaloacetic trans-
and 8 cows per t r e a t m e n t at PSU. Cows were aminase (GOT), glutamicpyruvic transaminase
dosed with 10 g of c h r o m i u m o x i d e in gelatin (GPT) and alkaline phosphatase by an a u t o m a t e d
capsules twice daily for 10 days. Fecal grab instrument (Hycel-17, Hycel Inc., H o u s t o n , T X
samples were collected twice daily during the 77036). Coccygeal vein b l o o d was sampled at
last 5 days at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 12-h intervals. PSU. Heparinized blood samples in syringes
Feed and fecal samples f r o m each cow were were stored anaerobically in ice and assayed
composited, dried at 60°C, ground in a Wiley within 2 h for pH, pCO2, and pO2 (pH Blood
Mill, and analyzed for dry m a t t e r (1), crude Gas Analyser, I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n L a b o r a t o r y Inc.,
protein (1), A D F (16), starch (21, 30), and Lexington, MA 02123). Packed cell v o l u m e was
c h r o m i u m oxide (2). Digestion coefficients d e t e r m i n e d by centrifugation in a capillary
were calculated with reference to the c h r o m i u m tube. A 20-ml jugular sample was allowed to
marker. Fecal grab samples also were taken at clot, and serum was separated and frozen.
wk 1, 5, and 12 for all cows for pH measure- Serum was assayed for total protein, albumin,
ments. glucose, phosphorus, and urea nitrogen by an
autoanalyser (Autoanalyser II, T e c h n i c o n Inc.,
Blood and Urine Measurements Industrial Systems, T e r r y t o w n , NY 10591).
Blood and urine were sampled 4 to 5 h after Calcium and magnesium were assayed by
feeding during w k 1, 5, and 12. Coccygeal atomic absorption ( A t o m i c A b s o r p t i o n Spec-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


T A B L E 2. Chemical composition of complete m i x e d diets.1

Treatments 2
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Chemical Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and
analyses diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone

Dry matter (DM), % 55.3 55.0 56.0 58.0

pH 5.0 5.4 5.2 5.6
(% of Dry matter)
Crude protein 3 17.2 17.4 17.3 17.5
Acid detergent fiber 14.5 14.2 14.1 14.2
Starch 43.4 44.9 45.7 45.0
Ca .60 .63 1.10 1.09
P .51 .51 .52 .51
Mg .23 .23 .23 .23
K 1.17 1.15 1.27 1.28
S .24 .24 .24 .26
TDN a , % 80 79 79 78
ME, s Mcal/kg 3.11 3.07 3.07 3.02
NEI, ~ Mcal/kg 1.84 1.82 1.82 1.79

160:40, Concentrate: corn silage DM basis.

2Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of the total diet DM).
3Nitrogen × 6.25.
4Total digestible nutrients estimates based on Merkle Laboratory analysis at Pennsylvania State University.
SMetabolizable energy calculated as TDN (kg) = 4.409 Mcal digestible energy (DE) and ME (Mcal/kg DM) =
- . 4 5 + 1.01 DE (Mcal/kg DM). Reference (23).
6Net energy lactation calculated as NE 1 (Mcal/kg) = --.12 + .0245 TDN (% of DM). Reference (23).

trophotometer Model 303, Perkin-Elmer Inc., oratory Inc., Lexington, MA 02173). Chloride
Norwalk, CT 06856). Sodium and potassium was titrated (Chloride Titrator, Oxford Lab-
were assayed by flame photometry (Flame oratories, Foster City, CA 94404). Blood was
Photometer Model 443, Instrumentation Lab- s a m p l e d f r o m c o c c y g e a l a r t e r y at P A . T h e

TABLE 3. Statistical partitioning of tile degrees o f freedom for the main and subplot analysis.

Main plot Subplot

Source o f Source of
variation df variation df

Location 2 Time 15
Block (location) 25 Location × time 30
Treatment 3 T r e a t m e n t X time 45
T r e a t m e n t × location 6
Model 36 Modell 197
Error A 71 Error B 1529
Total 107 Total 1726

*Location, block, and t r e a t m e n t effects were absorbed in the general linear model s t a t e m e n t of SAS (24).

Journal o f Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


23 general linear models procedure of the Statis-

Z2 o ~o~o--o--o o--c--{ tical Analysis System (28). The model had
location randomized and treatment effects
fixed, split plot with cows in the main plot, and
time as a component of the subplot. A typical
partition of the degrees of freedom for this
design is in Table 3. Many variables had highly
t ¢1 - l 1.2%SODIUM81CARflO~NATE~e significant effects for time and interaction of
treatment × time. There was no significant
interaction of treatment x location for any
' ~ ' I ~ ' ; 8' ' ,' ,', ,' ,' ,' ,' variable. For these reasons, data are averages for
all locations for wk 1 to 8 and 9 to 16 in
Figure 1. Dry matter intake of dairy cows fed a addition to overall means for wk 1 to 16.
diet supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, Graphs were produced by the Proc Plot program
or both. of SAS (28) that best fit the data for the model
in addition to linear, quadratic, and cubic
effects. These graphs are used to illustrate
effects of time and interactions of treatment x
puncture was 15 to 25 cm from the base of the time. Orthogonal contrasts defined for 2 x 2
tail, and the blood was identified as arterial by factorial arrangement of treatments showed
its red color. Two heparinized 5-ml samples in significant interaction of sodium bicarbonate ×
10-ml syringes were stored anaerobically in ice limestone for many of the variables. Because
water until assayed within 2 h for pH, pCO2, factors in the exlSerirnent were not independent,
pO2, and hemoglobin (Radiometer ABL-2, The comparisons with single degrees of freedom
London Company, Cleveland, OH 44145). Two (31) were used to determine simple treatment
additional lO-ml samples were taken for separa- effects relative to the control basal diet.
tion of serum. This was frozen, then assayed for Milk production data were analyzed by
sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, mag- covariant adjustment for previous actual
nesium, creatinine, and glucose (Gemsac 305-day milk yield. Because of the strong cor-
Automated Analyser, Electronucleonics Inc., relation between milk yield and fat content,
Fairfield, NJ 07006). analyses for FCM also used previous 305-day
Midstream urine samples were tested im- milk yield as covariant (4).
mediately for pH by glass electrode meter. Data for ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids,
Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magne- nutrient digestion, fecal pH, blood, and urine
sium, and creatinine were measured in urine
with automated instruments (Autoanalyser II,
Technicon Inc., Industrial Systems, Terry-
town, NY 10591, Gemsac Automated Analy;er,
Electronucleonics Inc., Fairfield, NJ 07006) 35

from samples obtained-at PSU and PA). Frac- ~3 -"fW"5 ° f ~t"-. O

tional excretion (FE) percentage was calculated
for each electrolyte (E) by comparison with ~3o
creatinine (C) in urine (U) or serum (S): ~29
~----I'~--:,!!!: LLSO~MIE!~dTTC:
~ . .B.N'. . .
% FE = 100 [(EU/ES)/(CU/CS)] z~


Statistical Design and Analysis

Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial WEEK tN LACTATION

design. Observations were continuous with Figure 2. Least square mean milk production of
repeated measures analyzed as a split plot in dairy cows fed a diet supplemented with sodium
time by the method of least squares in the bicarbonate, limestone, or both.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


m e a s u r e m e n t s were s u b m i t t e d t o analysis to c o n t r o l . Expressing DMI as a p e r c e n t o f

o f variance (31) w i t h m a i n e f f e c t s t r e a t m e n t , b o d y w e i g h t did n o t alter responses. The DMI
location, week, and t i m e in a split plot. was e n h a n c e d b y NaHCO3 s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n
early in lactation (0 to 8 wk), w h i c h agrees w i t h
RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION m o s t (5, 9, 13, 18, 19) b u t n o t all (12) r e p o r t s .

Feed Intake Milk Production

Mean daily intakes o f dry m a t t e r are in Least square m e a n s (LSM) for milk yield
Figure 1. I n t e r s e c t i o n s a m o n g t h e s e best-fitting (Figure 2, Table 4) are m o r e accurate repre-
curves r e f l e c t significant i n t e r a c t i o n s o f treat- s e n t a t i o n s o f t r e a t m e n t m e a n s as t h e y adjust
m e n t X time. Dry m a t t e r intake (DMI) was for missing data and covariantly adjust for
c o n s i s t e n t l y higher b y cows fed NaHCO3 alone previous 305-day p r o d u c t i o n . The best-fitting
t h a n by c o w s fed c o n t r o l f r o m w k 1 to 8. curves (Figure 2) s h o w t h a t r e s p o n s e to treat-
H o w e v e r , DMI were d i m i n i s h e d significantly for m e n t s varied w i t h time. O t h e r p o t e n t i a l co-
c o w s fed l i m e s t o n e alone or with NaHCO3 variants w e r e t e s t e d for i m p r o v e m e n t o f fit in
(Table 4). C o w s fed t h e s u p p l e m e n t e d diets t h e mode[. Age and l a c t a t i o n n u m b e r w e r e
r e d u c e d feed intake f r o m w k 9 to 16 c o m p a r e d similar a m o n g t r e a t m e n t s (block criteria) and

TABLE 4. Dry matter intake and milk production of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate,
limestone, or both.

1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4%limestone SE effects

Dry matter intake, kg/day

Weeks 1-82 18.4 19.1 17.3 16.3 .4 1> 3 .08
1 > 4 .01
Weeks 9-16 21.9 20.6 20.5 20.6 .5 1> 2 .05
1 > 3 .04
1 > 4 .06
Weeks 1-163 20.2 19.8 18.9 18.4 .4 1> 3 .03
1> 4 .01
Milk production, kg/day
Weeks 1-8 31.5 33.0 31.1 28.9 .7 1> 4 .02
Weeks 9-16 31.6 31.6 30.8 29.6 .9 NS 4
Weeks 1-16 31.5 32.3 30.9 29.3 .6 NS
Least square mean milk
production, 5 kg/day
Weeks 1-8 31.1 32.7 31.5 29.3 .6 1< 2 .08
1> 4 .06
Weeks 9-16 31.1 31.3 31.3 30.1 .8 NS
Weeks 1-16 31.1 32.0 31.4 29.7 .6 NS

1Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
2 Interaction of sodium bicarbonate × limestone (P<.05).
3 Interaction of treatment × time (P<.001).
4 Nonsignificant.
SLeast square means were covariantly adjusted for previous 305-day milk production (6954, 6892, 6549,
and 6691 kg for Treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


averaged 53 mo and 3.2 lactations. Neither of support previous conclusions that bicarbonate
these factors, nor mature equivalent milk enhances fat production by cows fed a high
production, nor previous 112-day milk pro- energy ration (5, 7, 10, 11, 26). Milk protein
duction improved the statistical model or content and yield were reduced significantly
changed interpretations. by limestone but not NaHCO3. High limestone
Average daily milk production (LSM) was supplementation may alter nitrogen utilization
consistently higher by cows fed NaHCO3 in lactating dairy cows (26) and, thus, account
compared to control (32.7 vs. 31.1 kg/day). partly for the effect on milk protein. Relatively
This response was significant (P<.08) during wk minor changes occurred in somatic cell counts
1 to 8 with a 1.6 kg/day higher milk production within treatments. Somatic cell count, however,
per day by cows fed NaHCO3. This result tended to be higher in cows fed diet 4, partic-
affirms (5, 9, 13, 18, 19). No increase of ularly during wk 9 to 16, indicating that
production was observed in one study where subclinical mastitis may have contributed to the
DMI was low relative to milk yield (12). Milk suppression of milk production on this treat-
production was unaffected by limestone ment.
supplementation. The combination treatment
(NaHCO3 plus limestone) tended to produce Efficiency of Milk Production
less milk than control (31.1 vs. 29.7 kg/day) Partial efficiency of lactation has been used
throughout the 16-wk trial, probably as a result (20) to determine if an apparent increase of
of decreased DMI. gross (feed) efficiency (milk yield/DMI) can be
accounted for by losses of body weight. An
Milk Composition increase of partial efficiency should reflect
Daily fat yield and FCM were enhanced improved efficiency of nutrient utilization.
significantly by NaHCO3 but not limestone Cows receiving supplements in the first 16
(Table 5). Responses of cows to NaHCO3 wk of lactation consumed less feed (Table 4)
averaged 1.4 kg/day of FCM and 69 g/day of and produced similar quantities of milk (Table
fat above controls for 16 wk. These results 4). An increase of feed efficiency would be

TABLE 5. Fat-corrected milk production and milk composition of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with
sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both. 1

Treatments, 2 Weeks 1-16

1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4%limestone SE effects P

4% Fat-corrected milk
production, 3 kg/day 27.3 28.7 27.9 27.2 .6 1< 2 .07
Milk fat, % 3.26 3.28 3.32 3.53 .08 1< 4 .02
Milk fat, g/day 996 1065 1005 1003 29 1< 2 .09
Milk protein, % 3.14 3.13 3.07 3.05 .03 1> 3 .10
1 > 4 .05
Milk protein, g/day 978 1003 933 881 20 1> 3 .12
1> 4 .01
Somatic cell count 466 424 395 693 99 1 <4 .13
(× 1,000 cells/ml)

xData represent least square means.

2Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
3Least square means were covariantly adjusted for previous 305-day milk production (6954, 6892, 6549,
and 6691 kg for Treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


expected; however, cows fed the supplemented of total volatile fatty acids. These responses
diets lost more body weight than control cows would tend to lower ruminal pH. Limestone
(Table 6). Data in Table 7 indicate only a trend was without effect on ruminal pH in accord
for improved partial efficiency with supple- with its low solubility above pH 6.0 (29). A
ments. Apparently, the improvement in feed significant (P<.01) response of time indicated
efficiency can be accounted for by losses of that ruminal pH increased with week of lacta-
body weight. Changes of body weight measured tion. This result is not consistent with the
over a short time, though, can be misleading. concomitant increase of food intake. An
The accuracy of calculating a value for partial explanation for the increase of ruminal pH is
efficiency to assist interpretation of productive not apparent; however, it may be related to an
performance remains unclear but does merit increase of rate of salivary secretion or salivary
further investigation. Other types of calculations bicarbonate concentration.
(8) also have been used to adjust for improve- The concentration of ruminal VFA was
ment of feed efficiency that resulted from significantly higher (P<.01) for the NaHC03
mobilization of body tissue to support increased treatment (Table 8). This may be explained
milk production as opposed to improving by the higher DMI. Neither NaHCO3 nor
nutrient digestion. limestone supplementation alone had any effect
on molar proportion of ruminal acetate. How-
ever, molar proportion of acetate was increased
Ruminal pH and Volatile Fatty Acids
(P<.01) by the combined supplement, which
Sodium bicarbonate treatment resulted in may relate to the lower DMI. Molar proportions
the lowest ruminal pH (Table 8), contrary to of propionate and butyrate were not affected
(13, 26). This treatment, however, resulted significantly by treatments (Table 8), however,
in a higher feed intake and higher concentration molar proportions of propionate increased

TABLE 6. Body weight changes in dairy cows fed diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or
both. 1

1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects P

Initial body
weight, kg 596 590 603 600 10 NS3
Change in body
weight,4 kg/week
Weeks 1-8 -1.34 -3.49 -2.10 -2.87 .29 1< 2 .05
1< 3 .18
1 <4 .04
Weeks 9-16 +2.00 +.33 +1.21 +2.52 .41 1<2 .01
1< 3 .14
1 < 4 .O6
Weeks 1-16 +.54 -1.72 -.30 -.25 .34 1< 2 .01
1 < 3 .14
1 < 4 .05

Data represent least square means.

2Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
4Week effect (P<.01).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


TABLE 7. Partial efficiency of lactation in dairy cows fed diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, limestone,
or both. i

Treatments, 2 Weeks 1-16

1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects P

Intake of ME, 3
Mcal/day 62.7 60.6 57.8 55.3 2.6 1> 4 .08
ME above maintenance, 4
Mcal/day 46.8 44.9 41.8 39.5 2.7 1> 4 .10
Adjusted ME, s
Mcal/day 46.3 46.0 42.2 39.7 2.8 1> 4 .11
NE of milk, s
Mcal/day 20.7 22.1 20.8 20.3 .5 1< 2 .07
Partial efficiency, 7 % 46.1 48.1 50.2 52.9 4.4 NS 8

1Data represent least square means. Actual mean of each treatment used during the equations shown below.
2Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
3Calculated from metabolizable energy (ME) content of diet (Table 2) and dry matter intake (Table 4).
"ME above maintenance calculated as ME intake - ME requirements for maintenance. ME requirements
for maintenance calculated as 133 kcal ME/kg body weight "Ts (Ref 23).
SME above maintenance is adjusted for change in body weight, 6.0 Mcal/kg. Reference (20).
Net energy of milk = 304.8 + 114.4 F kcal/kg milk, where F is milk fat percent. Reference (23).
7NE of milk/adjusted ME × 100.
s Nonsignificant.

( P < . 0 1 ) a n d b u t y r a t e d e c r e a s e d as l a c t a t i o n A p p a r e n t digestibilities were high for all

progressed f r o m w k 1 to w k 12. T h e s e relative t r e a t m e n t s but, h o w e v e r , . w e r e w i t h i n a p h y s -
changes of f e r m e n t a t i o n p r o d u c t s m a y i n d i c a t e iological range (14). A positive effect of lime-
shifts of t h e r u m i n a l m i c r o b i a l p o p u l a t i o n of s t o n e s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n o n s t a r c h digestion has
their metabolic pathways. b e e n r e p o r t e d (26). This r e s p o n s e m a y d e p e n d
u p o n e x t r e m e l y high starch i n t a k e c o u p l e d w i t h
t h e feeding o f large a m o u n t s o f l i m e s t o n e w i t h
Apparent Digestion Coefficients
a high r e a c t i v i t y (26). T h e physical f o r m o f
D r y m a t t e r i n t a k e for cows in t h e digestion feeds c o n t a i n i n g starch are also i m p o r t a n t
trial is in T a b l e 9. A p p a r e n t digestibilities of factors. Fecal pH was raised ( P < . 0 1 ) w i t h
dry m a t t e r , p r o t e i n , and A D F were n o t altered l i m e s t o n e s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n ( T a b l e 9) b u t was
b y a d d e d buffers. R e d u c t i o n of a p p a r e n t c r u d e u n a f f e c t e d b y t i m e or l o c a t i o n .
protein digestibility b y l i m e s t o n e supple-
m e n t a t i o n was r e p o r t e d in a trial t h a t h a d
higher c o n t e n t s of starch a n d l i m e s t o n e (26) Electrolytes and pH of Blood and Urine
t h a n o u r e x p e r i m e n t . A p p a r e n t digestibility of T h e pH was lower, a n d b o t h pCO2 a n d
A D F varied c o n s i d e r a b l y b e t w e e n cows re- b i c a r b o n a t e ion were higher in coccygeal
gardless of t r e a t m e n t s . This v a r i a t i o n m a y v e n o u s b l o o d (PSU) t h a n in arterial b l o o d (PA).
reflect i n s t a b i l i t y of f e r m e n t a t i o n o f s t r u c t u r a l E l e c t r o l y t e a n d c r e a t i n i n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s show-
c a r b o h y d r a t e s w h e n low f i b e r diets are fed at ed n o significant d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n v e n o u s
high intakes. a n d arterial b l o o d , so d a t a are p o o l e d in T a b l e

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


TABLE 8. Rumen pH, volatile fatty acid concentration, and molar proportions in dairy cows fed diets supple-
mented with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both. 1

Treatments 2
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4%limestone SE effects P

Rumen pH s
Week 1 6.45 6.35 6.37 6.46 .05 1> 2 .03
Week 5 6.66 6.44 6.62 6.55 .07 1> 2 .03
Week 12 6.72 6.57 6.52 6.55 .08 1> 2 .03
Rumen volatile
fatty acid
concentration, ~ mM
Week 1 81.9 I02.6 90.6 93.2 8.2 1 < 2 .01
Week 5 91.6 101.4 99.2 99.4 5.4 1< 2 .01
Week 12 92.4 93.7 95.8 101.0 6.7 NS s
Acetate, molar %
Week 1 56.3 54.7 56.7 59.8 .9 1 < 4 .01
Week 5 56.1 55.1 54.9 57.5 .7 1< 4 .05
Week 12 56.8 57.2 55.4 56.5 .6 NS
molar %
Week 1 25.8 28.8 26.6 25.7 2.0 NS
Week 5 29.1 30.7 31.7 29.1 2.3 NS
Week 12 29.0 28.7 31.4 29.1 2.1 NS
molar %
Week 1 14.6 13.8 14.4 12.2 1.6 NS
Week 5 12.2 11.7 10.4 11.1 1.4 NS
Week 12 10.9 11.5 10.2 14.0 1.5 NS

1Data represent least square means.

2Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
aWeek effect (P<.01).
4Week effect (P<.05).
s Nonsignificant.

10. Blood pH and s e r u m s o d i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n ables. T h e c o m b i n e d s u p p l e m e n t (diet 4)

were u n c h a n g e d b y t r e a t m e n t s . Also, n o decreased s e r u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f calcium and
differences between treatments were found for magnesium.
b l o o d p h o s p h o r u s , chloride, and creatinine. Urine pH and c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f s o d i u m and
S o d i u m b i c a r b o n a t e s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n in- creatinine in urine were increased by s o d i u m
creased b l o o d pCO2 and HCO3 (Table 10). It b i c a r b o n a t e alone or in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h
decreased p o t a s s i u m and m a g n e s i u m , the l i m e s t o n e (Table 10). The c r e a t i n i n e r e s p o n s e is
latter alone and in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h l i m e s t o n e . c o n s i s t e n t w i t h m o r e dilute urine o f c o w s fed
A l t h o u g h t h e s e d i f f e r e n c e s were statistically NaHCO3. Urinary c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f s o d i u m was
significant, t h e s e variables r e m a i n e d w i t h i n increased b y l i m e s t o n e alone. Magnesium
n o r m a l r e f e r e n c e ranges. L i m e s t o n e supple- c o n c e n t r a t i o n in urine d e c r e a s e d b y l i m e s t o n e
m e n t a t i o n alone had no e f f e c t on b l o o d vari- alone or in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h N a H C 0 3 . All

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985

TABLE 9. A p p a r e n t digestibility coefficients and fecal pH of dairy cows fed diets s u p p l e m e n t with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both. l ox

Treatments 2
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects
Dry matter intake, s,4,s kg/day
Go Week 5 20,2 20.9 18.3 19.1 1.1 NS 6
Week 12 23.1 19.8 21.2 20.6 1.1 NS
Digestibility (%)
Dry matter, 4
Week 5 67.6 68.2 67.6 68.5 1.5 NS
Week 12 69.9 70.9 70.8 72.7 1.2 NS
Crude protein, 4
Week 5 69.2 72.1 72.3 74.1 1.5 NS 0
Week 12 73.3 72.5 74.2 73.9 1.4 NS rn
Acid detergent fiber
Week 5 40.2 36.1 36.3 43.7 2.8 NS
Week 12 37.9 42.6 34.0 42.7 3.3 NS >
Starch 4
Week 5 93.3 89.9 92.9 91.9 1.0 1>2 .05
Week 12 94.1 91.8 95.3 95.1 1.1 1>2 .10
Week 1 6.05 5.89 6.20 6.17 .06 1<4 .01
Week 5 5.85 5.92 6.18 6.19 .11 1<4 .01
Week 12 5.79 5.91 6.10 6.17 .09 1<4 .01

Data represent least square means.

~Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry matter).
STotal of 13 cows per treatment.
4Week effect (P<.05).
s Interaction week X t r e a t m e n t (P<.08).
6 Nonsignificant.

TABLE 10. Blood and urine acid-base, electrolytes, and creatinine of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with
sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both.

Treatment 1
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement n diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects P

Arterial 99 7.451 7.456 7.451 7.457 .006 NS 1
Venous 110 7.421 7.425 7.428 7.420 .010 NS
Arterial 99 37.7 39.2 36.8 37.0 .8 1 < 2 .07
Venous, m m t t g 110 43.3 41.1 42.4 45.3 1.6 NS
Arterial 99 25.9 27.4 25.3 25.9 .6 1 < 2 .10
Venous, mmol/liter 110 27.7 26.6 27.7 29.2 .7 NS
Na +, meq/liter 320 140.3 140.1 141.3 141.8 .7 NS
K +, meq/liter 321 4.8 4.5 4.6 4.8 .1 1 > 2 .05
Ca, mg/dl 321 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.4 .04 1 > 4 .02
Mg, mg/dl 212 2.39 2.27 2.28 2,17 .02 1 > 2 .08
1 > 4 .01
P, mg/dl 321 5.8 6.1 6.0 5.9 .1 NS
C1, meq/liter 321 103 102 103 103 .4 NS
Creatinine, mg/dl 297 1.02 1.00 1.05 1.00 .02 NS
pH 298 7.49 7.99 7.63 7.95 .07 1 < 2 .001
1 < 4 .001
Na +, meq/liter 201 37 100 59 137 8 1 < 2 .001
I < 3 .04
1 < 4 .001
K + meq/liter 208 171 168 164 140 9 1 > 4 .03
Ca, mg/dl 209 5.8 3.6 5.0 2.0 .9 1 > 4 .01
Mg, mg/dl 209 38 31 29 26 3 1 > 3 .01
1 > 4 .03
P, mg/dl 209 25 19 15 28 6 NS
CI, meq/liter 209 90 93 94 85 5 NS
Creatinine, mg/dl 209 135 115 121 106 8 1> 2 .11
1> 4 .02

1Treatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
2 Nonsignificant.
TABLE 11. Changes in blood electrolytes and creatinine
with weeks of lactation in cows fed diets supplemented
with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both. i

blood electrolytes and creatinine changed Week of lactation

significantly with time (Table 11)but remained Measurement 1 5 12 P
within n o r m a l reference ranges.
Na +, meq/liter 142 139 141 .001
K +, meq/liter 4.4 4.8 4.9 .01
Excretion of Electrolytes Ca, mg/dl 8.5 8.7 8.8 .02
Mg, mg/dl 2.1 2.4 2.4 .001
Fractional excretion of sodium was increased C I - , meq/liter 103 101 103 .01
by supplementation with NaHCO3 alone or Creatinine, mg/dl 1.10 .96 1.00 .001
c o m b i n e d w i t h l i m e s t o n e ( T a b l e 12). F r a c t i o n a l
excretions of potassium and chloride were 1SE and N the same as in Table 10.

Journal o f Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


T A B L E 12. Fractional excretions (%) of electrolytes of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with sodium bi-
carbonate, limestone, or both.

Treatments 1
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement n diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects P

Na + 192 .22 .81 .40 1.15 .77 1 < 2 .001

1 < 4 .001
K+ 191 30 37 34 32 20 1 < 2 .11
Ca 192 .59 .43 .53 .20 .67 1 > 4 .01
Mg 192 12 13 12 11 10 NS 2
P 192 4.4 3.5 2.1 5.5 8.9 NS
C1-- 192 .65 .90 .76 .83 .57 1 < 2 .04

' T r e a t m e n t s consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (96 of total diet dry
2 Nonsignificant.

increased by NaHCO3 supplementation alone. also s u g g e s t t h a t little, if a n y , l i m e s t o n e is

Fractional excretion of calcium was depressed absorbed. The tendency of NaHCO3 supple-
by the combined supplement. m e n t a t i o n to d e p r e s s s e r u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f
Results indicate that NaHCO3 was absorbed m a g n e s i u m h a s b e e n o b s e r v e d in l a c t a t i n g c o w s
and accommodated a d e q u a t e l y b y r e n a l re- (13). A more serious response of serum mag-
s p o n s e s so as t o r e g u l a t e b l o o d a c i d - b a s e nesium to NaHCO3 h a s b e e n o b s e r v e d in
status and serum sodium concentration. They milk-fed calves (17). Emphasis has been placed

TABLE 13. Blood variables of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both.

Treatments 1
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and Treatment
Measurement n diet bicarbonate limestone 1.4% limestone SE effects P

GOT, ~ #/liter 113 70 72 87 70 35 1 < 3 .06

GPT, 3 g/liter 113 30 31 37 33 10 1 < 3 .01
Bilirubin, mg/dl 112 .35 .31 .46 .42 .19 1 < 3 .04
Total protein, g/dl 113 7.5 7.5 7.1 7.5 .66 1 > 3 .03
Glucose, mg/dl 297 63.1 59.8 58.6 59.1 14.3 1 > 3 .03
Cholesterol, mg/dl 113 135 146 127 137 48 NS 4
Urea, mg/dl 204 15.8 16.1 15.7 15.6 5.1 NS
Albumin, g/dl 113 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 .3 NS
Packed cell
volume, % 109 28.4 28.4 27.8 29.4 4.0 NS

' T r e a t m e n t s consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
2 Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase.
3Glutamic pyruvic transaminase.
4 Nonsignificant.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1985


TABLE 14. Summary of health and reproductive status of dairy cows fed diets supplement with sodium bi-
carbonate, limestone, or both.

Treatments i
1 2 3 4
1.2% Sodium
Basal 1.2% Sodium 1.4% bicarbonate and
Condition diet bicarbonate Limestone 1.4% limestone

Incidence 2
Ketosis 0 0 1 4
Displaced abomasum 5 3 1 3
Respiratory 1 0 1 0
Hypocalcemia 4 1 0 1

aTreatments consisted of the basal diet plus sodium bicarbonate, limestone, or both (% of total diet dry
2Number of animals diagnosed by university veterinarian.

on sodium deficiency as a conditioning factor (19) r e p o r t e d higher incidence of off feed in

in d e v e l o p m e n t of h y p o m a g n e s e m i a on pasture early lactation in control cows than in cows fed
(3). Our results draw further a t t e n t i o n to NaHC03.
possible adverse effects of excessive dietary
sodium or bicarbonate u p o n magnesium h o m e o - CONCLUSION
Results of this research confirm that N a H C 0 3
improves feed intake and milk yield in early
Metabolic Blood Profile
lactation (8 wk) w h e n cows are fed a high
Blood profiles were unaltered by NaHCO3 energy, corn silage-based diet. T h e addition o f
supplementation, but five significant responses 1.4% limestone or 1.4% limestone plus 1.2%
occured to limestone feeding in the diet (Table N a H C 0 3 depressed feed intake in early lactation,
13). Serum GOT, GPT, and bilirubin were perhaps related to high calcium (1.10 v s . . 6 %
increased, and globulin and glucose were r e c o m m e n d e d b y National Research Council)
decreased with limestone supplementation. or the high total minerals. L i m e s t o n e depressed
However, all these data remained within normal milk protein percent, increased fecal pH, b u t
reference ranges. The direction of all five of the did n o t alter starch digestion. No major phys-
statistically significant effects of limestone iological or health changes were n o t e d with the
s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n are consistent with impaired high a m o u n t s of buffer, although several blood
f u n c t i o n of the liver. These results collectively m e t a b o l i t e s were lower with added limestone,
warrant further a t t e n t i o n to liver f u n c t i o n in indicating a possible impaired liver function.
cows supplemented with high limestone.

Cow Health and Reproductive Status

A s u m m a r y of cow health and reproductive
data is in Table 14. Data are reported as n u m b e r 1 Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1975.
Official methods of analysis. 12th ed. Washington,
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n u m b e r of total incidences per treatments. 2 Brisson, G. J., 1956. On the routine determination
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3 Butler, E. J. 1963. The mineral element content of
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Journal o f Dairy Science Vol. 68, No. 3, 1 9 8 5

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