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5 functions of the skeletal system

1. Movement
2. Support
3. Protection
4. Makes blood
5. Storage

2 major skeletal system parts

1. Axial skeleton (skull, spine, ribs, and

2. Appendicular skeleton (shoulders,
arms, hips, and legs)

4 basic bone shapes

1. Long (arms, legs and fingers)  inside the compact bone is the layer
2. Short (wrist and ankles) called spongy bone (many spaces,
3. Flat (skull and sternum) light but strong)
4. Irregular (spine)  spongy bone is also found at the end
of bones
What is the structure of bone?
Typical 4 layers
 in the spaces of many bones, there
Periosteum (covers bone) is a soft connective tissue called
Compact bone (lies beneath the periosteum) marrow.
Spongy bone (lies beneath the compact bone)
Bone marrow (fills the gaps between the
spongy bone)

 20% of an adult’s body weight is

 Bone is made up of 2 minerals
(calcium and phosphorus)

 As an infant most of our skeleton is

cartilage. (strong flexible tissue)
Vertebral column or spinal cord

1. The cervical region (neck bones)

2. The thoracic region (what the ribs
attach to)
3. The lumbar region (the lower part of
the back) The scapula is located on the backside of the
ribcage and helps provide part of the
Humerus (upper arm bone) bicep shoulder joint and movement for the arm.

 Radius on top, Ulna on bottom

Carpals or wrist bones

The tibia and fibula

Sternum (breastbone)




Femur (largest bone in the body)

What are joints? What is a hinge joint?

 A joint is a place where two bones

come together
 Allow bones to move in diff ways

Two types of bones:

 Immovable
 Movable

 Allows little to no movement

What is a pivot joint?

What is a gliding joint?

What is a ball and socket joint?

What is a ligament?
 Connects bone to bone
What is a tendon?
 Attaches muscles to bones

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