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o ‘OPY 1 - FINANCIAL COMPONENT CONTRACT 'D * PPB-INFRA.2023-3, CONTRACT Ny : AME CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD AT PUROK 6, PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY CONTRACT LOCATION : PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY, BAGUIO CITY SUBMITTED TO: KAG. RICHARD P. AMLID BAC-CHAIRMAN PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY ‘SUBMITTED BY: AN) i eupEN 4RM CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLIES BEKTEY, LONGLONG, PUGUIS, LA TRINIDAD September 4, 2023 Date PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY Contract ID + PPBANFRA.2023.3 ‘Ne t Contract Name CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ROAD AT PUROK 6, PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY Contract Location : PINSAO PROPER BARANGAY, BAGUIO CITY FINANCIAL PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS ENVELOPE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Bid Proposal Form eee ere ee [OTHER DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS UNDER RA. NO. 9184 Detailed Estimates a Cash Flow by Quarter! Delivery Schedule R ‘Summary of Breakdown of the Major Project Components S Plans and Specification T | TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ih uupeN September 4, 2023 ral Manager Date 4RM CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLIES oN PROPOSAL FOR “CoustaUC THON OF ConcRETE ROAD ATPUROK §* chalrman Ti Pree sand Awards Committee tao Proper BAraNGeY, Baguio iy adam: In accardance with your adver aes erettstment ining Proposal to the "CONSTRUCTION OF = ROAD AT PUROK 8, PINSAO. ie SAAT BAG Cds SSheserandpe conn spent Eitan mem narnne aera nea {Toots appliances and labor an ecessn 8 compote esse Wor as cald forby the sid sPeCHCBIETE Thine C rowing prices © Phippine CHEN aw Wet al our (moun expenses a con DESCRIPTION nT —] AGGREGATE | Rerroval of sucures and obaistant quantity] UN ara SS mei uherod mo_| 78,100.06 re excavation nud cs 7,250.00 05 gece peparain a hauout eo | ee wsr0o0 ‘Bt [Aaoregate base cou a x SE Tota ae see | 620000 ee cngeeal ame ee mere a 492,550.00, Sear aanle Oar sre | 75 502.00, Sewers vere (Seinage cnet oowaig cu 2 om | [Consretion safely and he oe | Se | see Ta commana euler itona a nis} —o 9000 | 20,080.00 spervision 1 General Foreman @ P1,000,00/day for 66 8,000.00 ra ed Goal] 1,835,802.00 “anv ao] 15388.02 "Taxes | 92,510.00 Fir Up] 120,008 48 [TOTAL 7.524,100.48 ‘aMOUNTIN WORDS: 0 AND FORTY-EIGHT CENTAVOS ONLY FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY PE EMILLION. We. make tis proposal wh aul knowledge of bend, ai and any of oe and services required, tte O.00he ocmpid wel afr receiving witen rete of sch acartance ee ie ontrat wth in five (5) days with Hr romcient secures, forte ftv performance thereat, We (yencose herewith eash of ceifiate chek, Inthe amount of whic so be retured i cpl WE, TETRA ete ee a erection and deveny of salstectory bond nthe sur of She fr te flan fant perfomance of he contact plans and specication witin _S8(SIXTY-EIGED, executed contract (Notice to we () reaeive a copy of he ‘ery wnt te tota contract ‘We () wil build and complete rndar days (inclusive of Saturdays, eed) « cnt rsnn enn ncn tps i cae A te work in accordance wth th ‘Sundays and holdays)ror [Contractor xt timate et: Construction of concrete fon: Pin820 Proper B; anion OF Removal of structures and abstuction Including havo ele Qy= 82.80 sqm @P 450.00 day for 3 days Equipment: 4 backhoe w breaker 4 dumptruck tem Cost: " Unit Cost/sqm: 02 Roadway excavtion including haul-out Labor: y= 11280 cum 5 Laborers @P 450.00 Mayor 5 days Equipment: 1 backhoe wi breaker 4 dumptruck Item Cost: Unt Costeum: (3 Structure excavation including heul-out Labor y= 2868 cum 5 Laborers @P 45000 ay or 3 O2Y8 Equipments rental : 1 backhoe w breaker 4 dumptuck Item Cost: Unit Costicum. 105 Sub grade preparation Labor: y= 376.00sam sles @P 450,00 Mdayfor 3 days Equipment: 4 smooth drum vibratory ‘tem Cost: Unit Costisqm: 201 Aggregate base course (manual speading) i ay: 43.24 cum 43 Skted Laborers @P 600.00 fday for 4 days Gissee @P 45000 Iday for 4 days Materials : Mam ei @ P 1,200.00 fou Item Cost: F Unit Cosvoum: ‘200mm Thk Portland cement concrete pavement iar Qly= 976.00 sqm 3 Sid Lato @P (600.00 féay for 25. days Laborers @p 450.00 (day for 25 days dy weve ve ee ue Pp Pp Pp 8,100.00 8.10000 10,000.00 00.00 000.00 28,100.00 16,750.00 584.03 6,750.00 10,000.00 70,000.00 16,750.00 44.55 52,800.00 16,200.00 374.65 45,000.00 78,750.00 123,750.00 Materials; 500 assorted lumber 680 bag cement 410 pos 6mm dreb 38 cum sand 76 cum gravel ©0000 Equipment: 4 concrete cutter 4 concrete vibrator ‘Lone bagger concrete mixer M4 Reinforcingstee! (drainage canal) Labor : 4 Skiled Laborers 5 Laborers ee Materials 60.04 os assntd rb e miscellaneous Equipment: + concrete vibrator b7 Structural concrete (drainage canal )including curb Labor : 6 Skilled Laborers @ 8 Laborers @ Materials: 500 bat assorted lumber 45 pes plywood 380 bag cement 49 cum sand 38 cum gravel 1 truck water @ @ @ @ @ @ Equipment: 1 concrete vibrator ‘one bagger concrete mixer Spll Steel inlet Labor: 4 Sliled Laborers 4 Laborers Material 25,00 unit ste net materials @ risoellanaous 50,00 /bdft 245,00 bag 460.00 /pc 4,200.00 foum 4,500.00 feu them Cost: UnitCostisqm. 2860.04 kas 10 days 10 days y= 600.00 Hay for 450.00 Hay for 50.00 kas Item Cost: Unit Costkgs. 36.95 cum 10 days 10 days ayy= 600.00 Hay for 450.00 (day for 50.00 Ibdft 950.00 fp 245,00 foag 4,200.00 foun 4,500.00 feum 3,000.00 ruck Item Cost: Unit Cost. ty £600.00 /day for 450,00 (ey for 25,00 units 9 days 9 days 3,500.00 Juni. p 24,000.00 _2250000__ p 46 50000 p 143,002.00 P _2,00000__ p — 146 002.00 p 2,000.00 Pp 193,502.00 P6766 P 30,000.00 P 36,000.00 p — 66,000.00 P 25,000.00 P 14,260.00 P 80,860.00 Pp 22,800.00 P 64,000.00 P Pp P P P P P P 21,600.00 P__ 16,200.00 p 37,800.00 P 87,500.00 P___ 2,000.00 P 89,500.00 Equipment: 4 welling mechne 4 speed) Cutter 4 grinding machine 6 oat p 300000 p 11,0000 : 00 307 Construction sa tit ost bse asta fety and health, signs and sind Unit Costunit Pp 5,932.00 1 safely materials Oly =Is Is 20 Pp 20,0000 them Cost: Pp 20,000.00 Unit Costs €._ Aeneo HNO. esol” na CRIPTI (rel COST sora nol heres a cht hi 4 2 Bie ay excavtion including haulout sig 250 403 Structure excavation including haul-out a 408 Sub grade preparation : ‘ert a Aaa te coe na pir) Pp 1620000 31 200mm Th Portand cement concrete pavement 492,580.00 {4 Reinfocingstel (drainage cana) Pp 19550200 {7 Stuctual concrete (érainage cana yncuding curb p 27ae0nc0 jpll Stoo inlet 138,300.00 3.07 Construction safety and health, signs end baricades P2000 ‘Aso Supervision 1 General Foreman @ P00. 0day for 68 days P Total Direct Cost P 4.00%0C P — 13,35302 Taxes P 92,510.00 Mark-Up P __ 120,025.46 Total Project Bid Cost P 1,524,190.48 / mitted By le LIZA PiLupt Contractor Bee —=—————— 2 [Subject Cash Flow By the Quarter Presentation Project: Construction of concrete road at Purok 6 Location: Pinsao Proper Barangay, Baguio City Project Quartely Accomplishment 26.88% , Amount Quarterly Commutative 408,898.00 834,088.74 1,220,603.24 19.76% 1,521,190.48 SUNMARY OR BREAKDOWN OF THE MAJOR COMPONENTS IN THE BID DOCUMENTS TTERNO, DESCRIPTION MATERIALS | LABOR | EQUIPMENT RENTAL | INDIRECT COST [SUB-TOTAL “01 [Removal of structures and obstruction including Raukout 3,100.00 720,000.00 1% quality contel 7102__[Roadway excavion including haul-out 0,000.00 | 11,280.00 13,353.02 7103 |Siructure excavation induding hau-out 710,000.00 | 6,750.00 Taxes 7105 [Sub grade preparation 6,750.00 70,000.00 52,510.00 201 [Aggregate base course (manual speading) 76,200.00 Mark-Up. 311 [200mm Thk Porland cement concrete pavement 355,600.00 | 123,750.00 73,000.00 120,025.46 “404 |Reinforcingsteel (drainage canal) 145,002.00 | 46,500.00 2,000.00 407 [Structural concrete (drainage canal Jincluding curb 199,900.00 | 66,000.00 8,000.00 Spll_[Sieel niet 5 89,500.00 | 37,800.00 77,000.00 8.07 _ [Construction safety and health, signs and baricades 20,000.00) [As to Supervision 1 General Foreman @ P7,000,00/day for 68 days: 68,000.00) 7,538,302,00 i GRAND TOTAL= —4,524,190.48 Submitted By: i en se = AD eee ‘AEAY RO. aa soe eee “APPROVED ra Sorento mou saree ch ae aur er ccnne yw Sens mac Er Riermex ett gro) Seon ‘Ear swore conc MOR Hoesen actos ee sa urea ‘MenaucvO" foaewe = ee | CGewenat NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS: nace comes MTHOUT PRIOR STANG ET nonrumesst obey nrons On Me ATOUT vATHCLT eee tt SMECED TO RMOVALOR SPAR von na ovEAL CANAIES NO OROERINES AT THE PORTS spouses nae ooneATDESTETOSUT ACTUAL LD CONDON DURING CONST ETS aa oe Const 0 CUPS ENGINEE CEO AREA INES oes Meters FREON one Are Sones eancpots 0 TARPALLN CONTAIN PREHECTINFORMATION SHOULD QapeSto arse acs oun CvsTRUCTIN N00. + merucron nana a.nresone ravine ce SOTTO ‘Seem ts parton on oo NO DO NETMOUATE HS 10 TE WOR UL KAVEA MUU COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3500 PAT 28 YS. x il EERIE WTA MIIMUM YL STRENGTH OF 220 ip (GRADE 23 eo CONTRACTOR AND THEFROHET rE Sepuer oF a THECONTRACTORS sre THROUGHOUT THE ‘macs maa ar ser ra WE + SITE MUST BE FREE PRON ENCES, a ae ha ores nner RICHARD Ec a a | See “te som-temn aroun ean OPE —hescemearean te ‘Mn Hx conescren or \ CowPAcrey stove eaten 20) THK CORTLAND CEWENT {CONDRETE PAVEMENT (SECTION "8-5" DETAILS (FCCP & CANALS) exe "mee (C2 STEEL mers vesicn 2s unrrsy_ PROvERTY Line ‘lpn toes a ae a se eae 495.0 180 6 2a LO. BHR A 18 ‘aaa ans crass aresomOo SONNE OTE MENTS peace cans tesco PRSBEBDE 5 le Jsteemers se-0ate 1 I | | | I 1 ! iT. TAcAY ROAD Bem | PROPERTY UNE ‘Won cx couscre sesc] 5 \ Sipe PROPERTY LINE ansers —roraeetereno rancom pres oc Jn PORTLAND CEMENT Tesora = {SECTION "B-B" DETAILS (PCCP & CANAL.B) PROPERTY LINE T a I q [| Jannah aT ceo ane cneoce i Simoens snc isams enna) B}R— 1h ssrnoince veg rar oasasinscren Ee oes | a * , emt L trina a re a STEEL INLETS DESIGN (16 UNITS), 2 ie @um : 1s E 3 = t= ‘4-12 1m OLONG, BARS AND 16 mm 6 2 is TRANS, BARS SPACED AT 0.30 m0.C, $e 2LovG eats 0 team I ia TRANS bens Sracea at me \ tf} Ig Shae 8 i ow 12mm BLONG. ARs AND [UBARGSPACEDATOSem OC. a

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