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Fourth Quarter Summative Test

Mathematics 7
SY 2021 – 2022

I. DIRECTION: Read and understand each item carefully then choose the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer.
1. It is the science of conducting studies to collect, organize, summarize, analyse and draw conclusions from data.
a. Statistic b. Statistics c. Categorical d. Statistical
2. It is the set of data where every value is a number.
a. Categorical b. Numerical c. Ordinal d. Technical
3. What method in conducting survey is used when a person solicits information from another person?
a. Reading statistical publications method c. Questionnaire method
b. Interview method d. Socratic method
4. The following methods are used to collect statistical data, EXCEPT:
a. Conducting surveys c. Listening to gossips
b. Taking measures in experiments d. Reading statistical publications
5. These are data obtained directly from objects being studied.
a. Primary data b. Secondary data c. Tertiary data d. Quarterly data
6. Which of the following is NOT an example of a statistical question?
a. What is the name of our national hero?
b. How many hours do students in Grade 7 spend in studying?
c. What is the average age of students in Grade 7?
d. How many people in Guinobatan have at least two Facebook accounts?
7. Teacher Miya decides to record the students’ height, weight, age and vaccination status. Which among her
recorded data is a qualitative variable?
a. height b. weight c. age d. vaccination status
For items 8 – 10 : Ysabella planted 6 different types of flowering plants in her garden. After a week, she recorded the
height of each plant. The data is shown in the table below:

Plant Height in inch

Cosmos 1.5
Petunia 1
Morning glory 1
Touch me not 1.6
Sunflower 2
Zinnia 1.8
8. Which of the following statistical problems can be answered by the given data above?
a. How many leaves do the plants have after a week?
b. What is the average height of a cosmos plant?
c. What are the height of the plants after a week?
d. How many of the plants are tall?
9. What statistical method did Ysabella use in obtaining her data?
a. conducting surveys c. reading statistical publication
b. taking measurements in experiment d. observation
10. Which of Ysabella’s plants grew more than an inch after a week?
a. cosmos, petunia, morning glory, touch me not, zinnia
b. sunflower
c. cosmos, touch me not, zinnia
d. all of the plants grew more than an inch after a week
11. Mr. Rivera wants to find out the number of students celebrating their birthdays every month of the year. Which
of the following statistical instruments does he need to use?
i. Reading publication ii. Observing outcomes iii. Conducting surveys
a. i only b. ii only c. iii only d. I, ii and iii
12. The manager of a candy store surveys people who buy lollipops to see if the store should expand its supplies.
What will serve as the population for this survey?
a. People who visit the candy store c. people who buy lollipops
b. Residents of the town d. people who like candies
13. In which of the following situations is experimentation best suitable?
a. Finding out the number of new COVID-19 cases in a town.
b. Finding out the percentage of COVID patients who are asymptomatic
c. Finding out if a new COVID-19 vaccine is effective
d. Finding out if number of doctors and nurses in the COVID ward are equal
14. What type of graph will you use if you want to compare the break out percentages of your monthly allowance?
a. line graph b. bar graph c. pie graph d. histogram
15. mean : average :: median : _______
a. average b. middle score c. most frequent score d. score
16. Which of the following illustrations represent the mode?

a. c.

b. d.

For items 11 – 12: The following data are the averages of students in 7 – Montana.

82 83 82 90 91 80 85 90 83 81 87 88

17. What is the range of the given data above?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
18. What is the class interval if the desired number of classes is 6?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 ½
19. You’re classmate used an interview to know the detailed experiences and thoughts of your friend during his
vacation in Korea. Did your classmate use the right statistical instrument?

a. Yes, interview is used when there is a need to collect in-depth information on people’s thoughts and

b. No, questionnaire is more appropriate in recording people’s thoughts and experiences

c. Yes, interview is not appropriate.

d. No, my classmate could’ve asked me instead.

20. You want to know which social media accounts is the most frequently used by your siblings on weekends. What
are the correct steps to be followed in obtaining your needed data? (Arrange the following)
i. Ask how many hours your siblings spend time on Instagram/ Facebook etc.
ii. Record the responses of your siblings
iii. Identify what social media accounts your siblings use.
iv. Make the conclusion.
v. Analyze the answers you collected.
a. iii, i, ii, v, iv b. iii, i, ii, iv, v c. iii, i, v, ii, iv d. iii, i, iv, ii, v

For items 21 – 22 : The frequency distribution table shows the number of students in VII – Petunia who were born from
2005 – 2010.

Year No. of Students

2005 – 2007 2
2008 – 2009 15
2010 12
21. What is incorrect in the given frequency distribution table?

a. range b. number of students c. interval d. frequency

22. What is the best step to correct the frequency distribution table?

a. Recompute the range. c. Use the correct interval

b. Change the number of students d. Rearrange the frequency

23. The teacher wants to find the median of her students’ scores in the test, which of the following is the correct way of
finding it?

a. Arrange the scores from least to greatest and look for the most frequent score.

b. Arrange the scores from least to greatest and compute the average.

c. Arrange the scores from least to greatest and subtract the lowest and highest scores.

d. Arrange the scores from least to greatest and find the middle score.

24. The number of hours Filipinos spend time on Facebook in a day ranges from one hour to 11 hours.

Which of the following frequency distribution table has correct intervals?

a. c.

b. d.

25. Last Thursday, Klaire spent 12 hours of the day sleeping and playing, 2 hours eating and dressing, 6 hours studying
and 4 hours surfing the Internet. What percentage of the day was spent on sleeping and playing? (Note: Whole day is 24

a. 50% b. 25% c. 42% d. 17%


For items 26 – 27 : In a class of 10 students, 2 students got a perfect score in a 30 – item test; 3 got a score of 26; 1 got a
score of 25; 2 got a score of 20 and the last 2 got a score of 17.

26. Find the median of the scores of the students.

27. Find the mean of the scores of the students.

28 – 30. (3points) Construct a line graph showing the number of copies of newspapers sold for a week.

Monday – 320 Wednesday – 240 Friday – 220

Tuesday – 260 Thursday – 180 Saturday – 540

Sunday – 680


Accuracy and organization of data - 2 points

Completion of data - 1 point

TOTAL - 3 points

“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.” – Benjamin Spock

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