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• is the outer ear that collects
the sound waves and focuses
into the ear canal.

• transmits the sound waves to

the eardrum
• which is responsible for
separating the outer and the
middle ear physically.
• Malleus (Hammer)
• Incus (Anvil)
• Stapes (Stirrup)
• convert the small-amplitude
vibration of the ear drum into
large amplitude oscillations. These
oscillations are transferred to the
inner ear through the oval window.
• which is the snail-shell shaped
liquid-filled organ that is behind
the oval window of our ears.

• which is consists of the vestibule and

semicircular canals, which are
responsible for the sense of balance
and spatial orientation. They detect
changes in head position and
movement and send signals to the
brain to maintain balance.
Sound of Various
• Infrasonic sound are
soundwaves with extremely
low frequency which is less
than 20 Hz and cannot be
perceived by the human ear.
• Examples of animals that can detect
infrasonic sounds are elephants and
• These animals use infrasonic
rumbles to communicate over
long distances, conveying
information about their
location, reproductive status,
social hierarchy, and potential
• Audible sound are sound
waves within the hearing
range which starts from
20Hz – 20,000Hz.
• A human voice is an example of
audible sounds.
• Ultrasonic sound are
sound waves that has a
range of 20,000Hz and
beyond which cannot be
perceived by the human
• Sound of various frequency;
infrasonic, audible and ultrasonic
sound – these sounds have a
direct relationship to the
frequency and amplitude but
inversely related to wavelength of
the sound waves.
• Healthy young humans can hear sound waves produced by
vibrations with frequencies between 20Hz and 20,000Hz.
• As people age, their ability to hear the higher and lower
frequencies of sound decreases.
• The human ear is most sensitive to frequencies between
1,000Hz and 4,000Hz.
• Animals have ranges of hearing that help them catch prey
or avoid predators. For example, elephants hear sounds as
low as 15Hz.

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