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A. Ubahlah kata kerja yang ada di dalam kurung menjadi gerung dan sebutkan fungsinya

1. Try to avoid (make) him angry.

> Try to avoid making him angry (object of verb).
2. I can't understand (behave) like that.
3. They are afraid of (get) into difficulties.
4. (Read) French is easier than speaking it.
5. What he wants is (come) to tea.
6. We are looking forwad to (see) the play.

B .Berilah tanda silang di depan nomor setiap kalimat yang memiliki gerund!

1. He was fined for speeding the speed limit. 5. They need a lot of drinking water.

2. I remember their telling us the way to their house. 6. She hates answering the my telephone.

3. He is showing us the way to their house. 7. The dancing girls are friends.

4. He is teaching his daughter to ride a bike. 8. The looking-glass looks very clean.

C. Pemahaman Bentuk

01. _____ all the way home made

us tired. 02. Would you mind _____ your 03, "What did he deny?" *_____*
pet snake somewhere else?
A. walk A. Stealing the wallet B.
B. walking A. to put When he stole the wallet
C. we have walked B. to putting C. Stolen the wallet.
D. we walk C. putting D. He had stolen the wallet E.
E. we walking D. put To steal the wallet.
E. puts

04. Iwan is working hard for his 06. X: "Do you like swimming?"
examination ; he avoids _____ too 05. "Is John fond _____ ?" Y: "No, I prefer ____ to
much. swimming."
A. to swim
A. to be going out B. swim A. play badminton
B. to go out C. swimming B. played badminton
C. go out D. swims C. playing badminton
D. goes out E. of swimming D. has played badminton
E. going out E. had played badminton

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