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0 Causes of Corruption
Although corruption differs from each country, it is possible to identify the key common
driving forces that generate towards the corruption. What is most common to all countries,
which are involved with corruption are mostly caused from social, economy and politic

4.1 Social
There are a few theories explaining that social has caused the corruption to arises in our
country. First, the example provided by the leadership. It means that when the top political
leaders do not provide the right example, it is either because they engage in acts of corruption
or, in more often case, they condone or divide such acts towards friends, relatives or political
associates. It also applied within particular institutions. These leaders or institutions cannot be
expected to be corruption free if they do not provide the best example especially in honesty. It
cannot be expected that the employees in the public administration will behave differently.
Well, this cause not really helping in creating the climate for corruption-free society. Adding
on, having an ethnic division. Malaysia known as a diverse country and has different religion
and races. In a static model, it shows that contrary to conventional wisdom, corruption might
emerge as a negative externality of democracy. This occurs through ethnicity, which appears
as a rent-extracting technology in a democratic society. For example, during voting or
selection, leaders or people at the upper management tend to use their power or connection to
get more votes or voices from others especially when those people are on the same ‘boat’
with them commonly on ethnic aspects. Besides, having ethnic division that has been around
us for decades has create an assumption where someone who has their authority or power,
should put their ‘person’ first before others. This shows the injustice and imbalance in the
management or division, plus it definitely made the outsiders perceive us in a negative way
and make the management weak.

4.2 Economy
In terms of economy, it has a big relation to the perspective of financial. As what I say is
because, the lower the financial is in some individual or groups, the higher the chances of
corruption will be. To support my idea, first of all limited access to education due to unstable
economy. Poverty will lead to limit access of education and opportunities for any upward
mobility. This lack of access may result in a cycle where individuals feel compelled to resort
to corruption as their way to achieve financial stability. Other than that, we can look at the
word saying bribery as supplemental income because when individuals particularly public
officers are paid low wages that do not meet their basic needs, they may be more susceptible
to bribery or the term we know that is corruption. Accepting bribes becomes a way to
supplement their inadequate income. In other way of understanding, low wages in the civil
service, which when their pay is too low. Thus, the civil servants may be obliged to use their
position to collect bribes as a way of making ends meet, particularly when the expected cost
of being caught is low. Furthermore, when individuals in positions power can personally
benefits themselves as they have more stable financial, they can easily manipulate economic
processes such as awarding contracts or allocating resources. Clearly, they may be more
prone to corruption. Next, excessive bureaucracy and complex regulations can create
opportunities, as some individuals may seek to expedite processes through bribery to navigate
cumbersome procedure by exchanging of money, favor or other consideration in order to
impact the ideas or actions of others. Lastly, weak financial control also one of the aspects of
corruption. Insufficient financial control can create large opportunities for corruption that
then will allows individuals to manipulate economic transactions for personal gain without


Usually, if the highest levels of the governments take advantage of corruption or

embezzlement from the state's treasury, it is sometimes referred to the neologism kleptocracy.
Members of the government can take advantage of the natural resources or state-owned
productive industries. A number of corrupt governments have enriched themselves through
foreign aid. A corrupt dictatorship typically results in many years of general hardship and
suffering for the vast majority of citizens as civil society and the rule of law disintegrates. In
addition, corrupt dictators routinely ignore economic and social problems in their quest to
acquire wealth and power. political corruption can be attributed to strong urban traditions of
ethnic voting, semicorrupt police, and bribe-offering contractors along with decentralized and
inefficient law enforcement machinery. The ineffective teaching of moral standards by
schools and churches constitutes an underlying reason for continuing corruption.

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