Leadership Styles

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Key Words/ Phrases

1. Most driven.
2. Self-motivated.
3. Passion.
4. Enthusiasm.
5. Above and beyond.
6. Innovative.
7. Creative ways to solve problems.
8. Admired.
9. Respectful.
10. Treats them as equals.
11. Trust her fully.
12. Honest and objective.
13. No bias or preference.
14. Attentive listener.
15. Willing to listen to their ideas as well as their problems.
16. Take prompt action where necessary.
17. Encourages their input in decision making.
18. Exercises authority.
19. Stands her ground when necessary.
20. Demonstrated the ability to maintain her cool under very stressful circumstances.
21. Remains calm and diplomatic.
22. Communicates respectfully and professionally with others.

Two characteristics of a good leader are empathy and gratitude.

Case Study 1:Autocratic Style. John is insisting that everything is done his way and employees just have
to follow suit.

Case Study 2:Authoritive Style. Richard is thoughtful and allows his employees to contribute to

Case Study 3: Laissez-Faire Style. Vicky has faith in her employees and believes that they would make
the right decisions.

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