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For nasobuddy® The Sleep Helper
Blog post titles for The Sleep Helper
■ Why my newborn baby does not sleep at night ?
■ Helping your baby learn night from day .
■ How long does the newborn baby sleep ?
■ A good bedtime routine is essential for your baby’s sleep.
■ Why my baby does not sleep through the night ?
■ How can I help my baby sleep ?
■ Tricks to help your baby sleep NOW.
■ Tricks to help your baby sleep in the long term.
■ What is colic ?
■ Does my baby have colic ?
■ Helping a colicky crying baby sleep.
■ How to stop my baby’s crying ?
■ What is white noise ?
■ How white noise helps your baby sleep.
■ Colic, gas and baby’s sleep.
■ The 5 S’s and The Sleep Helper
■ Kangaroo position– baby sleeping on stomach over mom
■ Does The Sleep Helper ™ work ?
■ Why can’t I just play the shush sound on my smartphone, bluetooth speaker or
smart tv ?
■ My baby doesn’t sleep through the night – why it’s normal
Purpose of the blog posts
■ To provide ready, easy to understand information to young mothers and fathers who have
newborn babies with sleep issues.

■ To promote our product Nasobuddy® The Sleep Helper™ .

■ To build sleep among the parents.

■ To show that there is solid science behind how the product functions.

■ Information provided in the blog posts + the sleep helper product kit will help their baby sleep
About the sleep helper kit
Your baby is healthy, well-fed, and wearing a
clean diaper, yet she’s been crying for hours ?

The Sleep Helper™ stops your baby’s crying

by engaging the natural calming reflex of your
baby , a parenting technique – 5 S’s made
popular by Dr. Harvey Karp in his book,
‘Happiest Baby on the Block’ .
The Sleep Helper ™ kit contains two devices
and an instruction guide .

1 × Mini white noise machine

1 × Colic Swaddle Belt

1 × Illustrated guide has FAQs, detailed

instructions on using the two
devices and a section on the
Kangaroo Sleep position for
calming the baby.
Mini white noise machine

How to use it

Switch on the white noise machine and keep it

close at 10 centimetres from baby’s ear. It will
make a shushing sound. Raise the volume until
it matches the noise of the baby’s crying or loud
enough to catch your baby’s attention. As he
quiets down and goes to sleep, reduce the
volume to match your baby’s calm state.
How does the Mini white noise machine
work ?
The Sleep Helper ™ Mini white noise machine is custom built to play a white noise sound which
helps most babies stop crying and settle down. A proprietary, tried and tested sound recorded by
sleep experts. Its built to be played at a decibel level that matches your baby’s crying when kept
close to the baby.
This mimics the sssshing and swoooshing sounds your baby heard for nine months in the womb
where the noise is constant & loud, 24 hours a day.
The Sleep Helper is effective for :
• Calming your baby’s crying
• Getting your baby to fall asleep
• Helping your baby to stay asleep
• Helping to get back to sleep after night-waking
• Covering other household noises
• Calming colicky crying
How it works :
Colic Swaddle Belt
How to Use it
• WARM the gel pack by dipping it in hot water and
insert it inside the gel pack holder.

• SWADDLE the belt around the baby’s belly using

the velcro attachments.
How does the colic swaddle belt work ?

■ It safely soothes pain associated with colic, reflux and helps baby to relieve gas.

■ It has a swaddle effect – mimics the womb – without restraining the baby’s hands
and leg movements.
Resources for the blog posts
■ Precious little sleep : Chapter 2 - The part that is newborn sleep.
■ The Happy Sleeper : Chapter 1 & 3
■ The Science of mom : Chapter 7 – In search of a good night’s sleep
A few informative posts..



Post structure

■ Heading
■ Content
■ A line linking the article to the sleep helper product
■ Relavent reads: Headings of two other other articles related to the specific topic.
■ References : Details of the study if quoted in the article (the books have Provided
links to all the studies)
Keypoints for each post – Just an outline –
please feel free to add or modify it.
• Why my newborn baby does not sleep at night ?
1. Immature circadian rhythm /biological clock – day & night confusion
2. Short sleep cycles
• Helping your baby learn night from day .
1. Indirect sunlight exposure in the morning and afternoon. Dim lights and dark rooms
in the night
2. 2. Importance of avoiding bright lights in the night
3. 3. Melatonin levels
How long does the newborn baby sleep ?
1. Duration – short sleep cycle nature – not the way we expect them to sleep
2. General sleep issues
• A good bedtime routine is essential for your baby’s sleep.
1. Baby’s love routine
2. Good sleep habits
• Why my baby does not sleep through the night ?
1. Circadian rhythm , sleep cycle
2. Breastfead babies wake more often
3. Not all wakings is a cry for help. Allow him to self soothe.
4. Sleeping through the night happens only at later months
5. It’s normal

• How can I help my baby sleep ?

1. Short term – 5 Ss to soothe baby
2. Long term – day night difference, allowing to self soothe, bed time routines
Tricks to help your baby sleep NOW.
1. 5 Ss
Tricks to help your baby sleep in the long term.
1. Teaching day night difference
2. Self soothe allowing to learn
3. Bed time routines + the 5 Ss
What is colic ?
1. Definition – 3 hours , 3 days a week
2. Why – gas, immature digestive system, excessive stimulus
3. Sleep issues
4. High pitched crying – very disturbing / anxious parents
Does my baby have colic ?
1. Percentage of babies with colic
2. Symptoms
3. See doctor if illness is suspected
Helping a colicky crying baby sleep.
1. (The blog post under resources has a good list)

How to stop my baby’s crying ?

1. 5 Ss
2. 2. How the sleep helper helps to stop baby’s crying

What is white noise ?

1. Science of white noise

How white noise helps your baby sleep.

1. Heard in the womb
2. Stimulates calming reflex
Colic, gas and baby’s sleep
1. Often correlated with sleep issues
2. When colic begins and stops (months)
3. What time of day it’s worse
4. Tips to manage gas
5. How the sleep helper helps to manage gas

5 Ss and the sleep helper

1. The Mini white noise machine uses the shushing sound (s-shushing)
2. 2. The colic swaddle belt also provides the swaddle effect. This can be worn over any dress
Or directly on the belly. It does not restrain the hands and legs which babies hate.
Swaddles can be used only for the first 6 weeks. The colic swaddle belt can be used for 4
3. The Kangaroo Sleep position is a safe way to practice sleep on stomach . Babies love this
position. It’s great for colic and the gentle swaying of the mother’s abdomen lulls the baby
to sleep( s- swaying, s-sleep on stomach)
4. The sucking s – We do not recommend initiating thumb sucking or use of the pacifier. As
they are hard to wean off and stop.
Kangaroo Sleep position
1. Sleep on stomach a part of the 5s
2. Always on center of bed
3. Avoid chairs, sofas, recliners
4. Mom should be awake
5. When baby is asleep but baby down on the back and put your palm on his chest for a
reassuring touch. the sleep machine will continue to play and calm the baby

Does the sleep helper work ?

1. Backed by science
2. Based on the 5Ss
3. Important to use all the Ss
4. That’s why it’s in a kit and not as individual products
5. 2 hours of sleep gain
Why can’t I just play the shush sound on my smartphone, bluetooth speaker or smart tv ?
1. Smartphones cannot play at the required decibel level
2. The device must be kept close to the baby . Not possible with smart TVs
3. A proprietary, tried and tested sound recorded by sleep experts.
4. Custom built for one single purpose – To help your baby sleep.

My baby doesn’t sleep through the night – why it’s normal

1. Percentage of babies don’t sleep through the night even in later months
2. Breastfeeding on demand
3. Tricks for helping baby sleep in the long term
4. Bedtime routines matter a lot
5. It’s normal – eventually they will figure it out.
6. Start routines at an early age.
Thank you.

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