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Executive Summary.

This report was commisioned to analyst and evaluate the current and prospective
marketing plan for UMT Bookstores. The methods that have been used to
acknowledge the marketing plan is by doing the SWOT analysis, the marketing mix,
BCG matrix and the target market for this UMT Bookstores.

The research draws attention to the fact that their market share are high and the
market growth are low that allowed them to stand to this day as the UMT Bookstores
has long been open back in the days. Using BCG Matrix, this UMT Bookstores are
the cash cow that are able to be the stars.

Further researh reveals that eventhough their market growth are low, their stores
are able to survive till now as the target market of UMT Bookstores are the students
of the UMT itself. Other than the students, UMT Bookstores’s target market are also
for the staff worker, lecturer and the public. This UMT Bookstores provides textbook
for every subject for the students and also the stationery equipment. These factors
appear to be the major causes of the sstores survival.

It is recommended that this UMT Bookstores has to take immediate measures to

promote to the students alongside its main purpose of its existance by selling the
textbooks. The manager of this UMT Bookstores have to hire enough worker so that
the everyday process can be done effectively and efficiently. Most important thing,
they must have the staff that can promote their bookstores through the social media,
flyers and etc. UMT Bookstores really had to take immediate action if they want to be
the stars according in the BCG Matrix.

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