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NET IEEE Projects List

Projects on Data Mining:

1. Adding Temporal Constraints to XML Schema

2. Combining Tag and Value Similarity for Data Extraction and Alignment

3. Coupled Behavior Analysis with Applications

4. Data Mining for XML Query-Answering Support

5. Document Clustering in Correlation Similarity Measure Space

6. Efficient and Effective Duplicate Detection in Hierarchical Data

7. Efficient Extended Boolean Retrieval

8. Organizing User Search Histories

9. Publishing Search Logs—A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees

10. Clustering with Multiviewpoint-Based Similarity Measure

11. Slicing: A new Approach for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing

12. Optimizing Bloom Filter Settings in Peer-to-Peer Multi-keyword Searching

13. Efficient Fuzzy Type-Ahead Search in XML Data

14. Outsourced Similarity Search on Metric Data Assets

Projects on Networking:

15. Finding Cheap Routes in Profit-Driven Opportunistic Spectrum Access

Networks: A Truthful Mechanism Design Approach
16. Online Adaptive Compression in Delay Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks
17. AMPLE: An Adaptive Traffic Engineering System Based on Virtual Routing
18. Design and Implementation of TARF: A Trust-Aware Routing Framework
for WSNs
19. SPOC: A Secure and Privacy-preserving Opportunistic Computing
Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency
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Contact no: 8519950799
.NET IEEE Project List

20. Topology control in mobile ad hoc Networks with cooperative

Projects on Network Security:
21. A Hybrid Approach to Private Record Matching
22. Enabling Secure and Efficient Ranked Keyword Search over Outsourced
Cloud Data

23. On Privacy of Encrypted Speech Communications

24. Persuasive Cued Click-Points: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of
a Knowledge-Based Authentication Mechanism

25. Privacy-Preserving Enforcement of Spatially Aware RBAC

26. Revisiting Defenses against Large-Scale Online Password Guessing

27. Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud

Computing using Attribute-based Encryption

28. Security of Bertino-Shang-Wagstaff Time-Bound Hierarchical Key

Management Scheme for Secure Broadcasting

29. Enhancing Data Trustworthiness via Assured Digital Signing

30. Exploring Context and Content Links in Social Media: A Latent Space

Projects on Mobile Computing:

31. An Iterative Algorithm for Trust Management and Adversary Detection
for Delay- Tolerant Networks
32. Message Drop and Scheduling in DTNs: Theory and Practice
33. Thwarting Control-Channel Jamming Attacks from Inside Jammers
34. Avoiding the Rush Hours: WiFi Energy Management via Traffic Isolation
35. Design of Efficient Multicast Protocol for IEEE 802.11n WLANs and
Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Streaming

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Contact no: 8519950799
36. A Trigger Identification Service for Defending Reactive Jammers in WSN
37. Resource-Aware Video Multicasting via Access Gateways in Wireless
Mesh Networks
38. Low Power Consumption Solutions for Mobile Instant Messaging
39. Converge Cast: On the Capacity and Delay Tradeoffs
40. Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks
41. Network Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query

42. ES-MPICH2: A Message Passing Interface with Enhanced Security

43. Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless

44. Cooperative Download in Vehicular Environments

45. Uncoordinated Cooperative Communications in Highly Dynamic
Wireless Networks

46. The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with

Mobile Sinks

Projects on Image Processing:

47. Automatic Image Equalization and Contrast Enhancement Using

Gaussian Mixture Modeling
48. Image Authentication Using Distributed Source Coding
49. Analyzing Image Deblurring Through Three Paradigms
50. Smile Detection by Boosting Pixel Differences
51. Fast Vanishing-point Detection in Unstructured Environments
52. An Online Learning Approach to Occlusion Boundary Detection
53. Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification
54. Shadow Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
55. Combining Head Pose and Eye Location Information for Gaze Estimation

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Email id:
Contact no: 8519950799
.NET IEEE Project List

56. A Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale

Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair

57. Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Networks via Random

Power Allocation

Projects on Cloud Computing:

58. Cashing in on the Cache in the Cloud

59. Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multi-
Cloud Storage

60. pCloud: A Distributed System for Practical PIR

61. Cloud Computing Security: From Single to Multi-Clouds
62. Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage
63. Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective
64. HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible and Scalable
Access Control in Cloud Computing

65. Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud

66. Enhanced Data Security Model for Cloud Computing

New projects:

1. Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud

2. Enhanced Data Security Model for Cloud Computing

3. Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks

4. Cloud Computing Security: From Single to Multi-Clouds

5. Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage

6. Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective

7. HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible and

Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing

8. Network Assisted Mobile Computing with Optimal Uplink Query


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Email id:
Contact no: 8519950799
9. A Message Passing Interface with Enhanced Security

10. Detection and Localization of Multiple Spoofing Attackers in Wireless

Networks(video available)

11. Exploring Context and Content Links in Social Media: A Latent Space

12. Cooperative Download in Vehicular Environments

13. Uncoordinated Cooperative Communications in Highly Dynamic

Wireless Networks

14 The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with

Mobile Sinks

15. Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Networks via

Random Power Allocation(video available)

16. Efficient Fuzzy Type-Ahead Search in XML Data

17. Creating Evolving User Behavior Profiles Automatically
18. Outsourced Similarity Search on Metric Data Assets
19. A Genetic Programming Approach to Record Deduplication

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Email id:
Contact no: 8519950799

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