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The blind product test that we have conducted as the required element for our
Consumer Behavior assignment. This blind product test ran for 10 respondents that stand of
the students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. This blind product test was recorded and all
the results will be compile for our written and video assignment. The objectives of this blind
product test are to investigate the effect of brand characteristics on consumers' product
preference and purchase intention and to advances students' understanding of the research
process. The product that we have choose was butter biscuits Royal British Butter
Homemade Cookies that labeled with “X” that represent the prominent-brand and Doraemon
Butter Biscuits that labeled with “Y” that represent the off-brand. The respondents were
required to taste the products that has been choose in order to answer some question that
will be asked to them. the respondents were not exposed to the original packaging and
brand so that they can identify the differences without bias to the prominent brand. There
variety of question that will be asked to the respondents after they taste the products using
their five senses such as what are the different that they can see from the two differ brands,
how it is differ from the taste, which product that they were preferred due to the smell of
the product and many more.

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