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Emerson Yupanqui Pillaca
Owen, Quintana Aliaga
Reynaldo Contreras Mendoza
Riveros Gonzales, Pedro

What force...
a. ... starts a football moving?

The initial force that sets a football in

motion is the force from the player's
kick. This force is applied to the ball
through contact with the player's foot.
b. ... slows a football down in
the air?

The force that slows down a football in

the air is air resistance. As the ball moves
through the air, it encounters resistance,
which gradually reduces its speed.

c. ... stops it moving?

The force that stops a football

completely is the friction between the
ball and the surface it's rolling on.
When the ball comes to a stop, it's
because friction has matched or
exceeded the force in motion it had.
A footballer kicks the ball towards the
goal. That's an action. What is the usual

Sometimes a goalkeeper gets a hand on

the ball, but can't stop it. Why not?

A footballer tries to kick the ball, but slips

on the wet grass. Why?
What happens if two players with What happens if two players with
different masses collide? equal masses collide?

In this case, the heavier player will In this case, players will experience
transfer more force to the lighter equal velocities and accelerations
player due to his greater mass. This but in opposite directions due to
is Newton's Third Law reaction forces.
Newton's pendulum
They consist of rigid spherical balls of equal size
and mass, hung by two threads of equal length
and the same angle of inclination.

How does it work?

When this ball collides with the next one in line,
it transfers its energy and linear momentum.
The second ball then transfers its energy and
linear momentum to the next ball, and so on,
until the last ball ends up propelled into the air.
A practical example
John was playing sports when he had an accident. He was playing soccer and trying
really hard to kick the ball when he suddenly lost his balance and fell down in an
awkward way.

1.First Law (Law of Inertia)

2. Second Law (Law of Acceleration)

3. Third Law (Action-Reaction)

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