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Subject: TLE

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: Explain the legal basis and agencies in fish raising

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Learning Competency: Describe the life cycle of fish and its importance
in the ecosystem. This connects to the objective of fish raising as understanding the
legal basis and agencies involved in fish raising requires knowledge of the life cycle
and ecological importance of fish.

2) Social Studies - Learning Competency: Analyze the role of government agencies

in ensuring the sustainability of natural resources. This connects to the objective as it
highlights the role of government agencies in regulating and overseeing fish raising

3) English - Learning Competency: Explain the importance of effective

communication in conveying information about fish raising. This connects to the
objective as effective communication is necessary when dealing with legal
requirements and agencies in fish raising.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Fish raising guidelines, role-play scenarios

1) Idea - Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different role-play
scenario related to fish raising. For example, one group can act as fish farmers
seeking permits from government agencies, while another group can act as
government officials providing information and guidance.

2) Idea - Conduct a fish raising debate where students take on different

perspectives, such as fish farmers, environmentalists, and government officials. This
will stimulate critical thinking and engagement with the topic.

Activity 1: Fish Raising Agencies and Legal Requirements

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Fish raising guidelines, chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will work in groups to research and create a poster or

infographic summarizing the legal basis and agencies involved in fish raising.


1) Divide students into groups and provide each group with fish raising guidelines
and access to research materials.

2) In their groups, students will identify and research the different government
agencies involved in fish raising and the legal requirements they enforce.

3) Students will create a poster or infographic summarizing their findings, highlighting

the agencies and their roles, as well as the legal requirements for fish raising.


Criteria: Content, Creativity, Presentation

5 pts - Accurate and comprehensive content, visually appealing, clear presentation

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the main government agencies involved in fish raising?

2) What are the legal requirements for fish raising?

3) How do these agencies ensure the sustainability of fish resources?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

1) The teacher will provide a lecture on the legal basis and agencies in fish raising,
covering topics such as government regulations, permits, and monitoring.

2) After the lecture, the teacher will facilitate a discussion to ensure students'
understanding and address any questions or clarifications.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Create a Fish Farming Proposal

Task 2: Design an Aquaponics System

Students will work individually or in pairs to complete the following tasks:

1) Task 1: Create a fish farming proposal, including details such as the type of fish to
be raised, the location, equipment needed, and the necessary permits and legal

2) Task 2: Design an aquaponics system that combines fish farming with

hydroponics, showcasing the integration of fish raising and plant cultivation.


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment rubric, fish raising scenarios

Question 1: Analyze the role of government agencies in ensuring the sustainability

of fish resources.

Question 2: How can effective communication contribute to the success of fish

raising activities?
Question 3: Evaluate the importance of legal requirements in fish raising and the
consequences of non-compliance.


1) Assignment Overview: Conduct an interview with a fish farmer or a representative

from a government agency involved in fish raising. Prepare interview questions
related to the legal basis and agencies in fish raising.

2) Assessment Question: Interview a fish farmer or a representative from a

government agency involved in fish raising. Ask them to explain the legal basis and
the role of their agency in regulating fish raising activities. Provide a summary of the
interview and reflect on the insights gained.

Note: The format provided above is a guide. Teachers can modify and adapt the
lesson plan based on their specific classroom needs and available resources.

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