Lesson Plan

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Subject: TLE

Grade Level: Grade 6

Objective: Use block codes to create animations/games/digital story

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: Students can use block codes to create animations that explain scientific concepts,
such as the water cycle or photosynthesis. This connects TLE with Science as it allows
students to demonstrate their understanding of scientific processes through coding and
2) English: Students can use block codes to create digital stories, incorporating their
knowledge of storytelling and language skills. This connects TLE with English as it allows
students to apply their language skills in a different medium and express their creativity
through coding and storytelling.
3) Math: Students can use block codes to create educational games that reinforce math
concepts, such as multiplication or fractions. This connects TLE with Math as it allows
students to apply their math skills in a practical and interactive way, while also developing
their coding and game design abilities.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Computers or tablets, interactive quiz platform

1) Idea: Begin the lesson by conducting an interactive quiz related to coding and animation.
This will activate students' prior knowledge and generate curiosity about the topic.
2) Idea: Show a short video clip of popular animations or games and ask students to discuss
what they think the process of creating them involves. This will stimulate their interest and
set the stage for the lesson.

Activity 1: Creating an Animation

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Computers or tablets, block coding software

Significance: Students will learn the basics of block coding and apply their knowledge to
create a simple animation.

1) Provide a brief introduction to block coding and explain the concept of animations.
2) Demonstrate how to use the block coding software to create a basic animation.
3) Allow students to work individually or in pairs to create their own animations using the
block coding software.
- Creativity: 5 points
- Complexity of animation: 5 points
- Correct use of block codes: 5 points
Assessment Questions:
1) What is block coding and how is it used in creating animations?
2) Describe one animation you created and explain the block codes you used.
3) How can animations be used to communicate ideas or concepts effectively?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
1) Explain the different types of block codes that can be used to create
animations/games/digital story.
2) Engage students in a discussion about the importance of planning and organizing their
code to achieve the desired outcome.

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Create an Educational Game

Students will work in groups to create an educational game using block codes. The game
should teach a specific concept from any subject they choose. They must plan, design, and
code the game, ensuring that it is interactive and engaging for the players.

Task 2: Digital Storytelling

Students will work individually to create a digital story using block codes. The story should
have a clear plot, characters, and a message. They will use their coding skills to animate the
story and add interactive elements.
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, computers or tablets

Question 1: Explain the process of creating an animation using block codes.

Question 2: How does block coding contribute to the development of educational

Question 3: Reflect on your experience in creating a digital story. What challenges did
you face and how did you overcome them?
1) Assignment Overview: Research and write a short report on the impact of coding in
various industries, such as animation, gaming, and education. Discuss how block codes are
used and provide examples of successful applications.
2) Assignment Question: Design and create a simple animation using block codes. Explain
the purpose of your animation and the block codes used to achieve the desired effects.

Prepared by:
TLE Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher I

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