Reviewer (PR1)

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Reviewer for Practical Research 1

I. Find the errors in every references, then correct it.

1. Godfrey, Donald. (2005) Adapting Historical Citations to APA

Style. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 49(4), pp. 544–


2. Rogers K. (2009). Leadership Giftedness: Is It Innate or Can It

Be Developed? In L. Shavinina (Editor), International handbook on

giftedness (633-645). Houten, NT: Springer, Dordrecht. Retrieved


3. F. Tang, & J. W. Pierce. (2014). Alzheimer’s disease in young

adults. Journal on Aging. Vol. 14(3), 220-243.

4. Barrera Saldaria, H. A. (2014). New York: Nova Science

Publishers, Inc. Monkeys: Brain development, social and hormonal

mechanisms and zoonotic diseases.

5. Sade R.M. 2017. Introduction: Controversies in clinical research

ethics. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45(3), 291-294.


6. Stein, J. (2018) Short-term memory now gone: The unfortunate

circumstances related to Alzheimer’s disease. Science and

Discovery, 2, pages 35 to 57.

7. Rudawska, A. (2020). Knowledge sharing and creativity:

Individual and organizational perspective. In A. Zakrzewska-
Bielawska & I. Staniec (Editors). Contemporary challenges in
cooperation and coopetition in the age of industry 4.0: 10th
Conference on Management of Organizations’ Development (MOD)
(pp. 107-121). Springer.

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