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MAJOR REVIEW_Individual Detailed Work

Mandate deliverable list

1. Detailed Individual Site Plan (1 :500 scale) with proper legends,

Total area, detailing of open spaces, roads/streets, front and
backyard designing etc…

2. 1 Axonometric view of a full individual design area.

3. 2 minimum full sections should be cut through full site with

activities, open built detailing, massing etc

4. 4 Minimum live blow up sections/ 4 minimum blow up views with

activities, open built detailing, massing, height, facade treatments,
street/ road detailing etc, blow up of all built massing with core
positions, detailed floor wise zoning mandatory (scale should be in
between 1:200-1:500)
Blow up could be of the any of the following

public space plus built edge

street detailing
built massing details like facade, materials etc,
sustainable design features like sun facades, solar,STP, RWH etc
massing with core & floor wise detailed zoning
different activity mapping of the same space
landscaping details
eye level perspectives and massing
types of open spaces (public, semi public & private)
any other details which they think is interesting in their zone.
Please note,

1. The major review will begin by 09.30 am on 9th January 2024, students
sheets should be ready before that.
2. This will be totally an individual design review and marking based on
individual work
3. All sheets should be done in A1 Color prints
4. Proper A1 sheet layout with sheet name, student name is a mandate
5. North and key plan is a mandate
6. Those who fail to attend the review will be marked 0, and no re-review or
markings will be entertained at this stage.
7. Absentees should officially mail the reason to YC and mentor, but review
will not be taken.

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