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Sophia Tutorial Center

3rd Periodical Test

CLED – Grade 5 – (Reviewer)

Note 1
The Fourth commandment: “Honor your mother and father.”

Direction: Cross out (X) the number that is not obligation of parents to their children and children to their

Obligation of children to their parents

1. Love, which must be effective-loving them and wishing them good.
2. Love which must be effective-praying for them and support them in their material and spiritual
3. Decide what is good and what is bad for self.
4. Reverence in words, gesture and action.
5. Obedience (which change with the child age and degree of dependence)

Obligation of parents to their children

1. Parents have to love and raise their children both physically and spiritually.
2. Physically raising their children.
3. Command the child even if it will cause harm and damage to child.
4. Spiritually education
5. School, parish, good community.

Note 2
The Fifth commandment: “Respect the gift of life”
Direction: Write True or False.

1. Respect for life includes other creation that have life and things that sustain life such as plants,
animals and nature.
2. The 5th commandment deals with valuing and reflecting God’s gift of life.
3. We are God’s steward, therefore steward obligate to protect and enhance life.
4. Person are gift of God, respect every person.
5. Appreciate God’s creation by showing concern to one another.

Note 3
The sixth and ninth commandment: “Respect our body”
Words to remember:
Moral purity; purity of the body; freedom from unlawful sexual intercourse.
Reserve or propriety in speech, dress or behavior; lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.

- Learn how to use right words that will not hurt others.
- Read God’s book and watch educational films or shows.
- Wear decent clothes and be modest in carrying onself.

How do your sense organs help you from holy or becoming like Christ?

Eyes - when I fix my eyes only I see what is good in the eyes of God.
Ears – I listen to sounds that are pleasing to Jesus.
Hands – When I use my hands in doing what is good.

Note 4
Advent came from the Latin word “Adventus Coming”
- Is a 4 weeks preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ
Advent wreath
- Is a symbol of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ

Symbols in Advent wreath

Love Joy Circle Jesus

Green Hope Preparation

_______ - means no beginning and no end

_______ - Means life

1st Candle (violet) – means _______

2nd Candle (violet) – means _______
3rd Candle (pink) – means _______
4th Candle (violet) – means _______
5th Candle (white) – means _______

Note 5
The Seventh and Tenth commandment
- Speaks of the right of the person and of the community to own properties and be given share in the
property to live a dignified life.

Things to remember!
- Ask permission before using things that belong to other.
- Share your blessing to others.
- Take care of the things they own and those that they borrowed from other.
- Respecting other dignity and respecting their property
- Value belongings of other
- Give justice to other by sharing gifts from God, especially those in needs

Common sins against the 7th commandment

1. Robbery
2. Keeping borrowed properly
3. Work purposefully done poorly
4. Willfully damaging properly.
5. Destroying your own property.
6. Cheating on test
7. Buying or selling stolen goods.

Common sins against 10th commandment

1. Desiring goods to which you have no right
2. Wishing your neighbor would lose his good of envy.
3. Reducing the quantity of good’s to create artificial scarcity

Note 6
The eight commandment: “Speak the truth”
- 8th commandment speak about truthfulness, our good name is the most valuable possession we
have so we need to respect one another by talking what is good and true about anything and

Sins against 8th commandment

1. Detraction – disc losing the faults or sins of another to a person who does not need to know them.
2. Calumny – telling lies that will harm another person’s reputation.
3. Dissimulation – using false preference with others.
4. Perjury – deliberately making statement contrary the truth of withholding the truth and oat.
5. Rash Judgement – assuming as true of a neighbor.
6. Flattery – excessive, untrue insicore praise.
7. Mockery – maliciously characterizing a particular aspect of another behavior.
8. Lying – telling a falsehood with the intention of deceiving someone.

God want us to respect the truth for truthfulness brings trust, peace, love and true freedom

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