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Discuss the privileges and immunities of two Houses of


Discuss the privileges and immunities of Parliament of



The privileges and immunities of Parliament of Somalia

refer to certain rights, powers, and protections enjoyed by
Members of Parliament (MPs) and the institution of
Parliament as a whole, which are essential for the effective
functioning of parliamentary democracy.


- Understanding the privileges and immunities of

Parliament is crucial for maintaining the independence and
integrity of the legislative branch of government.

- These privileges ensure that MPs can discharge their duties

effectively without fear or hindrance.

*Laws involved:*

- The Constitution of Somalia and various parliamentary

statutes and rules govern the privileges and immunities
house of the People Article 70, and Uper House Article 78
Constitution of Somalia


- Privileges of Parliament include the freedom of speech and

debate, which allows MPs to express their views in the
Houses without the risk of legal action.

- Immunities protect MPs from civil or criminal liability for

statements made or actions taken in the course of
parliamentary proceedings.


-While Parliament enjoys certain privileges and immunities,

the exercise of these powers is subject to the Constitution
and the principles of natural justice.

*Situation opposite:*

- There have been instances where the exercise of

parliamentary privileges and immunities has been
controversial between 2017-2022, leading to debates about
the balance between parliamentary autonomy and


- The privileges and immunities of Parliament are essential

for upholding parliamentary democracy, ensuring the
independence of the legislative branch, and protecting the
rights and freedoms of MPs.

- In the case of famer Parliaments of Somalia, MP' s can't

exercise their rights and upheld the parliamentary privilege
of immunity from ilegal proceedings for MPs for statements
made in the Houses, emphasizing the importance of
protecting parliamentary freedom of speech and debate and
also closed their meet.

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