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1. friendly behaving in a kind and pleasant way

Ex: I’m friendly so I like to meet and talk with the people around me.


2. careful thought to what you are doing so that you avoid doing something

Ex: If you are not careful, you will fall off.


3. talkative liking to talk a lot

Ex: She likes to talk a lot. She is so talkative.


4. proactive controlling a situation by making things happen rather than waiting to

happen and then reacting to them

Ex: You are proactive. You always try to find the way to solve your


5. Easy-going relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting anger

Ex: She is so easy-going, so she’s always happy.


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6. generous giving or willing to give freely; given freely

Ex: He often gives the money to the poor people. He is so generous.

7. hard - working putting a lot of efforts into a job and doing it well

Ex: He is a hard – working man. He spends the most of time on


8. shy (of people) nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to
other people

Ex: He is so shy. He doesn’t dare to ask anyone for help.


9. neat tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged

Ex: He is neat. He always makes the bed after getting up.


10. Talented having a natural ability to do something well

Ex: She is really talented. She has ability to do homework just few


11. dynamic having a lot of energy and a strong personality

Ex: He is a dynamic boy so he likes to play some outdoor activities such

as: playing football, badminton …….


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12. strict

that must be obeyed exactly

Ex: She is a strict teacher. Every student must be obeyed her.

13. creative involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce something
new or a work of art

Ex: She is very creative – she writes poetry and paints.


14. Stubborn determined not to change your opinion or attitude

Ex: He is too stubborn to accept that he was wrong.


15. hot-tempered often getting angry

Ex: He gets very hot-tempered when he's tired.


16. polite having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of

Ex: Our waiter is very polite. They always bow their heads and say hello
to the customers.


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17. serious thinking about things in a careful and sensible way; not silly

Ex: He is serious. He rarely makes the joke.


18. humorous fun; showing a sense of humour

Ex: They are humorous. They always make people laugh when they tell


19. cheerful happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

Ex: She is a cheerful girl. You always see the smile on her face.


20. bossy always telling people what to do in the way they want

Ex: My older brother is so bossy. He often shouts me a lot when I even

make a small mistake.


21. selfish merely caring only about yourself rather than about other people

Ex: He is so selfish. He never shares something with anyone.


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22. intelligent good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about
things; showing this ability

Ex: He is clearly extremely intelligent. He can fully understand what the

teacher teaches at the first time.


23. open - minded willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas

Ex: My brother is open – minded to get some feedbacks from his



24. sociable enjoying spending time with other people

Ex: He is a sociable guy so he likes to take part in some outdoor

activities to make new friends.


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1. short a (of a person) small in height.

Ex: He is short. His height is under 1 m.


2. tall (of a person, building, tree, etc.) having a greater than average height

Ex: He is the tall guy. His height is over 1.8 meters.


3. medium - height in the middle between a larger and smaller size, amount, length,
temperature, etc.

Ex: He is medium-height. His height is about 1.6 meters.


4. fat (of a person’s or an animal’s body) having too much flesh on it and
weighing too much

Ex: She looks so fat so she should be on a diet.


5. chubby slightly fat in a way that people usually find attractive

Ex: She is a little bit chubby, she looks so cute.


6. fit healthy and strong, especially because you do regular physical exercise

Ex: She often does yoga so her body is fit.


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7. slim (of a person) thin, in a way that is attractive

Ex: She tries to do exercise everyday to keep her body slim.


8. thin (of a person or part of the body) not covered with much fat or muscle

Ex: He has a stomachache so he doesn’t like to eat anything. He looks

so thin.

9. skinny very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly

Ex: He often skips meals so he looks skinny.


10. good-looking (especially of people) physically attractive

Ex: She is good-looking so she is always confident about her


11. elegant (of people or their behaviour) attractive and showing a good sense of

Ex: She has a good sense of style. She always looks elegant.


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12. gentle calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way

Ex: He is a gentle man. He treats everyone around him very well.


13. clumsy showing about appearance or doing things in a way that is not smooth
or steady or careful

Ex: Sorry! I spilt your coffee. I’m so clumsy.


14. fashionable following a style that is popular at a particular time

Ex: They look so fashionable. They always update the latest fashion


15. attractive (of a person) pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way

Ex: She is an attractive woman. She always becomes the center of

attention at the party.


16. adorable be easy to feel love for

Ex: What an adorable girl!


17. handsome (of men) attractive

Ex: He is a singer. He sings very well and looks handsome as well so he

has a lot of big fans.


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18. young not yet old; not as old as others

Ex: She is so young. She is the first year student at Da Nang university.


19. old having lived for a long time; no longer young

Ex: He is old. His hair turns grey a lot.


20. middle aged the period of your life when you are neither young nor old, between
the ages of about 45 and 60

Ex: My father is middle aged. This year he is 50 years old.


21. well - built (of a person) with a solid, strong body

Ex: He often goes to the gym. It’s the reason why he looks so well-built.


22. sexy (of a person) sexually attractive

Ex: She wants everyone’s attention so she tries to be sexy every time
she goes out.


23. oval/ round/square difference shapes of face

face Ex: She is my idol. She is tall with an oval face.


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24. wavy/ curly/ straight difference shape of hair
hair Ex: She looks pretty with long wavy blond hair.


25. foolish (of actions or behaviour) not showing good sense or judgement

Ex: He is foolish enough to believe what his friend tells him.


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1. old-fashioned not modern; no longer fashionable
Ex: This restaurant is old-fashioned.


2. reasonable (of prices) not too expensive

Ex: This bag is not too expensive. It’s reasonable.


3. open space a large area of land that has no buildings on it

Ex: This is an open space, so you can enjoy the fresh air.


4. crowded having a lot of people or too many people

Ex: It’s too crowded in the library today.


5. soothing that makes somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer
Ex: He has an argument with his wife, but he is soothing now.


6. cozy warm, comfortable and safe, especially in a small space

Ex: She fells so happy when she comes back her cozy room.


7. traditional (food) being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of
people, that have not changed for a long time
Ex: Pho is a traditional food of Viet Nam.


8. good service/ taste the serving of customers in hotels, restaurants, and shops
Ex: The five stars hotels will bring you the good service.


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9. sandwich two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, cheese,
etc. between them
Ex: I’ll have sandwich for my lunch.

10. orange juice a drink made from or tasting of oranges
Ex: My favorite drink is orange juice.


11. vegetarian eating no meat or fish

Ex: I’m vegetarian so I’ll have vegetable soup.


12. omelet hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried, often with cheese, meat,
vegetables, etc…
Ex: One order of omelet please!


13. smoothie a thick, smooth drink made fruit and/or vegetables mixed with milk, ice
cream, or fruit juice…
Ex: And one strawberry smoothie for you, right?

14. cheeseburger a hamburger with a slice of cheese on top of the meat
Ex: I like hamburger, cheeseburger and club sandwich.


15. salad a mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce, tomato and cucumber, usually
served with other food as part of a meal
Ex: I’m overweight so I only have a salad for my dinner.


16. soup a liquid food made by boiling meat, vegetables, etc. in water, often eaten
as the first course of a meal
Ex: Chicken soup is the best in our restaurant.


17. spaghetti pasta in the shape of long thin pieces that look like string when they are
Ex: Spaghetti is the Italian food I love most.


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18. fresh food recently produced or picked and not frozen, dried or preserved in tins or
Ex: Fresh food is good for our health.

19. enjoy your meal to be happy and get pleasure from what you are eating
Ex: When you are really hungry, you will enjoy your meal.


20. on the diet a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or
because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited
variety or amount
Ex: I’m on the diet so I’ll have a chicken salad.

21. fantastic extremely good; excellent
Ex: I get A mark, so fantastic!

22. street food The food is sold on the street
Ex: “Banh trang tron” is one kind of street food!


23. junk food/ fast food food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat but that is thought to be
bad for your health
Ex: “Fried chicken wings” is a kind of fast food!


24. cash money in the form of coins or notes

Ex: I will pay by cash.


25. credit card a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for
them later
Ex: I will pay in credit card.


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1. clothing store a store which sells items of ready – made clothing
Ex: I would like to buy some clothes at the clothing store.


2. grocery store a store which sells a range of food product

Ex: I buy the junk food in the grocery store.


3. electronics store a store which sells electronic product

Ex: She buys this washing machine in “Dien May Xanh” electronics


4. food court an area in a shopping center or public building where there are
several small restaurants around a central area with tables and chairs
Ex: I usually have breakfast at the mall's food court.


5. movie theater an area to watch films

Ex: We usually watch movie at the movie theater with a big screen
and lively sound.


6. bags and a store that sells a lot of accessories such as watch, necklace,…
accessories store
Ex: LuxxuBerance is the most famous bags and accessories store in
Da Nang.


7. frozen food (of food) kept at a very low temperature in order to preserve it
Ex: I would like to buy some frozen food like beef and pork.


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8. produce section area that have sold foods, especially the products connected with
Ex: The produce section is on the left of corner.


9. pet food the food that is used for pet

Ex: Nood is a kind of pet food. It’s for dogs.


10. necklace a piece of jewellery consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn
around the neck
Ex: She looks so graceful with her necklace.


11. bracelet a piece of jewellery worn around the wrist or arm

Ex: She had a charm bracelet on her wrist.


12. sneakers a pair of shoes that you wear for sports or as informal clothing
Ex: I usually wear sneakers in the winter.


13. sweater a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body, made of wool or
Ex: It’s cold today so I wear a sweater.


14. skirt a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the middle
part of the body
Ex: I buy two similar skirts, one for me and one for my sister.


15. T-shirt an informal shirt, usually with short sleeves (= arms) no collar or
buttons, or just a few buttons at the top
Ex: It’s so comfortable when I put on the T-shirt.


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16. dress a piece of women’s clothing that is made in one piece and covers the
body down to the legs
Ex: She looks so pretty in her long red dress.


17. high heels that have very high heels, usually worn by women
Ex: She is short so she often wears high heels.


18. cap a type of soft flat hat with a peak

Ex: You should wear the cap when you go out, it’s very sunny today.


19. scarf a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck, for example to keep
warm or for decoration
Ex: This scarf is so fashionable.

20. sunglasses a pair of glasses with dark glass in them that you wear to protect
your eyes from bright light from the sun
Ex: Sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun.

21. high-priced expensive
Ex: This handbag is high-priced.

22. fridge a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it
stays fresh
Ex: I keep juice in the fridge.

23. tablet a small computer that is easy to carry, with a large touch screen and
usually without a physical keyboard
Ex: My mother gave me a tablet as a gift on my birthday.


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24. bakery a place where bread and cakes are made and/or sold
Ex: The birthday cake in Dong Tien bakery is really delicious.


25. good quality the standard of something when it is compared to other things like it;
how good something is
Ex: The Iphone is good quality.


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1. stay up late
(to) go to bed later than usual bedtime
Ex: I stay up late very often.


2. sleep in (to) sleep until after the time you usually get up in the morning
Ex: Do you often sleep in when you don’t have classes?


3. play video games (to) play games in which you press buttons to control and move images on a screen
Ex: I love playing video games in my free time.


4. surf the Internet (to) spend time visiting a lot of websites

Ex: He spends a lot of time surfing the Internet.


5. do exercise (to) do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become stronger
Ex: How often do you do exercise?


6. eat healthy food (to) eat food that gives you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good,
and have energy
Ex: Do you often eat healthy food? Look at your pale skin!


7. eat junk food (to) eat food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat but that is thought to be bad
for your health
Ex: I’m on a diet of junk food. Let’s order something good.


8. shop online (to) shop for goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a
mobile app.
Ex: I think I spend too much on shopping online. What should I do?


9. take pictures (to) make photographs, create an image with a camera, or capture a picture
Ex: Jane loves taking pictures. She always brings her camera with her.


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10. join public (to) take part in any activities, conditions or locations that are not private, usually with
activities a crowd or group of people
Ex: My brother is so shy. He loves being alone so he never joins any public activities.


11. smoke (to) take smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth and let it out again
Ex: Do you often smoke, Dan?


12. swear (to) use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry
Ex: When she gets angry, she often swears.


13. skip meals (to) not eat at a certain time, mostly breakfast, lunch, dinner
Ex: Do you think I should skip meals, especially dinner? I’m too fat now.


14. drink alcohol (to) drink a clear liquid that can make you drunk such as beer, wine, etc.
Ex: She’s truly an alcoholic. You can see her drinking alcohol every day.


15. gossip (to) talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way
Ex: Recent researches say that people gossip 52 minutes a day.


16. bite (your) nails (to) use your teeth to remove parts of your fingernails as a means of shortening them
Ex: I sometimes bite my nails when I feel anxious.


17. pick (your) nose (to) remove nasal mucus with your finger
Ex: Picking your nose is a bad habit, especially in a public area.


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18. tell lies (to) tell something wrong or untrue
Ex: My neighbor’s trustworthy. He never tells lies.


19. play sports (to) do an activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill,
usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules
Ex: Do you play any sports?


20. hang out with (to) to spend time talking and sharing with your friends
Ex: How long do you often spend on hanging out with your friends?


(to) not go to classes without permission

21. skip classes
Ex: How often do you skip classes, John?


22. read books (to) look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols in
Ex: I’m trying to read books instead of surfing the net too much.


23. overspend (to) spend too much money or more than you planned
Ex: Too many people overspend for their holidays.


24. be messy (to) be dirty and/or untidy

Ex: I can’t stand Robin any more. He’s always messy though we are roommates.


25. gamble (to) risk money on a card game, horse race, etc.
Ex: I used to gamble a lot on the horses.


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1. library a building in which collections of books, newspapers, etc. … are kept

for people to read, study or borrow
Ex: How often do you go to the library?

2. cafeteria a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal before you
carry it to a table. Cafeterias are often found in factories, colleges,
hospitals, etc.
Ex: School cafeteria should serve healthier food.

3. meeting hall a building or large room for public meetings, meals, concerts, etc.
Ex: Her brother is standing in the front meeting hall.


4. classroom a room where a class of children or students is taught

Ex: Teacher and students are in the classroom.

5. sports center a building where the public can go to play many different kinds of
sports, swim, etc.
Ex: My brother often plays badminton at the sports center.

6. dormitory a building for university or college students to live in dormitory

Ex: I and my peers lived at the dormitory when we were college

7. schedule a chart or plan of the classes that a student or teacher has in school
each week
Ex: You should make the schedule for what you want to do next

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8. tuition fees the money that you pay for your study, especially in a college or
Ex: Tuition fees in my school should be decreased.

9. campus the buildings of a university or college and the land around them
Ex: I like to hang out with my friends around the campus of my

10. social life the part of a person's time spent doing enjoyable things with others
Ex: They have a hectic social life.


11. do project to do a piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a

period of time, done by school or college students
Ex: It takes 3 days to do project with my teammates.


12. attend class to be present in class

Ex: The students must attend class on time.


13. take part in club to be present in clubs

Ex: You should take part in club to improve your soft skills.


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14. do a part-time job to work for part of the day or weekend
Ex: I study and do the part-time job as well.


15. work as a/an to work some roles or profession as a job

Ex: I work as an engineer at my company.


16. do survey to do an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a

particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them
Ex: We’ll do survey to see if the class is interested in this subject.

17. do volunteer to do a job without being paid for it to help others
Ex: I would like to do volunteer at the rural areas during my
summer time.


18. develop the skills to gradually make your skills bigger, more advanced, stronger,
Ex: I try to develop the skills as quickly as possible for my next
career more.

19. build your confidence you can improve your abilities or good qualities of yourself about
communication, presentation….
Ex: Building your confident is the important thing to get a good

20. take experience to get the things that have happened to you that influence the way
you think and behave
Ex: I take a lot of experiences of teaching after 6 months.

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20. reunion party a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who
have not seen each other for a long time
Ex: Tet is the best time to have family reunion party.

22. the best opportunity the best time to do something

Ex: It’s the best opportunity for you to get yourself improved

23. long-lasting friendship a relationship between friends that can or does last for a long time
Ex: We have a long – lasting friendship.


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1. pack (to) put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home
Ex: I have to start packing for my trip.


a piece of cloth or paper used for drying things, especially your body
2. towel
Ex: Did you pack the towel?


the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables; a drink made from this
3. juice
Ex: I will bring juice along on my trip.


something that grows on a plant, tree, or bush, can be eaten as a food, contains seeds
4. fruit
or a stone, and is usually sweet
Ex: Why don’t we buy some fruit for the party?

a cream or liquid that you put on your skin to protect it from the harmful effects of
5. sunscreen
the sun
Ex: It will be sunny all day. You’d better have sunscreen.


6. snacks small meals or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry

Ex: Do you Do you serve bar snacks?


7. air mattress a large plastic or rubber bag that can be filled with air and used as a bed
Ex: Should we pack an air mattress, Anna?


8. weather forecast a description, for example on the radio or television, of what the weather will be like
tomorrow or for the next few days
Ex: You need to check the internet for the latest weather forecast.

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9. key a piece of metal with a special shape used for locking a door, starting a car, etc.
Ex: There is a key in my pocket.


10. book (to) arrange to have or use something on a particular date in the future; to buy a
ticket in advance
Ex: Most customers now book their holidays online.


11. swimming pool an area of water that has been created for people to swim in
Ex: Excuse me, is there any swimming pool around here?


12. smoking area a designated area in which smoking is permitted

Ex: The smoking area is over there, at the corner.


13. laundry service a service in a hotel that washes and irons clothes for guests
Ex: This hotel is too bad. There isn’t a laundry service.


14. cafeteria a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal before you carry it to a table
Ex: The cafeteria is on the 3rd floor.


15. spa a place where the water has special minerals in it, and where people go to improve
their health by drinking the water or swimming in it; where people can relax and
receive health and beauty treatments
Ex: There is a spa on the 7th floor.


16. restaurant a place where you can buy and eat a meal
Ex: Our restaurant serves breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m.


17. ID card a card with a person’s name, date of birth, photograph, etc. on it that proves who they
Ex: Oh, I forgot my ID card at home!


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18. suitcase a case with flat sides and a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when you are
Ex: He has just stuffed a few clothes in his suitcase.


19. medical supplies items for medical use that are suitable for use in a health care facility or in the home
Ex: You’d better prepare some medical supplies on your hiking trip.


20. hygiene items items that keep you healthy and clean in order to prevent illness and disease
Ex: We need to buy new hygiene items for the new house.


21. gift shop a shop that sells souvenirs and small items suitable to be given as presents
Ex: There are some luxurious gift shops nearby.


22. car park an area or a building where people can leave their cars
Ex: Where’s the car park, please?


23. bar a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks
Ex: The area is full of restaurants and bars.


24. motorbike rental an arrangement to rent a motorbike for a period of time, or the act of doing this
Ex: Motorbike rental has been popular in this city since 2018.


25. electronic things that are operated with electricity such as televisions, computers, etc.
products Ex: What kind of electronic products should we prepare for this celebration?


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1. bumpy (of a journey) uncomfortable with a lot of sudden unpleasant
movements caused by the road surface, weather conditions, etc…
Ex: The journey to Da Lat was so bumpy.


2. scary frightening, worrying about something

Ex: Horror film is so scary.


3. terrible very unpleasant; making you feel very unhappy, upset or frightened
Ex: It’s terrible! I cann’t accept it.


4. awful very bad or unpleasant

Ex: It’s awful. I never come back this restaurant.


5. embarrassed shy, uncomfortable or ashamed, especially in a social situation

Ex: He felt embarrassed about his weight.


6. surprised feeling or showing surprise

Ex: She looked surprised when I told her the truth.


7. rainy having or bringing a lot of rain

Ex: Today, it’s rainy.


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6. cloudy covered with clouds; with a lot of clouds
Ex: Yesterday was a cloudy day.


7. windy with a lot of wind

Ex: It’s too windy to go out in the boat.


8. sunny with a lot of bright light from the sun

Ex: I hope it’s sunny tomorrow.


9. flight a journey made by air, especially in a plane

Ex: I will have flight to America tomorrow.


10. childhood the period of somebody’s life when they are a child
Ex: I had a beautiful childhood.


11. hide and seek a children’s game in which one player covers his or her eyes while the
other players hide, and then tries to find them
Ex: Hide and seek is my childhood game.


12. experience the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing
something for a period of time; the process of gaining this
Ex: I have more experiences in this problem. Let me solve it!


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13. rice field an area of land in the country used for growing crops or keeping
animals in, usually surrounded by a fence….
Ex: My parents are farmers and they work on the rice field.


14. skip class to leave school suddenly

Ex: I want to skip my class and go somewhere.


15. rural area connected with or like the countryside

Ex: I live in rural area.


16. mature behaving in a sensible way, like an adult

Ex: She is mature than her age.


17. what's pity! used to show that you are disappointed about something.
Ex: What’s pity! I failed the exam.


17. It took place Ex: It took place at my birthday party when I was 10 years old.
......when I was....

18. I felt .... a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out
in front).
Ex: I felt happy when I pass my final exam.


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20. That sounds very good or pleasant.
Ex: I will come back my hometown next week. That’s sound great!


21. I still remember vividly Ex: I still remember vividly the moment that I first met her.


22. Look back to think about something that happened in the past
Ex: One day, I’ll look back on this and laugh.


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1. graduate from university to complete a course in education, especially at university

Ex: I graduated from university two years ago.


2. get extra degree have more than a degree

Ex: I’m going to have plan to get extra degree next year.


3. get promoted at work to give someone a better/ higher position job in company
Ex: She gets promoted to senior manager at work.


4. increase income earn more money

Ex: He took an extra work to increase his income.


5. save money in the bank keep money in a bank

Ex: He tries to save money in the bank to buy a small house.


6. gross salary your salary before tax has been taken from it
Ex: She’s on a gross salary of 28,000 a year.


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7. travel around the country to go from one place to another or to several places in a country
especially ones that are far away
Ex: I would like to travel around the country in the future.

8. climb the mountain to move up, down, or across mountain using your feet and hands
Ex: I have a plan to climb the mountain next month.


9. buy the house to have a house by paying money for it

Ex: I have a plan to buy the house when I’m 28 years old.


10. write a book put words in a book

Ex: My hobbies is writing books.


11. learn self - defence to know how to protect yourself

Ex: I learn self – defence by doing martial arts.


12. get married Having a husband or wife

Ex: I don’t have plan to get married this year.


13. find a life partner to find someone whom you live together for the rest of your life
Ex: It’s hard to find a life partner.


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14. volunteer abroad a job that does willingly without being paid in a foreign country
Ex: Teenagers would like to volunteer abroad.


15. flexible able to change and adapt with new conditions or situations
Ex: You need to be more flexible in your work.


16. adapt to change your behavior in order to deal more successfully with a
new situation
Ex: We have to adapt quickly to the company culture.


17. deal with to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to

who you are talking to, managing, etc.
Ex: I have to deal with difficult things in work.


18. be in charge of a position of having control over somebody/something; is

responsible for somebody/something
Ex: I’m in charge of the day-to-day running of the business.


19. adjust to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave
and/or think
Ex: They need time to adjust.


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20. social circle a group of people who are socially connected
Ex: You should build up a social circle with people who like and
respect you.


20. seek out to look for and find somebody/something, especially when this
involves using a lot of effort
Ex: I try to seek out some methods to solve these problems.


21. support to give or be ready to give help to somebody if they need it

Ex: I’m willing to support you when you need.


22. exercise routine the habit to do exercise every single day

Ex: I try to make a weekly exercise routine.


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1. curriculum vitae (CV) a written record of your education and the jobs you have done that
you use for applying for a job
Ex: You often bring curriculum vitae when you have an interview.


2. apply for a job to make a formal request, usually in writing

Ex: I have decided to apply for a job.


4. be under pressure a way of working or living that causes you a lot of anxiety,
especially because you feel you have too many things to do
Ex: I’m under pressure at work.

5. career goal something that you hope to achieve in a job that have been
trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life
Ex: His career goal was to be a teacher.

6. weakness lack of qualification, skill, competence … in working

Ex: What is your weakness?

8. strength

7. strength a particular quality or ability that gives someone or something an

Ex: His strength is his critical thinking ability.


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8. contribute to give money, help, ideas etc. to something that a lot of other
people are also involved in
Ex: The volunteers contribute to the project of protecting the wild


9. work experience the experience you have had of working in a particular type of job
Ex: She’s well qualified but has no relevant work experience.


10. expected salary the money that you want to get

Ex: My expected salary is not under $400.


11. responsibility a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something, so that

you may be blamed if something goes wrong
Ex: It’s your responsibility to inform us of any changes.


12. personal details the primary information about yourself

Ex: Please, fill this documentary up with your personal details.


13. work environment the people and things that are around you in your work

Ex: It’s essential to build a dynamic work environment.


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14. donate to give money, food, clothes, etc. to somebody/something, especially
a charity

Ex: I’m going to donate with my family next month.


15. have regular family to meet, talk and share a lot of daily stories among family
gathering members.
Ex: Tet is the best time to have regular family gathering.

16. plan someone’s you intend/ arrange something when you stop working/ you are
retirement old.
Ex: I’m going to have plan my retirement at the age of 30.


17. insight an understanding of what something is like

Ex: There are many valuable insights in her book.


18. make sth come true to become reality

Ex: Finally, I could make my dream come true.

19. be scared of frightened of something or afraid that something bad might

Ex: I’m scared of heights.

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20. get sth done to cause something to happen or be done
Ex: I get my hair cut.

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