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--------- beginning of main

02-26 18:28:06.621 32526 32526 E libc : Access denied finding property

02-26 18:28:06.621 32526 32526 E com.mbwhatsapp: LoadAppImageStartupCache enabled :
02-26 18:28:06.626 32526 32526 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-26 18:28:06.674 32526 4699 E BehaviorCollectManager: Fail to acquire
02-26 18:28:06.736 32526 32526 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
02-26 18:28:06.741 32526 4706 E AwareLog: AtomicFileUtils: readFileLines file not
exist: android.util.AtomicFile@126daa6
02-26 18:28:06.754 32526 4711 E FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing
or without correct permission.
02-26 18:28:06.813 32526 32526 E ArmVmp : Match on catch block at 0x33 in for
02-26 18:28:45.343 32532 32532 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-26 18:28:45.343 32532 32532 E com.mbwhatsapp: LoadAppImageStartupCache enabled :
02-26 18:28:45.348 32532 32532 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-26 18:28:45.412 32532 5512 E BehaviorCollectManager: Fail to acquire
02-26 18:28:45.441 32532 32532 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
02-26 18:28:45.444 32532 5528 E AwareLog: AtomicFileUtils: readFileLines file not
exist: android.util.AtomicFile@da8a406
02-26 18:28:45.450 32532 5540 E FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing
or without correct permission.
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Failed to load saved
values from file
targets.xml. Old state removed, new added
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver:
targets.xml: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at<init>(
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at Method)
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at$
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: at
02-26 18:28:46.929 32532 5733 E ShortcutInfoCompatSaver: ... 7 more
02-26 18:28:46.936 32532 5575 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-32532-0]:159:
setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: 2 dequeued buffers would exceed the maxBufferCount (2)
(maxAcquired 1 async 0 mDequeuedBufferCannotBlock 0)
02-26 18:28:46.936 32532 5575 E Surface :
IGraphicBufferProducer::setBufferCount(3) returned Invalid argument
02-26 18:28:46.943 32532 5575 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-32532-1]:159:
setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: 2 dequeued buffers would exceed the maxBufferCount (2)
(maxAcquired 1 async 0 mDequeuedBufferCannotBlock 0)
02-26 18:28:46.943 32532 5575 E Surface :
IGraphicBufferProducer::setBufferCount(3) returned Invalid argument
02-26 18:28:46.950 32532 5575 E BufferQueueProducer: [unnamed-32532-2]:159:
setMaxDequeuedBufferCount: 2 dequeued buffers would exceed the maxBufferCount (2)
(maxAcquired 1 async 0 mDequeuedBufferCannotBlock 0)
02-26 18:28:46.950 32532 5575 E Surface :
IGraphicBufferProducer::setBufferCount(3) returned Invalid argument
02-26 18:28:51.551 32532 5681 E PlayCore: UID: [10167] PID: [32532]
StandardIntegrity : Phonesky is not installed.
02-26 18:29:01.983 32532 32532 E RtgSchedManager: endActivityTransaction: margin
state not match
02-26 18:29:02.007 32532 32532 E RtgSchedManager: endActivityTransaction: margin
state not match
--------- beginning of main
02-26 18:29:03.416 4586 4586 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-26 18:29:03.416 4586 4586 E com.mbwhatsapp: LoadAppImageStartupCache enabled :
02-26 18:29:03.418 4586 4586 E com.mbwhatsapp: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-26 18:29:03.434 4586 5908 E BehaviorCollectManager: Fail to acquire
02-26 18:29:03.497 4586 4586 E CustomActivityOnCrash: IMPORTANT WARNING! You
already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use
a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER
CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be
02-26 18:29:03.499 4586 5916 E AwareLog: AtomicFileUtils: readFileLines file not
exist: android.util.AtomicFile@126daa6
02-26 18:29:03.512 4586 5923 E FirebaseInstanceId: Google Play services missing
or without correct permission.

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