Safety Alert From Senakin - Hexindo Mechanic's Left Index Finger Pinched by Sprocket Final Drive From Hitachi 870 Excavator

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Date Alert Issued: 31 Dec 10 Alert No.: SNK10_020

INCIDENT TITLE Hexindo Mechanic’s left Index Finger Pinched
by Sprocket Final Drive from Hitachi 870

Jari Telunjuk sebelah kiri seorang Mekanik

Hexindo Terjepit diantara lantai workshop dan
Sprocket Final Drive Excavator Hitachi 870


DATE 20 December 2010

TIME 09.15 am

CLASSIFICATION Personal Injury (Medical Treatment Injury)

Three Hexindo mechanics had a job to reseal Hitachi 870 final drive and replace its sprocket. With the intention to move the new
sprocket to the assembly area, two mechanics transported the sprocket by using a pallet jack and were preparing to unload it
manually. With part of the sprocket on the floor, a mechanic ready to pull the jack and two mechanics handling the sprocket on the
left and right side, they tried to unload the Sprocket onto the floor. Unfortunately the sprocket became unstable and was too heavy
for the two mechanics, resulting in the sprocket dropping down on the left side and pinching the mechanic’s index finger on the
floor. After getting first aid from his workmate at Hexindo office, the incident was then reported to the Hexindo Project Head after
which the victim was sent to Dugan clinic for further treatment. The mechanic received a superficial laceration of 1.5 cm length
requiring 4 stitches.

3 orang mekanik Hexindo melakukan penggantian sprocket final drive Hitachi 870. dan ketika akan memindahkan sprocket baru ke
area perakitan, 2 mekanik memindahkannya dengan menggunakan pallet jack dan saat menurunkannya secara manual ke lantai,
posisi sprocket tidak stabil. Kedua mekanik (disisi kiri dan kanan sprocket) yang menurunkannya tidak dapat menahan berat sprocket
sehingga sisi sebelah kirinya menjepit jari telunjuk sebelah kiri mekanik pertama. Kemudian, dia melaporkan kepada Kepala project
dan dibawa ke klinik Dugan untuk mendapatkan perawatan lebih lanjut. Hasil pemeriksaan diketahui bahwa korban mendapatkan
luka sepanjang 1.5 cm.

Mechanic received a superficial laceration of 1.5 cm length on Jari telunjuk sebelah kiri mekanik mendapatkan luka
LHS index finger sepanjang 1.5 cm
1. Mechanic positioned his finger between sprocket and floor 1. Posisi jari mekanik berada di antara sprocket dan lantai saat
while moving sprocket from the pallet jack memindahkan sprocket dari pallet jack
2. Improper work planning – weight of sprocket hazard was not 2. Kurangnya perencanaan kerja yang menyebabkan tidak
identified in JSEA and communicated teridentifikasinya berat sprocket dalam JSEA
3. Hazard of changing work method was not identified and 3. Adanya perubahan metode kerja dan tidak teridentifikasi
controlled as it was an inexperienced mechanic (OJT) doing sehingga tidak terkontrol oleh mekanik yang melakukan
the job pekerjaan (Magang)
4. No proper supervision during work due to loss of senior 4. Tidak terdapat kepengawasan yang tepat selama pekerjaan
mechanic on site dilakukan karena Supervisor sedang tidak berada di site
5. The same job has been done using this method at other 5. Melakukan pekerjaan dengan metode yang sama di site lain
workplace 6. Mekanik gagal mengkomunikasikan bahaya-bahaya untuk
6. Mechanics failed to communicate for assistance as it was mengarahkan karyawan yang baru pertama kerja di workshop
there first time working at east workshop 7. Struktur komponen yang tidak biasa (irregular) yaitu bulat
7. Irregular Component Structure (round and slippery) dan licin)

This document shall not be distributed external to TCI unless authorized by a Manager. Dokumen ini hanya untuk internal TCI dan dilarang keras mendistribusikannya tanpa seijin Manajer.
2010-03 Page 1 of 2 TCI-H&S-FO-003
1. Socialisation of MTI incident to all people at Plant 1. Mensosialisasikan insiden MTI ini kepada karyawan Plant
Department in safety talk / toolbox meeting dalam toolbox atau safety talk
2. Relevant repair manual book has to be attached in JSEA and 2. Bagian yang relevan dari buku manual perbaikan harus
communicated to crew prior to work dilampirkan pada JSEA dan dikomunikasikan sebelum
3. To ensure availability of senior mechanic on every work pekerjaan dilakukan
activity 3. Memastikan ketersediaan senior mekanik pada setiap
4. Re- Training of safe method of work to all mechanic Hexindo aktifitas kerja yang dilakukan
5. To revise JSEA “Reseal Travel Final Drive” and describe to 4. Training kembali mekanik Hexindo mengenai metode kerja
use appropriate equipment (forklift / crane) for handling yang aman
6. Counselling with Hexindo Manager to always confirm with 5. Revisi JSEA “Reseal Travel Final Drive” dan jelaskan
personnel responsible in the East Workshop before penggunaan peralatan untuk pengangkatan (forklift / crane)
performing any activities in the East Workshop area, and 6. Berikan arahan kepada Manager Hexindo untuk selalu
that there must be direct supervision from Hexindo during mengonfirmasikan aktifitas kerjanya kepada
working activities. Penanggungjawab area dan harus ada supervisor langsung
7. Re-induction (plant specific induction) to Hexindo mechanic untuk mengawasi aktifitas kerja tersebut.
7. Induksi kembali kru mekanik Hexindo (Induksi khusus Plant)

Authorised By: Ron Beeslaar, Project Manager:

For FurtherInformation: Haris Juan S, Safety Coordinator:

This document shall not be distributed external to TCI unless authorized by a Manager. Dokumen ini hanya untuk internal TCI dan dilarang keras mendistribusikannya tanpa seijin Manajer.
2010-03 Page 2 of 2 TCI-H&S-FO-003

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