Pas1 Kelas 5 Bhs Inggris 2023

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Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : Lima (V) A / B / C / 1 Nama :…………………………
Waktu : 60 menit Hari, Tanggal : .………………………..
I. Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing ( X ) A, B, C Or D!

1. Look at the picture below!

How does it taste …....

A. A. sweet C. bitter
B. sour D. salty

2. How does Ice Cream taste …...

A. sweet C. bitter
B. sour D. salty

3. Look at the picture! How does it taste ……..

A. sweet C. bitter
B. sour D. salty

4. What is Cici drink? ………

A. lemon juice C. coffee

B. Ice tea D. ice cream

5. I don't like these oranges. These oranges are a little bit . . . .

A. sweet C. sour
B. bitter D. salty
6. We eat …..… on Tuesday.
A. bitter pare C. sour pare
B. Sweet pare D. salty pare

7. Is this a glass of water ?

A. No, it is not. C. No, it is

B. Yes, it is D. Yes

8. Aisyah wants a ……… of Bakso.

A. Scoop C. Bowl
B. Slice D. Glass
9. Made wants to eat ………. of Pizza.
A. Scoop C. Bowl
B. Slice D. Glass
10. A plate of Gado-Gado is ….…… rupiahs. Rp. 8.500
A. Eight thousand rupiahs
B. Eight thousand five hundred rupiahs
C. Nine thousand five hundred rupiahs
D. Nine thousand four hundred rupiahs

Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil, Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024 Bhs. Inggris Kls V Page 1
11. It is ….
Rp. 48.000
A. Forty eight thousand rupiahs C. Thirty eight thousand rupiahs.
B. Forty nine thousand rupiahs D. Forty thousand rupiahs

It is ……..
A. Two hundred rupiahs.
A. Two hundred thousand rupiahs.
B. Two thousand rupiahs.
C. Two hundred thousand rupiahs.

13. How much is it ………

A. It is three thousand rupiahs C. It is three hundred rupiahs

B. It is four thousand rupiahs D. It is four hundred rupiahs

14. Fifteen plus fifty is …….

A. Sixty five
B. Six Five
C. Fifty Five
D. Seventy Five

15. A plate of Fried Rice is 10.000 rupiahs.

A. Ten hundred rupiahs C. Ten thousand rupiahs
B. One thousand rupiahs D. One hundred rupiahs

II. Answer the question below!

16. There are four taste food and drink, write it taste
(Tuliskan 4 rasa makanan dan minuman dalam Bahasa Inggris)
17. What does taste of Honey and Candy are ………………….
18. Aisyah feel thirsty. She want to ……… of ice tea.
Look at the picture!
How much is it?

20. A kilo of Sugar is Eleven Thousand Rupiahs.

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Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil, Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024 Bhs. Inggris Kls V Page 2

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