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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: Mathematics 10 Teacher: ______________________________ Score: _____________

Lesson : Quarter 3 Week 9 LAS 1

Activity Title : Illustrating Mutually Exclusive Events
Learning Target : Illustrates mutually exclusive events (M10SP-IIIi-1)
Reference(s) : Mathematics 10 Learners’ Module (Unit 3), MELC
LAS Writer : Glydel Mae V. Saragena

Mutually Exclusive Events are events that cannot occur at the same time. These are sets that
have no common elements and can never intersect.

The following are examples of Mutually Exclusive Events.

1. Event of getting head or getting tail when tossing a coin once.

Reason: We cannot get both head and tail if we are just tossing the coin once.
2. Event of getting yellow or green ball when we draw one ball from a jar filled with blue, yellow,
orange and green balls.
Reason: We cannot draw yellow and green ball at the same time when only one ball is
allowed to be drawn.

Identify the following events if it is mutually exclusive or not. Write ME if the events are
mutually exclusive and NME if the events are non-mutually exclusive.

_________1. Event of getting a queen or a king when drawing only one card from a deck of 52 cards.
_________2. Event of getting an ace or a heart from a standard deck of cards.
_________3. Event of getting 4 or an even number when we toss a die once.
_________4. Event of having 1 or 6 when we rolled the die once.
_________5. A spinning wheel has 2 reds, 3 blues and 5 greens. What is the event on getting blue or
green when we spin the wheel only once?
_________6. Selecting only one day in the whole calendar year. Find the event of choosing a day
from the month of October or an Odd numbered day.
_________7. Selecting only one day in the whole calendar year. Find the event of choosing a day
from July or August.
_________8. Picking one fruit from a basket filled with 4 apples, 5 pears, and 10 oranges. Find the
event of getting an apple or an orange.
_________9. Picking one card form a standard deck of 52 cards. What is the event of getting a red
card or a face card?
_________10. Selecting one student in the class with 24 males and 28 females. Find the event of
choosing a male or Anna.

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