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Ana Luisa Castro

Lorena Antonio Sánchez
a. What is sampling?

Selection of a group for observation that belongs to a population with

characteristics in common in order to carry out a statistical study.

b. What are the steps in the sampling process?

1. Identify the population of interest

2. Specify a sampling frame
3. Specify a samplim method
4. Determine the sample size.
5. Implement the plan

c. What is a population?

Group of people with whom it can be studied, the sample is a subset of the
population that is selected to conduct the study.

d. What is the sampling frame?

It is possible to extract the study sample, the population to be investigated, must

be accurate, free of omissions and duplications.

e. What are the sampling methods?

We are mentioned 2:

1. Random way

2. Non-random way

If they have approximately the same demographic composition as their population,

they will select their sample at random (not recommended, and it is recommended
to follow the sampling non-random way)

f. What is the sample size?

It should not be selected randomly, it causes problems, for the sample size it should
be a demographic composition that is closer to that of the population number, it
must seek a balance, which does not have much population, but without little
population for the study.

g. What is the importance of correctly determining the sample?

We when applying market research have an objective, we must study our sample,
population, etc., it will be achieved by following certain steps, to avoid biases in our
samples, if it is not chosen carefully and systematically, we will not be able to
represent the population we are studying.


Hozack, N. (Productor) (2014) What is sampling? [YouTube] Retrieved


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