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There are two sources of the religion of Islam. These sources are the Qur’an and the
Sunnah. The Qur’an is God’s words which were revealed to the prophet Muhammad and the
Sunnah is the prophet’s tradition. The Qur’an is a guidance from God for all human beings.
Therefore, God’s words which were written in the Qur’an should be read by all human beings.
All people who want to be happy and safe in their life should know what is said by God in the
Qur’an. Their happiness lies in their obedience to the guidance of God.

God sent the prophet Muhammad as His messenger to instruct all people how to obey and
to follow His guidance. What the prophet did was to explain, to inform and to give examples.
Everything from the prophet was considered as the sunnah or prophet’s tradition, and it is the
second source of Islamic teaching. Therefore, what the propeht did and said and also what his
companions did and he agreed to all of these are the source of Islam.

All muslims accept and follow guidance from Allah and His messenger according to
what is written in the Qur’an and what was taught by the prophet as his sunnah.

1. Why should Muslims read the Qur’an?
2. What do you know about the Sunnah?
3. What do you know about the Qur’an?
4. Is there any difference between Sunnah and Hadis?
If “yes” what is the difference?
5. Mention the level of Hadis
For being discussed in a group: “Based on Students’ opinion, explain the role of Mufassir in this
Every religion of the world has been named either after the name of its founder or after
the community and nation in which that religion took its birth. For instance, Christianity takes its
appellation from the name of its prophet, Jesus Christ; Budhism from its founder, Gautama
Buddha; Zoroastrianism from its founder, Zoroaster; Judaism, the religion of Jews, from the
name of the tribe Judah (of the country of Judea) where in it took its birth. Similar is the case
with other religions. But not so with Islam. This religion enjoys the unique distinction of having
no such association with any particular person or people. The word “Islam” does not convey any
such relationship for it does not belong to any particular person, people, or country. It is neither
the product of any human mind nor it is confined to any particular community. It is a universal
religion and its objective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of Islam.
Islam, as a matter of fact, is an attributive title. Whosoever possesses this attribute, may
he belong to any race, community, country, or clan, is a Muslim. According to the Qur’an (the
Holy Book of the Muslims), among every people and in all ages there have been good and
righteous people who possessed this attribute and all of them were and are Muslims.
This automatically brings us to the question: “What does Islam mean?” and “Who is a
Islam is an Arabic word and connotes submission, surrender, and obedience. As a
religion. Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah and that is why it is called
(Excerpted from “Towards Understanding Islam” by Abdul A’la


In dealing with the fundamentals of their religion, Muslims theologians distinguish

between Iman (religious belief), ibadat (acts of worship, religious duty), and ihsan (right-doing).
Those are included in the term din (religion). “Verily the religion with God is Islam”.

Iman involves belief in God and in His angels, His “books” and His messengers, and in
the last day. Its first and greatest dogma is: La ilaha illa-al-Llah, no God whatsoever but Allah. In
Iman the concept of God stands supreme. In fact, over ninety per cent of Muslim theology has to
do with Allah. He is the one and true God. The profession of His unity is described in surrah 112.
God is supreme reality, the pre-existent, the creator, the omniscient, the self-subsistent.

The second dogma in Iman treats Muhammad as the messenger (rasul) of Allah, His
prophet, the admonisher of his people, the last of a long line of prophets of whom he is the
“seal”, and therefore the greatest. In the Koranic system of theology Muhammad is a human
being whose only miracle is the I’jaz of the Koran; but in tradition, folklore and popular belief he
is invested with a divine aura.
(Quoted from: Philip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs)

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