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5 Power Query

You probably don't know about
#1 - Run Queries Faster

To speed up the query load time, enable Fast Data Load.

This will disable any parallel Excel operations and allocate
all the RAM for processing queries. This option is only
available in Excel, not in Power BI.
#2 - Referencing vs. Duplicating
If you want to reference or duplicate a query, just right-
click on it. Opt for referencing to link to the original
without repeating steps, which is typically preferred.
Choose to duplicate only if you need to completely redo
the process.

Prefer Reference
over Duplicate.
#3 - Check the Data Quality

Just hover over

the green line to
see a quick

Click on the 3 dots

to get some quick
options for data

Look for the green line under the column headers, Hover
over the line to see a quick report if all data is valid and if
there are any empty rows.
#4 - Lower Case Before Applying

Right- Click

Power Query is case sensitive so while applying a lookup

it’s a good practice to convert the lookup value to lower /
upper case for consistent results.
#5 - 'is' Keyword Trick
You can use the 'is' keyword in a custom column to check
data types for primitive and structured values.

Custom Column Formula

=[Col1] is text

=[Col1] is number

=[Col1] is list
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