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THE EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL TO NEW MEDIA OVER THE YEARS, MEDIA FORMS AND TECHNOLOGY THAT COME WITH THEM HAVE EVOLVED DRAMATICALLY. THIS DISPLAY OF INGENUITY IS A TESTAMENT OF HOW MUCH MEDIA-HAS BEEN INGRAINED IN EVERY HUMAN BEING’S “SENSIBILITY. He is famous for the phrase “the medium is the message” and is the proponent of the media theory on technological determinism. He believey that changes in media and tech drive societal shifts, impacting culture, politics, and history. Think of mobile phones and computers — they've transformed our lives. Technology signifies progress and brings social change. As technology stabilizes, people adapt, sometimes becoming overly reliant on it. Nowe NN ee | EMAL FIRST tae | Wor Ser THe ayo 2 on seat ig HOT AND COLD?” According to McLuhan, "hot" media refer to forms requiring little involvement from the audience and examples include film and television. They are hot because, metaphorically speaking, they cannot be "touched" and thus the experience is relatively passive and static. "Cool" media are those with high-level user interactivity, where the experience is more dynamic and the audience is more involved. Media forms that utilize animation, such as video games or provide articipation, like online media platforms, ar example | media. Milestone in media evolution (oO NDS lal Sa a ol MT eke Le or ToT HISTORY: THE PHONETIC ALPHABET, THE PRINTING PRESS, AND THE TELEGRAPH, EACH CONNECTING DIFFERENT ERAS. NEWER MEDIA Ee Ra Tol Rolle aot Baa a eon cael} 1. TRIBAL AGE: RELIED ON HEARING, AN AGE OF ACOUSTIC COMMUNICATION. 2. LITERACY AGE: DOMINATED BY SIGHT DUE TO THE ALPHABET'S INVENTION, FOSTERING LITERACY 3. PRINT AGE: PRINTING PRESS ENABLED MASS PRODUCTION OF TEXTS, LEADING TO LIBRARIES 4, ELECTRONIC AGE: TELEGRAPH AND SUBSEQUENT TECHNOLOGIES CREATED A GLOBAL VILLAGE, EMPHASIZING INSTANT CONNECTION. TOUCH AND SOUND BECAME VITAL SENSES (E.G., TOUCH Riel Milestone in media evolution TWO OTHER TIME PERIODS NOT COVERED IN MCLUHANS PERIODIZATION 1. INFORMATION AGE, WHICH REPRESENTS A NEW ERA’ OF MEDIA EXPERIENCE IN THE 21ST CENTURY. IT IS CHARACTERIZED BY HEAVY RELIANCE ON COMPUTERS. IN MAJOR INDUSTRIES, PERSONALIZED INFORMATION UTILIZATION, AND ENHANCED GLOBAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING Milestone in media evolution TWO OTHER TIME PERIODS NOT COVERED IN MCLUHAN'S PERIODIZATION 2. THE PERVASIVE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND THE INTERNET HAS LED TO THE INFRASTRUCTURE AGE. EXAMPLES INCLUDE CARS WITH GPS, DIGITALLY ol -7 Use A Oa bee a CONTROLLED APPLIANCES. INCREASED INVOLVEMENT IN CYBERSPACE IS SEEN THROUGH ACTIVITIES LIKE ONLINE BANKING AND SHOPPING CULTURE SHAPES TECHNOLOGY While McLuhan believed technology shapes s Winston's cultural determinism argues that society shapes technology. Winston suggests that society controls how technology adapts and functions. The impact of technology can be limited by societal factors, and technology arises from societal needs, not the other way around. If a technology lacks practical use or a need, it will fadeaWay. TRADITIONAL MEDIA, MIRC Ue OC aCe mae Ten Came ee MT Traditional media is one- CT re tere eRUCMLIET Core RM RUE RRC MLO ETC len reac CRC OSCR ecu 5 een) 5 ec) DTU llboards and off-site signs Cold calling Doro ee om What Is New about New Media four main categories of new media according to McQuail, that share “certain channel similarities and are approximately differentiated by types of use, content, and context," 1. Interpersonal communication media. Examples would be the telephone, mobile phone, and e-mail where "content is private and perishable and the relationship established and reinforced may be more important than the information conveyed." v7 2. Interactive play media, Video and computer-based games, plus virtual reality devices compose this category. 3. Information search media. The Internet and the World Wide Web become repositories or sources of a vast collection of information that can be accessed real-time despite geographical location. Broadcast teletext and radio data services are also examples. Information retrieval is no longer limited to personal computers because this functionality has been extended to smart phones and tablets. Other means of information storage and retrieval include the personal video recorder, CD- ROM, compact disc, and DVD. A. Collective participatory media. This refers to the use of the Internet for "sharing and exchanging information, ideas, and experiences and developing active (computer-mediated) personal relationships (McQuail, 2010)." Key characteristics of new media, according to McQuail, include interactivity, social presence (or sociability), media richness, autonomy, playfulness, privacy, and personalization. New media use expanded opportunities for self- expression especially among the youth through Web logs, online forums, Web discussion boards, social media, and messaging applications. New media generation: Globally connected online, | yet increasingly isolated and outspoken. Observe social media for proof. } Po ws Media, both traditional and new, is vital for a healthy democracy in the Philippines. To function effectively, it must fulfill its democratic role. happening around them (also \ called the monitoring function); FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA According to McNair, communication and media function to: the meaning and significance of the ‘facts’ iscourse, facilitating the formation of “public opinion" and feeding that opinion | back to the public from whence it came, | [including] the provision of space for the \ expression of dissent: \ r | provide a platform for public political | I I FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA According to McNair, communication and media function to: give publicity to governmental and 1 political institutions (known as the | H 1 ‘watchdog’ role of journalism); and and! f 1 1 i L nificance of the ‘facts’ serve as a channel for the advocacy of ‘The relationship of media and government is i oftentimes adversarial. This isnormaland | healthy because the media, being a watchdog, ikeeps everything at bay. Before you can fully ; | understand the nature of the mediainthe | Ihitippinnes familiarize yourself first with the: normative views on media. Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship Normative theory of the press PROPOSITIONS All forms of communications are under the control of the governing elite, authorities, or influential bureaucrats -+Controlling the media is necessary to protect and prevent the people from national threats through any form of ' communication (information or news) | +The government has all the rights to restrict/censor any sensitive issue from press to maintain peace and security in the nation. “Different types of censors include political censor, moral censor, religious censor, military censor, and corporate Authoritarian {communicationtheoryorg) >The government controls media to serve and educate the working classes and their interests. i >The state has absolute power to ; control media benefits for the people. >The state puts an end to private ownership of the press and other media. >The public is encouraged to give feedback which would be able to create interests toward the me: Liberalism means information is knowledge and knowledge is power. | Libertarian é ¢ eLibertarianism is free from any authority or : any control or censorship and is an idea of i Individualism and limited government ! which is not harmful to another. + ’ The people are more than enough to find and judge good ideas from bad [because] people are rational. The press should not restrict anything, even a negative content may give Enewledge and can help make better leci ion during worst situations. paanenenennnnenenenenennenenenennpyenenat / ocial Responsibilitul. Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship Liberalis is not harmful to another. and judge good ideas from bad [because] people are rational. ie The press should not restrict anything, ot ia nevanve content may give knowledge ani ; can «Libertarianism is free from any authority o } any control or censorship and’is an idea o} individualism and limited government which: rf yf . The people are more than enough to find elp make peer ee Sol during worst} These normative theories set expectations for media behavior and highlight the relationship between media and government, especially regarding censorship. Remember, a theory is a perspective that helps us understand and approach phenomena." ay? Traditional media is still prevalent despite the emergence of new media. New media may be viewed as an addition rather than a replacement for old media. Media experience has been enriched by new media forms because of the added value they provide. Ina democratic society such as the Philippines, the media has a very important role and function as a great equalizer. Media monitors events, educates the audience, provides a venue for debate, acts asa “watchdog,” and serves as a channel for active participation in political affairs. Theories on media and information are helpful lenses in understanding, interpreting, analyzing, and communicating assumptions, concepts, explanations, and principles on media, information, and communication. Ay ; ~ ow™

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