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Workshop (Corpers, PG Students and Staff)

IMPACT ACADEMY November 2023


Psalm 105:17-22, Genesis 45: 7-8
A hero is someone admired for courage, exceptional achievements, and noble qualities. Joseph's
story, succinctly summarized as "from jail to jewels," exemplifies the journey of a
transgenerational hero. His audacious dreams, relentless determination, and unwavering faith in
his divine destiny inspire us to trust God to make our lives count for time and eternity. His life
highlights the need for saintly intellectuals to understand their purpose for living, have a proper
attitude towards life irrespective of their differing backgrounds, and move forward despite
difficulties and setbacks.

Discussion 1: What are the sterling qualities that contemporary scholars could glean from the rise
of Joseph in Egypt?


Genesis 37:2-11; Psalm 105:17; Acts 7:9;
The word “dream” used here connotes the picture of the future, a God-given vision to be
pursued for the fulfillment of a purpose. In every generation, God seeks a man (in the generic
sense) who will convey a divine agenda for accomplishment on the earth. Joseph became the
chosen one in that generation for the kind of life he cultivated which distinguished him from
others. You are either a hero or a zero in life because of your choices, decisions, and actions.

Confession: I choose to be a hero; I refuse to be a zero! I choose the good; I refuse the evil!
(Isaiah 7:15)

Joseph’s dream was born out of God’s agenda for his life. God has His agenda or purpose for
each of his creature. The work and study environments are places of licentious living, and the
majority flows with the tides. As a result of his stand for moral uprightness, Joseph enjoyed the
preference of his biological father and God gave him a dream of prominence which eventually
became the sustenance of a generation. However, Joseph’s brothers demonstrated the attributes
of zeroes by picking offences at his dreams and were envious rather than they seeking to
discover their purposes in God’s agenda. It is worthy of note that Joseph’s dream remained
unimpaired in the face of jealousy and hatred levelled against him.

Discussion 2: What are the attributes exhibited by both the heroes and the zeroes?


Psalm 105:18-19; Genesis 39:7; 1Corinthians 6:9, 10, 15-20; 1Timothy 5:22;

Discipline is another powerful virtue that produces heroes in life. In all walks of human
endeavours, people who have achieved heroic feats possess a common attribute of discipline.
In sports, gold medalists are subjected to rigorous routine training, selective diets, and
regimented lifestyles. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all
things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. (1
Corinthians 9:25) Unfortunately, many of these world heroes and heroines could only

Workshop (Corpers, PG Students and Staff)
IMPACT ACADEMY November 2023

discipline their physical bodies to win awards but they still feel the emptiness within because
they have not acquired control over the spirit man. Joseph is teaching us that holistic discipline
is indispensable to significant attainment in life. Joseph did not give in to the enticement and
inducement of sexual immortality. This present age is flooded with sexual temptations as
promoted on billboards, movies, social media, and in society at large. They are commonplace
in work environments, transit camps, and off-season residences. You must dare to be another
Joseph in this generation and stay clear of the trends. The fear of God permeated Joseph’s
entire personality and this was the reason he had the victory.

Discussion 3: What are the secrets of Joseph’s life as a hero?


Psalm 105:20-22; Genesis 39:20-23; Genesis 40: 3-8, 41:38-44

Every great vision and dream will be confronted by a barrage of challenges. Just like Joseph,
the envious ten brethren would seek to frustrate or terminate the dreams by all means. The
adulterous Potiphar’s wife would like to intercept you on the journey to heroism and divert
you back to zero. Potiphar himself might unjustly incarcerate you. Amid all odds and
negativities, you must remain determined like Joseph to reach the goal. Joseph was
undisturbed by the inhumane attitude and actions of his brethren; he was unperturbed by the
injustice against him by his master. The dreams were as fresh as ever, he kept developing his
gifts even while in prison. In his determination, Joseph’s feet were hurt in the iron until his
time came. He was developing his potential until the opportunity to manifest emerged. Joseph
did not only give the interpretations of Pharaoh’s dreams but he also went the extra mile to
make recommendations for the steps out of Egypt’s perceived economic depression. Little did
he know that he was going to be the administrator. At the end of the day, Joseph rose from
being a zero and became a hero that all generations of men continue to remember. You are
the next hero the world is waiting!

Discussion 4: Describe the constituents of determination as illustrated in the life of Joseph.


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