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HISTORY The history of football begins from Egypt. In Egypt, football was played by ball like round object by Kicking it in opposite direction. It was played in China by the name of ’Tsuchu’ during 300 BC to 500 AD. The meaning of the word ‘Tsuchu’ is ‘kicking, the ball’. This game was very popular Among Chinese soldiers. In Egypt, football was known as ’Harpaston’, In second century, when Romans got victory over Egyptians, it also became very popular in Rome. Romans took it over England when they conquered England, It also became famous in England as well as in neighbouring countries. This game was developed in England, that is why the credit of the beginning of modern football goes to England, Football became very popular in England in 12 century. In those days ‘Great Football Day’ used to be celebrated there on every Tuesday. On this day, all the business concerns in England used to be closed. In those days, a team consisted of approximately 100 players. In 1934, Edward II put a ban on football due to some reasons. The first club of football named ‘Shefield Football Club’ was established in England on October 27, 1857. After that London Football Association was formed in London in 1863. ‘Rugby Football Union’ was established in 1871. The first competition of football was also held in 1871. After that the first international level match was played between England and Scotland on ist November, 872. The first football organisation outside England was formed in Scotland in 1873. Later on, wo organisations were formed in Wales and Ireland in 1876 and 1879 respectively. With the Passage of time, some rules were formed such as the restriction was laid on touching the ball with hands in 1864. The rules related to goal kick and corner kick were framed in 1874. First time, the goalpost was made in 1875. The whistle was used first time in the game by the referee in 1878. The prevailing functions of lineman and referee were started in 1891. The net in the Soalpost was used in 1892. The off-side rule was changed in 1925. According to this rule, two defensive players instead of three players were compulsory between the goal and an attacking player. The uniform of different colour was made compulsory for goalkeeper in 1909. FIFA (Federation of International Football Association) was constituted to organise the international level football matches on May 21, 1904. England got the membership of FIFA in 1906. The Organisation called ‘UEFA’ was constituted in Europe. Other federations of football like African, American and Asian were constituted in 1956, 1961 and 1964 respectively. Football was included in Olympic Games in 1908. The first World Cup Football (women) was held in 1991 in which America was declared the winner. In India, football is controlled by All India Football Federation. India participated first time in Olympic Games in 1948 and was defeated by France in the first round At Present, India is on 126th position in football at world level MEASUREMENTS OF FOOTBALL FIELD AND ‘SPECIFICATIONS OF SPORTS EQUIPMENTS Football 1. Shape of the playfield Rectangular 2. The length of th 100 to 130 yards 254 Saraswani Prysica. Eoucation—Xil (ISC) jth ot th i the playfield in Maximum 110m * 75m (120 yards x 80 yards) 3 Fe dimensions O Minimum 100m x 64m (110 4 The dana matches y get otal 27" to 28" (inches) ence Football 14 to 16 ounces ; ey heal Mavers ina football team — 11+ 7 extras 18 players [For FIFA 2014 Worl ets Cup 11 + 12 extra = 33 players} , of players may be substituted 3 fin case of 2014 FIFA Cup min. 3 and max. 12] anor of players may 8 Neem of match Two halves of 45 minutes each a Duos ° 5 or 10 minutes. | 10. Ine oficials 4 (1 referee, 2 linesmen, 1 table official) | No. goalpost 244m | He oer 5 feet jas Hat of comer Fg ows Sn —_ Per + 50.100 yas, le¢ Sa | Fig, 5.1. Football Field RULES OF FOOTBALL 1. Tlaying Field, The playing field must be in rectangular shape.The length of the touch line ‘ust be greater than the length of the goal line. Generally the minimum length should be {yards and maximum length should be 130 yards. The minimum width may vary between 50 yards to 100 yards. In international matches the minimum and maximum length should e between 110 yds to 120 yds, whereas, the minimum and maximum width should be 70 to *? ards. The playfield is marked with lines not more than 12 ems wide. The two longer boundary lines are called touch lines and the shorter lines are called goal lines. The playing field is divided into two equal halves by a half way line The center mark is indicated at the "Hpoint of half way line. A circle with a radius of 10 yards is marked around it. Olina BR x . The Goal Area, There are two goalposts ie. fone on each goal fine. Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 18 yards from the inside of each goalpost, These lines extend | gg t inlo the playing, field for a distance of 6 yards [244m and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines BE, and the goal line is called the goal area 3. The Penalty Area, A pen ally area is defined Cosipost at each end of the field as follows: Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 18 yards from the inside of «., goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 18 yards and are joined , a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goa) lin, i the penalty area, Within each penalty area a penalty mark is made 12 yards from iy, midpoint between goalposts and equidistant to them. An arc of a circle with a radius 4, 10 yards from each penalty mark is drawn outside the penalty area, 4. The Flag Posts. A flag post, not less than 5 feet high, with a non-pointed top and a fag placed at each corner. They may be placed at each end of the halfway line, not less than 1 metre outside the touch line. 5. Goals. Goals must be placed on the centre of each goal line. They consist of two uprigiy posts equidistant from the corner flagposts and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar The distance between the posts is 8 yards and the distance from the lower edge of th. crossbar to the surface of the ground is 8 feet. Nets may be attached to the goal. The goalposts and crossbars must be white. Goalposts and crossbars must be made of wood, metal or other approved material. Their shape may be square, rectangular, round or elliptical and they must not be dangerous to players. 6. The Ball. The ball is spherical. It should be made of leather or other suitable material. The circumference of the ball should not be more than 70 cms (28 inches) and not less than 68 cms (27 inches). The weight of the ball should not be more than 450 gm. and not less than 410 gms, at the start of the match. The ball is of pressure equal to 0.6-1.1 atmosphere (600-1100 g/cm?) at sea level (85 Ibs/sq. in.~ 156 Ibs/sq. in.). If the ball brusts or becomes defective during the course of match, the match is stopped. The ball is replaced and the | Fig. 5.3. Football match will be restarted at the place where the previous ball become defective. 7. Duties of Referee. A referee performs the following duties in a match: - He enforces the rules of the game. . He controls the match in cooperation with the two assistant referees, . He ensures that the ball meets the requirements of the rule. He ensures that players’ equipments are as per rule. He acts as a time keeper and keeps the record of the match. He stops, suspends and terminates the match, at his discvetion, for any infringement of the rules. 256 __Saraswari Puysica, Eoucarion-Xil (ISC) ae EN a _—-——— FOOTBALL REFEREE SiGNats ————————-—4 { Unsportsmaniike conduct » continue until the ball is out of play if ‘opinion, only slightly injured. more serious offence when a player ne F » than one offence at the same time. 8 nits advice of assistant referees regarding ea Soa he has not seen. ew pe match after it has been stopped \ splay ws Play | in his ris jehes the wan eferees. Two assistant referees are 0 Assistant Referee ole paties Os ose duties are to a ; ee intel jjole of the ball has passed out of the field of ve wvhol ren th yw Fi) ide is entitled to a comer kick, goal kick or throw-in. > which ayer may be penalised for being in an offside position, ona player May » when a conduct or any other incident has occured out of the view of the referee. on mise 5 i > when ah have been committed whenever the assistants are closer to the action than yw ee e (this includes, in particular circumstances, offences committed in the penalty the referee Che at penalty kicks, the goalkeeper has moved forward before the ball has been ee andif the ball has crossed the line. tion of the match. A match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each with an interval * Usminutes. The interval may be extended up to 15 minutes with the consent of the referee. Tre tine lost in substitution, injury to players and wasting time is not counted as a part of playing time. 11 The stat and restart of play. A coin is tossed and the team which goal it will attack in the first half of the match. The olf stat the match. The team which wins the toss, second half of the match. In the second half of # the opposite goals. 1 Kidcoff A kick-off is a way of starting or restarting of play: » atthe start of the match. » after a goal has been scored. > atthe start of the second half of the match. » atthe start of each period of extra time, where applicable. > agoal may be scored directly from the kick-off. 2. Theball in and out of play. The ball is out of play when: : meycompletely Crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air, 'Y has been stopped by the referee, X i wiboun pu at all other times, includ-ing when: rebounds fon 808lPost, crossbar or comer flag and remains in the playing field. ty ‘om either the referee or an assistant referee when they are on the playing which wins the toss decides ther team takes the kick off to takes the kick off to start the game in the the match the teams change ends and attack © Scoring u 1B A goal is scoy and red when the ball wholl: asses Over th line, bet en the posts Me thecrossbar The team a ll Passes over the goa ine, between the goalpos ‘es more goals during a match is the winner. Foorwau 259 Iboth teams score an equal number of goals of if no goal is scored by any team, the ri i ide “1 ee Mat is drawn, For matches ended in a draw, extra time is provided to them, 4 14. Off-side. A player is not in offside position if he his own half or the playing fiety level with the second! last opponent or he is level with the last to opponents, Is wl offence. On the other hand, a player is in offside position if he is nearer to his, PPOeny goal live, in the opponents half of the field of play and Pe ddoes not have at least two gp i opponents in front or nearer to their goal line. A player should be given offside only ‘he at the moment the ball is played by one of his teammates, he interferes with the Play g gaining an advantage by being, in that position. There is no offside offence if g Playe, receives the ball directly from: y > agoal kick > a throw in > acomer ki 15. Direct Free Kick. A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player Commit, any of the following six offences in a manner considered by the referee to be cana reckless or using excessive force: ie > kicks or attempts to kick an opponent. > trips or attempts to trip an opponent. > jumps at an opponent. > charges an opponent. » strikes or attempts to strike an opponent > pushes an opponent. A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of ty following four offences: > tackles an opponent to gain possession of the ball, making contact with the opponent before touching the ball. > holds an opponent. > spits at an opponent. > handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area). 16. Indirect Free Kick. An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper, inside his own penalty area, commits any of the following offences: > takes more than six seconds while controlling the ball with his hands, before releasing it from his possession. » touches the ball again with his hands after it has been released from his Possession and has not touched any other players. > touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a teammate. >» touches the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a throw-in taken’ by a teammate. An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player, in the opinion of the referee, commits any of the following three offences: > plays in a dangerous manner. > impedes the progress of an opponent. > prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands. 17. Penalty Kick. A penalty kick is awarded against a team which commits any offence Pe which a direct kick is awarded, inside its own penalty area and while the ball is in play- < 260. Saraswatl Physica, Epucaion-XIl (ISC) remain moving on his cod 0 cker, between the goalposts until the ball has been kicked, The other mac Ai he playing field but outside the penalty area, behind the penalty * al aad away from the penalty mark the penalty mark. The defending goalkeeper may an the penalty ball passes the toucl , the assistant referee signals a throw-in. In when the Parcel (0 a player of the team opposite to the one that caused the Le at winds for a throw-in from the point from where the ball went out of the bounds spout is awarded: we Je of the ball passes over the touch line, either on the ground or in the air aoe whole 0 ° i cea where it crossed the touch line jon the PO" ints of the player who last touched the ball. apponents 9 yothe ° anes the thrower: thro wie field of play ; a tine y fae ofeach foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the touch line. 1 of usar jth hands. ee pall from behind and over his head FE ey not touch the ball again until it has touched another player Fey kick is awarded when: Goal Kick: ee the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the , ee ther on the ground or in the air and a goal is not scored according to the goiline, procedure , . See valiskicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team 7 ments remain outside the penalty area until the bail no play, > dakcker does not play the bal a second time until it hae tere another player. > gebalisinplay when itis kicked directly beyond the penalty area, x1 Substitutions. Now the 3 to 7 players may be named for substitution, whereas only players can be substituted in a match. 11 Comer Kick. A corner kick is awarded when: >the whole ofthe ball, having last touched a player of the defending team, passes over ‘he goal lie, either on the ground or in the air, and a goal is not scored according to the nile. NN Procedure > theballis placed inside the corner arc at the nearSearerMagpost > the comer flagpost 1s not moved. rule. NS » epponents remain at least 10 yards from the ball until itis in phyn. » teballiskicked by a player of the attacking team. yo »theballis in play when it is kicked and moves, ~ > he kicker does not play the ball a second ti 2 Meth \ ime until it has touched another player. ods of decidiny | 'S FROM THE PENALTY MARK at which the kicks will be taken. hose captain wins the toss takes the first kick. RULES RELATED TO KICK’ 1. The referee chooses the goa! 2 The referee tosses a coin andl team whose capi 3, The referee keeps a record of the kicks being ane take five kicks 4. Subject to the conditions explained below, both teams ta : 5 6. The kicks are taken alternately by the teams: efore b eams have taken five kicks, one has scored more goals than the other coy, + elo oth tee plete ive hicks, ro more Kicks are taken ni 7. th after both teams have taken five kicks, both hive scored the same numberof goa, « have not scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken it eee order until one team h;, scored a goal more than the other from the same number of kicks. A goalkeeper who is injured while kicks are being taken from the penalty mark ang i one to continue as goalkeeper may be replaced by a named substitute provided his teay has not used the maximum number of substitutes permitted under the competition rules With the exception of the foregoing case, only players who are on the field of play at the eng of the match, which includes extra time where appropriate, are allowed to take kicks from, the penalty mark. . 10. Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick. ‘ ‘An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper at any time when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken. «Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted to remain on the field of ply when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken. gy « All players, except the player taking the kick and the two goalkeepers, must remain within the centre circle, The goalkeeper who is the teammate of the kicker must remain on the field of plas, outside the penalty area in which the kicks are being taken, on the goal line where i meets the penalty and area boundary line. When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players than their opponents, they shall reduce their numbers to equate with that of their opponents and inform the referee a be name and number of each player excluded. The team captain has this responsibil Before the start of kicks from the penalty mark the referee shall ensure that only an equal ee of players from each team remain within the centre circle and they shall take the )NEW AMENDMENTS IN THE RULES OF FOOTBALL 1. Upright Advertisements Upright advertising shall be at least: (@) 1 mor 1 yard from the touch lines of the field of play. () the same distance from the goal line and 1 m or 1 yard from the goal net. 2. Number of Players @ 2 If a named substitute enters the field of play i | and the referee is not informed of this charges Of amamed Daye: ot esas (a) the referee allows the named substitute to continue the match. iplinary action is taken, ys yer aber of substitutions, eal 0 or ve Equipments wv trtape or similar mat “hing itis applied to, we sare essential to be BANS | allowed jy he reports the incident to 1 ae he ap erial is, i ora 2014 FIFA World Cup for may be entered on the iy ™ worn by Match sheep ust start the mate the other 13 Ar tec 12 ers es of the i “ a er, the rules ot the COMPElition Must stat i on xoa maximum of 12, MY substitutes may *S May be nominated WENTAL SKILLS OF FOOTBAL, “ kicking . . 1, Instep Kick. For execution of instey © sg the ball slightly 6 icking leg. This is executed contacted with the inside of the kj ieaning forward position. The hea The ball should b : is time the bod, : eran ody should be slightly in kneeand the ball should be in a straight Tine: above the ball at the time of kicking, they 2 Outstep Kick. This kick is exe, ight twist of the foot to the technique is the same as descr: sort distance passes, cuted wi ae Or de of Re sPPEF Part of the toe. To do so, a Fight or ick. This (a sttiking the bal. Rest of ve ibed in instep kick. This 'YPE of kicking is generally used ne 4 Drop Kick. Drop kick is performed fora drop kick, the ball should be sithe ball and timing the kick per bound and timing of the kick a 8 Dibbling fectly. For executing the d t tap the ball with front part of his a be allowed to go far away from his legs. He should take proper strides movement of the ball. He should not use hard strokes while dribbling, can be done by placing some obstacles in a straight line, *tulland it should not 7 ordination with the Thepractice of dribbling Cheating a ‘Ssisan important skill which is used by players. To hen gigas nactntely, player should “Se ght of the ball and wait fer the Proper time to takesiney. to the player he should take proper jump into the air and by bending his body backwards rom the waist, he should strike the ball with a forward swing of his head. At this moment, his nec must remain stiff to prevent the neck injury. To learn this skill requi 's courage and hard practice D. Tackling Tackling means making efforts to take the possession of the ball that is in control of an opponent player, For tackling a defender may attempt block, tackle and kicking the ball away. 1. Block Tackle. For block tackling a defender should wall for a proper opportunity 10 strike the ball when it i slightly away from the feet of an apponent. At that time, a delender should extend his ley to place his blocking foot and leg in front of the ball to stop it from moving on. AL this juncture, his body weight should be shifted on the blocking ey, Such an action will upset the balance of the opponent and will provide an opportunity to the defender to take the possession of the ball, | Kicking the Ball Away. In order to kick the ball away from an opponent, a sliding tackle from the side is used. Such type of tackling is used when an attacker is heading towards the goal. At this moment it is the best thing for the defender to kick the ball away from the opponent. For executing this type of tackling, the defender should run alongside an oppone: and wait for the moment when the ball is slightly away from his feet. The defender should lunge forward to reach out for the ball before sliding. While sliding, he should stretch out his tackling foot right across the movement of the ball and strike the balll to take it away from the feet of an opponent E. Passing Passing is also an important fundamental because the capacity as well as ability of a team depends on the passing accuracy to make a goal. There are two types of passes that are widely used in football. 1. Short Pass. Short passes are usually given to teammate who is very close. In such passes instep or outstep kick is given to the ball gently so that teammate may collect the ball easily Such passes are used to remove pressure of a charging opponent. 2. Long Pass. Long passes are used to save time and move the ball fast on the field, Such passes should be accurate and there should be good mutual understanding between the teammates. IMPORTANT TOURNAMENTS 1. FIFA Cup (World Cup) 15. Women Federation Cup 2. International Nehru Gold Cup 16. Begum Hajrat Mahal Cup ; Te 17. Air Lines Gold Cup 5 erdieka Cup 18. European Champions Cup é ee Cup 19. UEFA Cup ‘over Cu PeteaCstld 20. Lal Bahadur Shastri Trophy 8. Santosh Trophy (National) 21. Colombo Cup 9. Federation Cup 22. Sanjay Gold Cup 10. DCM Cup 23. Africa Cup 11. Subroto Cup 24. Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup 12. Kopa Cup 25. Euro Cup 13. Scissors Cup 26. Pacific Cup 14. Kalinga Cup 27. Fair Play Trophy —_ 264 Saraswati Puysicat Epucation=Xil y Janation of some of the tournamey sep! ciel Up. This cup is organised by je p. mars Malshed! on May’ 21, 1904 ot ven below. lon of International Football Association”. It ween Cup: Its the frst tournament of football an : n India. This cup was started in 1888, 20 {Football Tournament. This tournament was started in 1945 for the DCM Trophy. 3, vc ion Cup. This tournament was started in Joyy oe 1 Feo CUP Itis an inter-school tournament of football 5% sub Hajrat Mahal Cup. It is a national level {ournament of football for women. ‘ ae Gandhi Gold Cup. IL is a national level tournam 7 ha nent of football for the boys below a1 yer ; saniosh Trophy: H 18a national level football tournament of India 5 iympic Games. Football was included in Olympic Games in 1908. Since then, football a competition has become a part of these games, FAMOUS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL, SPORTS, PERSONALITIES OF FOOTBALL aiona Personaltis 30. Arab Monda aan 31. Jaspal Singh 1 mail Sing 32. Baldeep Singh 2 Inder Sing 2 33. Rocus Lamare 3. Arun Ghosh . 34. Milan Singh 4. Chunni Goswami 35. Manish - 5, PK. Banerjee . Manish Mathani 3, PK. Banerj 36. Sunil Kumar Singh 6, Gurudev Singh 37. Adil Khan 7. Hariinder Singh 38. Subrata Pal 8 Shyam Thape oo 4. Manjeet Singh International Personalities 10. Yousouf Khan 1. D. Maradona (Argentina) 11. Sudhir Karmakar 2. Rudy Baller (Germany) 12. M. Habib 3. Peter Shilton (England) 13, Madan Singh 4. Michael Platini (France) 14. S. Bhattacharya 5. Zinedine Zidane (France) 15, Sayed Naemuddin 6. Shilachi (Italy) 16. C.Prasad Singh 7. Rivaldo (Brazil) 1. Shani Malik” 8. Pele (Black Pearl) (Brazil) 18 T. Balram 9. Michelle Aers (USA) 18, Brahma Nand 10. Romario (Brazil) 20. VP. Satyan 1, Ronaldo (Brazil) 21. 1 Pasha’ 12. D. Sooker (Croatia) 2 Hemant Vora 13. Rafael a Shalender Nath M4 Lucas Arindam Bhattacharya 15. Marco Fabian A Khelemba Singh 16. Javier Cortes gitinder Kumar 17. Marcelo % Shouvik Ghosh 18. Thiago Silva Jy, Kiteshuk Debnath 19. Hope Solo Anwar Ajj 20. Takashi Usami ‘The brief introduction of some of the players is given below: 1. Baichung Bhutia. He is an outstanding, player of India. He has been the captain of Indian football team. He got Arjuna Award in 1998, 2. P.K. Banerjee. I eeriined Indian football team in Rome Olympics in 1960. He representa India till 1964. He was awarded ‘Arjuna Award’ in 1961 3. Chunni Goswami, He started his career by playing for Mohan Bagan Club of Kolkata, ti was the captain of Indian team that won Asian Games Competition in 1962 which yer held at Djakarta, He was awarded Arjuna Award in 1963. 4, Jarnail Singh. He was an outstanding defender. He was awarded Arjuna Award in 1955 5. Pele. Pele's name is at the top of football players of the world. His nickname is ‘Black Pe His both feet were equally capable to score a goal. He was born in a very poor famil Brazil in 1940. During ¢l jIdhood, he used to play with a ball made of clothes instead leather, He was the member of the team which participated in World Cup tournament j 1958 and was declared the best player of that World Cup. He scored 1281 goals in 13% matches, He has been the Sports Minister of Brazil. He was also declared the “best footbal player” of previous century. 6. D. Maradona. Maradona, the world famous player was born on Oct. 30, 1960. Main! was mid-fielder. In 1986, World Cup, he was declared the best player. Due to his eff Argentina won that World Cup. 7. Romario. Romario was a very famous player of Brazil. He used to be called “the machine for making goal”. . 8 Ronaldo. Ronaldo was an outstanding player of Brazil. He used to be considered the bes dribbler. He was awarded “Golden Ball Award” in 1997. he |SPORTS AWARDS ARJUNA AWARDEES 1961 PK. Banerjee 1979-80 Prasun Banerjee 1962 T-Batram_ 1980-81 Mohammed Habib 1963 Subimal (Chuni)Goswami 1981-82 Sudhir Karmakar 1964 —_‘Jarnail Singh 1983 Shanti Malik 1965 Arun Lal Ghosh 1989 Subroto Bhattacharya 1966 Yusouf Khan 1997-98 | Brahama Nand and 1967 Peter SK. Shan Balkar 1969 Inder Singh 1998 Bhaichung Bhutia 1970 Syed Naeemuddin 2001 Bruno Cotinho 1971 Chander Shekhar Prasad Singh 2002 IM. Vijayan 1973 Madan Singh Rajiv 2009 Deepak Kumar Mondal 1978-79 Gurdev Singh 2011 Sunil Chhetri NAMES OF ASSOCIATIONS AND FEDERATIONS The various sports federations related to football are given below: 1. Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) 2. United States Soccer Association 3. Women’s Football Association 4, United European Football Association __268,__Savaswn Prosens Eouemmonr KM (ISC) Federation Foal Federal es as eotball Association Ate spall Association iba || Association Football pit Football Club Fe thal Union q. RUB fgotball Federation Fatt jg Football Federation 12 A pation of some ofthe federations is given below: ye bp of International Football Association (FIFA). It was formed on May 21, 1904 to 1, Fede pis game at international level, ee . conidia Football Federation. In Indlia, the game of football is controlled by All India a we ball Federation. It is affiliated to Federation of International Football Association. Fovted European Football Association (UEFA), UEFA is the administrative body of football Unie. Htorganises various championships of football in Europe isin Football Federation. It was constituted in 1964 to develop this game in Asian countries. : united States Soccer Association. This body governs the game of football in USA. It was + formed in 1961- sale Exercise a/baaw a neat and clean diagram of football field with complete measurements. 4 Explain the rule about playing field. 3. What are the duties of referee? Explain in detail. /Boplain about goals and the goal area. +, Mention the duties of assistant referees. & Mention the specifications of the ball. uAMat is offside rule? 5, Mention any three fundamental skills of the game of football. +s, Explain any four laws of the game. WZxplain about the following terms: (a) Penalty Kick (b)4Direct Kick (c) Indirect Kick 4#Goal Kick WWhatis throw in? When is it awarded? 12, Whatis substitution? How many substitutes are allowed in a match? Explain the methods of deciding the winner. 14. Mention the rules related to kicks from the penalty mark. {$AMfrite short note on the following: (GUaslep Kick (bSOutftep Kick (c)Drop Kick (d)-DFibbling. 16. What is tackling? Explain it in detail. U-riefty explain about any six important tournaments. 18, Briefly describe about any four associations /federations.

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