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September 23,2023

As you can see in the floor plan I created, you'll notice X marks on every area of the structure.
Here are my grounds for labeling them as potentially hazardous.

1. The first is found in the restrooms. I labeled X inside the bathrooms since the floor is soaking
wet inside, and if you are not attentive or cautious about your movements, you will most likely
slide. Following that, I label those acids, or muriatic acid, detected in the bathroom. Acids are
useful for cleaning restrooms, particularly the sinks and toilets and the floor. They also disinfect,
however acids are deadly and harmful if not properly kept and used. If a child or toddler is going
to play with the acid, it should be kept in a safe place. The rug is the final danger located near
the restroom. Rugs, like wet floors, might cause you to lose your balance and fall.

2. The second location can be found in the kitchen. Considering there are appliances that
releases fire, I signaled an X in the kitchen. I put an X on the LPG since it may be dangerous.
When there are adults and kids playing with fire, such as igniting, I am certain it's harmful
because the LPG will explode, therefore stay away from the LPG. The stove comes next. A
stove is potentially dangerous to children or others who do not understand how to operate it. It
could be dangerous since children may catch fire if they play with this item. So, if individuals
know how to navigate the stove, when you're finished, switch it off firmly so there are no a

3. The third location is in the dining area. The dining room table's edge may be considered a
hazard for the reason that if you are not cognizant when traipsing, it may damage your private
parts or produce an injury. If you are trying to get anything on the floor and do not keep an eye
on your head, your skull may touch the outermost part of the dining table.

4. The last possibility is the entryway nearer the door to the exit. I highlighted it X because the
person occupying bedroom 1 might be hit by the exit door when it gets opened,and it could
harm the person on the contrary side if there is no precaution about the door impulsively
opening, and the person on the other side has to be careful about the doorway quickly being

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