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A Detailed Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education

Grade 9

Information Communication
How to make a business card

Prepared by

Froilan U. Copiling
Teacher TLE
After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:
A. Determine the procedures in making a business card.
B. Value the positive manner in following the procedure of making a business card thru writing a
simple and brief essay.
C. Create a personalized business card.
a) Topic: Creating business card
c) Materials:
1. Computer units
2. Power point presentation
3. Different pictures of business card and procedure of making a business card
4. LCD Projector
Methodology: discussion.

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Preliminary
Let’s all stand and feel the presence of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. (The assigned student will lead the prayer)

Good Morning Class! Good morning sir!

Who among your classmates are absent? No one sir!

Very good! I’m glad that no one is absent today.

Give yourself happy clap.
1..2…3.. clap (1…2…3.) Clap happy!!

B. Review
Class, last meeting, we already identified the
elements of a business card. (There are the
guidelines use to input the information needed to
business card layout.)

Just for a review, I have flash cards that show

pictures of elements of business card. I want you to
determine and choose the best answer from the
following choices.
1. (It helps establish the identity of the company.)
a. sign b.logo c.mark d.symbol It is B., logo sir, because it helps to signify
the symbol of the business.
2. (It Refers to the position of the person in the
company or organization.) It is c., Job Title of Individual, because it
a. position of the person b. title of position states the allocation of the person to the
c. Job Title of Individual d. pen name of the person business.

Exactly, 3. (It is an essential element for Web-based

businesses.) I think it is a. web page, because it helps to
a. Web Page b. Email Address c. local address d. inform the other accessibility of the
Site Address company.

C. Motivation
I will show you different kinds of photo of a
business card, pay attention to what are their
(The teacher will present two different pictures.)

What have you noticed on the pictures presented?

Sir, there are business cards with different
styles and format.
Very good. Class, what have you observed on the
business cards? Sir, there is something strange in the
business card. The first picture has the
elements of business card.

___________What else? Sir, in the second picture, it has some

errors and misleading to follow the
elements of a business card such as there
are missing information.

Very good. Which picture is an ideal structure of a

business card? The first picture sir!

D. Presentation
What do you think is our lesson for today?
I think our lesson has something to do with
a business card or calling card, Sir.
Very nice, another answer?
I think it’s all about creating business
Very Good, our lesson focuses on the Procedures in cards.
Creating business card.

Now class eyes on the board. And be familiarized to

the procedures in making a business card.

I will demonstrate the procedures on how to make

a business card.

Let’s begin with the first step

**** The teacher inserts the pictures of


What is the first step?

Step 1, On the Ribbon, select the Page
Tab and locate the Template group.

(the teacher showed the first step)

Very good! , what is next step?

Step 2, Click the Change Template


(the teacher showed the second step)

Exactly, what is next step?

Step 3, The Change Template dialog box

will appear. And Look at sample business
cards. Select a template to preview it in
the Preview pane.

(the teacher showed the 3rd step)

Very good, what are 4th and 5th step?

Step 4, Modify the template options as

Step 5, When you are satisfied with the
new template, click OK. Selecting and
modifying a template

(the teacher showed the 4th and 5th step)

Excellent, what is 6th step?

Step 6, A dialog box will appear asking you

how you wish to use the template.
(the teacher showed the 6th step)

Very nice, what is the 7th step?

Step 7, Sketch out some rough ideas on
how you want your business card to look
like including any graphics, information
and arrangement you think you want to
include. By encoding and insert some
shape or picture matches to chosen

(the teacher showed the 7th step)

Very outstanding, what is the 8th step?

Step 8, Using the desktop publisher

software available; transfer your rough
sketches to the final output that is
appropriate to the design you desire.

(the teacher showed the 8th step)

Awesome , what is the 9th step?

Lastly the Step9, Save to the document
and file name of your name of your final
design on business card.

Exactly, those are the procedure in making a

business card, Why do you need to change your
business card in positive manner? Positive:
1. To highly fit the design and texture
to the company
2. To decorate and show authenticity
of the company
3. To catch the eye of the client easily
4. To make comfortable and
remarkable to the client or
business dealings.
Very well said, Do have any question class?
None, sir!
Amazing! Seen it clearly stated to you our today’s
lesson. Give Yourself a hurray wave clap. (1..2..3..) clap!, hurray! Wave!
1..2..3.. clap!
E. Application
Okay calm down, for your activity kindly Create a
business card. Your business card should help to
know and remember you. It should convey who you
are and what you do and can offer as a student
knowledgeable in desktop publishing.
But before we start, remember the following
1. Observe and perform work ergonomics and
5’s while inside the laboratory.
2. Each one will be given w/ 20 minutes to
finish the task.
3. You should not forget to input the element
of the business card.
(the teacher discusses the given check list for the
performance task)
Name: (the students perform the given activity)
The check list below is the major components put
of a business card. (/)
 Your Name and name of the
 Address of the business
 Personal or company Phone Number
 Email Address of the company
 Logo/banner of the business
 List of services or products you
wanted to offer of the business
 Slogan/ quotes of the company.
The items below are aids in designing your
business card.
 Horizontal or vertical layout.
 Presence of banner or logo with
proper size and suited graphics
 Color harmony
 Importance to the client
Total of check(/) in the checklist
F. Generalization
I want you to distinguish the step on creating
business thru single sentence base of the photo
presented and its importance.

what is it for class?

Select a design and choose a format of

business card

Inserting the info. In the text box.

Very good, how about this one?

Nice, what is it? Create a logo using the shapes in the insert

Very good, for final step, what is it for? Saving the document and file name of your
name of your final design on business

Amazing, Do have any question class?

None, sir!
IV. Evaluation
(This industry requires skills needed for you to value and excel in this field. Since the modern
trends are always changing, you need to update and appreciate yourself in desktop publishing
so you will not be left behind as publisher)
Do a simple essay of all positive importance of following the procedure in making a business
Rubrics in writing

1 2 3 4
Poor satisfactory satisfactory Very satisfactory Outstanding

CONTENT Writing is extremely Writing is limited in Writes related, quality Writing is confident
limited in communicating paragraphs, with little or and clearly focused.
communicating knowledge. Length is no details. It holds the reader’s
knowledge, with no not adequate for attention. Relevant
central theme. development. details enrich the
valuing in the topic.

ORGANIZATION Writing is Writing is brief and Uses correct writing Writing includes a
disorganized and underdeveloped with format. Incorporates a strong, beginning,
underdeveloped with very weak transitions coherent closure. middle, and end with
no transitions or and closure. clear transitions and
closure. a focused closure.

VOCABULARY/ Careless or inaccurate Language is trite, vague Uses a variety of word Effective and
WORD CHOICE word choice, which or flat. choice to make writing engaging use of
obscures meaning. interesting. word choice.

Behavior Possessed a negative Possessed an average Possessed a positive Possessed a

attitude towards the attitude towards the attitude towards the optimistic attitude
activity activity activity even in the radical
situation towards
the activity

V. Assignment

Read the components on How to Make Brochures in TLE desktop publisher learning module 9 pp
66-70 and answer the task 2. Create a brochure about a place/organization you know that
informs or educates.

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