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Students select one topic which will continue for the three mornings of the Workshops.

MORNING SESSIONS (9.00am 10.30am)

A bridge too far...

Design is a complex beast. As a discipline it constantly oscillates between the tangible and the indefinable. Yet, we instinctively respond to good design when we experience it. This workshop offers a design challenge addressed from these two perspectives the tangible problem solving and the indefinable expression of an idea. Participants will tackle the design challenge from each perspective in turn, and then ultimately reconcile the two to create a holistic response. This is what designers/architects/engineers do, and you can too! Bec Francis Royal Australian Institute of Architects


Novice or expert. Nourish your mind with the many benefits chess has to offer; strategic thinking, lateral thinking, memory recall, analytical skills and social interaction. Learn key rules of the game and the more important ideas you need to play a good and exciting game, ending in a tournament. Learn the 4-Move mate (Scholars Mate) and the Fried Liver Attack, the need for development and tactics like pins and forks and skewers and discovered attacks. We will also explore the endgame and learn strategies like the Lawnmower. This course will be fun - you will hear lots of wonderful stories about the players and games that make chess a magical experience for millions of adults and juniors around the World. Mato Jelic, Expert Chess Coach

DRAMA with a difference

Leave yourself at the door! This is Drama with a difference. Your creativity will be unleashed and skills will be developed in a truly inclusive environment. A symphony of moving bodies, applause, creation and of course, laughter! Claire Birbeck B.A. Perf Arts, Grad Dip Ed

Forensic Detective

Using a computer based scenario of a crime, this workshop will take you through a series of forensic activities that enables you to make a scientifically based accusation. Based around an interactive virtual tour of a death in a laboratory, supported by witness interviews and other forms of evidence, you perform scientific testing; fingerprint detection and matching, analysis of witness statements, glass density analysis, blood spatter analysis and body cooling rate. Ian Jenkinson

Future Fat Bomb Nation

What is Australias Obesity Problem? In 2008 Australians outweighed the US in terms of the number of people (per capita) that are obese. Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of a number of diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular ailments and cancer. New novel technologies like microarrays and bioinformatics are shedding light into how these diseases develop. Come and learn how, in conjunction with nutrition research on how the body utilises protein, fat and carbohydrates we may be able to decrease the obesity epidemic in the Australian population. Dr Cassandra McIver CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences Page 1


Few people know what nanotechnology is or how it will affect us. This series of activities will look just what nanotechnology is as well as its diverse range of applications. Participants will trial nanoproducts and conceive of a nanofuture. Brent Banham BSc, M Env Stud, Grad Dip Ed

Prose and Poems Creative Jump Start

Perhaps writer is your dream career... or perhaps you just enjoy writing for fun. Either way, this workshop is packed with exercises and games to jump start your creative motor and rev up those ideas. 1: Afraid of the blank page? learn how to tackle it with confidence. Learn the writers toolbox; secret tricks of the trade to make your words hit home, and start thinking like a writer to find ideas wherever you go. 2: Experiments are not just for scientists! Push language to its limits, creating poems and stories that dare to go beyond the status quo, challenging convention and breaking down boundaries. We explore the works of risk-taking writers including James Joyce, Gertrude Stein, Allen Ginsberg as well as contemporary Australian writers such as -o, John Kinsella and Pam Brown. There will also be plenty of games, exercises and opportunities to write your own experimental works. 3: The opportunities for young writers are abundant From funding to festivals, publications to prizes, this workshop will equip you with all the skills and knowledge you need to get your writing out there and noticed. Find out about journals and publications to submit your writing to, as well as organisations that support young writers. Learn to write cover letters, grant applications and festival submissions. Your writing can even take you travelling and help you meet your own favourite writers. Its easier than youd imagine! Amelia Walker

MIDDLE SESSIONS (11.00am 12.30pm)

Students select one topic which will continue for three middle sessions of the Workshops.

A bridge too far...(repeat sessions) see above. Creative Drawing

Through these workshops students will have the opportunity to have fun and get messy. Using found objects as a focus they will turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Working on easels they will creatively experiment with imagery and media such as charcoal, ink and pastels. They will develop drawing skills and confidence through a series of guided tasks, culminating in the creation of a resolved artwork in the last session. Michelle Barratt

Be Your Own Doctor

Over 3 sessions, deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you, through learning skills that strengthen your intuition. Through these processes youll discover the positive results through refining the quality of your thoughts and well learn to use certain foods as medicine. Some of the processes well go through are exploring personality types through case studies and reflecting and applying it to yourself. Learn a whole new way to relate to the world and the people you share it with. Sophia Houridis Tuina Amno (Chinese Medical Massage) Remedial Therapy Page 2


Human beings are storytellers. We tell stories to make sense of our lives and have fun with our friends. We also tell stories to build personal identities and to foster relationships with others. Sometimes we make up stories to entertain or captivate. This workshop will explore techniques writers use to create evocative stories, including plot development, appealing to the senses, writing dialogue, and creating characters. Students will not only write short pieces but also share them with their peers. Andrew Miller

Solving the ChemMysteries

In this course you will learn some techniques for distinguishing between certain types of chemicals. How many techniques will depend on how good we are as a group at observation, looking for patterns, using available information, testing substances and understanding the principles of how analysis works. For experiments you will generally work in pairs. Techniques may include: determining melting points, flame colours, solubility and miscibility, chromatography, and chemical reactions! What is that mysterious white powder?? Sandra Eustace

Sumo Robots

Want to try sumo wrestling? LEGO style! Can you create the ultimate heavy weight to outsmart its opponent? Dont forget you need to stay inside the ring to be crowned a winner. This wouldnt be a challenge without restrictions of course are you ready? Using computer technology and practical strategies, can you come out the champion? Time permitting, more robotic activities will be explored. Robogals


Hatha yoga is the exploration of the self and the ability to be free from physical and mental restrictions. Focus is paced on developing strength, endurance, flexibility and correct postural alignment. The acquired knowledge of Yoga helps you to generate physical, mental and emotional balance and increased wellbeing. Enjoy a mix of practical and theory with 2 of the 3 sessions being held in Centre Om Yoga Studio (short 5 min walk). Wendy Samek Yoga Australia


These are STAND ALONE sessions 1.30pm 3.30pm

Busking Science

The Young Scientists of Australia are a volunteer organisation for 14-25 year olds who promote and communicate science. Their workshop will encompass interactive and exciting busking science. This very colourful workshop will teach students the art of science communication through use of magic-tricks and explanations of the science that makes them work. Students will rotate through the workshop to engage with our YSA, providing opportunities to ask questions about science, university life or becoming involved in YSA. Young Scientists of Australia

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Lexical Joy Uncovered

In this workshop we will consider a range of forms of contemporary poetry; from found, to shape, to black out poetry, exploring how poetry informs, defines, explains and shapes our daily lives. The workshop is highly interactive, entertaining and will result in the production of individual and group outcomes which will reflect this range of contemporary forms of poetry. Highly conceptual in nature, the requirement for this workshop is a lively, quirky, open mind and a great sense of humour. Alison-Jane Hunter

How can Genetics be used to Personalise Medicines

One of the exciting applications of the Human Genome Project has been the development of pharmacogenetics, the study of how genetic variations in an individual correlate with their responses to a specific medication. This workshop investigates various aspects of pharmacogenetics, including an introduction to the principles of genetic variation. It will include an overview of microarray technology (gene chips) which allows measurement of genetic variation. The application of pharmacogenetics to diseases such as asthma and cancer treatment will be explored. (N.B. this is not a wet lab workshop. The various exercises will be conducted via worksheets and scenarios). Dr Helena Ward

A tactile session where you will learn Remedial techniques, incorporating Thai, Chinese and Swedish methods. Some basic pressure points will be explored. You will all go home with learnt methods of how to treat lower back problems, and learn how to care for your own bodies better. We will learn movements which increase strength and flexibility. There will be a lot of movement and working in pairs and as a group. All students will have an experience of being patient and practitioner, while also learning which conditions are contraindicated for massage. Lots of fun and learning about our amazing bodies. Sophia Houridis Remedial Therapist, Chinese Medical Massage Therapist.

Remedial Massage

Tai Chi-Chi Kung

Tai Chi and Chi Kung are exercises developed thousands of years ago by Taoist sages, originally from copying the movements of animals. Come and discover the benefits of Tai Chi-Chi Kung. The gentle flowing movements, concentration and focused breathing improves physical fitness and promotes feelings of relaxation, tranquility and harmony. Master George

The Mathematics of Beauty

What do the Ancient Greeks, Barbie and Michael Jackson have in common? Come and find out about the golden ratio and what its got to do with beauty. Chris Grzesik

Webpage Design

Students design a homepage containing their photo and a description about themselves in simple computer XHTML markup; Create links in their homepage to access information from other folders; Colour and position photos and text on a web page; Produce a simple web-page from XHTML markup, using MS NOTEPAD. Students will need to bring a copy of a photo of themselves on a USB that they wish to include on their webpage (they take away their completed webpage on their own memory stick). Rory Williams Page 4


These are STAND ALONE sessions

Busking Science (repeat sessions) see above

Capoeira is a Brazillian cultural manifestation which has emerged over the last few hundred years, developed by the African slaves who were brought to Brazil by the Portuguese. It contains elements of martial arts, dance, acrobatics, music, and creative movement. In the workshops, we will be learning some of the movements, music and strategies which are essential to the game of capoeira. It is fun, physical, challenging and spectacular! Sarah Bartsch, Soul Capoeira


Infectious agents

..such as bacteria and viruses, can kill you if they multiply unchecked. Most infectious agents do not penetrate the body surface because of exterior physical and biochemical barriers such as skin and mucus. The immune system acts on infectious agents that overcome the exterior defences. There are two types of immune defences: non-specific (innate) such as white blood cells that bind to infectious microbes and eat them; and specific immune defences that attack specific pathogens in infected cells. Artificial protection can be developed using vaccines that stimulate the immune system, come and learn how. Penelope Main CSIRO

Movement of Hip Hop

If dance is your thing, or if dance isnt your thing but you want it to be, come and learn some modern moves to the latest music. Increase you confidence in this dance genre and engage in two hours of fun and movement, cumulating in a high energy hip hop routine. Tiffany Turner

Personal Safety Training

This program teaches Personal Safety [Self Defence] Strategies as follows; Setting Boundaries, Taking Charge, Protecting Yourself, Emotional Empowerment & Physical Empowerment. Non-verbal & verbal communication techniques can be utilised in any number of scenarios, eg. being intimidated, harassed or bullied at school; feeling unsafe in the community, or on public transport; or generally wanting strong leadership skills; building positive and healthy relationships with friends and family. In addition, nontraditional physical self defence techniques to deal with being grabbed, pushed or hit will be covered, to name a few. A positive and exciting martial arts based PS program. Sharon Stewart, yin Personal Safety Solutions

Science Fiction: Writing for the Future

A range of topics will be proposed which encapsulate relevant contemporary issues projected forward into potential future scenarios. Having been taught formal methods of future scenario creation, each group will construct a narrative response to one of the issues discussed, identifying an ethical issue arising from one topic and then working through its potential future pathways and proposing a potential set of solutions to the issue. A neat blend of scientific and literary thinking coupled with business skills in scenario writing, this will appeal to a broad range of students interests and its highly interactive nature will engage the groups in high level discussion and thinking. Alison-Jane Hunter Page 5

Seated Massage For Relaxation

Participants will learn to be able to both give and receive relaxing touch techniques in a safe and comfortable environment. Discover the muscular stress points of daily life which are able to be relaxed in a seated massage without oil. Discover the different types and methods of touching someone else to encourage a relaxation response. Create your own sequence and modify your own techniques to make sure that you are comfortable doing the massage, and get adequate feedback from the other person to modify their techniques, so they know the other person is comfortable receiving it. Each student should bring a small cushion or a pillow with a pillow case. Rory Williams Diploma Remedial Massage, Diploma Thai Massage When you have chosen your favourite workshops, please fill out the Workshop Preferences, and Nomination Form available on and return it to us as soon as possible to secure your place!

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