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Direction and Location

A. Wind Direction

B. Giving Directions

Belok kiri Belok kanan Lurus ke depan Melewati Diseberang

Di pojok jalan Disebelah Didepan Diantara

Exercise! (Cross (X) the right answer on a, b or c!)
1. When you see this sign, you have to...
a. Turn right c. Turn back
b. Turn left

2. This traffic sign means that you have to ...

a. Go up c. Go straight
b. Go down

3. The letter X indicates the direction . . .

a. East c. North
b. West

4. Andi : Where is the park?

Dani : Go ahead and_____The park is on the right side.
a. Turn right c. Turn around
b. Turn left

5. Hotel is . . . Airport and Supermarket.

a. Across from
b. Behind
c. Between

6. Bus station is_____ Drugstore.

a. Across from
b. In front of
c. Behind

7. "Di depan" in English is...

a. Between c. In front of
b. Beside
8. The restaurant is ... library
a. Behind
b. Next to
c. In front of

The toy store is ... the restaurant and music store.

a. Beside
b. Behind
c. Between

10. What preposition is this?

a. Opposite
b. Next to
c. At the corner of

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