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The essence of patriotism is the supremacy
of the group over its individual members. It
1 Patriotism Lewin E 2010 30 is one channel that society forms in order
to justify the devotion of major private
resources to collective goals.
patriotism can be defined as love of one’s
country, identification with it, and special
2 Patriotism Primoratz, I 2019 3
concern for its well-being and that of
Patriotism is love of one’s country. It is a
3 Patriotism Hand, M 2011 11 certain kind of emotional attachment to a
certain of object.
For patriotism is a political principle, a
social feeling, the content of which is love,
4 Patriotism 2021 130 attachment to the Motherland, devotion to
it and readiness for any sacrifices for its
Solidarity is defined and the more it refers
Solidarity and to a common history with its concrete
5 Sevinc, T 2019 3
Unity practice, the more cohesive civic bonds
will be
The challenge in promoting solidarity is in
supporting the solidarity framework as a
Solidarity and Laitinen A,
6 2014 5 salient interpretative framework. In this
Unity Pessi AB
sense, social pressure or formal rituals can
also produce solidarity.
Solidarity is consistent with every
participant’s actually sharing the same ends
Solidarity and and means. But to be solidarity it must be
7 Kolers, A 2011 1
Unity durable in the face of some
counterfactual disagreement within the
group over ends and means.
solidarity is about identifying a condition
Arnsperger, C., which makes those who ‘suffer’ it worthy
Solidarity and
8 & Varoufakis, 2003 158 of one’s concern independently of (a) who
Y. those unfortunates are, (b) whether or not
one cares for them personally.
Loyalty’s domain is that of special
relationships, and for some relationship
9 Keller, S 2007 392 types, Keller argues that these relationships
and Loyalty
rightly carry some motivational force, as in
his analysis of filial duties
10 Friendship Kleining, J 2022 2 Loyalty can be characterized as a practical
and Loyalty disposition to persist in an intrinsically
valued (though not necessarily valuable)
associational attachment, where that
involves a potentially costly commitment
to secure or at least not to jeopardize the
interests or well-being of the object of
Friendship is a commonplace notion,
Friendship Hojjat &
11 2017 10 familiar to and cherished by people around
and Loyalty Moyer
the world and across history.
Friendship is something so natural for
12 Kissova 2014 9 humans that most people would hardly be
and Loyalty
able to give any precise definition for it.
Problem Wismath, Orr, Problem solving is a critical component of
13 2014 2
Solving Zhong a comprehensive 21st century education.
Problem Problem solving is an activity that many of
14 Jozwiak 2004 21
Solving us engage in multiple times each days.
A problem is often defines as an unusual
situation that does not have apparent
Problem solution. It is well-established that problem
15 Harlim 2013 280
Solving solving requires a number of key steps:
understanding, planning, executing, and re-
Problem solving is a cognitive process that
involves identifying and finding solutions
to challenges or difficulties. It is a
Problem fundamental skill and an essential aspect of
16 Williams 2017 93
Solving human intelligence, which can be applied
to a wide range of situations, from
everyday life to complex professional and
academic tasks.
Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a
group of individuals who work together to
achieve a common goal, using their
17 Teamwork Belbin 2010 2
complementary skills, knowledge, and
abilities to enhance productivity and
Teamwork involves a shared commitment
among team members to work cohesively,
communicate effectively, and support each
18 Teamwork Lencioni 2022 25
other in order to accomplish tasks and
solve problems, promoting a sense of unity
and synergy within the team.
Teamwork is a dynamic and ongoing
process where individuals come together to
pool their talents, resources, and efforts,
19 Teamwork Hackman 2010 219 creating a working environment that
encourages cooperation, trust, and mutual
respect to achieve objectives and tackle
20 Teamwork 2008 112
and Smith

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