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Lesson Plan

Week: 8
Date: 4th to 8th March
No. of lessons: 1,2
Time Duration: 70 mins
Topic: Extending Multiplication and Division
Unit / Chapter: 10.3
Page/Slide Nos.:
Lesson Objective:
● Students will be able to count on and count back in steps of constant size: 1-digit numbers,
tens or hundreds, starting from any number (from 0 to 1000)
● Students will understand and explain the commutative and distributive properties of
multiplication, and use these to simplify calculations.
● Students will be able to estimate and multiply, and estimate and divide.

Key Words: (Vocabulary)

Term to Term

Starter – Introduction – Warm Up: Time:

- Recap
- Eliciting Responses
- Prior Knowledge Recall
- Any other starting strategy

Prior knowledge Recall

Begin the lesson with a brief discussion or question related to the upcoming topic. Encourage
students to share what they already know or any experiences they might have had.

How will the lesson be deconstructed into smaller parts? Time:

Provide a step by step plan:

Step 1:
Activate prior knowledge by asking students to recall how they multiply the numbers.
Step 2:
Direct Instruction

Introduce the concept of multiplication square. Model the process on the whiteboard. Discuss factors
and product. Explore basic multiplication facts.

Step 3
Independent Practice
Students have to work individually in their math learner book.

Hooks to be used for more student engagement:

What is 2x4x7?

Resources to be used to enhance learning of students:

● Whiteboard and markers.

● Multiplication tables chart.
● Counting objects.
● Math learner book

Verbal Questions:

What does the multiplication symbol represent, and how is it different from addition?

Written work: (Questions, tasks to be given, worksheets)

LB page 137, 138

WB page 116
Wrap Up – Closure – Ending: Time:
- Lesson Recall
- Wrap Up questions
- Any other closing strategy

Lesson Recall
Ask students to share instances from their daily lives where they use grouping or repeated addition.

Did the lesson plan meet lesson objectives for all students? If not, why not?

How would you plan the lesson differently for more effective learning?

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